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06-28-2023 , 02:12 PM
Haven’t played WSOP since before covid. Did a lot of studying and prep for the last few years.

I have a wife, kids, and a career so I can’t stay long. Decide to come out, by myself (which sucks, btw), and play one bracelet event. So I register for the deepstack championship.

Level freaking one and me and some Russian guy are steamrolling the table. No resistance so we just sort of take turns bullying everyone.

Hand comes to me on the button with 88. Russian guy raised UTG+1. I went to call but misclicked and grabbed the 5k chips instead of 1k. Counts as a raise and I say “oh shoot” as I did it.

Russian guy heard me say that so he shoves over the top. I figured he wouldn’t do that with any real strength and was just doing it since I basically announced I wasn’t super strong. So I decide to call.

He turns over A10. Guy next to me says “I had ace 10, too” which is, of course, great news for me.

Until the flop comes KQJ and he flops the freaking straight. Turn is an 8 so now I have outs on the river but no luck.

I’m out after 40 minutes of play. Literally spent hours upon hours upon hours over the last few years prepping for this and THAT’S how I go out?!?

I’m so pissed at myself. I feel sickened by this result. What a waste of time, money, and energy.
06-28-2023 , 05:55 PM
If u just call preflop u Would have busted out in this hand either way
Flop would go he check u check turn u hit set he bet u reraise he reraise all in u call it off and busto gg
06-28-2023 , 08:22 PM
Originally Posted by Bestpokerplayereu
If u just call preflop u Would have busted out in this hand either way
Flop would go he check u check turn u hit set he bet u reraise he reraise all in u call it off and busto gg
Yeah, i think the only way it wouldn’t have happened is if he fast played his straight and I would have mucked. But otherwise, busto.
06-30-2023 , 05:47 PM
I'm pissed too
06-30-2023 , 07:50 PM
Given you're more likely to bust than not in a tournament, what's the second most likely outcome here? You would have played for longer and busted in a less brutal way? Granted, given your situation, maybe that's what you would have preferred - at least a longer time at the table. That doesn't sound like much more of a better or worse time to me though. I hope you're able to get some cash action in while out there man. GLGL
06-30-2023 , 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by Wilfram
Given you're more likely to bust than not in a tournament, what's the second most likely outcome here? You would have played for longer and busted in a less brutal way? Granted, given your situation, maybe that's what you would have preferred - at least a longer time at the table. That doesn't sound like much more of a better or worse time to me though. I hope you're able to get some cash action in while out there man. GLGL
Yeah, I prefer less brutal bust outs. Ended up taking 18th in an event so it worked out ok. I did get some cash game action in last night before coming home this morning.
06-30-2023 , 09:51 PM
This has happened to me but in cash. Ended up getting in AQ vs AK and scooped the pot. Sometimes things go in your favour. 99% of the time it doesn’t. Be strong op!
07-05-2023 , 12:16 AM
Sounds like my wsop experience except lose to fh < fh in one event and go out on the stone cold bubble in the other I played this weekend.

On top of that, because Wimbledon got rained out on Monday and Tuesday the tennis bets I placed on the Monday's matches at the counter because "hey I'm in Vegas, why place them on an app and miss out on the free drinks?", all of which were looking like they would win when play got suspended, I have to mail in to get paid on if theyNuys.

Should've just paid someone to kick me in the nuts.
07-06-2023 , 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by Dr. Meh
Level freaking one and me and some Russian guy are steamrolling the table. No resistance so we just sort of take turns bullying everyone.
I respect that you didn’t play it like a scared nit
07-07-2023 , 03:16 PM
Calling an all in on the first level of a deepstack MTT with 88 is usually a solid move.
07-07-2023 , 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by fidstar-poker
Calling an all in on the first level of a deepstack MTT with 88 is usually a solid move.
Making comments about strategy without knowing effective stack sizes and other necessary specifics is also a solid move and in no way makes you look like a douche.
07-07-2023 , 04:25 PM
Try keto diet
07-07-2023 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by Dr. Meh
Haven’t played WSOP since before covid. Did a lot of studying and prep for the last few years.

I have a wife, kids, and a career so I can’t stay long. Decide to come out, by myself (which sucks, btw), and play one bracelet event. So I register for the deepstack championship.

