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a quick string of beats a quick string of beats

07-12-2009 , 01:43 PM
I hate talkin about beats but on this occasion i just cant help myself! I wouldnt consider the following as "bad" beats really, its just the way in which they all hit me within the space of a few hands that amazed me so i thought i'd share them!

If you dont laugh about it, you'd cry! Maybe someone who's taken a bad beat today will read this and realise that things arnt all that bad!!

Played in a torney at a casino, about 180 runners. Down to the last 50 or so. I usually try to play tight aggresive but most of my table were tight passive so i gradually switched to loose aggresive to chip away at stacks and it was working perfectly up to this point!

Hand one! My stack is about 13k - blinds 200/400

i'm UTG with A10 o/s and raise 3BB for 1200
2 folds
3 goes all in for around 2500
everyone folds back round to me

The pot is 4200 and its 1300 to call

Considering that this particular guy was on tilt from a suck out 2 hands earlier I didnt think i was a 3 - 1 underdog so I called

He flips over 77 and I flop aces up but he rivers trips!

Fair enough best hand won! i'm still good!

BB passes me and we move onto my SB hand which is now beat number 2

i'm dealt 9 10 o/s and everyone folds round to me, the BB is a new player at the table so i limp and he checks the flop comes

Jd Qs Ks giving me a king high straight!

i lead out for around 500 to make it look like i'm tryna take a jab at the pot

BB shoves for about 3.5k

I ask him if he has a flush draw and he nods so i call, he had A3s

He rivers a red 10 giving him a broadway straight....LOL, okay he had a good few outs, it happens.......i've lost about 40% of my stack but i'm still one of the better players!

The very next hand, on the BTN, i pick up AsQs. Everyone fold round to the cut off who limps in. A very weak, tight passive player. Nervous looking, fat, loads of a facial hair stupid poker stars t-shirt on which probably took him about 3 years to save up enought FPP's for!

I raise all in and announce that its a "tilt" shove!!!

Blinds fold

and cut off ponders, makes a few indecisive noises, mumbles some sh*t under his breath and says "i dont really wanna do this" and calls!

He has turns over 99.....the flop comes A Q J, Turn K and river 10 for a split pot!!

okay, that was a little annoying!

2 hands go by and i'm one of the CO with 88, everyone folds round to me and I raise 1200, all fold to the SB who calls and BB folds!

flop comes 892 rainbow and BB goes all in (who as this point is now the big stack)

i call SB shows 99 for a higher set

I take the walk of shame while all the players at the table tell me how badly i just ran!!

LOL it doesnt stop there!

I go the bar get a drink take a few minutes to let the unfortunate series of events pass me then I buy into a 50nl cash game!

i take my seat and wait for the BB to hit me

On my BB a punk type guy in early bumps it up to £8?.....everyone folds round to me, I look at my monster Q8 o/s and fold ofcourse!!

very next hand its folded to the same villain who this time bumps it up to £6 and its folded round to me. I take a look at Jh Js and call. BB calls!

the flop comes 235 rainbow and i lead out for £6, BB folds, villan raises to £22

I did have to think about this one just in case he had a bigger pair, i definately wasnt snap calling here! i didnt even wanna really build a big pot with a early raiser who has position on me!

However, after a minute or two of countin my chips and fiddling around with them he seemed to get more and more uncomfortable and the possibility that i might be calling......i counted my chips and slid them right up to the line stopping them just before it. He kinda of squirmed at it looking even more uncomfy. So on that note I 4bet all in!

he looked disgusted! which confirmed even more so that he had AK

He then shouts out something like "i cant fold now, i've put some much in this pot" and calls. He decided to show me his AKs so i show him the jacks!

i turn trip jacks!

and he rivers a 4 for a wheel straight!

so that was beat number 5 in about 8 hands or so!

i think i'll concentrate on my back swing for a bit before playin any more poker
a quick string of beats Quote
07-12-2009 , 01:44 PM
tlllll; drrrr
a quick string of beats Quote
07-12-2009 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by ThePokerBoy
Maybe someone who's taken a bad beat today will read this and realise that things arnt all that bad!!
And these are worse than the beats we take why??? Newb.
a quick string of beats Quote
07-12-2009 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by Jman2272
And these are worse than the beats we take why??? Newb.
i didnt say they were worse

i didnt even say they were bad?

which post you readin?
a quick string of beats Quote
07-12-2009 , 02:10 PM
By saying someone who's taken a bad beat today will feel lucky when he sees your hands implies that your beats are sicker than his.
a quick string of beats Quote
07-12-2009 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by Jman2272
By saying someone who's taken a bad beat today will feel lucky when he sees your hands implies that your beats are sicker than his.
wow, i bet your a barrell of laughs on the works night out!



if you dont like the post why reply to it?

a quick string of beats Quote
07-12-2009 , 02:55 PM
interesting please tell us more about it
a quick string of beats Quote
07-12-2009 , 03:07 PM
sick beats here
a quick string of beats Quote
07-12-2009 , 03:20 PM
sickest beats ever [x]

how can u not kill urself when ur losing those 46/54s?
a quick string of beats Quote
07-12-2009 , 05:32 PM
So you lost a few coinflips, I see.
a quick string of beats Quote
07-12-2009 , 05:43 PM
i'm UTG with A10 o/s and raise 3BB for 1200
He flips over 77 and I flop aces up but he rivers trips!

i'm dealt 9 10 o/s and everyone folds round to me, the BB is a new player at the table so i limp
a quick string of beats Quote
07-12-2009 , 05:48 PM
this is my first post in bbv, I think I'm ready :
[x] standard
[x] tits or gtfo
a quick string of beats Quote
07-12-2009 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by Charito
this is my first post in bbv, I think I'm ready :
[x] standard
[x] tits or gtfo
lol welcome you have passed your driving test
a quick string of beats Quote
07-12-2009 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by ThePokerBoy
if you dont like the post why reply to it?
I guess you've never posted in bbv before.
a quick string of beats Quote
07-12-2009 , 05:57 PM
teal deer
a quick string of beats Quote
07-12-2009 , 05:58 PM
tl,dr for sure LOL
a quick string of beats Quote
