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09-01-2008 , 06:25 PM
Congratz OP.

2 simples questions :

You said you are taking papernotes while playing. What kind of papernotes is it?

Can you just pick some notes about a random reg in your data and copy/past it here? I really have some problems with taking notes, I don't know how/when/why taking some.

(My english might be wrong, sorry about that)

Again, congratz OP.
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09-01-2008 , 07:05 PM
Congrats OP, but I do find it hilarious that sooooo many people are blown away by his winrate. Lots of players are making 3PTbb/100 or more and enough can make close to 5PTb/100 at stakes up to 5/10 myself included.
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09-01-2008 , 07:45 PM
Excellent post OP. He's right that average poker plays can make a decent living or win a lot of money at midstakes but fail to do so because they dont have the discipline or mentality to do it. My story is somewhat like the OPs except i haven't made much money. Unlike most people i've never lost my initial 50 bucks that i deposit on ft. In one year i've made almost 5k without a huge volume. There have been several times where I would lose 1/3 my br, but unlike most people I still stick with my br management and bring it back up. It's also amazing to see how much stronger i've become mentally throughout this year. I use to curse at the donks for sucking out on me, but now I can take many bad beats and say "NH" in the end and not tilt. Most people in the poker industry still can't figure out that br management, the emotional aspect, and mentality are the major keys into becoming a solid winning player.
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09-01-2008 , 08:38 PM
Originally Posted by HOVADOGG84
Congrats OP, but I do find it hilarious that sooooo many people are blown away by his winrate. Lots of players are making 3PTbb/100 or more and enough can make close to 5PTb/100 at stakes up to 5/10 myself included.
wow your so amazing and cool.
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09-01-2008 , 10:55 PM
Originally Posted by xcesswee
Excellent post OP. He's right that average poker plays can make a decent living or win a lot of money at midstakes but fail to do so because they dont have the discipline or mentality to do it. My story is somewhat like the OPs except i haven't made much money. Unlike most people i've never lost my initial 50 bucks that i deposit on ft. In one year i've made almost 5k without a huge volume. There have been several times where I would lose 1/3 my br, but unlike most people I still stick with my br management and bring it back up. It's also amazing to see how much stronger i've become mentally throughout this year. I use to curse at the donks for sucking out on me, but now I can take many bad beats and say "NH" in the end and not tilt. Most people in the poker industry still can't figure out that br management, the emotional aspect, and mentality are the major keys into becoming a solid winning player.
[ ] ^^ this guy is amazing and cool too.
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09-02-2008 , 01:06 AM
I think this is one of the most generous threads I have ever read on 2p2. Thank you, OP. Continued success.
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09-02-2008 , 09:10 AM
nh op
btw Are euro sites that much tougher than American sites?
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09-02-2008 , 09:56 AM
I'm expecting Jman's apology for multi-accounting 2p2 in the next day or two...

Seriously OP....Have you used NLP at all to tune your approach to poker?
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09-02-2008 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by jasons0147
Thank you very much.
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09-02-2008 , 01:51 PM
Thaks to everyone for the PMs and requests. I have to apologize to those people that I have not yet had the time to answer. Some of my thoughts on your questions you can find a little further back in the thread.

So many of you have confirmed my initial beliefs. You are players who have played more hands than myself, in some cases in the seven figures. You have watched countless training videos. You are intelligent and inquisitive. You post and read the forums, and you have a desire to learn.
Yet, many of you are not at the level which you thought you were going to be when you started your poker journey. This, in and of itself, is nothing to be anxious or feel bad about. You are clearly in the majority.
At the start of this thread, I mentioned that it was my belief that 80 % of your poker success had to do with your emotional makeup and 20 % with your actual poker skills. After the feedback that I have now recieved, I believe that even I when I wrote that was vastly underestimating the importance of a centered emotional state while playing and learning this game.

