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Poker is not dead.  My Graph. Poker is not dead.  My Graph.

12-15-2013 , 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by elbuerro
This thread should be renamed my doom asap
Poker is dead. My old Graph.
Poker is not dead.  My Graph. Quote
12-15-2013 , 07:01 PM
^ because he can't beat the games, otherwise he would obviously just play.
Poker is not dead.  My Graph. Quote
12-15-2013 , 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by Ned Horton
Poker is dead. My old Graph.
Lol, yes exactly.
Poker is not dead.  My Graph. Quote
12-15-2013 , 07:05 PM
YourDoom is proving the old mantra "those who can do, do, those who can't, teach." It's obv far from an absolute truth, but he is giving that slogan a reputation
Poker is not dead.  My Graph. Quote
12-15-2013 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by thabighurt35
pretty funny that you posted this exact same graph in 2011 and said the same half baked bull**** story of "here is a graph of my last 800k hands"

link to your other thread:

so kindly EAD and GTFO.

Nobaody cares that you found a graph of hands somebody played years ago. If you post 2+ year old graphs now, were they old then as well?

These are probably graphs of somebody game selecting hardcore in 2006.

**** off you fake as bitch
straight up burrrrrnnnnn you got rolled
Poker is not dead.  My Graph. Quote
12-15-2013 , 07:43 PM
the dates for graphed hands are quite relevant and important if you post a thread titled 'Poker is not dead.', seemingly trying to use your graph/results as evidence for that statement.

a reasonable interpretation of the statement 'Poker is not dead.' would be something along the lines of:
Making money in poker currently/recently isn't drastically harder than it was a couple of years ago, i.e. back when, compared to now, very few people were saying 'poker is dead'.

the screenshots you posted, when carefully examined, show that your results now/recently are drastically worse than a few years ago, going from huge winnings, good red line, and huge all-in EV win-rate in ~2010 to a losing year in 2013 with a much worse red line and all-in EV win-rate. this does not support the statement 'Poker is not dead'. (obviously, if anything, this evidence supports the notion that poker is in fact drastically tougher than it was a few years ago. however, there are people like me who actually make money more easily now than a few years ago with the same volume and effort. i don't coach though, because i don't consider myself good enough)

also, you posted exactly one graph to support your statement.(well, it was in OP, so it was either to support your statement or just a brag)
The graphed hands are mostly from a couple of years ago, from the period that you were comparing to the current period in the statement 'Poker is not dead'.

maybe these were honest mistakes, but if so, then you are an idiot.

Last edited by Keruli; 12-15-2013 at 08:02 PM.
Poker is not dead.  My Graph. Quote
12-15-2013 , 07:47 PM
slightly different area:
sub 50k hands in 2013 seems like a very small sample. but it's actually even worse than that, considering that he plays some hands mid-stacking, some full, and experiments with new strategies etc. so for each format/strategy his sample size is even way smaller.

also, kind of lame that he's accusing critics of being trolls, bad people, and even unintelligent.

for example:
If you guy really think you can convince any intelligent person reading this that I'm some kind of scam then lol.
how should i respond to this? claiming that i am in fact intelligent seems kind of pointless.

Last edited by Keruli; 12-15-2013 at 07:56 PM.
Poker is not dead.  My Graph. Quote
12-16-2013 , 10:55 AM
Originally Posted by Keruli
slightly different area:
sub 50k hands in 2013 seems like a very small sample. but it's actually even worse than that, considering that he plays some hands mid-stacking, some full, and experiments with new strategies etc. so for each format/strategy his sample size is even way smaller.

also, kind of lame that he's accusing critics of being trolls, bad people, and even unintelligent.

for example:

how should i respond to this? claiming that i am in fact intelligent seems kind of pointless.
Because clearly poker is not dead, as evidence from his most recent hands.

As long as there are losing players like him, then the game thrives, you even figured it out yourself that his 2013 portion of the graph is losing. Give the guy a break, it takes courage to post losing graphs in BBV because of all the trolls.
Poker is not dead.  My Graph. Quote
12-16-2013 , 11:12 AM
I'll try to address this with zero trolling (not that i think anybody has been trolling really anyway) and try to get this thread resolved.

Originally Posted by YourDoom
I win at EV 10.04bb/100 for 800k hands - a small group of trolls say "yeah but that was a couple years ago, it doesn't count at all"
Look, yes, it counts. It shows that you had the discipline and skills to at one point beat the games for a very decent clip; not many people can boast with a graph like that.

