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Times you felt slightly baller Times you felt slightly baller

10-15-2009 , 11:25 AM
Originally Posted by UnePesco
Told my gf we were going to an italian resturant. She was a bit surprised when I handed over the flighttickets to Rome.
Times you felt slightly baller Quote
10-15-2009 , 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by ashley12
One weekend went to the local casino and just absolutely crushed 2/3 NL. Went down 7pm on a Friday night and stayed until about that time the next day for a $2100 win, slept on Saturday night and Sunday afternoon and crushed it the next night for another $1200 win. Got home, still had about $3600 in cash on me from winnings and additional cash. Decided when I got home to throw these $100 bills over me. Did it the first time, felt somewhat awesome and baller so thought I would do it again. Second time I did it I only picked up $3400 rather then $3600 but decided I didnt need to pick up that extra $200, I will find it later... Never did, think a flatmate may have got it...

BRAG: $100 note shower
BEAT: Australian dollars
AU$$ good for cashouts a few months ago
Times you felt slightly baller Quote
10-15-2009 , 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by ac on
Mom and sister asked for $500 so they could pay their rent. I felt pretty baller after that.

Of course, it was half my roll and I immediately went on a $450 downswing, and then my bank decided that it was going to take its own wire fee a few days later, which also overdrafted me, leaving me with -$49 in the bank. :s
Dont help family imo
Times you felt slightly baller Quote
10-15-2009 , 12:48 PM
I just had a nice run at the Venetian (roulette) and the VIP manager got me some tickets to the Blue Man group.

Anyways, walking around Vegas with my girl watching the Bellagio water fountains and we were standing next to a twenty something couple complaining about how everything was so expensive in Vegas.

I asked them if they'd seen the Blue Man Group, they said no. I handed them two tickets and told them to enjoy the show.

Originally Posted by AugustWest
Way over tipped the bartender and had to fight off a very persistent and not unattractive "working girl". I must have gotten her hopes up by offering to buy her a drink. It was just her, the bartender and me. Went home with almost all the win.
Come on, don't lie. You know you tapped that
Times you felt slightly baller Quote
10-15-2009 , 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by Ohh shiet
my dad told me that if i continued playing online pokahz he will kick me out (i am failing school badly ldo)

so i ordered the fulltilt golf tee for him with teh points
and now he doesnt talk ****

BRAG 2: i played ball with jim jones and santana one time and we was BALLLIN' true story
Sweet story brah!
Times you felt slightly baller Quote
10-15-2009 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by Jubes
The moment my flatscreen was mounted to the wall.

The moment people asked me how i paid for my driverslicense ( Wich will cost u in between 1250 and 3000 here in Euroland , depending on how much you suck, for me it was closer to the latter) and i got to tell them it was with poker money.
WTF? How does it cost $3000 for a drivers licence?
Times you felt slightly baller Quote
10-15-2009 , 02:01 PM
1st time in a casino I won $80 playing 2/5 NLH. I was playing 2NL and $1 sitngos online at the time... wait I still do.
Times you felt slightly baller Quote
10-15-2009 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by herebigfishy
WTF? How does it cost $3000 for a drivers licence?
mandatory lessons and a very hard exam to pass...
Times you felt slightly baller Quote
10-15-2009 , 02:45 PM
Went to the strip club but only had $100 dollar bills
Times you felt slightly baller Quote
10-16-2009 , 03:15 AM
Flew a girl to vegas for a weekend and covered all expenses

lol it was fun
Times you felt slightly baller Quote
10-16-2009 , 04:29 AM
I had just got done watching the 2009 WSOP Main Event and that Dutch guy Vedhaurs (sp?) was my new hero because he was running over his table and showing bluff after bluff after bluff, pissing off TV pro Eli Elizera.

So being the baller that I am I went down to the local Irish pub and ponied up (well I did sign in) to play in their pub game.

