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LOL American players LOL American players

07-28-2008 , 01:37 AM
i want ob to win but do you think that usa will elect a black president i doubt it. they elected bush twice

Originally Posted by Poker Clif
I think that the USA is even less flawed than you present Yes, injustice exists. But in most respects, we are the freest, most open nation on earth, both politically and economically.

1. Political freedom and openness. We are pretty much unrivaled in ths area. If you think otherwise, compare our free press, and access to goverment to, say, Canada (or England) where they have something called, if I remember right, "The Official Secrets Act".

2. Racism and predijuce. We have some work to do here, but the level of antisemitism in most European countries simply does not exist. Nothing is denied because of race, sex, or beliefs here. In 2009 we could have a Democrat black president, or a Republican mormon vice-president.

And if you think resentment of immigrants is a problem in the US, it's worse in most other countires. (England)

3. Economic freedom and opportunity. A Japanese man told me that it's almost impossible to change careers as a 30-year old. (That man was working on a master's degree at a US university). Some Scandavian countries have tax rates well over 50% (you're not really free if you can't control your own money).

By the way, China, that shining example of new success and economic freedom (gag!) tells children that they will become olympic atheletes (neither they nor their parents are given a choice), censors access to the internet, and jails christian pastors.

There is indeed lots of opportunity in China--unless someone from the goverment taps you on the shoulder and says that you don't get those choices.

It's a slam dunk. USA wins. Game over.
LOL American players Quote
07-28-2008 , 01:40 AM
Originally Posted by Poker Clif
I think that the USA is even less flawed than you present Yes, injustice exists. But in most respects, we are the freest, most open nation on earth, both politically and economically.

1. Political freedom and openness. We are pretty much unrivaled in ths area. If you think otherwise, compare our free press, and access to goverment to, say, Canada (or England) where they have something called, if I remember right, "The Official Secrets Act".

2. Racism and predijuce. We have some work to do here, but the level of antisemitism in most European countries simply does not exist. Nothing is denied because of race, sex, or beliefs here. In 2009 we could have a Democrat black president, or a Republican mormon vice-president.

And if you think resentment of immigrants is a problem in the US, it's worse in most other countires. (England)

3. Economic freedom and opportunity. A Japanese man told me that it's almost impossible to change careers as a 30-year old. (That man was working on a master's degree at a US university). Some Scandavian countries have tax rates well over 50% (you're not really free if you can't control your own money).

By the way, China, that shining example of new success and economic freedom (gag!) tells children that they will become olympic atheletes (neither they nor their parents are given a choice), censors access to the internet, and jails christian pastors.

There is indeed lots of opportunity in China--unless someone from the goverment taps you on the shoulder and says that you don't get those choices.

It's a slam dunk. USA wins. Game over.
????? OMG seriously... who brainwashed you into thinking all this?? And it looks like you actually believe it too..

The U.S. is not the most free country in the world.. At all.. Just because you list some definitions and a story about an Asian man doesn't mean America is the ****.. And are you serious??! You think a black person can't be a political leader in a European country???? lol... The values you name are just BASIC in ANY Western country over the WHOLE world, idiot..

Take a look at and see for yourself.. These are facts.. Now replace your illusions with these facts about your "greatest country in the world" and show a little respect..

After that, take a look around in the world.. Try looking behind that arrogance mask you wear.. Maybe then you realize that your America is not as great as you were brainwashed into thinking.. lol...

Last edited by breadandbutter; 07-28-2008 at 01:49 AM.
LOL American players Quote
07-28-2008 , 02:56 AM
LOL American players Quote
07-28-2008 , 05:13 AM
Originally Posted by jasonfish11
I think he was refering to the modern combustion engine when he said car.

By plane Im assuming he means first usable plane (a drawing isnt really going to work very good)

The internet was 100% originated in the US I have no freakin idea why you would think its Britain.

