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Septemer Goals Septemer Goals

08-31-2007 , 07:32 PM
Here are mine:
<ul type="square">[*]100 hours[*]50,000 hands[*]$50,000[*]Try to only play $3/6-$10/20 as much as possible, no more $2/4[*]Don't miss any Spanish classes[*]Continue not eating beef/pork[*]Visit Iguazu Falls[*]Book my PPM VI cruise[*]Book my plane tickets from California to Australia to Venice[*]Book my apartment in Australia for next year[/list]What are yours?
Septemer Goals Quote
08-31-2007 , 07:34 PM
win money
don't be doomswitched at the next level up
Septemer Goals Quote
08-31-2007 , 07:35 PM
Win monies.
Get laid.
Septemer Goals Quote
08-31-2007 , 07:36 PM

don't be doomswitched at the next level up
I never set goals I know to be impossible.
Septemer Goals Quote
08-31-2007 , 07:39 PM
hopefully run hot my next 13k hands at 200NL. And make less crying calls.
Septemer Goals Quote
08-31-2007 , 07:42 PM
well, i had a six figure month thanks to ftops, so my september goal involves becoming a strong 6max NLHE player again.

Since all money totals are LOL now and I dont want to lose all that ftops money in big cash, I'm starting with 5k at 100nl and moving up when comfortable. Hopefully going to be at 2/4 by the end of the month.
Septemer Goals Quote
08-31-2007 , 07:49 PM
well, i had a six figure month thanks to ftops, so my september goal involves becoming a strong 6max NLHE player again.

Since all money totals are LOL now and I dont want to lose all that ftops money in big cash, I'm starting with 5k at 100nl and moving up when comfortable. Hopefully going to be at 2/4 by the end of the month.
what happened to u? last i remembered u were beating 2/4
Septemer Goals Quote
08-31-2007 , 07:49 PM
Septemer Goals Quote
08-31-2007 , 07:58 PM
get br to 21k+
start playing and be a winner at 600nl
start doing school work ahead of time
Septemer Goals Quote
08-31-2007 , 08:01 PM
1. move up
2. win monies
3. move up
4. win monies
5. move up
6. win monies
7. ...
Septemer Goals Quote
08-31-2007 , 08:03 PM
Septemer Goals Quote
08-31-2007 , 08:12 PM
win every WCOOP event
Septemer Goals Quote
08-31-2007 , 08:17 PM
Win more monies by getting better at poker. Find a job so I can not cash out poker monies for living expenses.
Septemer Goals Quote
08-31-2007 , 08:17 PM
September goals:
1) dont let them fk me.
2) less riggedness.
3) more flipaments
Septemer Goals Quote
08-31-2007 , 08:23 PM
1 Million Dollars
Septemer Goals Quote
08-31-2007 , 08:24 PM
1 Million Dollars
A cool million, thats my goal too. And then sit with my cool million at high stakes poker.
Septemer Goals Quote
08-31-2007 , 08:25 PM
Here are mine:
<ul type="square">[*]100 hours[*]50,000 hands[*]$50,000[*]Try to only play $3/6-$10/20 as much as possible, no more $2/4[*]Don't miss any Spanish classes[*]Continue not eating beef/pork[*]Visit Iguazu Falls[*]Book my PPM VI cruise[*]Book my plane tickets from California to Australia to Venice[*]Book my apartment in Australia for next year[/list]What are yours?
learn to spell september?
Septemer Goals Quote
08-31-2007 , 08:25 PM
1. have sex
2. die
Septemer Goals Quote
08-31-2007 , 08:26 PM
40k hands, move up to 50NL, play 40 live hours with a profit of 2K+ for the month
Septemer Goals Quote
08-31-2007 , 08:27 PM
I probably won't play that much, but I wanna be at NL600 by the end of this month. I'm already rolled for it, I'm just a pussy.
Septemer Goals Quote
08-31-2007 , 08:35 PM
100k hands

300k monies
Septemer Goals Quote
08-31-2007 , 08:35 PM
not run like [censored] every time i play 3/6
Septemer Goals Quote
08-31-2007 , 08:38 PM
officially date my crushhhh
100nl 100k hands ldo
Septemer Goals Quote
08-31-2007 , 08:39 PM
My goals are to be BALLINNNNN and to SLOWWW ROLLLLLL.
Septemer Goals Quote
08-31-2007 , 08:39 PM
Septemer Goals Quote
