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Poker Essay = k Poker Essay = k

09-13-2007 , 02:10 AM
Why I Deserve $5,000

Cliff notes: Poker has given me friends/money. In turn, I have given back to the game. Now it’s time for poker to reward me again. Let’s let the cycle continue.

I deserve $5,000 because:
I have given back to the poker community.
I have worked hard to improve my own game.

Giving Back

Poker is a great game that rewards discipline, hard work and risk-taking. It also allows the bad players to get lucky and have false hope. I enjoy the problem solving that goes on during a hand and discussing different lines to take on this forum.

Poker has given me opportunities that I would not have had otherwise. I’ve met some interesting people through casual games and was able to replace my POS computer with winnings.

Recently I have put together a private online tournament league. The buy-in is small and the atmosphere is chatty. I video-record the games with my commentary and post them on my website. Players can watch me an aggressive style, get inside my head and learn something.

Several of the players are new to poker and I’m doing what I can to help them out. One lady wasn’t sure about putting money up to play so I transferred her enough to cover her buy-in and a rebuy/add-on.

Another player is new to online poker. He e-mailed me after the first tournament and said he really enjoyed the experience and looks forward to week two of the league. He liked it so much that his newbie son created a poker account and is registered for his first online poker tournament.

I told the father to make sure his hand histories are being saved and that I would be happy to look over his cash game/sit-and-go hands. He said he appreciated the offer and wanted his play to be critiqued.

I think this poker league is a win-win-win-win situation.

Full Tilt is getting free advertising and gaining new customers.

The Two Plus Two community will have new (and presumably weaker) players to sit in their games.

Some of the newer players who get my free coaching will become successful tight/loose aggressive players and will eventually start to make money. The father can take his family on a trip or buy his wife something nice with his winnings.

I expect to place well in the fifteen-week tournament league and make money. In addition, I enjoy editing the audio and video and building my website.

Working Hard

I remember being the typical fish before I started to read books and post on Two Plus Two. I was weaker than Alley McBeal and tighter than a good girl. I would shove with the nuts, bet with top pair and min bet when I was on a draw. Loosing a buy-in would churn my stomach and winning 50 big bets would turn me into Rocky Balboa as I pummeled the air.

One day I decided that I would go into the book store and see if anyone ever wrote a book about poker. I saw one that had a picture of cash bundles, $500 chips and a royal flush on the cover. That looked like a winner to me. I turned it over and examined the price tag: $24.95. “Hmmm. Is that really worth it? I mean I can go to the movies and eat dinner for that much?” I decided that I would download a pirated video and eat some macaroni and cheese that weekend. I walked up to the cash register with Ken Warren Teaches Texas Hold’em (Two Plus Two who???).

I was fascinated by the odds and thought Ken Warren was a genius for telling me the secret of the continuation bet. Soon after Sklansky, Malmuth, Miller, Krieger and Jones become my constant companions.

I found Two Plus Two when I was a sit-and-go player and was amazed that people made enough from poker to take trips, buy clothes and cars from poker. 2p2 became my official homepage and I would read all the SSNL and STT posts that were newer than four years old that had more than fifteen posts. My desktop soon was littered with icons such as Party Poker, Poker Stove, Poker Tracker and Sit-and-Go Power tools.

After absorbing all I could from previous posts I started to actively offer advice to posts in uNL. A lot someone posting a HH from 10nl or 50nl will ask an obvious question and will get short answers like: Snap call, fold, lol, nit, etc.

I was that clueless player at one time and try to help the newbie out. In posts I try to say why I would fold/bet/raise – even if the answer is obvious. I remember a recent hand where the hero raised pf and got min 3b. Hero continuation bet and got min-raised on the flop and called. Hero bet smallish on the turn and got pushed on and called. He got five responses totaling seven words: Fold. Fold. Duh. Easy fold. Turbo-muck. The fold answer should have been enough for the hand in question but he obviously wouldn’t have taken the time to post it if he didn’t want an explanation. I mentioned villain’s stats and discussed what a min 3b pre-flop followed by a min raise on the flop usually means at the micro stakes. When he called the min-raise showing interest, the villain thought it was a good time to go for the kill. It might have taken an extra minute to type that out for him, but hopefully it will help him think about how previous betting actions affect the current street.


I was the fish waiting to be caught. With the help of books and Two Plus Two I am looking to set my hook. I now try to help players who are completely new to the world of online poker (through my poker league and free coaching) as well as getting into discussion in the uNL forum.

I hope you are still in a generous mood.

PM me for screen name.

09-13-2007 , 02:12 AM

gl lololol
09-13-2007 , 02:12 AM
die, whatever you have done generously to others is negated by this post.
09-13-2007 , 02:13 AM
09-13-2007 , 02:14 AM
1012 words. Just like "The Price Is Right" going over the actual amount needed results in immediate death.
09-13-2007 , 02:15 AM
heres why i deserve $5k

1) suck my dick
09-13-2007 , 02:16 AM
heres why i deserve $5k

1) suck my dick
2) Repeat #1
09-13-2007 , 02:16 AM
lol pretty sure spb barely has enough cash to buy a chalupa at taco bell
09-13-2007 , 02:17 AM
There was a post a while ago asking for essays of 1,000 words.

This is my submission.

I wouldn't do just anything for money

09-13-2007 , 02:18 AM
lol pretty sure spb barely has enough cash to buy a chalupa at taco bell
Gimmick request or not, it's all good.
09-13-2007 , 02:22 AM
are we doing this again
09-13-2007 , 02:24 AM
are we doing this again
Yeah, go for it.

Rip it apart.

Good luck.
09-13-2007 , 02:25 AM
heres why i deserve $5k

1) suckah suckah dick yall
2) refer to #1

09-13-2007 , 02:48 AM
whos gonna give him 5k?
09-13-2007 , 03:26 AM
<3 edd and conspire.. this guys is terrible at poker rite?
09-13-2007 , 03:27 AM
this guys is terrible at poker rite?
Obv or else I'd be the one offering $5k.

The poster also has posts in uNL. Coincidence?
09-13-2007 , 06:59 AM
[x] op Die
09-13-2007 , 08:02 AM
[x] Op failed to write a 1000 words essay by 12 words
[x] Op would sell body for sex
09-13-2007 , 09:49 AM
no begging
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