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haunted by hands haunted by hands

10-20-2015 , 09:22 AM
,Got beaten up by the table bully at Borgata 5k guarantee daily deepstack $120 buy in paying out 18 places . . This guy was 6 betting on nearly every hand and getting most of the table to fold to his raises. On the few occasions he flatted i said "what no six bet this time?" He didnt find it one bit amusing. Matter face he replied "Are you feeling ok"? Anyhow i tried not to let him bully me but he managed to do so anyhow. When i first got to the table and realized i was dealing with a loudmouth and bully all rolled into one, i asked for a table change . Pit boss looked at me like i was nuts. "You stay where i seat you" Nice guy huh? My money and hes giving me orders like a casino employee. Anyhow back to the table bully. I did get him t fold to my pocket ace shove and one other hand showdown Q10 over his Q9 two pair but he managed to dominate me through out. The hand that will haunt me for weeks possibly months was his shove to my pocket 10's on the turn. Flop was QQ K i think but dont hold me to it. I did have two pairs though. turn was a brick 5 I bet 5 k and he insta shoved . . It was a huge pot . I tanked for a long time doing Helmuth Holllywood routine trying to probe him into revealing his hand . I asked him if i folded would he show me he hand He said sure and like an idiot i folded and he shows AK off . Then again K or A could have hit river but i think i had him if i called. Another hand not involving the bully was an Oliver Busquet look alike chip leader. Matter fact this guy left the table earlier for nearly 30 min claming he had a biz meeting and was still chip leader when he came back. . I folded J 9 gut shot straight, post flop fearing id lose it all on his monster reraise of two other players who eventually folded on the turn. . 10 5 8 7 . I wanted to hide in a corner after that one Busquet look alike told me he had trip 5;s after i asked him and took in a huge pot to boot. My bustout hand was compliments of you know who Yes the table bully. I had A 9 from BB He put me all in for my remaining stack maybe 10 BB with blinds at 4 8 . I hit a 9 on the flop and backdoor straight . Not good enough He had pocket Q's and i think a pair t go with it . Those three pots i blew would have kept me around for awhile and could have easily propelled me to final table even thought we were only at Level 8 Sorry for the ramble but i needed a shoulder to cry on I need help . I guess its obvious fold pocket 10's was a huge mistake. Feel free to scold me , berate me or whatever needs to be dished out. I can take it cause any pro advice will only make me a better player
haunted by hands Quote
10-20-2015 , 09:29 AM
Way too busy (enter key is your friend) .. probably posted in the wrong area ... but ...

1) In a tournament you don't get any seat/table changes. You get what you get.

2) You folded TT to a QQK board against a guy with AK? What is there to be mad about here?

3) Don't engage 'loud mouth' tactic players unless it is part of your normal game as well. They will be able to read you much easier than you will be able to read them ... and it will put you into a mind set where you will make a mistake 'when they do have it'. These players thrive on this ... control yourself.

4) If you are allowing 'one hand' to effect you emotionally 'for months' then poker is not for you. Although none of us is perfect or immune to tilting a bit, you really need to move on to the next hand and the 'current' situation you are in (especially in a tournament). Use the knowledge from the hand to move forward, not wallow in your sorrow. GL
haunted by hands Quote
10-20-2015 , 09:32 AM
Did you ask for a table change in a tournament?
haunted by hands Quote
10-20-2015 , 09:57 AM
Originally Posted by fetsie444
,The hand that will haunt me for weeks possibly months was his shove to my pocket 10's on the turn. Flop was QQ K i think but dont hold me to it. I did have two pairs though. turn was a brick 5 I bet 5 k and he insta shoved . . It was a huge pot . I tanked for a long time doing Helmuth Holllywood routine trying to probe him into revealing his hand . I asked him if i folded would he show me he hand He said sure and like an idiot i folded and he shows AK off . Then again K or A could have hit river but i think i had him if i called.
you had pocket tens and you had him? he had you beat so your fold was good.
haunted by hands Quote
10-20-2015 , 10:31 AM
Never mind hands, I'm haunted by Jeremy Beadle.

Count yourself lucky.
haunted by hands Quote
10-20-2015 , 11:06 AM
1) What you mean by "six bet" ? Do you mean raising 6x the big blind amount ?
Or do you mean that almost any hand there was so much action preflop that each player was raising to make a 6bet possible ?

2) Are you surprised by the pit boss answer ?

3) Does a pair of Ten's beats AK on a QQK5 board ?

4) Is there still an "Enter" button on your keyboard ?