Many of you have expressed an interest in personal coaching. I can mention that I am speaking to a few of the training sites. I really don´t know what sets them apart, as they all seem to be managed well and by professional people. My belief is that this would be the easiest and most inexpensive way for you guys that feel a need for it to share my experiences.
There are so many topics that I would love to cover. Tilt. How to cope with upswings. The effect of mindulness and presence on your game. How to cope with downswings. Asking yourself the right questions. Knowing when to quit. Pregame preparation. The effects of daoist and zen-buddhist teachings on the way I play poker (and the apparent paradoxes of that statement). And of course, how I play the game.

This will appeal to some of you. Some of you will not find it interesting. Often it will depend on wether you´re in the red or black for the past few days, weeks or months. Whichever way, that´s fine. Hopefully we can manage to find a good fit with one of the training sites. A lot of it has to do with time management and committing a certain amount of hours to really go in depth into these topics through the eyes of a midstakes pro.

Last edited by boywonder; 09-02-2008 at 01:57 PM.
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09-02-2008 , 02:15 PM
Hi boywonder,

Sorry if this has already been asked, but I'm wondering how you cope with downswings or just losing/bad beats/coolers etc in a session? I find when these things happen I go into a shell and play a much tighter game, and can't hand read or play as well overall because of my results oriented mentality. Where as when I'm winning I'll open alot more hands, and be much be confident in my play overall (though I am perhaps now playing too loose for the table). Any tips on dealing with this?

Thanks, and great thread.
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09-02-2008 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by jaysu
You advocate not using a HUD, which I can see many reasons for, and other good players have stated this same opinion. However, at low/micro stakes (i'm playing nl50 atm) do you think it is better to use it, since most players are unknowns and without any stats it is not as easy to identify their player types and tendencies? Maybe you answered this, I didn't see. I would like to try not using a HUD but I think I might be better off with it at this level, to gather information on new players.

Also, you don't use it, but you play 6-8 tables. Ryan Fees is another player who doesn't use a HUD, but he said he plays around 4 tables, and feels that playing more is sort of like autopilot. Do you feel that playing more tables without it causes you to make some robotic decisions, or do you play with a bunch of regulars on every table that you already know really well? I don't know how it is at higher levels, but how did you choose your number of tables?
I am not sure that I have advocated not using a HUD. I have meant that a HUD, for me personally, felt like a hindrance in the past. I believe the questions in poker should never be "Should you use a HUD?" or "Should one use pre-game prep?". Rather, a more relevant quesion would be "Should I use a HUD?" or "Should I use pre-game prep?". Maybe it came across a bit wrong.

In the past few days I have played a lot of hands, which I usually do when things are going well. I have, after numerous arguments, tried using a HUD for the first time in a year, at least in most of my sessions. I must admit that I have run really well, and who knows? Maybe the HUD has been helpful. These are my last 25 k hands / 50 hrs, running at almost 12 ptbb / 100:

Anyways, this could be gamblers fallacy but I am going to continue using a HUD for now, and perhaps even upgrade to PT3 or HEM (which some people in this thread have mentioned). Does anyone have a suggestion as to which their preference is? And if so, why?
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09-02-2008 , 04:24 PM
what's your sn on prima?
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09-02-2008 , 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by easycall
what's your sn on prima?
HotGaySauna obv
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09-02-2008 , 05:18 PM
also re: Europe vs. U.S. players. i agree op that the Prima games are tougher but the main reason is there arent as many fish. It's hard to find a juicy game at 100nl or 200nl 6max on Prima. I'd imagine 400 and 600 are even worse. Too many rakeback grinders imo and the Eurolinx rake races have killed all the action. Also the main difference between the players as i see it is Euro/Scandis are way looser postflop and hate to give any credit so u kinda have to show up with a hand. But when u do encounter a fish or two, Euro fishies are the worst players in history.
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09-02-2008 , 05:26 PM
First of all thanks for doing this "well".

