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Lucy's Fur Tourney Results Lucy's Fur Tourney Results

07-02-2024 , 09:42 PM

Collected $20.64 in bounties, and got $9.7 for finishing first.

Honestly really happy with this placement. At some point I had 80k chips, and the person in second had 20k, so I started OBS and actually recorded the entire ending. About an hour of footage.

I've been not doing so well with variance/skill whatever. Losing straights to river full houses, and the sort of stuff that makes you question if you can even play poker.

This really boosted my morale for the time being.
Lucy's Fur Tourney Results Quote
07-05-2024 , 04:13 PM
Lucy's Fur Tourney Results Quote
07-08-2024 , 12:47 PM
GUYS. I just won another! The 'Daily SC 750 Guaranteed [Progressive Bounty]'

I made over 220 dollars; and $126 of it was from bounties. I had the highest bounty total at final table; through to finishing 1st!!!!!!

Last edited by Lucy's Fur; 07-08-2024 at 01:13 PM.
Lucy's Fur Tourney Results Quote
07-21-2024 , 12:32 PM
Event starts; Few hands in, I call small blind wide. I hit 2p. Guy goes all in on rainbow board; I'm not worried about a set. He has top pair; I double up off him, we swap positions for stack size. He proceeds to berate me for 10 minutes; until I knock him out of the tourney, the table laughed because we all recognized he'd be steaming from me specifically eliminating him.

I go through just about mid stacked most of it; almost get knocked out; revive from 12k chips up to a few hundred k chips when I get a series of decent hands (extremely late game)

At least twice I had luck with worse hands; the rest of the times I folded; or I had better hand from time we went in. The lucky times were the 12k chip all in, that got me away from low stack; and the start of the tournament when i knocked the rager out. He had KK, I had AK, donked 2 aces; no kings hit board. Had he won that; chat would have definitely been unbearable moving forward; but i'd have stayed in because i had more than 2x his chip stack at that point.

Pic related; also; couldn't post for a few days after donking it; because I was banned for trolling and 2+2 mods need to touch grass.

Also placed 41 or 43 last night in one of the GOATS; but it's a measly $25. Good money is at final table; and truthfully; at top 3/top 5.

Aggro guy berated me for calling wide in small blind; I explained 'i was in position to; they say call blinds wide; not call bb wide'.

He then mocked me for not knowing position; because I was first to act; he erroneously assumed I meant action position. I think others knew what I was stating; and I think he did too, but it's easier to straw man the play and try to make me appear dumb. I clarified again; I was in position to call wide; if you're talking action I was not' and that kind of killed it other than his insults that devolved into name calling solely.

Very happy with results and if he sees this; I donked third on the tourny you went off on me for 10 solid minutes and that I knocked you out of. My name is Satan, Woohoo! : )

Last edited by Lucy's Fur; 07-21-2024 at 12:47 PM. Reason: formatting after the fact because im dumb
Lucy's Fur Tourney Results Quote
07-21-2024 , 12:51 PM
Okay, nice

Last edited by Parasense; 07-21-2024 at 12:51 PM. Reason: May Jesus the lord save your satanic soul
Lucy's Fur Tourney Results Quote
07-21-2024 , 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by Parasense
Last edited by Parasense; Today at 04:51 PM. Reason: May Jesus the lord save your satanic soul
Lucy's Fur Tourney Results Quote
07-22-2024 , 02:34 AM
Just placed 4th in the Night Freeze SC 2,000 Guaranteed for 187.2 SC

All the cash I lost playing the GOAT series and not making good ITM status has been replenished from my last big win +$8 profit; WOOT!!
Lucy's Fur Tourney Results Quote
07-24-2024 , 03:04 AM
Just donked another 2nd place for $339

Bankroll now over $1200

My sharkscope now puts my ability at 71.

Last edited by Lucy's Fur; 07-24-2024 at 03:13 AM.
Lucy's Fur Tourney Results Quote
07-26-2024 , 03:13 AM

I know mods will be merging threads; do me a favor; merge other one into this one please; not the other way around. Thanks! Sharkscope graph and stats below! Moving from SNG's to tournaments has skyrocketed both my profit and my ability rating.

Lucy's Fur Tourney Results Quote
07-26-2024 , 03:57 AM
This is a relevant text conversation from said game.

Lucy's Fur Tourney Results Quote
07-26-2024 , 05:40 AM
Originally Posted by Lucy's Fur
I know mods will be merging threads; do me a favor; merge other one into this one please; not the other way around. Thanks!
That is not possible. But I can rename this thread, if you like.
Lucy's Fur Tourney Results Quote
07-26-2024 , 10:37 AM
Originally Posted by Sheep86
That is not possible. But I can rename this thread, if you like.
Yes please; can you rename it "LucysFur Tourney Results"?

Then I would feel better just placing the updates in this thread; but when it's labeled the little one results; it's misleading.
Lucy's Fur Tourney Results Quote
07-28-2024 , 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by Sheep86
That is not possible. But I can rename this thread, if you like.
Thank you for renaming the thread, it's perfect.
Lucy's Fur Tourney Results Quote
07-28-2024 , 02:11 PM
Small 3rd place win from this morning; mixed with a relevant chat from tourney.

Last edited by Lucy's Fur; 07-28-2024 at 02:17 PM. Reason: posted wrong tourney win
Lucy's Fur Tourney Results Quote
07-31-2024 , 01:29 AM
rough couple of days; but hit a first again

Lucy's Fur Tourney Results Quote
08-04-2024 , 02:07 PM

Another first; just breaking even right now mostly....and it's pissing me off.

