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A little about me, 30% ROI - I ball the 16s A little about me, 30% ROI - I ball the 16s

12-12-2007 , 02:00 AM
Cliffnotes at bottom

So i have been posting her for awhile now but never shared too much about myself, so i figured its time for an introduction and a brag. Ill keep the history brief.

I began playing poker "seriously", or what i thought was seriously in 2003, my freshmen year at UCSB. I played about 3-4 nights a week in the dorms for 20$ buy ins a night and also donked around on UB mtts. My skills then were weak but i learned the art of the cbet and much more. I was very poor living in SB, somewhat out of my element, so i took my poker seriously and could make 50-100$ a week or so and have some fun with a group of 20 or more in the dorms. Soph & Jr year i started playing exclusivly online and improved slowly, but was now mostly playing cash games on party with RB thinking i was good. -lol... I also learned of poker tracker in this time but was never focused enough (for whatever reason to pay attention to any number then VPIP/Total Agression)

In June 2007 i graduated with a BA in Political Science but had no job setup and my only plans were to move back home forawhile with the rents and find a job.

I was playing like 9 hrs a day (6max SNGS 11+1-4tables) on stars and clearing a very little profit with a 8% ROI, but in this time i learned a lot of hand reading skills and grew my bank roll.

I got a job in september and around this time i changed my game over to 16$x18 man tournys on stars.... I reread HOH 1&2, and Skalanskie Advanced Tourny poker and watched every free video online i could find, including many free critique vids here on 2+2.

Here we are today: I have a 8-5pm job and i bring home 600$ in a good week or a little less on an avg week. I play an Average of 2 hours every night (16x18s mostly with a a few 50k gaurentees here and there), and about 20 hours on the weekends. On weekends i play 5/10 lim on FTP to keep me sane and do pretty well. (4bb/100 over 11k hands for just over 4k$ +RB about 950$)

Below i have posted a graph of my 16x18's which i really pride myself as my bread and butter. Its only my last ~450 sngs because i got a new computer but my results are someone what similar (slightly less maybe 23% roi) for sept and october which are not included.

Conclusion/Goals: My goal is to pump out 3500+ total of these (16x18s)by April or so and play atleast 100 (50+5$ 50k gaurentees) and 10+ Sunday millions.
I wanna have a roll of around 20k and i plan on entering serveral WSOP events in may-july or whenever they are... (i will likely have to sell some of myself to accomplish this)...

Thanks all: flame, befriend, pm, critique, level away
(i will now attempt to post a graph but if it sux i may have to repost)


0) I want to introduce myself to 2+2
1) i went to UCSB, and started learning poker when i was about 18 freshmen in college
2) i made a small profit in dorm games and then played online soph and jr yr. I still made money but that was on party with RB
3) i graduated and didnt have a job so i learned to play poker in free time
4) i now have a job but still play 2 hrs a night and kill the 16sx18s with a 30% roi.
5) i wanna play some WSOP events next yr and i may get some backers but thats a story for another day and is some time away.

ps i dont know how to post images like you other ballers, someone repost if they can please and first to do it PM me your stars name for 5$
A little about me, 30% ROI - I ball the 16s Quote
12-12-2007 , 02:22 AM
In June 2007 i graduated with a BA in Political Science. I have a 8-5pm job and i bring home 600$ in a good week or a little less on an avg week.
wow, that really sucks.
A little about me, 30% ROI - I ball the 16s Quote
12-12-2007 , 02:26 AM
A little about me, 30% ROI - I ball the 16s Quote
12-12-2007 , 02:26 AM
post tax, my bad, its like 800 pretax, then minor insurance and 401k deduations but hey you gotta start somewhere... Im glad you found something interesting in this post to quote.
A little about me, 30% ROI - I ball the 16s Quote
12-12-2007 , 02:35 AM
nice work. some may flame, but let them.. seems like you're really working hard and are proud of what you've accomplished. That's all that matters really. Keep up the good work and if you ever want to chat with someone just send me over a PM. Goodluck at the tables!
A little about me, 30% ROI - I ball the 16s Quote
12-12-2007 , 02:38 AM
Originally Posted by DietPepsi13
nice work. some may flame, but let them.. seems like you're really working hard and are proud of what you've accomplished. That's all that matters really. Keep up the good work and if you ever want to chat with someone just send me over a PM. Goodluck at the tables!
A little about me, 30% ROI - I ball the 16s Quote
12-12-2007 , 06:03 AM
well done, but please post a luckometer guess is you ran pretty well
A little about me, 30% ROI - I ball the 16s Quote
12-12-2007 , 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by gam(m/b)ler
well done, but please post a luckometer guess is you ran pretty well
I think this is a joke since it wont load, but then again i am on my work computer. You can view my sharkscope graph to see a larger sample if you search me: bongdieeze
A little about me, 30% ROI - I ball the 16s Quote
12-12-2007 , 12:14 PM
solid brag, congrats. I've never heard of anyone who 'grinds' the 18 mans almost exclusively. I feel like bragging but can't be bothered to start another thread - read staking thread..I run goot
A little about me, 30% ROI - I ball the 16s Quote
12-12-2007 , 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by Astyanax
solid brag, congrats. I've never heard of anyone who 'grinds' the 18 mans almost exclusively. I feel like bragging but can't be bothered to start another thread - read staking thread..I run goot
i was following that thread yesterday but didn't catch exactly where you finished or what your cash was....?
A little about me, 30% ROI - I ball the 16s Quote
12-12-2007 , 02:52 PM

if you were doing all this in 2003 like you should have been ud be at 3030% and a multi-bbionaire.
A little about me, 30% ROI - I ball the 16s Quote
12-12-2007 , 09:22 PM
Originally Posted by Poky_Plyr
i was following that thread yesterday but didn't catch exactly where you finished or what your cash was....?

won the 9k grtd for $3250 for my 5th $1000+ cash in last 30 days. One of my horses also did well in $24 plh...

