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I am done with poker (the frustration of an amateur player) I am done with poker (the frustration of an amateur player)

01-23-2016 , 06:21 AM
This morning I have deleted and uninstalled all my poker software (poker rooms, HM, Pokerstove..the lot), set up a deposit limit of $50 on PS and hset a buy in limit in tournaments and SNG at $5.
You're not not done...everyone does this after spewing half a month's earnings in one night. The fact that you left your account open and have a "plan" says it all. Deep down you know that if you bink a $5.00 mtt for several hundred dollars your "plan" will go right out the window.
I am done with poker (the frustration of an amateur player) Quote
01-24-2016 , 02:24 PM
Tweet it or g+1 that stuff let the world see your tears.
I am done with poker (the frustration of an amateur player) Quote
01-24-2016 , 09:27 PM
Originally Posted by user1234
Hi there,

I have studied the game, subscribed to a number of training sites, listened to pod casts, read books and even hired a coach last year... but the reality is I lack the talent to be a consistent winner, tilt too easily and .have poor bank roll management.

All the best
I think everyone has these leaks. The ones who have a really successful game work on them the hardest.
I am done with poker (the frustration of an amateur player) Quote
01-25-2016 , 08:58 AM
Op, seriously You should abandon poker for forever. Dont waste your time in micro stakes. You should spend more time with your family, friends, run your business, whatever.
I am done with poker (the frustration of an amateur player) Quote
01-27-2016 , 07:38 AM
Think it's a bit sick all the guys bashing on the OP here.

For what it's worth OP, I agree with the bloke who posted above me. Find something else (not booze). Good luck mate.
I am done with poker (the frustration of an amateur player) Quote
01-27-2016 , 04:27 PM
I think OP is making a solid decision, but I don't see anything wrong with blowing a couple of bucks on Saturday nights at the micros.

As long as he doesn't actually have a gambling problem, that is.
I am done with poker (the frustration of an amateur player) Quote
01-28-2016 , 12:53 AM
Originally Posted by user1234
Hi there,

I have been playing poker for about 8 years now. I am posting under a different name because there are people that know me in the forums.

Although I played for a living for a little while back in 2008, I really never had any ambition to become a professional poker player. I am a slightly winning player, I won at 6 max SNG micros ($3.5 and $7), crushed at UB in the good old days and showed a profit in tournaments on all major sites apart from PS.
(I guess this is because of the larger fields and higher skill level and me being not good enough)

After 6 months playing for a living online in 2008/09 I started playing small stake live tournaments and always did decently. Although I probably spewed half of my winnings in cash games.

My best years were when I had a full time job and used to play on my free time. I put everything i had in every single tournament or SNG, like my life depended on it.

Then things changed...4 years ago I set up my own company and last year I started to make a decent living. This was about the same time when unlimited re-entry tourneys were introduced at my local casino.

The financial security combined with the fact that I could re-enter in tourneys made me careless and I started to play like a donk, as money meant less to me I spewed away a number of chips and buy-ins that I am really not proud off.

As January is a quiet month business wise, I started playing online again, then last night something happened. I spent half of my month's earning in tournament entries...the biggest part spent on a online day 1 of a 2-day live tournament. (2 bullets)

I guess we all feel the highs and lows of variance, of winning and losing, but a realisation came to me: I HAVE ALWAYS PUT POKER FIRST AND SACRIFICED MANY OTHER THINGS.

I have studied the game, subscribed to a number of training sites, listened to pod casts, read books and even hired a coach last year... but the reality is I lack the talent to be a consistent winner, tilt too easily and .have poor bank roll management.

Many times i have neglected my gf, family and friends to go to a tournament, went to lunches and meetings sleep deprived because of a late poker night, not put 100% into my business because the tiredness made me not care about it.

Because I was tired I did not exercise properly and because I was playing I did not eat properly.

I do not care too much about the money I lost, it won't change my life. What I am pissed off with myself about is the money I spewed playing when I was tired or not in the mood, registering in higher buy-ins than I should, playing cash games when I know it's minus EV for me...this money could have been spent on something more productive or on good causes

I honestly don't know how my gf coped with me at the beginning, but she did and I am truly grateful for that.

