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Things you did when you started out playing poker Things you did when you started out playing poker

05-21-2008 , 10:41 PM
Deposited 10 dollars on stars like 5 times and played 2nl, went busto, finally ran one deposit up goot to like 100 dollars, lost a huge pot with AK that was like half of my roll taking a shot, was devastated, i still suck, nothing has really changed except i haven't deposited in like 6 months.
Things you did when you started out playing poker Quote
05-21-2008 , 11:53 PM
- Took screenshot of first MTT win, printed out and stuck it on the fridge.
- Posted on crappy forums, because I thought 2p2ers were too rude.
- Sunglasses and chip shuffling at computer obv.
- Tried to go pro 2-tabling $20 SnGs for a couple of hours a day, with pretty much no bankroll.
- If I raised preflop, it was 3xBB, regardless of limpers, position etc.
- I think others mentioned it, but check/calling monsters to trap then go nuts on the river.
- Put my opponents on one specific hand (usually one I could beat), and playing accordingly.

Now that I think about it, poker was so much more fun back then. Playing with your friends when none of you had a clue, it really felt like the best "soul reader" was going to win every time, and of course I knew I was the best soul reader.
Things you did when you started out playing poker Quote
05-22-2008 , 01:30 AM
Wow. Great thread. Started in 2004.

I remember when:
- the timer on my one 10 man table seemed to be to quick.
- Tripling my play money in a few minutes and then thinking...if I played real money I would be rich
- thinking my hole cards were being shown to others
- using a hand ranking chart beside my computer
- seeing my first pot over $50 was HUGE
- I discovered the continuation bet
- thinking there was a cashout curse
- that everyone must be colluding
Things you did when you started out playing poker Quote
05-22-2008 , 01:36 AM
i used to take screen shots every time i had a hand better than a full house. all play money btw.
Things you did when you started out playing poker Quote
05-22-2008 , 01:36 AM
also, most hilarious screen shots to come!
Things you did when you started out playing poker Quote
05-22-2008 , 01:48 AM
oh god you dont want to know
Things you did when you started out playing poker Quote
05-22-2008 , 02:14 AM
Would stay up till 1 AM to play in the hubble play money tourney on stars.

deposited $100 into party a couple times and would sit at 2/4 limit. Imagined all the great things I would buy after I won $100 in one day. Lost $200 the next day.
Things you did when you started out playing poker Quote
05-22-2008 , 02:35 AM
Oh one more I forgot - I used to have an actual picture of my face as my avatar when I played at Stars.
Things you did when you started out playing poker Quote
05-22-2008 , 02:38 AM
first time i played online i used my full real name for my screen name

first time i played live (17 sneaking into Canterbury) i sat at a $6/$12 stud/8 game (my best game) and one of the old guys joked that there was a 65 year old age requirement to play in that game. i posted my ante, brought in, mucked to a raise and three-bet, then asked the dealer to color me up and walked straight out the door without cashing out.
Things you did when you started out playing poker Quote
05-22-2008 , 02:48 AM
Originally Posted by a breath of air
i used to take screen shots every time i had a hand better than a full house. all play money btw.
Haha I did this too, except mine were at least real money. Just looking through some of my old ones and I took screenshots of the most routine hands like AA against KK, and flopping a set against top pair!

This one is particularly pathetic:

As you can see, having won an MTT for a whopping $400 and change, I made sure to include the cashier screen in the screenshot to show how rich I was. Note the desktop background. It is a photograph of the actual desk my computer sat on, with some cards and chips on it. Ah the memories...
Things you did when you started out playing poker Quote
05-22-2008 , 02:55 AM
Played full ring at about 21/6, never 3-bet anything less than KK+, and thought I was good.
Things you did when you started out playing poker Quote
05-22-2008 , 03:06 AM
Started playing on JetSet Poker years ago while unemployed. I was terrible and didn't bother to make myself better because I already "knew" how to play *HURFDURF* and I incurred a ridiculous amount of C.C. debt (which I'm still paying off 'till this day) just to prove how amazing I was.

Now being such a supreme poker master, I took a trip to the Bike to play in a LIVE poker tournament, a 125 I think. Early on I get dealt aces in EP2 and I throw out one black chip without announcing. Oops, that's not a raise? The flop comes 654. I throw out more chips. Oops, I just bet out of position. One old guy to my right calls and starts laying into me about not knowing how to play. The turn is a 6 and now I'm terrified that he has a set, so I bet like a tiny portion of the pot and he calls while laughing in my face. The river is a 6, he checks and gives me a speech I won't ever forget: "Son, why are you so eager? I think you have aces. You know you want to bet it, but you got to learn how to play the game. I will even call you if you promise to learn how to play." I felt so embarassed and the table laughed and clowned the hell out of me, but he did call my shove and paid me off with 88.

