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Serious: how do you "degen up a roll" Serious: how do you "degen up a roll"

10-15-2014 , 07:32 AM
Originally Posted by BlakeBrown
Is it sad that I automatically knew what EAD stands for as I read it?
It is sad that you are not automatically required to EAD all day long for bumping this crap thread
Serious: how do you "degen up a roll" Quote
10-15-2014 , 09:13 AM
i came here for this?
Serious: how do you "degen up a roll" Quote
10-15-2014 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by FWWM
It is sad that you are not automatically required to EAD all day long for bumping this crap thread

I thought it was an ok thread... Just don't click on it bro its that simple
Serious: how do you "degen up a roll" Quote
10-15-2014 , 03:32 PM
Sell your arse and see if you can keep getting it in without catching the aids.
Serious: how do you "degen up a roll" Quote
10-15-2014 , 04:58 PM
get wasted and go gamble and someday maybe youll sober up with money in your pocket. i think its -ev though.
Serious: how do you "degen up a roll" Quote
10-16-2014 , 10:16 AM
Originally Posted by Entman
In the thread "degen stories", many people start with something like "i deposited $50-$100, degened it up to $1500"My question: what are the most notable sites with -ev games? And what do you actually do to "degen it up" Roulette flips? Blackjack?
I created a "How to be a Degen" guide in the degen thread, here is a link to the guide


Originally Posted by dgiharris
How to Degen: A beginner's guide

Step #1: Ensure that the money you are about to gamble is money you can't afford to lose

Step #2: Bet like you got a pair No mamby pamby "safe" bets. F*** that. Go Big or Go Home!

Step # 3: Get on heater

Step #4a: Win lots of money

Step #4b: You will be hit with a moment of clarity where you realize that you've beaten the odds, had a kick ass run, and have made lots of money. During this step you will be hit with the ephiphany that you should stop now which leads to....

Step #5: Ignore the angel on your right shoulder and listen to the devil on your left. Keep betting and increasing your limit. You rungood at 100NL and win $800, take that entire $800 and play 500NL. You rungood and win $2,000 take that entire $2k and go to 1000PLO. You rungood and win $7k then take that $7k over to the blackjack min $500 bet table until...

Step #6 Ignore the backslide. The heater runs out of rungood juice and the math starts to catch up with you and you begin to backslide. Don't worry, keep betting and procede onto step #7

Step #7: Motherf***in Mega Monkey Tilt! Yell and scream everytime you lose. Let the rage build until it becomes a white hot sun inside of you and then...

Step #8: Chase your losses. Obsess about the fact that at one point you were at $40k. Completely ignore the fact that you started with $100 and are now at $30k. All that matters is that at one point you had $40K. Focus on that with the intensity of a 3yr old staring at the cookie jar at the top of the refridgerator...

Step #9: Ignore your balance and just keep betting until...

Step #10: Busto!!!!

Congratulations, you are an official degen now.
Serious: how do you "degen up a roll" Quote
10-17-2014 , 05:03 PM
In the words of the immortal King Niche:

Play 3 levels above your bankroll and pull some warewolf moves
Serious: how do you "degen up a roll" Quote
10-17-2014 , 05:47 PM
High Stakes PLO ldo
Serious: how do you "degen up a roll" Quote