I let a few hands go by before I started to get the itch to show some bluffs. Two to my right was this young guy, well groomed, who looked eager to play. I figured he was learning the "correct" way to play NLHE tourneys, so when it was folded around to him on the button I knew right away that a standard ATC raise was coming to steal the blinds. I looked down at 95o, perfect. This whale of a blonde to my right calls sheepishly and it was time to unleash my new balla playing style that worked so well for the foreign man in orange on the ESPN. I popped his bet with confidence to see him shrug and say, "oh well" as he called. The blonde, obviously because of "pot odds", came along for the joy ride. The flop came KQ8 rainbow. The blonde checks and I fearlessly bet out 3/4ths the pot. The button insta-mucks and so does the blonde. I proudly turn over my airball hand only to see the button boy turn his head to address his friend. He never saw it as the next dealer prepared. I leaned over to the blonde and asked, "Did you see it?" ... "See what?" she asked. "My hand....." "Oh yeah...." she said, confirming my balla status.

A few more hands went by and from playing with a few passive 65 y/o women before and with my new reads on the young newbs, I had a 100% perfect read on the table. I bluffed 3 more times in the next 20 minutes at free poker. Balla. But then it happened.

"Low card at table 1, please move to table 3." I draw the dreaded deuce of clubs. I mumble something about having a perfect read on the table and move over to a lively bunch 2 tables over. To my right is an arrogant yet friendly African-American gentlemen who appears to be completely sober but completely unable to shut his mouth. Across from me was his drunk friend who had quadrupled up in less than an hour. The black guy has made a show about how he bluffs a lot and is super aggro and jokingly refers to his own race as bluffers and is rubbing it in to every opponent. The funny thing is his stack is about the size we started off with and the bluffs he's shown have been for tiny pots. I sense a rivalry to my balla-bluffer-status and I am waiting for him. In a sense I admire him for being sober at a pub poker game and because he has let the table know he hosts "big time cash games" at his house - a fact his drunk friend confirms.

To the black gentlemens right was a middle aged deaf woman. My first big pot at my new table I flop the nut straight and slow play it because I know she's a maniac, but she doesn't follow through and she checks behind. The turn still has my straight being a huge favorite and I check again because she is famous for overbetting the pot by 2 or 3 times but she checks again...yikes. The river double pairs the board and I sheepishly check and she bets out...and I show the nut straight as I fold.

"Oooooo, ooo." - comes a noise to my right as I'm being mocked by my new balla-bluffer-rival. I mutter a few choice poker cliches with the word "sick" used a few times as the next hand is dealt. I let his ribbing roll off my back as I look down at my SB hand, A7 off. A few players limp in and so does my new rival on the button. The flop comes 774. I check and it gets checked around to him - he bets a standard amount and I only raise him to 700, his bet was 300. He calls while everyone else had folded. As a Jack hit then the turn I thought, "How can I be balla in this hand? I'm not the first thing that comes to mind is to bet weak, he thinks I'm a pussy for checking down the nuts to the deaf lady." So I bet 400 into a pot that was probably near 1700. He instantly says "Are you milking me?" and he calls instantly. The river is a blank and because of his comment I check to him right away and he ships his whole stack and I snap-call with my trips. He shows a pair of Jacks with a counterfeited two pair and I get shipped the pot. The black guy bolts for the door - which is a huge bonus for not drinking at a free pub game, you don't have to pay your bill in shame as your new balla-rivals stack your chips.

His friend asks me in amazement how I could snap call the river and as I explain it to him that I had plan for the hand I watch thru the window as the black guy walks down the street wondering what the hell just hit him. Balla.
Times you felt slightly baller Quote
10-16-2009 , 07:50 AM
Originally Posted by dgiharris
If i were giving odds on the Phil Ivey story,

I'd probably say 10% chance it is true,
40% chance it is true-ish (i.e. he met Phil Ivey, heard the conversation, said hi, and that's about it)
50% chance it is bs.

But its been my experience that the big ballers like Phil Ivey and company don't have to wait in line for Jack S*** so I don't think the story is true.

I can see how it seems like a BS story, but it happened.

He wasn't waiting in line. I was. He was hanging around talking to the other players in the Mirage cage area, which is directly next to the poker room. I have an ancient Roman coin that has brought me luck and never would give it to anyone except someone like Phil Ivey, I mean, he wasn't going to steal it.

Ted Forrest, Freddy Deeb, Scotty Nguyen and many, many others were there. I even got to eat some of Freddy Deebs' California Pizza Kitchen Pizza while playing. I realized I was in way over my head playing with some of these guys, thats why it felt so baller when Ivey came over because it gave me some "table validation".

The event was the 2006 Mirage Poker Showdown 10,000+200 buy in.