Interesting thread, but raising so much questions
haunted by hands Quote
10-20-2015 , 11:14 AM
Originally Posted by ShowMeUrAce
1) What you mean by "six bet" ? Do you mean raising 6x the big blind amount ?
Or do you mean that almost any hand there was so much action preflop that each player was raising to make a 6bet possible ?

2) Are you surprised by the pit boss answer ?

3) Does a pair of Ten's beats AK on a QQK5 board ?

4) Is there still an "Enter" button on your keyboard ?

Interesting thread, but raising so much questions
+1 are you talking about a 6 bet or 6x? wtf is going on everyone just min raising in a line?
haunted by hands Quote
10-20-2015 , 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by answer20
Way too busy (enter key is your friend) .. probably posted in the wrong area ... but ...

1) In a tournament you don't get any seat/table changes. You get what you get.

2) You folded TT to a QQK board against a guy with AK? What is there to be mad about here?

3) Don't engage 'loud mouth' tactic players unless it is part of your normal game as well. They will be able to read you much easier than you will be able to read them ... and it will put you into a mind set where you will make a mistake 'when they do have it'. These players thrive on this ... control yourself.

4) If you are allowing 'one hand' to effect you emotionally 'for months' then poker is not for you. Although none of us is perfect or immune to tilting a bit, you really need to move on to the next hand and the 'current' situation you are in (especially in a tournament). Use the knowledge from the hand to move forward, not wallow in your sorrow. GL
i should have wrote down the damn hand not sure if queens hit the board but i know i folded 2 pair. On sort of a positive note we saw his true colors at showdown and if he folded he still showed his hand if you asked . Majority of the time he raised with good hands, rarely had the nuts rarely connected on flop and if he did it was usually 2 pair at best . If you happen to run into a table bully thats the one you want at your table . LOL. Thanks for the tip anything and every bit of advice helps. I guess thats why Ivey is so great he keeps his mouth shut and lets his silent play do the talking
haunted by hands Quote
10-20-2015 , 11:27 AM
haunted by hands Quote
10-20-2015 , 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by ShowMeUrAce
1) What you mean by "six bet" ? Do you mean raising 6x the big blind amount ?
Or do you mean that almost any hand there was so much action preflop that each player was raising to make a 6bet possible ?

2) Are you surprised by the pit boss answer ?

3) Does a pair of Ten's beats AK on a QQK5 board ?

4) Is there still an "Enter" button on your keyboard ?

Interesting thread, but raising so much questions
He kept raising 6X BB is what i meant . Pit boss answer? Yes and no i can appreciate the seating deal but he could have been a little more courteous about it instead of sounding like i was being ordered back to my cell. That the NY NJ mentality i guess. Forget quest 3 i should have wrote down the flop and turn . Its incomplete but he did have AK and i had pocket 10's
haunted by hands Quote
10-20-2015 , 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by callipygian
Did you ask for a table change in a tournament?
Yeah but after awhile i got used to this guy and actually hit it off with him so it wasnt such a bad table after all. One asian dude went ballistic when i mucked my hands because he claims he was able to see my cards when i threw them in muck . I have bad habit of semi tossing instead of sliding it to dealer. What he actually meant was he was able to see a spade or maybe a diamond after i told him i would bet him $10 if he saw the actual hand i mucked . Chicken
haunted by hands Quote
10-20-2015 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by Killerwhale
you had pocket tens and you had him? he had you beat so your fold was good.
I apologize i did not write down the exact cards on flop. He bricked the flop and turn. I had two pairs . Not sure why i said Queens. scratch that. Later on we discussed the hand and he said he was sure an A would have hit the river i guess to sort of console me LOL
haunted by hands Quote
10-20-2015 , 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by turbogeist
+1 are you talking about a 6 bet or 6x? wtf is going on everyone just min raising in a line?
I thought 6X and 6 bet means the same . Six bet the amt of BB right?
haunted by hands Quote
10-20-2015 , 01:05 PM
Originally Posted by callipygian
Did you ask for a table change in a tournament?

