Ok, here we go...
- Extra crappy LG 19" monitor for multitabling
- Yamaha HS50m monitors
- AKG K240 headphones
- Edirol UA25 external audiocard
- Random sony mp3 player
Desk is a beat, but w/e...
- Random semi-expensive chair which I bought since I was convinced I would be able to grind out more hands. I did... for a week
Still absolutely love it though.
- Vox Tonelab, really like it
- LTD EC-500
- Tanglewood TW1000, sick sick sick! Anyone looking for an acoustic should try one.
And my latest little additions
- Sony KDL-40W5500
- PS3 + a bunch of games and bluray movies, have like 300gb of highres movies which I...... borrowed from a friend and ripped or something like that
Streams directly from my computers harddrives via ps3 mediaserver. Really smooth piece of software.
- NAD T742 reciever + a nice set of surround speakers which I bought used like new for like $450, which is pretty sick imo. Don't know about US pricing though.
And my first purchase which was the biggest in relation to my bankroll
- Nikon D70s + nikkor 18-70mm, can't take a picture of it though
The hidden beat here is that I play 100nl (well, I hardly play anymore but it still covers my livingexpences and plenty more) and could have moved up hadn't I bought these little treats. The hidden barg in all the stuff being cluttred in my moms livingroom is that I'm moving out in like 4 weeks. Yay!