I wanted someone to ask 'but how much did you lose', goddam I love that question...the answer is very very little. I'm on a ssmtt heater!
A little about me, 30% ROI - I ball the 16s Quote
12-12-2007 , 10:09 PM, awesome reference.
A little about me, 30% ROI - I ball the 16s Quote
12-12-2007 , 10:13 PM
"but was now mostly playing cash games on party with RB thinking i was good"

WTF i call b.s

Rake back on party?
A little about me, 30% ROI - I ball the 16s Quote
12-12-2007 , 10:22 PM
what is an roi?

how is it computed? ty
A little about me, 30% ROI - I ball the 16s Quote
12-12-2007 , 10:25 PM
How is winning sng's going to qualify you for a stake in the WSOP.
A little about me, 30% ROI - I ball the 16s Quote
12-12-2007 , 11:14 PM
Originally Posted by tedtodd
How is winning sng's going to qualify you for a stake in the WSOP.
Last post for me for awhile:
Good Q, i don't know how its going to "qualify" me for a stake in WSOP. Rather i am hoping to continue to play well and get a pretty good roll for myself; then maybe sell off some of my action if possible. If you read the OP it talks about how my goals in clude playing a good 100 50k gaurentees and a 10 or more sunday mills. In the past i have had trouble with the sunday mill though my sample is small. I have pretty good MTT stats with an all time 31% ROI and in 2007 (though somewhat small and inclusive of 12x180s) it is 28%...

Hold'em NL


Avg. Finish
Early 4% (10%)
EM 16% (20%)
Mid. 42% (40%)
ML 22% (20%)
Late 15% (10%)

Anyhow i will post more in a couple of months when i have a larger sample and some more MTT's under the belt; i really think they are my strength but they are are to play with the schedual i am afforded right now. I frequent Santa Barbara a few weekends a month and when i dont this is my time to play MTTS. (sop only maybe 2-3 wknds a month)

Anyhow thanks for the support.

graph died here it is one more time

Last edited by boohaa12; 12-12-2007 at 11:42 PM.
A little about me, 30% ROI - I ball the 16s Quote
12-12-2007 , 11:19 PM
hi OP, i would recommand playing some of the 180s man if you are trying to make the transitions to MTTs and they don't talk too long. You will learn more about the beginning, middle, and late stages of tournaments. good luck in the future.
A little about me, 30% ROI - I ball the 16s Quote
12-13-2007 , 10:12 AM
Originally Posted by Astyanax
won the 9k grtd for $3250 for my 5th $1000+ cash in last 30 days. One of my horses also did well in $24 plh...

I wanted someone to ask 'but how much did you lose', goddam I love that question...the answer is very very little. I'm on a ssmtt heater!
congrats man. gl on a good finish to '07!
A little about me, 30% ROI - I ball the 16s Quote
12-13-2007 , 07:47 PM
how did you like UCSB?

i applied out of state...was hoping to get in but i doubt it...

3.861gpa 1260 math+reading sat
A little about me, 30% ROI - I ball the 16s Quote
12-13-2007 , 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by i69ronaldino
how did you like UCSB?

i applied out of state...was hoping to get in but i doubt it...

3.861gpa 1260 math+reading sat
(poker text/brag at botton)

Its amazing and will bring the best out of you. Every day is the best day of your life untill you graduate and have to leave. About your GPA its about what mine was and your SAT is higher, on the other had i was HS all american T&F and had good letters of rec; you may have a good chanche of getting in to santa barbara.

On a side note to keep this poker related and to brag some more... i found out im ranked #17 on sharkscope over last 500 game if you set filters to 2-3 tables 5-16$ BI / avg profit.

A little about me, 30% ROI - I ball the 16s Quote
12-13-2007 , 08:46 PM
i also go to ucsb, if you can go here. it'll be the best four years you'll have

boohaa12, u still in IV?
A little about me, 30% ROI - I ball the 16s Quote
12-13-2007 , 09:08 PM
omg, bbv sucks as hard as the new forum software now
A little about me, 30% ROI - I ball the 16s Quote
12-18-2007 , 01:35 AM
Just an update for everyone out there.

Weekend was pretty busy with work party and friends party on the nights so i only had a few hours during the day. Played a 50$ (50k gaurentee) but lost on 2nd hand with KK on a j52 flop when i got it all in 3 way vrs another KK and a j10. Anyhow i busted out like (130)16s for 850$.... Got the hourly up to 38$/hr.

Iv also decided to play a 300NL and 400NL tourny at Commerce for the lead up events to the LA Poker Classic in late jan/early feb.

A little about me, 30% ROI - I ball the 16s Quote
12-18-2007 , 02:44 AM
Originally Posted by boohaa12
Just an update for everyone out there.
OMG finally TY
A little about me, 30% ROI - I ball the 16s Quote
