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fun times with POS ratholers fun times with POS ratholers

09-07-2007 , 03:08 PM

Most shorties are terrible. I doubt most of the MSNL elitist with such a great understanding of poker could beat MT2R SSing in any game.

I will play him @ HU- me playing a full stack and he can rathole and shortstack all he wants. and I am not considered "elite" in any way.
Word on reading comp plz.
fun times with POS ratholers Quote
09-07-2007 , 03:20 PM
why would any MSNL reg care about SS'ing? is making <1ptbb/100 rly that amazing?
fun times with POS ratholers Quote
09-07-2007 , 04:13 PM
fun times with POS ratholers Quote
09-07-2007 , 04:35 PM
lmao. awesome
fun times with POS ratholers Quote
09-07-2007 , 04:38 PM

You are up over $100k over the last few months? Seriously?
$20 adds up fast in multiples (lol)
If MT2R is up over a hundred grand this summer ratholing $100NL then I take back everything bad I said about ratholing.
fun times with POS ratholers Quote
09-07-2007 , 04:49 PM


On the topic of shortstackers. I just accept them and have never really lost much sleep over them.

But whatever decisions we make in life wether it comes to poker or whatever else, reflects what type of people we really are.

Im a very competetive person and have confidence in my abilities, therefore I would take the route of getting the most profits and making the most money.

Shortstacking requires much less skill than fullstack poker and the people who choose to do this realize they dont have the intellect/skill to be a winner at it. Plain and simple.
fun times with POS ratholers Quote
09-07-2007 , 04:58 PM
Shortstacking requires much less skill than fullstack poker and the people who choose to do this realize they dont have the intellect/skill to be a winner at it. Plain and simple.
i definitely agree with this.

doesnt necessarily make shortstackers bad people, but it definitely is a concession on their part that they either cant beat the game fullstacked or are too lazy to learn, neither of which are particularly admirable. but you still gotta pay the bills i guess.
fun times with POS ratholers Quote
09-08-2007 , 03:02 AM
I'm more a lurker kinda guy but I just wanted to say that MT2R is pathetic for not backing up his big talk about jfish's datamined winrate.

I don't like shortstackers and I look down upon them, but as long as there are not 3 at my table I won't loose sleep over it.

edit: damn, didn't mean to bump this one but had it bookmarked and deleting is too late now.
fun times with POS ratholers Quote
09-08-2007 , 06:31 PM
2004 World Champion and poker millionaire Gregory Raymer was spotted at two of my $5/$10NL No Limit Texas Hold'em tables today "shortstacking" with stacks of under 20BBs

PrimogenitoX: oh fossilman is shortstacking too...WTF
FossilMan: just trying it out
FossilMan: I will reload, but not until down to 80 or so
FossilMan: and then will reload for less
PrimogenitoX: Raymer are you trying some kind of shortstacking experiment
PrimogenitoX: or just trying it out one time
FossilMan: trying it out a little, done it 3 sessions now

I will withhold personal commentary at this time as to this development of significant implications.
fun times with POS ratholers Quote
09-08-2007 , 08:49 PM

Clearly happy with the <20 buck per table hourly.
fun times with POS ratholers Quote
09-08-2007 , 08:50 PM
2004 World Champion and poker millionaire Gregory Raymer was spotted at two of my $5/$10NL No Limit Texas Hold'em tables today "shortstacking" with stacks of under 20BBs

PrimogenitoX: oh fossilman is shortstacking too...WTF
FossilMan: just trying it out
FossilMan: I will reload, but not until down to 80 or so
FossilMan: and then will reload for less
PrimogenitoX: Raymer are you trying some kind of shortstacking experiment
PrimogenitoX: or just trying it out one time
FossilMan: trying it out a little, done it 3 sessions now

I will withhold personal commentary at this time as to this development of significant implications.
well he probably got about 1000 emails from winning HS players asking him to get shorting ended and got curious
fun times with POS ratholers Quote
09-08-2007 , 09:04 PM
just wow at this will do.
fun times with POS ratholers Quote
09-08-2007 , 10:12 PM
fun times with POS ratholers Quote
09-08-2007 , 10:17 PM
I like eating dick

fun times with POS ratholers Quote
09-13-2007 , 04:07 PM
a) MDMA makes very good points. I understand the shortstackers disagreeing with him due to being hypocrites though.

b) I've played on a site which doesn't have shortstackers (due to a small number of games and a long ratholing window) and it's a lot lot lot more fun than Party is. The default BI is 50BB and the fish mostly buy in for that or 100BB so MT2R's argument about preserving fish is a false one.

c) I tried shortstacking once and it was very lame and boring.

P.S. die shortstackers die
fun times with POS ratholers Quote