Level freaking one and me and some Russian guy are steamrolling the table. No resistance so we just sort of take turns bullying everyone.

Hand comes to me on the button with 88. Russian guy raised UTG+1. I went to call but misclicked and grabbed the 5k chips instead of 1k. Counts as a raise and I say “oh shoot” as I did it.

Russian guy heard me say that so he shoves over the top. I figured he wouldn’t do that with any real strength and was just doing it since I basically announced I wasn’t super strong. So I decide to call.

He turns over A10. Guy next to me says “I had ace 10, too” which is, of course, great news for me.

Until the flop comes KQJ and he flops the freaking straight. Turn is an 8 so now I have outs on the river but no luck.

I’m out after 40 minutes of play. Literally spent hours upon hours upon hours over the last few years prepping for this and THAT’S how I go out?!?

I’m so pissed at myself. I feel sickened by this result. What a waste of time, money, and energy.
Was this the main event? if so this is complete spew. If not well pretty standard u lost a flip and move on.
07-11-2023 , 01:48 PM
Punishing yourself for what happened will not lead you to any good place. Maybe there are some questions that could help you to understand why the prep failed (if it's failed), and what you can do better next time.
07-13-2023 , 10:54 PM
Put in more work next time. Poker rewards hard workers.
07-16-2023 , 07:39 AM
Participating in events like WSOP should be enjoyable and an opportunity to have fun. While the result may not have been what you had hoped for, try to appreciate the experience itself and the knowledge you gained from your preparations.
07-30-2023 , 02:51 PM
Since you and the Russian were running the table, I think keeping it that way for as long as possible may have been the way to go.
07-31-2023 , 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by Dr. Meh
Haven’t played WSOP since before covid. Did a lot of studying and prep for the last few years.
Honest comment - if you are studying via sims and other GTO methods, it's probably not transferrable 1:1 to a small buyin WSOP event.

Getting more reps in live poker during the year is probably a lot more valuable and will help you feel more comfortable at the live table, and will hopefully help you live-misclick less, and hopefully not say "oh shoot" after you do it.
08-02-2023 , 11:53 PM
Originally Posted by sam1chips
Honest comment - if you are studying via sims and other GTO methods, it's probably not transferrable 1:1 to a small buyin WSOP event.

Getting more reps in live poker during the year is probably a lot more valuable and will help you feel more comfortable at the live table, and will hopefully help you live-misclick less, and hopefully not say "oh shoot" after you do it.
While I agree about reps being better practice, I’m really quite comfortable at the table. I’ve played live for a couple decades now but don’t play nearly as much as I used to.

That’s part of what irked me about all this. Not only did I prepare a lot via study and solver work and hyped it up in my mind only to be let down, I also know I’m better than that. I know I’ve played so much, I shouldn’t make those kinds of mistakes anymore. It made me feel as though maybe I’m getting too old for this now (I’m in my 40s) and started doubting if I should even keep playing if my brain is going to misfire that much.

But yes, more reps at the table would be better but I have a wife, kids, career, and side business to take care of so finding time for it isn’t the easiest thing.
08-03-2023 , 05:28 AM
I saw the tiltle, and as a fellow person who is frequently too hard on himself, I just wanted to assure you that this mistake happens to most people at some point, and that day was your time to suffer the reminder

I have done exactly this in both PLO and Razz tournaments

I spent weeks studying nuanced dynamics of heads up cash stud8, but didnt take into account the ante structure or specific range adjustments when I got heads up in a tournament, resulting in literally the worst, most embarrassing heads up stud 8 play of my life ( like, I'd have been way better off NOT studying what I was studying at all for that ).

I have played a PLO final table that I studied so much for, on no sleep ( because i was too wired ), and couldn't even process the bet sizings. Totally blew that, and looked like an idiot.

Then there are tourneys you study so ****ing much for, but you just get smoked by the deck, and you have to not go on entitlement tilt bc of the hours youve put in.

Plenty more examples that come to mind, but you get the gist. Seriously, it's good that you acknowledge and grieve your mistakes, and the circumstances, but forgive yourself, and be thankful for the lessons you can take away from the experiences that didn't go as you had planned. You'll be more prepared in the future. glgl
