Originally Posted by Polarbear1955
Looking at the hand it seems like you let your hopes overcome your brain. Versus a straight ABC player your hand does poorly vs his 3-bet range and your call is based on a I think he is doing something stupid not playing ABC. Your raise on the flop however is based on believing he is playing ABC in that you feel certain you can decide what you should do based on his response; no worries about overplays or bluffs here. On the big raise yes you are +ev to call IF the game ends now but how much -ev is there in going down to a starting stack vs a weak table. The fundamental mistake is you forgot wolves eat sheep not other wolves, if you believe he plays 97% correct a raise against your UTG raise should be a huge red flag.
Once this player re-raises preflop I 100% know I am behind and possibly/probably dominated. I would have no real argument with anyone who folds preflop. My call is based on the simple fact that we are both ridiculously deepstacked and he is flaking.
I was literally hoping to hit a miracle and stack him or use position and possibly outplay him, but I was not planning on investing a whole lot of money on this hand postflop unless that miracle came.
I hit the best/worst flop possible. Top 2. Even given that, I was fully prepared to fold and not put another dime into the pot until he showed that it was EV to call. I was fully prepared to fold to a postflop reraise even knowing nut flush draws were are large part of his range.
Basically my call preflop was with the attitude of hitting a lottery ticket or getting out. I did sort of hit, and would have gotten off extremely cheap except he stupidly showed.
As for the -EV of calling and dropping to a starting stack against other players, it should be noted that the EV you are giving up after he shows is a huge chunk of a starting stack. It would be the equivalent to an unheard of hourly rate. Once he shows, anyone would have to call. It is basic math. The only way to fold is if you are Phil Ivey playing against a table of 10 year old millionaires. Folding gives up far too much EV for secondary reasons to matter.
I am not going back and looking at the numbers but it is at least +$200 to call. How do you turn that down?
TDLR, played a speculative hand preflop, got an unfortunate flop, played it well (cheaply) until opponent stupidly shows his hand thinking it would help you fold despite it being at the very bottom of his range, so profitably flipped for stacks and lost.
That is literally the definition of poker variance.