But does it count when you are using the heading "Poker is not dead."? No. It doesn't count. Your heading is clearly referring to the current state of poker. So hands that aren't related to the current state of poker are irrelevant.

I win at EV 10.8 bb/100 in 57k hands in 2012 - troll response "sample is too small means nothing"
Tbh that would be the response of just about everybody that isn't ******ed. You can't on the one hand blame 2013 hands on a downswing, while claiming that your 2012 hands are all pure skill. That's totally inconsistent.

It's definitely possible you are still a decent winner, but your hands in 2012 provide as much evidence for you being a winner as your hands in 2013 provide for you being a loser.

Anyway, to clear this thread up, I would suggest either:

1. Post your 2013 hands.

2. Post what you meant by the heading and what evidence you have for the games not being dead.

3. Just admit the heading was poorly chosen.

Gl, I'm enjoying the thread either way.
Poker is not dead.  My Graph. Quote
12-16-2013 , 01:02 PM
I have no idea what all of these 00001 screenshots of my results and videos and coaching thread are supposed to be saying. All looks legit to me. I mean, I posted them. (Maybe you're confused about the release dates on the videos?)

Nor do I have any idea why everyone is patting him on the back for "outting" the fact that I play part time now.

Hello. Yes some people are just trolling. I was too in some things. But you must separate things.

Screenshots prove the slow rate of your hands played and good testimonies all by recent account with 1 or 2 posts, and ofc you didn’t like a bad review.
And prove that you play so little that this thread, the title it’s an insult. My “recent” when hands are not recent.

I don´t care about your videos and the way you make your living, I just talk about this specific thread.

Your hands are not recent and they don’t prove poker is dead or alive. Plain simple. And of if you understand statistic and that, your samples are too short.

Just run variance simulator. Even if you crush micros for 20bb you can run at some 100k hands samples at 3bb or less. So it´s kind of silly assuming you beat that levels (that I never played) in 40 50 100k hands.
Yes you sayed that you play few hands, but it’s nice to people really know whats “few”,

Ofc you must be some sort of a good player but you play few hands and maybe don’t have the experience. Just an example ( im a micros player, im not ashamed of that) since 2010 the nl10\25 cent games are very different, things evolve even at nano micros, nl2 per example now it’s kind of impossible to put in 20bb @ 24 tables, standard thing in the past, it’s not all people that crush like the 25cents for 10bb in a LARGER SAMPLE , kind of a standard thing on the past, so at HIGHER levels I imagine the game EVOLVE at a higher speed that I can’t even imagine.

I bet your students, ofc play more hands and be in more spots different than you. And are more experienced.

Your thread here served the purpose of promoting you, but you had back luck cos people here are trools\ broke people, micro donks like me , etc but not stupid as you thought. Some crushers of the PGC threads that I like to read are 10000 times better than you , put in serious volume, win money and don’t create here threads and I imagine don’t sell videos for 500 euros because they don’t need that, they make the cash on the table. That´s poker, making money in the tables, play, learn, tilt, raise , check, allin, call etc. Not the thing you do, that’s not poker.

BTW you lost like 5k at 2013 with that stupid volume how de **** the games are alive?
( I do the math fast in the windows calculator lol). Kinda sick that a freerol grinder makes more monies than you this year hehe.

Downswings lol
Are you saying in a 30 k sample there are downsings? In micros , that’s the thing I play filled with fish that don’t know the rules you can broke even in 30 k hands or lost, and ofc you play that in 3 days lol.
You have no idea what's been happening to me at the tables lately.
LOL micro fish thought that play 10k hands and say site is rigged LOL. Lately lol
Poker is not dead.  My Graph. Quote
12-16-2013 , 01:45 PM
just one more thing:
his hem winrate stats are for the last 100k hands.
now, if you look carefully at his graph, you'll find that at a point nearly exactly 100k hands before the end of the graphed period, both his winnings and all-in EV improve significantly compared to the previous ~80k hands. this means that his results/stats out-take would be even less impressive if he had chosen, for example, the last 120k, 140k or 150k hands(basically anywhere over 100k and under 200k.). looking closely at the graph it seems to me that the most impressive sample would have been the last 95k hands or so. but that would have seemed suspicious, so he chose the last 100k hands. (maybe he'd been planning for a while to post 'last 100k hands' stats at a point where his last 100k hands are most impressive, but recently lost confidence and didn't want to risk doing badly in the next 5k hands that would have completed the sample starting from the beginning of the upswing)