I decided then if I could be that terrible and still have someone pay me off, maybe learning a thing or two from a book or article might not be such a bad thing!
Things you did when you started out playing poker Quote
05-22-2008 , 03:46 AM
Originally Posted by ShipItMehr
Now i play overrolled as hell (50+ BIs).
WAT? I take shot when I reach 50 buy-ins for the new level. But atm I try to play (and play) with more than 125 buy-ins.

[x] Took screenshots of me leading a 5+0,5 300ppl MTT after 45 minutes.
[ ] Cashed in that very same MTT
[x] I think Annie Duke is hot
[x]*Didn't want to play a 50 cent homegame tournament because I think I wasn't ready enough to risk that sum of money in gambling

tl;dr warning!

My story:
In November 2005 I was smoking pot at friends crib when a Finnish tv-channel SubTV had just started airing this program called World Poker Tour. Before that I didn't even know poker was a game of skill.
I didn't understand what was happening, but all I remember Paul Darden was playing. Vince Van Patten called him Black Motamba, or something.

I was eager to try out poker online, so we played some free money games at Yahoo. Later I found my way to grinding play money at Ongame, which became my home for the next years.

After about two weeks I got free 20 EUR online, which I recycled through roulette to get my first poker bankroll started - it was hefty $25 dollars or something.

I don't remember whether I started with NL10 or 5+0,5 10pl SNG's but but first cash game experience was when I dragged a pot over 40 dollars in NL10 table. I was up like 5 buyins in less than hour. I thought this was a goldmine. Later that weekend lost back a bunch.

The smallest tournament at the time in Ongame Network was $1 Lucky Dollar Tournament every Saturday with 2000 runners and $2000 added and I was hellishly eager to play that every weekend. One saturday I was at bar with this one girl, and left pretty early just so I could catch the Lucky Tournament. Sadly I busted out before the first break.

One point I had like 60% of my bankroll riding on a 5+0,5 10pl SNG which I won for $25 after one majorish suckout. If I would've busted my roll at that point, I wouldn't be playing anymore as I would never have had the courage to deposit online to these vile rigged sites.

That was the start of my roll.

By January 2006 I was trying 10+1 SNG's and thought "there is a significant skill difference between players @ 10+1 and 5+0,5" - later realized that truth was more like 1+0,2 = 200+15.

In June 2006, right before I left to army, I was multitabling NL25 full-ring although I was semi donkish cash game player.

That was also the time when I dragged in my first pot over 100 dollars. Boy, the rush of seeing a black, high society, chip dragging towards you at online felt - it was ****ing awesome.
In the hand I was 200BB's deep with one guy @ NL25 who had KK and I flopped set of 66's vs him.

During my army days I played mostly tournaments but made a decent progress from 10+1 -> 20+2 -> 30+3 and even early spring 2007 when I returned from army I was playing 50+4 MTT's. My bankroll was nearing 5k, but I had a downswing of more than 2k.

April 2007 I started to play NL100 5max and made a pretty fast progress. In June 2007 I was taking a shot to NL200, in August to NL400 and my first NL1k hands were dealt I believe somewhere around October-November 2007.
Been there ever since.

Biggest month so far is 22k USD / 13k hands. (February 2008)
The most devastating daily loss is like 8,5k from November 2007.

Last edited by ezdonkey; 05-22-2008 at 04:11 AM.
Things you did when you started out playing poker Quote
05-22-2008 , 03:48 AM
started with $50 given to me by a high stakes friend, played $10 nl until i got $300, played $25 nl until i got $500, played $50 nl until I got $750, played $100 nl until I got $2,000... that process took about 5 months all together. now i just withdraw everything over $3,000, but i should be working on moving up again. laziness is teh ghey.
Things you did when you started out playing poker Quote
05-22-2008 , 03:53 AM
Originally Posted by therealpk
started with $50 given to me by a high stakes friend, played $10 nl until i got $300, played $25 nl until i got $500, played $50 nl until I got $750, played $100 nl until I got $2,000... that process took about 5 months all together. now i just withdraw everything over $3,000, but i should be working on moving up again. laziness is teh ghey.
I think you're missing the spirit of the thread.
Things you did when you started out playing poker Quote
05-22-2008 , 03:54 AM
Originally Posted by iSTRONG
- for a while thought 65 split the pot with J 3 on a A 4 K 3 2 board. Because they're both A-high flushes.
QFT. I called my stack off in my first NL10 days with lone eight of spade in my hand in four-flush board. (AK24 spades or something)
Villain had like jack of spades and I said to chat I was going to inform the site about faulty software since we both had ace-high flushes and it still wasn't a split pot.
Things you did when you started out playing poker Quote
05-22-2008 , 03:59 AM
I 2-tabled NL25 with my 50$ deposit. At some point I was down to like 8$, then built up to 1100$, then I deposited on Stars.