Originally Posted by boywonder
Does anyone have a suggestion as to which their preference is? And if so, why?
HM. Check the following for reasons: PT3 vs HM-thread in the Stox-forums.
You'll find similar threads with the same results in the CR-tech forums.
Destroyed 3/6, time to move up (graph) Quote
09-02-2008 , 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by boywonder
Thaks to everyone for the PMs and requests. I have to apologize to those people that I have not yet had the time to answer. Some of my thoughts on your questions you can find a little further back in the thread.

So many of you have confirmed my initial beliefs. You are players who have played more hands than myself, in some cases in the seven figures. You have watched countless training videos. You are intelligent and inquisitive. You post and read the forums, and you have a desire to learn.
Yet, many of you are not at the level which you thought you were going to be when you started your poker journey. This, in and of itself, is nothing to be anxious or feel bad about. You are clearly in the majority.
At the start of this thread, I mentioned that it was my belief that 80 % of your poker success had to do with your emotional makeup and 20 % with your actual poker skills. After the feedback that I have now recieved, I believe that even I when I wrote that was vastly underestimating the importance of a centered emotional state while playing and learning this game.

Many of you have expressed an interest in personal coaching. I can mention that I am speaking to a few of the training sites. I really don´t know what sets them apart, as they all seem to be managed well and by professional people. My belief is that this would be the easiest and most inexpensive way for you guys that feel a need for it to share my experiences.
There are so many topics that I would love to cover. Tilt. How to cope with upswings. The effect of mindulness and presence on your game. How to cope with downswings. Asking yourself the right questions. Knowing when to quit. Pregame preparation. The effects of daoist and zen-buddhist teachings on the way I play poker (and the apparent paradoxes of that statement). And of course, how I play the game.

This will appeal to some of you. Some of you will not find it interesting. Often it will depend on wether you´re in the red or black for the past few days, weeks or months. Whichever way, that´s fine. Hopefully we can manage to find a good fit with one of the training sites. A lot of it has to do with time management and committing a certain amount of hours to really go in depth into these topics through the eyes of a midstakes pro.
Aslong as you dont sign with Cardrunners, youve made a great choice. They are the evil empire! They are the man, man.
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09-03-2008 , 11:15 AM

it's rare that I see anyone offering such great insights. thanks for taking the time.
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09-03-2008 , 11:23 AM
HEM is by far the most superior product atm boywonder, especially it's HUD.
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09-03-2008 , 11:37 AM
Originally Posted by FoldEqu1ty
HEM is by far the most superior product atm boywonder, especially it's HUD.
I have had a PT3 trial, but it seemed a bit "beta" if you know what I mean. Thats why i stuck w pt2. I basically downloaded it to see my non-shwdn winnings. I am gonna get HEM hoping it feels more "finished" if you know what I mean.
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09-03-2008 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by boywonder
I have had a PT3 trial, but it seemed a bit "beta" if you know what I mean. Thats why i stuck w pt2. I basically downloaded it to see my non-shwdn winnings. I am gonna get HEM hoping it feels more "finished" if you know what I mean.
I know exactly what you mean I felt precisely the same, and HEM will blow you away I'm sure! It feels about 5 years ahead of the game.
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09-03-2008 , 01:12 PM
so...has his sn been made public or no?
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09-03-2008 , 01:16 PM
inspiring stuff buddy, that tl;dr strat post is brilliant
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09-03-2008 , 09:19 PM
Very nice op.

It's a good achievement to achieve what you have. It speaks much more for you that you are down to earth as you are and not Aejones like.

Is there any links, book, articles, tips etc in relation to been in the right mindset which you would recommend?
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09-04-2008 , 01:50 AM
Originally Posted by cooker3
Very nice op.

It's a good achievement to achieve what you have. It speaks much more for you that you are down to earth as you are and not Aejones like.

Is there any links, book, articles, tips etc in relation to been in the right mindset which you would recommend?
similar questions asked several times, yet no responses.. although i found this ..

(X) something ALOT of people struggle with.(including myself)
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