I did not pay one penny for the buy in, I'm not that much of a baller.
Times you felt slightly baller Quote
10-16-2009 , 09:25 AM
Originally Posted by i*have*those
went to a club with some friends, they chose the place because it had cheap drinks for $3. we walked up to the bar, they got their $3 drinks, i got an $8 drink.
this is my favorite. its so matter of fact.

Originally Posted by TheCptCool
Won about 3000 dollar in 2 month live at 2/4, invited my gf to a 3 week Bali trip (5* Resort), had baller dinner every night (steak, lobster, wines, beers, shots) went surfing, swimming with dolphins, made 2 day trips, went to clubs bought big bottles and were just living the good life.

All paid with poker monies with no regrets at all. That was pretty sweet.
making up **** to post in these threads is a really bizarre hobby.
Times you felt slightly baller Quote
10-16-2009 , 09:46 AM
was invited by my friends to a trip across the polish sea for a couple of days, i had noone to go with at that time so i invited my ex gf who had broke up with me couple weeks eariler. ( we were 'friends' then). paid for the most expensive room in the hotel using the poker monies i won couple days earlier and spewed a lot of money during that few days just to see her reaction. felt slightly balla but better feeling was lookin at her!;d
Times you felt slightly baller Quote
10-16-2009 , 10:21 AM
I once wiped my butt with a one dollar bill
Times you felt slightly baller Quote
10-16-2009 , 10:34 AM
Originally Posted by Karl B
1st time in a casino I won $80 playing 2/5 NLH. I was playing 2NL and $1 sitngos online at the time... wait I still do.
You won 16 blinds, thats not even a shortstack double up.
Times you felt slightly baller Quote
10-16-2009 , 11:52 AM
When I go to subway I don't order the cheap subs, I get a double chicken fillet with avocado.
Times you felt slightly baller Quote
10-16-2009 , 01:40 PM
I bought an ipod touch last month with my nl10 winnings. beat - couldn't afford the 32gb.
Times you felt slightly baller Quote
10-16-2009 , 01:45 PM
enabling my friends by buying drugs most of the time
Times you felt slightly baller Quote
10-16-2009 , 01:54 PM
I once went on a sick tear winning over $2K in a weekend playing some 2-4nl live, as i was trying to get home by train (100 kilometers) i didnt have any coins for the machine, the price of a ticket was like dkk105 and as i asked for change by a woman i just gave her 200 and told her to keep the rest....

also, several $100+ cabrides etc etc makes you feel pretty baller.

Oh yeah, and in the homegame they have plagues worth $1000 and as i was tearing up the game so much i got the plague...damn that felt good.
Times you felt slightly baller Quote
10-16-2009 , 02:11 PM
I once tipped the guy who hands out little towels in Pure nightclub 100$ chip, I washed my hand then took a towel, and then again made my hands wet to sprankle my face, and he gave a towel again, i thought wow nice of him to not look icky about it, so i grab my pocket cause i had some chips left there, and accidently gave him 100$.

Did a couple more of those stupid 100$ tips, i'm such a big tipfish i always am way too kind when it comes to that
Times you felt slightly baller Quote
10-16-2009 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by Reefypoopoo
bought boxers, shorts, and socks so I wouldn't have to do laundry. True story.
superrrrr standard!
Times you felt slightly baller Quote
10-16-2009 , 02:45 PM
I tried live poker for the first time during my undergraduate prom day since the hotel was just beside a casino. I bought in for 50$ in a 1/2 game and proceeded to quadruple up with a set of 5s in the third hand.

Then ran like god and continued to build my stack up to around 400, when a good player came and sit to my left. I decided the table wasnt jucy enough and cashed out around 360ish. I bought good scotch whisky for my friends that night.

Felt a little baller
Times you felt slightly baller Quote
10-16-2009 , 02:53 PM
went to america last year and got pulled over at the border and had my car searched because they thought i was a drug dealer (im not). i had a blackberry and $600 in my wallet and when they asked me my job i didnt lie quick enough i guess to be acceptable

after about an hour of being detained i finally got in and bought some vanilla coke at a gas station with a $100 bill.
Times you felt slightly baller Quote
10-16-2009 , 05:08 PM
I feel a lil bit ballin when i pay my broke roommates to do the **** I dont wanna go (my laundry, go pick up food, clean my room ect...) its like having 3 personal assistants
Times you felt slightly baller Quote
