Okay, a lil bit of an intro...
My buddy Jeff was playing in the WSOP and he sat there forever... card dead the entire time. So here's the hand that happens:
Jeff in CO: J8s
Other guy on button: ??
folded to jeff who makes it 3bb out of his remaining 10.
Button calls, blinds fold.
Flop: 9
Jeff thinks for about 5 seconds and then shoves for his remaining 7bb.
Button guy thinks for about 2 minutes... so long the tournament director comes over prepared to muck his hand when the guy finally annouces "Okay, you've sat there for long enough bud, I'll double you up"
Other guy: JQ
So... because he not only has jeff kickered with his non-hand, he has ALL the draws cut off except the queen... which there are only 3 remaining...
When ever this happens I call it getting Jeff'd (he hates that I use his name for beat terminology hahahahahah)... absolutely crushed on a flop that you thought you had some big draws on and I just did this to some guy in a SnG...
So... I'm playing on this donktastic table where everyone is all in the second there's a draw and Isolation is the name of the game.
I get KQ blinds are 200/400 on a 1 table stars SNG
Me in CO: t5000 K
Button: t3000 ??
I'm first to act, I fire 3xbb to 1200 and the button calls the other two fold. So... I'm a bit puzzled here, but after thinking about it for 2 seconds I've determined he probably has a pocket pair and im hoping for big cards.
Flop: J
So... then I'm thinking k... if he hit his 4 he'll check behind me so I fire the turn cuz he's a tricky player... if he bets here, he probably missed or just has an underpair.
So I check and he thinks for 5 seconds before shoving all in.........
Instantly I was like... WELL WTF!!!! HOW THE F***... Okay, well... I haven't shown any loose calls so it's time to fire one. I've got the gutshot 10 and probably QK for backup...
I call, he has QT!!!!!!!! AHHAHAHAHAHA SO SICK
oh yeah... i hold up unimproved as well, that's the beauty hahahaha
Last edited by Kuval; 12-23-2008 at 05:19 PM.