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RapDurrrr picture thread.. check out the house! RapDurrrr picture thread.. check out the house!

10-19-2006 , 09:50 AM
Now all you guys need is a weight room....

...although I guess you may not need it because that shower is a panty-dropper.
RapDurrrr picture thread.. check out the house! Quote
10-19-2006 , 09:52 AM
Sick house.
RapDurrrr picture thread.. check out the house! Quote
10-19-2006 , 09:56 AM
Now all you guys need is a weight room....

...although I guess you may not need it because that shower is a panty-dropper.
Why would they need a weight room? Like grinding tables isn't boring enough .

I really like the house btw! Is it near the beach? That would be my only requirement, that it's close to the beach.
RapDurrrr picture thread.. check out the house! Quote
10-19-2006 , 10:01 AM
Nice cars and and all but damn your furniture is ugly.
RapDurrrr picture thread.. check out the house! Quote
10-19-2006 , 10:03 AM
Nice cars and and all but damn your furniture is ugly.
RapDurrrr picture thread.. check out the house! Quote
10-19-2006 , 10:15 AM
Man I guess I missed the boat on this thread... is it cool if I post sober?

I didn't know the place was that big, look like it has some potential.
RapDurrrr picture thread.. check out the house! Quote
10-19-2006 , 10:19 AM
how much did everything put together cost? (house + furniture + TVs + comp equip, etc.)
RapDurrrr picture thread.. check out the house! Quote
10-19-2006 , 10:21 AM
swag: 9/10
taste: 1/10
and no, that does not add up to 10/10

bedroom looks nice, kitchen looks ok, everything else needs a lot of work. were you on tilt while decorating?

and really, whats up with the two tv's?
RapDurrrr picture thread.. check out the house! Quote
10-19-2006 , 10:24 AM
looks good but a common them i see is "spend $$ on equipment, spend zero on acoustic treatment." your speakers will sound 10000% better if you treat those walls.
RapDurrrr picture thread.. check out the house! Quote
10-19-2006 , 10:26 AM
Do kids even workoout nowadays? Or they just need enough muscle strength to click the mouse?

Nice house and set up though.
RapDurrrr picture thread.. check out the house! Quote
10-19-2006 , 10:33 AM
you say holla way too much
RapDurrrr picture thread.. check out the house! Quote
10-19-2006 , 10:44 AM
VN guys. Looks really sweet.

El D,
I'm kind of disappointed.
RapDurrrr picture thread.. check out the house! Quote
10-19-2006 , 10:49 AM
El D,

i just dont get the hate, man
RapDurrrr picture thread.. check out the house! Quote
10-19-2006 , 10:50 AM
hanging tv
big shower
2 73's
Durr's future Lambo
high ceiling in living room

don't like:
shape of big couch
where the art work?

RapDurrrr picture thread.. check out the house! Quote
10-19-2006 , 10:57 AM

Serious question. First thing I did when I had a steady income was find my own apartment. Why do you guys still have roommates?

Also, is that a jellyfish on the floor of your shower?

RapDurrrr picture thread.. check out the house! Quote
10-19-2006 , 11:02 AM
whats the model of that 73 " tv
RapDurrrr picture thread.. check out the house! Quote
10-19-2006 , 11:05 AM
hanging tv
big shower
2 73's
Durr's future Lambo
high ceiling in living room

don't like:
shape of big couch
where the art work?

the lambo is a joke... maybe ill jus steal DB's- and the artwork will come no worries
RapDurrrr picture thread.. check out the house! Quote
10-19-2006 , 11:06 AM
Nice stuff.

Get a workout/exercise room setup.

Next photos please show some hot chicks or hookers hanging out, and a table with some good alcohol or blow.

its for a magazine... they prob couldnt publish that...
RapDurrrr picture thread.. check out the house! Quote
10-19-2006 , 11:07 AM
Usually, like a lot of people I would make a joke about maybe the way you look or about how something looks "gay" in your house to hide my jealously, but this time I'll skip all that and just say you are awesome.
RapDurrrr picture thread.. check out the house! Quote
10-19-2006 , 11:07 AM
RapDurrrr picture thread.. check out the house! Quote
10-19-2006 , 11:07 AM
This is vegas or texas? Either way, nice job guys. Well done.
RapDurrrr picture thread.. check out the house! Quote
10-19-2006 , 11:14 AM
hanging tv
big shower
2 73's
Durr's future Lambo
high ceiling in living room

don't like:
shape of big couch
where the art work?

the lambo is a joke... maybe ill jus steal DB's- and the artwork will come no worries
buy the silver dollar sized piece of picasso steve wynn created
RapDurrrr picture thread.. check out the house! Quote
10-19-2006 , 11:17 AM
yet eld is jealous of durrrr's last weekend.
RapDurrrr picture thread.. check out the house! Quote
10-19-2006 , 11:19 AM
Nice house(whats the sq footage?), overboard on electronics though.

BTW- We have the same car, nice choice.

Edit- Why the [censored] texas?(serious Q) That state sucks hard
RapDurrrr picture thread.. check out the house! Quote
10-19-2006 , 11:20 AM
You definitely need to hire an interior decorator. In your case, it will be more than worth the money. Cool place, a ton of potential, how much?

Oh, and whose bright idea was it to put the TVs right next to each other??

RapDurrrr picture thread.. check out the house! Quote