This morning I have deleted and uninstalled all my poker software (poker rooms, HM, Pokerstove..the lot), set up a deposit limit of $50 on PS and hset a buy in limit in tournaments and SNG at $5. This will allow me to play when i want to in the future, and until I rebuild my bankroll there won't be any more higher buy in tourneys, either live or online.

From now on poker comes last.

No more mid-week tourneys, no more missing gym classes to rush to a tournament, no more turning down work to go to a tournament. No more live higher buy ins.

I don't know what people will make out of this, I am not deluded and i do not have a gambling problem.

I am just writing this to get it off my chest and I am sure there are other people that can relate to this.

All the best
What you describe is pretty much me as well. It started with poker then moved to games like baccarat. It was fun at 1st, but then other people make it unfun. Same thing... I put poker and baccarat 1st and everything else dead last. Like you, it's not a gambling problem. Because gambling problem means you need money and so forth and so on.

I believe we do have a gaming problem/addiction. I mean, I also play chess and other games but not as much as poker or baccarat. I too (New Year's Resolution) am placing those games last and only play these now to socialize every once in a while, or I just watch others play. I realized tha in the past I wasted my life with poker, baccarat, and others. It's like an obsession or something...
I am done with poker (the frustration of an amateur player) Quote
01-28-2016 , 08:48 AM
Originally Posted by Jion_Wansu
What you describe is pretty much me as well. It started with poker then moved to games like baccarat. It was fun at 1st, but then other people make it unfun. Same thing... I put poker and baccarat 1st and everything else dead last. Like you, it's not a gambling problem. Because gambling problem means you need money and so forth and so on.

I believe we do have a gaming problem/addiction. I mean, I also play chess and other games but not as much as poker or baccarat. I too (New Year's Resolution) am placing those games last and only play these now to socialize every once in a while, or I just watch others play. I realized tha in the past I wasted my life with poker, baccarat, and others. It's like an obsession or something...
I am glad some people came up with a constructive post, one at least could relate to me and some offered some sympathy or advice.

As I said I do not have a gambling problem, although I play casino poker 2 or 3 times a week I never played any floor games and I have no intention of doing so.

Since posting the original post I have not played online and I really have no intention of doing so, as I use a computer for work from 9am to 6pm I don't like spending more time in front of the screen in the evening. But January is a quiet month, that's why I was playing.

My problem is more one of life/poker balance. I like playing and enjoy the social aspect. As I work from home I enjoy seeing people and having a chat, having played in the same 2 casino for the past 1.5 years or so I know all the reg...

One thing I totally have to be finished with is playing cash...that's like burning money...I just get bored after a while and end up gambling rather than playing a solid game...

The other problem was midweek tourneys...maybe on Tue/Wed...I am so used to waking up at 7.30/8am that even if I go to bed at 5am I still wake up at that time. It's not a huge problem it's just that I am less efficient/focused and probably slightly grumpier...anyway I have seen the new tournament schedule for Feb and midweek tourneys are total crapshoots so I will mainly go on Friday and Sunday. I started to go to 2 evening gym classes on Tue and Thu and I am exercising other days and always do before going to tourneys. I listen to Elliot Roe and Patricia Cardner podcast (Poker Mindset Advantage) which I can wholeheartedly recommend and I have one of Elliot's MP3 for pre tourney warm up, I am watching training videos and found Beyond Tells free vids very inspiring as well.

Last year my live tournament ROI was 37%, not great, but again I just do this for fun and the social aspect and even if I just broke even I would be happy.

This is just to say I am not delusional, like any other person I have up and downs.

Anyway to all those that offered some support: thanks a lot, it means a lot.

I may keep posting here to see what happens in the future and get grilled.

If anyone has any suggestions for a reward/punishment system that I could use pls let me know (for instance a reward for not playing cash for 2 months - again I only ever play when I bust a tourney early, never go to purposely play cash)

take care all
I am done with poker (the frustration of an amateur player) Quote
