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Things people do in casinos that tilt you Things people do in casinos that tilt you

11-19-2012 , 07:09 PM
People who do that stupid Tom Dwan stare at a 1$/1$ Cash game
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
11-19-2012 , 09:24 PM
Poor hygiene.

A tourney I was playing didnt have enough dealers. Some fat busto volunteered to deal if one of us would "sort him out" with a drink or w/e after if we were in the money.

I came in the money but left without paying him as I was seat 1 and kept getting the occasional waft of unwashed arse or something.

Saw him 2 days later sitting on a slot the other side of the floor. He was wearing the same clothes.
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
11-20-2012 , 01:31 AM
Originally Posted by Jistuul
People who do that stupid Tom Dwan stare at a 1$/1$ Cash game
I can't stand this. This is one of the worst things about playing live imo. There's always someone at the table who thinks they're on ESPN or is in the running for an oscar.
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
11-20-2012 , 02:15 AM
excessive use of "thats so sick, omg thats sick, what a sick day etc..."
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
11-20-2012 , 02:22 AM
Originally Posted by leprous_hand
that just makes me laugh

i also enjoy the pick up a stack of chips and just kinda drop em into the other hand so it makes noise that is not any trick at all

schadenfreude is what gets me through my games
Daniel Negreanu does this all the time.
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
11-20-2012 , 11:49 AM
How do you all feel about using "brutal" in place of "sick"? I've been consciously trying to make this adjustment for several months now.
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
11-20-2012 , 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by Gullanian
Ok so let's compile a list of things people do that tilt you. It can include stories. This is different to how to be a fish, because some of those are hillarious, this is things that tilt you.

5. People who stare you down for no reason. They have a crap hand facing your all in. They stare you down for 2 minutes. I pull faces at them. I think they must be fish thinking about calling with ATo or something and they flip over some ****ty insta fold hand. STOP WASTING PEOPLES TIME *******
This. They think they are pros
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
11-21-2012 , 10:17 PM
When people don't understand the concept of pot-odds. Of course, I like that they're fishdonks, but it's tilting when they wonder aloud, "how did you call the all in with just a flush draw?" when I'm getting like 8 to 1 to make the call.
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
11-21-2012 , 10:21 PM
limped pot, two players get it all in on AK9 board. Fish yells out, "must be aces vs kings!" Yeah, AA vs KK would totally make sense in a limped pot.

[x] fishies think everyone has the nuts.
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
11-26-2012 , 05:18 AM
Guys with mountains of $25 chips still take forever to count out big bets with $5 chips.
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
11-26-2012 , 07:03 PM
regulars who get P.O.'ed. when I catch their fish.
I'm only here once a month, relax.
people who play only every four hands because they are constantly leaving for a nicotine fix.
they got gum for that, and you're taking that fishes seat.
dudes that have some absolute anvil for a card protector.
a five pound geode? really?
swamp azz.
change your underwear bro.

I could go on and on.
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
11-26-2012 , 07:05 PM
Please only come here once per month. Thanks in advance!
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
11-26-2012 , 07:29 PM
players who dont like the way i play poker.

Just because they wanna sit tehre all day, flop a set then take your entire stack - they seem to get pissed off that you out play them all day until they flop a set.

When they do finally flop a set their stack is like $25 or something so you dont even care if you do double them up.

So basically.. its ok for them to take your money. But its not ok for you take theres. I find this is generally anyone over 40 that is like this
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
11-26-2012 , 07:36 PM
when you call a river bet and the person tries to encourage you to show.

After that annoying moment they then proceed to only show 1 card saying "does that beat you" - really ****s me off, ive paid to see your cards, now show me both of them. And it does make a big difference to see if villain was playing e.g. Ace 7 or 6 7

And i find these are the same people that when they call a river bet, they are adamant to see their villains cards. And just over all it slows down the game comlpetely when every ****ing hand they are not showing their cards when they are supposed to, and its the same routine over and over
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
11-26-2012 , 09:53 PM
when a friend of mine watches me play online and i fold some trash hand like K2 UTG and the flop comes like KK2 and he goes like "OMG DUDE WTF WHY U FOLD THAT HAND U WOULD HAVE WON!"
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
11-26-2012 , 11:15 PM
Originally Posted by awoot14
when a friend of mine watches me play online and i fold some trash hand like K2 UTG and the flop comes like KK2 and he goes like "OMG DUDE WTF WHY U FOLD THAT HAND U WOULD HAVE WON!"
damn happens to me in casinos all the time
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
11-27-2012 , 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by Redsoxnets5
damn happens to me in casinos all the time
lmao sarcastic troll
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
11-28-2012 , 02:41 AM
When people (mostly fish to fish) say "Nice hand" or "great hand" when someone makes a terrible call and sucks out.
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
11-28-2012 , 06:44 AM
Originally Posted by The4thFilm
Guys with mountains of $25 chips still take forever to count out big bets with $5 chips.
I hate this so much!
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
11-28-2012 , 08:08 AM
Originally Posted by TeflonJon
When people (mostly fish to fish) say "Nice hand" or "great hand" when someone makes a terrible call and sucks out.
erm I always say 'great hand' to people that make bad calls. We want to encourage this style of play.
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
11-28-2012 , 10:13 AM
Definitely the old bastards who count out a $50 call with $5 and $1 chips because they refuse to throw their 2 $25 chips into the pot. I've never witnessed people count so slowly in my life. Florida retirees are the worst for this. I think.
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
11-28-2012 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by fidstar-poker
erm I always say 'great hand' to people that make bad calls. We want to encourage this style of play.
Yeah definitely. But I was talking about when someone genuinely believes it was a well played hand and is giving the guy credit for his play. When I'm on the losing end of the hand it is pretty frustrating.
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
11-28-2012 , 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by chad0x001
people who dont know basic strat in blackjack and make donkey moves that make them and everyone else at the table lose at the same time.
In the few times I play blackjack its tilting to have to listen to some guy give someone else crap about not playing basic blackjack strategy as if it effects his EV.

Whenever I hear "You weren't suppose to hit and if you didn't the dealer would have got that 10 & woulda bust & we'd all win." I always pray for two tens the next hand so I can split them to piss the guy off.
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
11-28-2012 , 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
In the few times I play blackjack its tilting to have to listen to some guy give someone else crap about not playing basic blackjack strategy as if it effects his EV.

Whenever I hear "You weren't suppose to hit and if you didn't the dealer would have got that 10 & woulda bust & we'd all win." I always pray for two tens the next hand so I can split them to piss the guy off.
Another person that splits tens <3
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
11-29-2012 , 02:10 AM
When I 3bet pre with AA or KK to 15-20 bb and still get 4-5 callers which is a really inconvenient time to tilt because then I don't fold and call down to the river and get beat.
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