Of note; my highest pocket pair was 88 all game. The others were 33, 22, and 44; there was a 66 in there as well.

Last edited by Lucy's Fur; 08-04-2024 at 02:27 PM.
Lucy's Fur Tourney Results Quote
08-06-2024 , 02:50 AM
final tabled in the mystery for about 100; then final tabled 3rd for 474.

Now at new ATH bankroll; (2283.40)

I think I could have gotten 2nd had I made one better decision; but I also don't think it was the wrong decision per se; just...I could have found a better opportunity than the one i took and got eliminated for 3rd.

Holy moly; My ability rating is now 75!!! (I play 11 SC entry; and occasionally 22 SC entry; but 95% or more are 11 SC)

Last edited by Lucy's Fur; 08-06-2024 at 02:58 AM. Reason: Added ability rating
Lucy's Fur Tourney Results Quote
08-06-2024 , 04:18 AM
How much is the fish?

How much is SC?

Congrats on well done!
Lucy's Fur Tourney Results Quote
08-06-2024 , 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by Parasense
How much is the fish?

How much is SC?

Congrats on well done!
1SC is $1. Global has a weird sweepstakes model to make it legal in US.
Lucy's Fur Tourney Results Quote
08-07-2024 , 12:22 AM
Came second in mystery bounty; but had about double the SC of the guy in first; because I knocked more players out and got the top bounties.

+540 SC.

Lucy's Fur Tourney Results Quote
08-11-2024 , 08:28 PM
Bankroll @roughly 2500 but wouldn't be without ring games.

Bad tourney runs, hitting final tables in some but just barely is -EV. I'm playing less tourneys because i'm a bit burnt out from extremely long games that last hours only to not get Top 3. Top 3 or bust IMO.

Here is a full stack from a ring game; which are keeping me break even during the tourney losses.

Hand Review: Called 5bb bet; then a reraise to 15bb bet occurred. What kept me in the hand was that if I made my hand; I'd likely have a solid hand that could then stack these guys who are representing premiums. I'd get stacked by quite a few hands; but....those hands would be semi-obvious; and mine would not be as obvious in some situations; like the one that happened to occur.

Flop comes; I flopped the straight.

I figured they would raise; but neither did. This was confusing because they represented really strong starting hands, and they are likely to raise to get any weakness out.

This made me think they are either trapping with an overpair; or they have an underpair and something hit that can beat it. Also considered AK/AQ as possible nemesis hands.

I ruled out flush draw because if they had a flush draw they would have built pot by making some sort of bet.

Bet roughly 30bb (70%ish pot)

One folds; One calls. 2 hits. still rainbow board.

The nemesis goes all in; I call. nemesis had 99 pocket pair.

River is Q; Rainbow board.

J9 could have been a problem; but at the time we went all in; it was not. (Pic related)

Some movie tried recreating this hand; but they got the cards wrong. They use 89spades to flop nut straight; and in reality it was 79spades to flop nut straight. 2 on the turn was correct.

I do look exactly like Matt Damon though; they got that exactly right. That was exactly how it happened.

Last edited by Lucy's Fur; 08-11-2024 at 08:37 PM.
Lucy's Fur Tourney Results Quote
08-17-2024 , 09:21 AM
Down 800 playing cash games; still going to play them for time being.

Being a winning tournament player is legitimately boring; and I'd rather figure out cash games. I just need to stay in the right pool; and not play outside my bankroll.

Of the -800; I'd say 3 or 4 buyins (about $150-200) was lost to bad decisions related to tilt.

The others are classic cash game behavior for myself. I'm talking AA over my KK, we have KK crack my AA, we have my QQ vs their 44 and they flop a 4; I had aces 3 times on bb, and 3 times it was folded into me. Another instance was my 2p vs his top pair on turn. We all in; he hits on river for a better 2p.

..Aside from the roughly $200 I punted, legitimately bad variance beyond what I'm capable of outplaying.

Tournaments I can win in that format; but I've gotta be honest; I ****ING HATE THEM. There is one issue that really needs to be outed in relation to tourneys; but that's not my place, and I'm not ready to tell people.

I hate playing poker for hours to maybe get final table, and maybe get top 3. Every other tournament where top 3 isn't achieved is just stupid; it's not fun, it's boring. It's such a negative time sink even with a positive ROI for that format. I'd legitimately rather watch paint dry than play tournaments for the time being; and it's the only format I'm 'proven' profitable in.

As far as the tourney issue that needs be outed; I'm 99% sure someone already did; but nobody listened to the player. I won't be discussing it until I'm ready to del my acc. I wanted to get up to 10k from tourneys before discussing it; and I still might, but for time being I'm avoiding playing tournaments, and am getting my ass kicked in cash games.
Lucy's Fur Tourney Results Quote
08-18-2024 , 12:16 AM

I'm so f'n pissed. This isn't the first time in 2 days AA over my KK, it's also not the second. It's the third in cash games. I've won no premium pocket pairs in my cash games; and it's killed my bankroll.


I'm taking all funds out at 1k bankroll and quitting. I don't like it when I get this variance, and I've never sun run to the extent I've been on the wrong side. I ran most the hands I lost all in on through an equity calculator after the fact. I'm making the right decisions; and I'm just not getting on the right side of it many times; or I'm running into what occurred here.
Lucy's Fur Tourney Results Quote
08-18-2024 , 09:30 PM
Lucy's Fur Tourney Results Quote
08-18-2024 , 11:58 PM
1st in the sunday huntsman for +600 SC. Makes up some of the -1500 from cash games. I just wish tournaments weren't so's a huge time commitment.

Lucy's Fur Tourney Results Quote