Everyone probably thinks the internet originates from the US military or some Ivy League dorm room. Correct answer is actually CERN in Switzerland created it.
LOL American players Quote
07-28-2008 , 09:54 AM
The www was invented by an englishman at CERN. tcp/ip was invented in america (with the help of university college london I might add)

But yeah, lol americans
LOL American players Quote
07-28-2008 , 09:58 AM
omg it reminds me why I hate americans. FRANCE POWAAAAAA


LOL American players Quote
07-28-2008 , 10:01 AM
Originally Posted by iSTRONG
FO' SHO!!!
LOL American players Quote
07-28-2008 , 10:59 AM
The Americans elected and kept George Bush in office. Enough said.
The UK kept Tony Blair in office, though whilst not a bad PM, was a complete lapdog for Bush. Now they've let Gordon Brown deny them a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty because they're too afraid too actually do something about it (though they'll happily moan in their newspapers).
The French...well...they elected President Sarkozy, the little man with the napoleon complex and a drinking problem who is pushing the Lisbon Treaty through without asking his citizens for a vote despite them voting against a document that was 96% the same 2 years ago...and are they doing anything about that? Nah, but sure the French are only good for one thing (surrendering).

What do all three have in common? They're all ruled by absolute idiots, who've been elected by the population (and therefore a direct representation of the citizens in their respective countries) and are slowly letting their countries turn to **** due them having little control over immigration and other economic policies.

The world looked on in awe as Bush invaded a country on a lie, despite this Britain was soon following them over with Tony Blair hoping to impress Bush by licking up to him, regardless of how many UK citizens he got killed for this lie so lol @ Brits critisizing Americans and vice versa.

Originally Posted by Poker Clif
Nothing is denied because of race, sex, or beliefs here
Oh really? I'm sure there's quite a few Black Americans who'd disagree with you on that.

As is stands, neither America nor Britain have much to brag about. Historically, perhaps, but, not at all.
LOL American players Quote
07-28-2008 , 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by BuddyQ
Brits still have the worst teeth:

(Brit MP with GWB)

[ ]Brit MP
[x] former belgain prime minister
LOL American players Quote
07-28-2008 , 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by higherkicker
Worst post ever GTFO
LOL American players Quote
07-28-2008 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by Wolitzer
The Americans elected and kept George Bush in office. Enough said.
The UK kept Tony Blair in office, though whilst not a bad PM, was a complete lapdog for Bush. Now they've let Gordon Brown deny them a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty because they're too afraid too actually do something about it (though they'll happily moan in their newspapers).
The French...well...they elected President Sarkozy, the little man with the napoleon complex and a drinking problem who is pushing the Lisbon Treaty through without asking his citizens for a vote despite them voting against a document that was 96% the same 2 years ago...and are they doing anything about that? Nah, but sure the French are only good for one thing (surrendering).

What do all three have in common? They're all ruled by absolute idiots, who've been elected by the population (and therefore a direct representation of the citizens in their respective countries) and are slowly letting their countries turn to **** due them having little control over immigration and other economic policies.

The world looked on in awe as Bush invaded a country on a lie, despite this Britain was soon following them over with Tony Blair hoping to impress Bush by licking up to him, regardless of how many UK citizens he got killed for this lie so lol @ Brits critisizing Americans and vice versa.

Oh really? I'm sure there's quite a few Black Americans who'd disagree with you on that.

As is stands, neither America nor Britain have much to brag about. Historically, perhaps, but, not at all.
you sucker, GTFO.

god i hate you
LOL American players Quote
07-28-2008 , 07:35 PM
Originally Posted by 1dentifier
The www was invented by an englishman at CERN. tcp/ip was invented in america (with the help of university college london I might add)

But yeah, lol americans
[STFU, everyone knows Al Gore invented the Internet.]

Yes, yes the 'world wide web' but we are talking about the Internet.

"The Internet and Transmission Control Protocols were initially developed in 1973 by American computer scientist Vinton Cerf as part of a project sponsored by the United States Department of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) and directed by American engineer Robert Kahn."

The Internet began as a computer network of ARPA (ARPAnet) that linked computer networks at several universities and research laboratories in the United States. The World Wide Web was developed in 1989 by English computer scientist Timothy Berners-Lee for the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)."

"The design of the Internet was done in 1973 and published in 1974. There ensued about 10 years of hard work, resulting in the roll out of Internet in 1983. Prior to that, a number of demonstrations were made of the technology - such as the first three-network interconnection demonstrated in November 1977 linking SATNET, PRNET and ARPANET in a path leading from Menlo Park, CA to University College London and back to USC/ISI in Marina del Rey, CA.", Vinton Cerf explains.
the "person most often called 'the father of the Internet'."

Last edited by BuddyQ; 07-28-2008 at 07:51 PM.
LOL American players Quote
