Originally Posted by legionrainfall
Any of you degens get sucked into the crypto stupidity?
I am a master degen maybe and dont enjoy being without gambling , I have several cyrpto also, I inherited silver from my Father and changed it all for BTC, I bought into BTC at 400 US , with all my money at the time. I actually use a cyrtpo book online to bet horses in Dash, they have a Dash card that can buy things from many stores all over. Now I hold and also buy Goverance coins , I have lost about 3 btc forex specing when I dont use a stop , a very degen thing to do just like my progressive betting but I am out to break the bank. You can beat the market by reading Richard Ney if you want to take a plunge. It not stupid unless you ar square who cant reason bayes; go ahed and stand for that buck it good for nothing.