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***One of minions should have started an october thread lc/nc nsfw*** ***One of minions should have started an october thread lc/nc nsfw***

10-04-2015 , 01:29 AM
10-04-2015 , 01:30 AM
10-04-2015 , 01:31 AM
10-04-2015 , 01:32 AM
10-04-2015 , 01:33 AM
10-04-2015 , 01:34 AM
10-04-2015 , 02:09 AM
All you classic nits asleep or what? I degened up $31 on parlays and teasers that can make me $700, a 3 team teaser 6.5pts (NYJ, OAK, CIN) a 7 team parlay (NYJ, OAK, CIN, CLE, MIN, ARI, DAL) which is part of the bovada 50k parlay jackpot which I think is up to 100k. And a 7 team teaser 7pts with the teams from my parlay except DAL who I swapped for GB.
10-04-2015 , 02:18 AM
10-04-2015 , 03:04 AM
Nice batch, Nat.
10-04-2015 , 03:18 AM
Originally Posted by Natamus
my eyes!
10-04-2015 , 03:33 AM
It looked bigger on my screen
10-04-2015 , 03:34 AM
That's what she said
10-04-2015 , 07:51 AM

Last edited by suitedjustice; 10-04-2015 at 07:52 AM. Reason: Well memed, sir. Well memed.
10-04-2015 , 07:57 AM
Hold down ctrl, scroll mouse wheel up, read, scroll mouse wheel down, easy game.

Originally Posted by Natamus
Unless you're on a phone. In which case, buy tiny mouse for your phone.
10-04-2015 , 08:27 AM
GL Dan. Be sure to post a trip report.
10-04-2015 , 10:11 AM
This kid is good; lost his firefighter dad on 9/11 and makes it part of his act. That takes some cajones: fine line between dealing with the pain and being an opportunistic sociopath, and he walks it perfectly.

10-04-2015 , 10:39 AM
My liver is gonna hate me when this booze wears off. Been drinking since 2pm on Friday. Waking up still drunk ftw
10-04-2015 , 12:48 PM
I am still drunk and drinking again as well
10-04-2015 , 01:17 PM
Drinking, ordering pizza at the shop across the street. They only know me as a drunk, because I drive somewhere else for food when I'm not drinking.

It's a small town so I want to keep my rep as drunk to as few places as possible. I've already burned myself down at the local McDonalds trying to order double Whoppers, but their turnover is so big I can probably come back in 6 months with a fresh rep.

Last edited by suitedjustice; 10-04-2015 at 01:24 PM.
10-04-2015 , 03:47 PM
I ❤️ Charles Woodson
10-04-2015 , 03:50 PM
its quiet, too quiet
10-04-2015 , 04:19 PM
The thread is anticipating Dan's update from Daytona Beach
10-04-2015 , 05:17 PM
10-04-2015 , 05:35 PM
Collective hangover has set in. Omfg. Definitely might be died.
10-04-2015 , 05:36 PM
Side note: rrreeeeeebelllllls
