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Michael Carroll owes me 1000 bucks and won't pay up Michael Carroll owes me 1000 bucks and won't pay up

01-03-2010 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by 99killed
****ty jeans imo
Michael Carroll owes me 1000 bucks and won't pay up Quote
01-03-2010 , 06:48 PM
Don't try to bluff the black man!!! - Michael Carroll

I am not racist but geez.. why does everything have to be black this black that.. pro black that. If some white person said, oops I tried to bluff the black man.. race card would be pulled in .0001 seconds flat.
Michael Carroll owes me 1000 bucks and won't pay up Quote
01-03-2010 , 07:58 PM
Anyone under the age of 60 really has no idea what racism is. Its a total disrespect to their ancestors who actually endured racism for some of the punks today to bring out the race card just cuz something didn't go down the way they like. America is so racist obama is president.
Michael Carroll owes me 1000 bucks and won't pay up Quote
01-03-2010 , 08:01 PM
oh THAT michael carroll.

that guy is a ****ing chump.

possible ways to resolve:

a) realise he's a **** and you won't get your money
b) hunt him down and steal $1,000 worth of posessions from him
c) hunt him down and kill him (worth $1,000 to me and others i'd guess, we can do a whipround)
d) hunt down his family (and him ldo) kill them all

Whichever you choose, we NEED PICS.

Michael Carroll owes me 1000 bucks and won't pay up Quote
01-03-2010 , 08:06 PM
Can I have the post numbers that Douchebag ... I mean ... Mike Carroll made ITT?

Michael Carroll owes me 1000 bucks and won't pay up Quote
01-04-2010 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by RIVERH8SME
Anyone under the age of 60 really has no idea what racism is. Its a total disrespect to their ancestors who actually endured racism for some of the punks today to bring out the race card just cuz something didn't go down the way they like. America is so racist obama is president.
You are a moron. Pres. Obama won because white people DID vote for him. If they hadn't, he never would have won.
Michael Carroll owes me 1000 bucks and won't pay up Quote
01-04-2010 , 03:18 PM
Update: Still waiting for my money.
Michael Carroll owes me 1000 bucks and won't pay up Quote
05-25-2010 , 12:41 AM
I need an update on the status of this item. It is unacceptable for this debt to continue to be outstanding. Do we need to escalate this issue to a higher poker authority than these forums? What steps have the mods taken to help resolve this issue?
Michael Carroll owes me 1000 bucks and won't pay up Quote
05-25-2010 , 01:07 AM

Lottery winning dustman Carroll's broke and signing on

LOTTO lout Mikey Carroll is broke and back on the DOLE after blowing nearly £10 million in just seven years.

And the tattooed ex-dustman claims he's HAPPIER being penniless - and wants to return to his old job on the bins.

He said: "The party has ended and it's back to reality,"

The tattooed yob reveals today how he squandered a fortune on DRUGS, GAMBLING and 2,000 HOOKERS after scooping £9.7 million in 2002.

"I haven't got two pennies to rub together and that's the way I like it. I find it easier to live off £42 dole than a million."

Carroll, 26, was down to his last £500,000 cash in 2008 and had just his £400,000 fleet of luxury cars left last year. But he sold them and soon frittered away the money.


"I'm just glad it's over," he said as he revealed the full extent of his astonishing spending spree - and his sordid life as a millionaire.

Carroll gave away £5 million to family and friends - but added: "There were also vultures everywhere after my cash," he said. "I started to see what people were really like."

But he soon concentrated his spending on what really turned him on.

"I only started to think about three things - drugs, sex and gold," he boasted.

By the end of 2003, he was smoking £2,000 of crack cocaine every day and hosting drug and booze fuelled parties at his £325,000 home, the notorious Grange.

"The dealer who introduced me to CRACK has more of my lotto money that I do," laughed Carroll whose three-year drugs spree cost him £230,000.

"He handed me my first bag of the stuff for free then he hiked up the price every time he came back. He knew what he was doing - but it blew my mind." By then his fed-up wife Sandra had walked out on him and took their baby daughter Brooke to her parent's home in Scotland. They are now divorced.

So in came the HOOKERS. He bragged he was bedding up to four a day - a total of £100,000 satisfying his drug-fuelled lust.

He added: "I could go for days without sleeping because of the drugs - so I would just spend night and day s******g with all these hookers". His other weakness was gold BLING which he spent £200,000 on. During one wild party, he handed out gold anklets worth around £200 each to all the women he had bedded.