I was set mining, never 3-betting, stacking off with top pair all the time, wasn't using PT even though I had it thanks to a friend who bought for me, and I was making posts about silly questions that I thought were very smart.
Things you did when you started out playing poker Quote
05-22-2008 , 07:06 AM


Things you did when you started out playing poker Quote
05-22-2008 , 07:09 AM
Originally Posted by Flintoff
I played golf off 6.

Now I dont think I could play to 16.
heh poker may be one of the reasons i don't play competitively anymore (never really liked to practice though)
Things you did when you started out playing poker Quote
05-22-2008 , 07:22 AM
Things I did when I started out playing poker:

Things you did when you started out playing poker Quote
05-22-2008 , 07:22 AM
Originally Posted by jherward
When 4 people limped ahead of me I'd just call to trap with my AA and raise all in on the river unless there was a four flush or straight to scare me off,then I'd just check call down.
this was probably a winning strategy on party in 2005
Things you did when you started out playing poker Quote
05-22-2008 , 07:43 AM
Originally Posted by pnycff
this was probably a winning strategy on party in 2005
Back then, at Party 25NL, I just open shoved my Aces UTG for 100bb every time. I usually got one caller with 99 or AQ. Good times.
Things you did when you started out playing poker Quote
05-22-2008 , 10:42 AM
Used to play the old PartyPoker play money MTTs (not the freerolls). Took a screenshot whenever anything happened. One time I was the chip leader for a bit and went ballistic IMing everyone on my buddy list.

Also used to play the 100k buy-in play money tables (IIRC it was 50/100 blinds), shoving preflop every hand to "build up my stack". Then I started playing real money and somehow didn't lose, luckily found 2+2 pretty quickly and blah blah blah.
Things you did when you started out playing poker Quote
05-22-2008 , 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by ezdonkey
WAT? I take shot when I reach 50 buy-ins for the new level. But atm I try to play (and play) with more than 125 buy-ins.

[x] Took screenshots of me leading a 5+0,5 300ppl MTT after 45 minutes.
[ ] Cashed in that very same MTT
[x] I think Annie Duke is hot
[x]*Didn't want to play a 50 cent homegame tournament because I think I wasn't ready enough to risk that sum of money in gambling

tl;dr warning!

My story:
In November 2005 I was smoking pot at friends crib when a Finnish tv-channel SubTV had just started airing this program called World Poker Tour. Before that I didn't even know poker was a game of skill.
I didn't understand what was happening, but all I remember Paul Darden was playing. Vince Van Patten called him Black Motamba, or something.

I was eager to try out poker online, so we played some free money games at Yahoo. Later I found my way to grinding play money at Ongame, which became my home for the next years.

After about two weeks I got free 20 EUR online, which I recycled through roulette to get my first poker bankroll started - it was hefty $25 dollars or something.

I don't remember whether I started with NL10 or 5+0,5 10pl SNG's but but first cash game experience was when I dragged a pot over 40 dollars in NL10 table. I was up like 5 buyins in less than hour. I thought this was a goldmine. Later that weekend lost back a bunch.

The smallest tournament at the time in Ongame Network was $1 Lucky Dollar Tournament every Saturday with 2000 runners and $2000 added and I was hellishly eager to play that every weekend. One saturday I was at bar with this one girl, and left pretty early just so I could catch the Lucky Tournament. Sadly I busted out before the first break.

One point I had like 60% of my bankroll riding on a 5+0,5 10pl SNG which I won for $25 after one majorish suckout. If I would've busted my roll at that point, I wouldn't be playing anymore as I would never have had the courage to deposit online to these vile rigged sites.

That was the start of my roll.

By January 2006 I was trying 10+1 SNG's and thought "there is a significant skill difference between players @ 10+1 and 5+0,5" - later realized that truth was more like 1+0,2 = 200+15.

In June 2006, right before I left to army, I was multitabling NL25 full-ring although I was semi donkish cash game player.

That was also the time when I dragged in my first pot over 100 dollars. Boy, the rush of seeing a black, high society, chip dragging towards you at online felt - it was ****ing awesome.
In the hand I was 200BB's deep with one guy @ NL25 who had KK and I flopped set of 66's vs him.

During my army days I played mostly tournaments but made a decent progress from 10+1 -> 20+2 -> 30+3 and even early spring 2007 when I returned from army I was playing 50+4 MTT's. My bankroll was nearing 5k, but I had a downswing of more than 2k.

April 2007 I started to play NL100 5max and made a pretty fast progress. In June 2007 I was taking a shot to NL200, in August to NL400 and my first NL1k hands were dealt I believe somewhere around October-November 2007.
Been there ever since.

Biggest month so far is 22k USD / 13k hands. (February 2008)
The most devastating daily loss is like 8,5k from November 2007.

50 BIs at microstakes is considered really deep

Impressive story, from 10NL to 1K NL in less than 3 years! And great BR management, 125 BIs is great. Seems like playing cash was the most important part in moving up your BR at a good pace? nh.
Things you did when you started out playing poker Quote