Originally Posted by fetsie444
haunted by hands Quote
10-20-2015 , 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by fetsie444
,GotbeatenupbythetablebullyatBorgata5kguaranteedai lydeepstack$120buyinpayingout18places..Thisguywas6 bettingonnearlyeveryhandandgettingmostofthetableto foldtohisraises.Onthefewoccasionsheflattedisaid"wh atnosixbetthistime?"Hedidntfinditonebitamusing.Mat terfacehereplied"Areyoufeelingok"?Anyhowitriednott olethimbullymebuthemanagedtodosoanyhow.Whenifirstg ottothetableandrealizediwasdealingwithaloudmouthan dbullyallrolledintoone,iaskedforatablechange.Pitbo sslookedatmelikeiwasnuts."Youstaywhereiseatyou"Nic eguyhuh?Mymoneyandhesgivingmeorderslikeacasinoempl oyee.Anyhowbacktothetablebully.Ididgethimtfoldtomy pocketaceshoveandoneotherhandshowdownQ10overhisQ9t wopairbuthemanagedtodominatemethroughout.Thehandth atwillhauntmeforweekspossiblymonthswashisshovetomy pocket10'sontheturn.FlopwasQQKithinkbutdontholdmet oit.Ididhavetwopairsthough.turnwasabrick5Ibet5kand heinstashoved..Itwasahugepot.Itankedforalongtimedo ingHelmuthHolllywoodroutinetryingtoprobehimintorev ealinghishand.Iaskedhimififoldedwouldheshowmehehan dHesaidsureandlikeanidiotifoldedandheshowsAKoff.Th enagainKorAcouldhavehitriverbutithinkihadhimifical led.AnotherhandnotinvolvingthebullywasanOliverBusq uetlookalikechipleader.Matterfactthisguyleftthetab leearlierfornearly30minclaminghehadabizmeetingandw asstillchipleaderwhenhecameback..IfoldedJ9gutshots traight,postflopfearingidloseitallonhismonsterrera iseoftwootherplayerswhoeventuallyfoldedontheturn.. 10587.IwantedtohideinacornerafterthatoneBusquetloo kaliketoldmehehadtrip5;safteriaskedhimandtookinahu gepottoboot.Mybustouthandwascomplimentsofyouknowwh oYesthetablebully.IhadA9fromBBHeputmeallinformyrem ainingstackmaybe10BBwithblindsat48.Ihita9ontheflop andbackdoorstraight.NotgoodenoughHehadpocketQ'sand ithinkapairtgowithit.Thosethreepotsiblewwouldhavek eptmearoundforawhileandcouldhaveeasilypropelledmet ofinaltableeventhoughtwewereonlyatLevel8Sorryforth eramblebutineededashouldertocryonIneedhelp.Iguessi tsobviousfoldpocket10'swasahugemistake.Feelfreetos coldme,beratemeorwhateverneedstobedishedout.Icanta keitcauseanyproadvicewillonlymakemeabetterplayer
haunted by hands Quote
10-20-2015 , 01:41 PM
Like, really, you guys read that whole wall of text? I got to QQkfjfjasjasklfgljgas ..... 333?*&###dd
LIKE I AM ALMOST BRAINDEAD and i read first 3 lines
I would rather watch Midsommer Murders than read that OP
haunted by hands Quote
10-20-2015 , 03:53 PM
Whatthehellopthatisaseriouslycrazyseriesofbeatshow didyouendurethatdhitIknow'bigstackbullys'likethatd rivemeomgcraaaazayIhopeyougetthatlittle****ernextt ime
haunted by hands Quote
10-20-2015 , 04:02 PM
Whatwetalkingaboutguys?ihadapokerhandwhichiplayede arlierandiputthemaniesinandilostlololololbuywahtwv eryoutellmeallaboutyourdayatthepokertablesplease
haunted by hands Quote
10-20-2015 , 04:13 PM
haunted by hands Quote
10-20-2015 , 04:59 PM
I like steak......
haunted by hands Quote
10-20-2015 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by fetsie444
I thought 6X and 6 bet means the same . Six bet the amt of BB right?
Actually, a "6bet" is the 6th bet someone could do (blind posting counts as a bet, so when you raise first, you're making a 2bet), meaning that there was 4 players raising before him.

You shouldn't use poker lingo if you don't know what does it mean.
I mean, here on BBV, you'll be laughed at whatever you do so it doesn't really matter, but at a poker table, you'll be spotted as "the rookie" (well, it seems you are but people around you doesn't need to know it after 5min) if you start doing that stuff.
haunted by hands Quote
10-20-2015 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by ShowMeUrAce
here on BBV, you'll be laughed at whatever you do
Nailed it
haunted by hands Quote
10-20-2015 , 07:21 PM
There are no pit bosses in poker. Maybe you should stick to blackjack
haunted by hands Quote
10-20-2015 , 08:00 PM
Originally Posted by turbogeist
I keep going to the river to pray
I need something to wash out the pain
At most, I'm shipping all these chippies away
But your ghost, the ghost of you keeps me awake
haunted by hands Quote
10-20-2015 , 11:49 PM
Originally Posted by fetsie444
I thought 6X and 6 bet means the same . Six bet the amt of BB right?
haunted by hands Quote