"I loved gold and wanted all my girls to wear it as well," he smiled. "My favourite is a thick chain with a bulldog on. It weighed a ton but I wore it even when I was having sex."

"I would buy these huge necklaces. One cost me around £9,000 and another around £2,000. All of it was robbed in 2004. There was about £100,000 worth of gold stolen. But the next day I went out and bought it all again."

His addictions also included gambling. He also lost a shocking £1 MILLION on the dogs and horses. And the soccer fan even pumped £1 MILLION into his favourite football team, Rangers.

Carroll was dubbed the King of Chavs because of his antics and wild parties at his mansion in Downham Market, Norfolk.


He built a £200,000 swimming pool and decked the eight-bedroom home it out with almost £300,000 worth of boys' toys including seven widescreen TVs, a Jacuzzi and huge sound systems for parties. And the gardens were turned into a dirt track where he and his pals would race old bangers in between a string of lads' holidays to Spain which cost him £50,000.

But in 2004, the parties which cost him £300,000 were put on hold as Carroll was jailed for five months for cocaine possession. Two years later he was locked up for nine months for affray. He believes he has spent around £55,000 on legal fees.

"Being inside is s*** when you've got money on the outside," he said. "You don't want to be in a tiny room, you want to be spending."

In 2008, thugs killed 12 of his dogs and ran him out of his lavish home and he has never returned. Instead it stands vandalised and derelict with his £200,000 pool filled with rubbish.

He now lives in his other smaller home, but has no regrets. "It's a bit strange going on the dole again because that's what I was doing before I won," he said.

"I've lived the high life but I want my job back and to earn a normal wage. I'll do anything to earn a pound or two now."
Michael Carroll owes me 1000 bucks and won't pay up Quote
05-25-2010 , 01:50 AM
black poker players... dimitri nobles, btch that took an hr folding kjs for all her chips, michael carrol, phil ivey is only good black player ive ever witnessed. oh and the ice man. looool. i kno theres got to b more good black players..
Michael Carroll owes me 1000 bucks and won't pay up Quote
05-25-2010 , 02:14 AM
BBV used to be cool
Michael Carroll owes me 1000 bucks and won't pay up Quote
05-25-2010 , 02:41 AM
God he sounded like such a D-bag in the video.

Stop being a little girl and pay back the 1k.
Michael Carroll owes me 1000 bucks and won't pay up Quote
05-25-2010 , 03:25 AM
Is he related to this guy
Michael Carroll owes me 1000 bucks and won't pay up Quote
05-25-2010 , 04:08 AM
[x] rewatching WOSP 2008... pretty funny thread
Michael Carroll owes me 1000 bucks and won't pay up Quote
05-25-2010 , 04:54 AM
Originally Posted by 99killed
gobo need to pull his right sock up imo
Michael Carroll owes me 1000 bucks and won't pay up Quote
05-25-2010 , 08:14 AM
never, under any circumstances, bluff the black man
Michael Carroll owes me 1000 bucks and won't pay up Quote
05-25-2010 , 08:22 AM
Saying "dun bluff the black guy" after sucking out on the nuts might be the most ridiculable thing I've ever heard.

Originally Posted by Poopy_Pants
gobo need to pull his right sock up imo
lol nice find.
Michael Carroll owes me 1000 bucks and won't pay up Quote
05-25-2010 , 08:39 AM
Originally Posted by NGriv3r
Different Michael Carroll.....but still a tosser!
Michael Carroll owes me 1000 bucks and won't pay up Quote
05-25-2010 , 09:17 AM
get dog the bounty hunter on him!
Michael Carroll owes me 1000 bucks and won't pay up Quote
05-25-2010 , 09:22 AM
Great thread, can anyone suggest similar good threads, I wanna kill some time at work
Michael Carroll owes me 1000 bucks and won't pay up Quote
05-25-2010 , 10:28 AM
he still hasn't responded ? what an ass.
Michael Carroll owes me 1000 bucks and won't pay up Quote
05-25-2010 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by RUSH HUDSON
You are a moron. Pres. Obama won because white people DID vote for him. If they hadn't, he never would have won.
yes WHITE people did vote for him but that is not the reason he won....It was the additional 3-4 million uneducated votes that won him the election.

wake up and smell the oil
Michael Carroll owes me 1000 bucks and won't pay up Quote
05-25-2010 , 10:37 AM
can someone explain teh russian post. Or would it only be funny to people who speak Russian?
Michael Carroll owes me 1000 bucks and won't pay up Quote
