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View Poll Results: Which suit is the best
340 48.09%
-Vega-, 125ppm, 13_Xerxes, 27AllIn, 2rero86, Abdullaev, Ace Eleven, AKoffsuit, alexjd23, All-In Flynn, Allah Himself, AmazingErvin, amunken, Andynan, Anton Narki, Apathy, apekatt66, aseHigh, aufzuckerter, Babalatexi, Bad Beat Wizard, bad_carma, BcnDiamond, bentonja, berserk, bigboyfosho, biggetje, bills217, BingoBango, bL1z, Black Aces 518, BlackShuck, Black_Angler, blammo81, bleu329, blocka, BoterSmoter, BoyleDrunson, bsidensol, Bukem_, Burcak, Bushleague24, buzz12586, bwolf4, casino_dealer, cds0699, chris216, chubber8, ciarkowski, cjp, ClutchCity, CMAZ, cockballs, Codecci, cowboy2579, Crazy Porto, Cujo69, curve, CyberMuppet, czyivn, dangeraw, DarkMagus, dbc, dbthdo, dcg3, deesnuts, demon102, Descryer, Deuce2High, Deurdy, dimebar, DjSkyy, DLU, domolm, dotbum, Drawing-Slim-Jim, driverx, Drjamescrow, ducmania, Duluth, dumb ox, durrrrty, Dutchsmoke, duvvard, Eagle314, EasyPeasy, Elrohir, el_dusto, equalsfive, ErichLimp, EvilDruidNE, evilhamit, fabadam, federer007, Fermion5, FF_Barret, FilthyRaven, Fischtschen, fishdonkey, fishmeout, fiskebent, flare, Flyingbanana, FlyingStart, Frankie6636, freekie, froggr, frtz, fullontilt87, fybpm, G twizzle, Gambear, geiger, gergong2, gh0st3o5, GiantWalleye, Ginungagap, gnfshng, Godlike, gongshow, goofball, goshmr5, GregoryGoris, GTBMuckface, GUG01, Gunther, HandyAndy, Hattifnatt, HeavensDevil, HellRoxYa, HezioN, hochiminh, icecool988, icehawk84, ICMoney, IDontThinkSoTim, igetjokes, IloveCars, Imbrokeson, Irish Lefty, It's Me, itsthekid, Jafeeio, Jaydee9, jaysu, JDalla, JeroenArts, Jkarioun, jmwarnecke, JMX, JoeMofo, joep78, joeyvickz, joe_french, jonny8what, jooonaz, Jub., July1999, JWeb777, KambiuM, karlwig, kekedarius, kerplunkNL, killer_kill, killsadie, kinda, KingofJ, kingSLO68, king_nothing_, kommunizt, kosa28, kredace, Kunn, Kuztah, L.Washington, La Ultima Cerveca, LaRue05, Laurenz, Le Alexandre, lemming, Lemonade, Leon_88, LeprechaunFlute, leprous_hand, Liquid_Quik, LooseAggressive, lootbag, Lori, lostandgone85, LotusEffect, luke4130, Maggus, MaliceUW, maryn, Mat, mattgoody, MattR, MBx268, mejakenow, mersenneary, Mhaz, mikenski, Mittens, MMc, mOeeOm, moesn, Mookie88, MoP_86, Mrage, Nakkikake, nedition, nhatley, nihil2501, ninersrule, nudz, odinscott, oleole, onemustfall, OnlyChobo, ooooooooooh, Oopspoops, otatop, Otto Gott, p8ntballer, Panthro, paratacus, PGarlic, Phildo, philfan05, PhilHenderson, PIK4CHU, Pilpopper, pimp_named_ak, pirilordi, Pistol Pete, poker12, postoakpoker, PP0262, pyjama_warrior, Rampage_Jackson, Recteur, rehlbe, resonator, Rips, rndm, robertlanglois, RobUlikeHorry, RockRattler, romillian, SaiYeN, Santzes, Saurus, SAVAGEx, schl0ng, schlik20, scrivenerjones, sean.c, sethseth, Shephard, Shiki, SirClay, SirPhobos, sixsixtie, skeetm0n, Sn3jjk, Snakes Gould, snake_eyes9, Snozynoze, Snygaard, SoUnreal, StackMeNow, STARSCREAM., Steak, steggy, stickdude, stinkypete, sturedenstore, subs, Sugar Nut, swd805, Swingin, Symbolic, Tampaz, Tamtaram, The Donator, thebeezer, thejesusfish, TheManDan, TheSupafly, The_Jeebus, The_Taj, thrasher789, tiltyass, TimberBee, Toe-Knee, Tolnew, tomdemaine, Tommy2Ace, TomW, Tonitto, Tovkeh, Transa, Truthiness2, Trysbew, tsmag, tvta, TWiTCHaH, Typesh05, ungar2000, united8612, Unknown Soldier, Valleygoat, Vanhaomena, VarianceMinefield, vaughn345, Vehement, vhuggins, Vince., Vorlautboy, V_L_V, WCGRider, Wesker1982, wet work, WHATTEHMUCK, Will221, Willyoman, Windmasta, WinningTough, wisedive, WolfTickets, WorldsUnluckiest, X0zix, Xife, YouAreFading, Youngunpoker, Zagga, zizek, Zooter, ZStoffel, _Koby_