In case you weren't awake at 5am EST last night, this was what went down:
-Kenny Tran gives his phone # to DaEvils in FTP chat because he doesn't know how to use the internets
-Rail goes nuts
-Someone makes a thread about it right hurr with the screen shot
-I am first, and gutsiest 2p2er to call him
-Conversation went as follows:
Kenny Tran: "Hallo"
-I got scared and hung up
-Few minutes later he called me back
-I didn't answer
-Then others started calling him
-He turns off his phone
-I texted him and apologized
[x] Kenny Tran is in my phonebook
[x] I am in his phonebook as 'Don't Answer'
[x] brag
It happened. A few of us have the number, though the mods obviously don't want it on the boards since they deleted the original thread. I'm sure he's changed his number by now anyway.
In case you weren't awake at 5am EST last night, this was what went down:
-Kenny Tran gives his phone # to DaEvils in FTP chat because he doesn't know how to use the internets
-Rail goes nuts
-Someone makes a thread about it right hurr with the screen shot
-I am first, and gutsiest 2p2er to call him
-Conversation went as follows:
Kenny Tran: "Hallo"
-I got scared and hung up
-Few minutes later he called me back
-I didn't answer
-Then others started calling him
-He turns off his phone
-I texted him and apologized
[x] Kenny Tran is in my phonebook
[x] I am in his phonebook as 'Don't Answer'
[x] brag
In case you weren't awake at 5am EST last night, this was what went down:
-Kenny Tran gives his phone # to DaEvils in FTP chat because he doesn't know how to use the internets
-Rail goes nuts
-Someone makes a thread about it right hurr with the screen shot
-I am first, and gutsiest 2p2er to call him
-Conversation went as follows:
Kenny Tran: "Harrrro"
-I got scared and hung up
-Few minutes later he called me back
-I didn't answer
-Then others started calling him
-He turns off his phone
-I texted him and apologized
[x] Kenny Tran is in my phonebook
[x] I am in his phonebook as 'Don't Answer'
[x] brag