Last edited by Keruli; 12-16-2013 at 01:55 PM.
Poker is not dead.  My Graph. Quote
12-16-2013 , 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by YourDoom
I win at EV 10.8 bb/100 in 57k hands in 2012 - troll response "sample is too small means nothing"
You played in a year what most regs play in a month so yeah, it does not count.
Poker is not dead.  My Graph. Quote
12-17-2013 , 12:34 AM
Funny part to me is, the OP is clearly smart enough to know what's going on here yet is feigning defense and trying to make a case anyway even though he knows everyone is right. He thought this was still 2009 where people can post up a nice graph, get a lot of OOOO's and AHHHH's without scrutiny, then get flooded with a buncha PM's where he could direct them to his coaching page. He found out that he's out of touch with BBV (likely the same way he's out of touch with the current state of the games) and that those leads get you raised out your seat.
Poker is not dead.  My Graph. Quote
12-19-2013 , 07:41 AM
FAQ: With your winrate, why do you only play part time?

I've had so much success with online poker, I'm lucky enough to be able to live my life exactly how I want now. I'm turning 37 this month, and really have no interest in the daily grind anymore (if you don't understand that you probably will when you get older.)

Sure I'd certainly make more money if I closed to coaching, ignored my website and just grinded hands every day.

But I am so much more interested nowadays in improving my game by spending a lot of time thinking more about new and innovative tactics to use at the tables as well managing my website and helping others improve.

I find it much more rewarding to help people, to provide a product and a service and to hear people thank me over and over again for what I've done for them, than to sit at my computer just taking people's money all day.

As I've said before, I play what I consider optimal volume to keep my game current and sharp while maintaining a great life balance. I'm a better person playing part time and that's more important to me than money. (Again, when you get older you'll probably get that.)

Don't get me wrong, I'm not doing charity work here. I'm not trying to convince you that I'm the Dalai Lama with no interest in profit. I get paid well for my coaching time and my videos.

I'm just more interested in reaching my goal of being the best damn poker coach in the world charging less than $1000/hour and making the most popular and successful videos of their kind.

I use the word "reaching" bc I believe in being humble, having a very small ego and to always pushing myself to be better, but I assure you some would say that I've already reached that goal.
He's newest posts at coaching thread are just lolz.

And ofc some valid critic posts get deleted from his coaching thread.
Poker is not dead.  My Graph. Quote
12-19-2013 , 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by Pokerman1992
He's newest posts at coaching thread are just lolz.

And ofc some valid critic posts get deleted from his coaching thread.
I think this guy is a scam. Why do the posts get deleted?
Poker is not dead.  My Graph. Quote
12-19-2013 , 11:39 AM
Oh he's definitely a scam.
Poker is not dead.  My Graph. Quote
12-19-2013 , 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by 3BetBluffing
I think this guy is a scam. Why do the posts get deleted?
Because twoplustwo doesn't mind being part of a scam as long as the money keeps coming in.
Poker is not dead.  My Graph. Quote
12-19-2013 , 12:36 PM

Last edited by 00001; 12-19-2013 at 12:37 PM. Reason: can u post your coach graph for 2013 op?
Poker is not dead.  My Graph. Quote
12-19-2013 , 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by 00001
Lol @ people paying for this loser's "coaching." So sad because isn't he expensive too?
Poker is not dead.  My Graph. Quote
12-19-2013 , 12:41 PM
even OP knows he's an assclown now.

He cant even make **** up to defend himself anymore.

WP 00001
Poker is not dead.  My Graph. Quote
12-19-2013 , 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by 3BetBluffing
Lol @ people paying for this loser's "coaching." So sad because isn't he expensive too?
no, just 300€ per hour.
Poker is not dead.  My Graph. Quote
12-19-2013 , 12:58 PM

Poker is not dead.  My Graph. Quote
12-19-2013 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by 00001

Can he even do anything if the "pirate" lives abroad?
Poker is not dead.  My Graph. Quote
12-19-2013 , 01:03 PM
the popular web site lolz
agent of ydp LOL

Last edited by 00001; 12-19-2013 at 01:04 PM. Reason: lol
Poker is not dead.  My Graph. Quote
12-19-2013 , 01:26 PM
100% sure moneymakers didn't confiscate anything. Moneymakers does not give a **** unless an account was hacked and even then.

I know people who've done horrible things and were caught and all they did was freeze the account temporally
Poker is not dead.  My Graph. Quote
