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Degen Stories.... Degen Stories....

03-02-2020 , 04:59 AM
Originally Posted by Beat Army
Uncut Gems better or worse than Owning Mahowny?
Mahowny is a way better "movie". More realistic.

Uncut Gems is a way better watch. The chick is hot too.
Degen Stories.... Quote
03-06-2020 , 05:43 AM
Originally Posted by Best Buddy
You can get a free blackjack fix (or any game in the "play for fun" section) here:

or various channels such as this one:

I think it triggers the same pain and reward centers in your brain because when you're a true degen the money doesn't matter, so if it's free or if it's $100/hand it still doesn't matter. Let me know if it works!
what triggers me is she's doing side bets and obviously not counting

also hate her betting mechanism, way too many hand movements
Degen Stories.... Quote
03-09-2020 , 09:49 PM
Time for my contribution to the degen thread. I thought I had posted about my degen summer, but can’t find it posted in this thread and I feel like reminiscing now that I live a boring square, life.

I got into poker like we all did, watching that fat clown moneymaker luck his way into $2 million on ESPN. Was never that good, would run up an initial deposit into thousands, move up stakes, move higher, then lose it all. I existed for awhile at 5/10 NL on FTP for a couple of years, but I remember taking a shot at 25/50 and losing to that drunk Layne Flack, or at least someone who was playing under this name. Looking back on it now, how those guys just stole from us, still bothers me to this day. And not one of them ever got arrested. I heard Ferguson even dared to show his face at the WSOP and not one person knocked his ass out. Anyway, I digress.

The point is I was a break-even player at best. Understood the stats, could even read people, but had no interest in playing if the stakes didn’t scare me. And we all know what happens when you continuously play over your head or with scared money.

Once Black Friday came, I got my occasional poker fix in AC. I started at the Trop, played a bunch at the Taj, but once I discovered Borgata I never went anywhere else. Over the years I had my mini degen moments, sitting at 5/10 NL with my last $800, spinning it up to $5k and then dumping at blackjack, etc.

By 2014, I would only go to AC once in awhile and only blow a few thousand I could afford. Until early that summer I got dumped by a girl I assumed I would marry. She was beautiful, came from the same background as me and was wealthy. I just figured this was finally it. As my wife now tells me, I was a clueless dick to her and deserved to get dumped, but at the time I was shattered. If anyone has been in love and has been dumped, you know the empty sorrow, the soul crushing despair, the feeling like what is the freaking point of even living anymore. I took those feelings with me back to the Borgata.

I would be itching all week till Friday, try to sneak out of work early, catch the greyhound and ride down to AC. Catch the shuttle or taxi to Borgata and start playing any game I could get into. This went on for some weeks. I was about break even, but break even to a degen is like losing to a normal person. I was getting ancy and poker was too slow a grind. So I remember taking some amount to the blackjack tables and losing it. I then remember thinking its only Friday night and I am not going back to my place and do nothing for the rest of the weekend. I decide to cash advance the max on my card. I think it was around $20k, or perhaps a little less after fees. You feel like such a degen when they fingerprint you on those advances.

Anyways, I somehow blow $20k at blackjack in under an hour. I have no idea how someone can do that. I remember being a mixture of angry, sad and disgusted. I do not want to go home and I know have lost the most amount of money at one sitting as I ever had. I think at that point my biggest one night loss was when I had bet a 2 game parlay for $8k. So this was a huge loss figure for me.

You know at the Borgata how there are the low limit blackjack tables in one area, and right behind there is this like raised dais of a room where the high limit tables are, and to the right of that is the “credit” office. Well I freaking walked in there and asked for a $20k marker. I was kind of hoping they would laugh at me and tell me to get lost. I have never been in there or knew how any of it worked. Sometimes I dream about that night and wish they had thrown me out or arrested me or just told me to eff off.

Instead this manager guy asked me to log into my bank accounts. I showed him my checking account, my investment account and my 401k account. Logged into them with passwords right on this random computer like a total degen. I had around $40k in checking, $150k in investment account and even more in 401k, so this guy couldn’t green light the $20k fast enough.

I took the cash and went right to the blackjack table in the high limit room next to the credit place, right in front. I remember changing the cash and getting started. My whole body was shaking, but when you are in degen mode you just don’t give a crap about the consequences. You just want to get even.

I wish I could tell you some of the hands I got. I wish I remembered anything specific. What I do remember are snap shots. I remember at one point putting purple chips in three spots. I remember playing every base and splitting ten’s like a total psychopath. I remember going on the biggest heater of my life. I remember getting tapped on the shoulder by the pitboss. At that point I was kind of freaking out. They must assume I am cheating. They must think I am underage. I look to the pitboss and ask him what the problem is. He laughs and goes you know what the problem is sir. I say I have not done anything wrong search me. He looked at me quizzically for a second, I don’t know what he was thinking, but then he gestured to the dealer. He said dude, we are out of chips, we’ve called for a refill. I had literally won the vast majority of the chips from the dealer. I take this as a sign and cash the heck out.

I insta pay back my marker, pay my credit card advance right away and go to my room. I had sat down with $20k, gotten to a low of like $10k and run it up to just over a $100k. I remember walking out of the high limit bj room so happy, but thinking very briefly I wonder if this is the worst thing to happen to me.

The thing with betting big is that when you try to go back to your normal stakes, it feels like a giant waste of time. Like my old stakes were beneath me. I take my new massive roll and start sitting in games I had no business being in. I would play the large PLO games they had, I would play the highest limit poker game they had. I remember once night around the superbowl, the one where the pats beat the seahawks at the last minute, playing in a room next to the high limit poker room in the back of the Borgata poker room. It was like this room off to the side with a gate. I had never even noticed it before. I was playing in some massive PLO game and had no idea what I was doing. I remember playing with Shaun Deeb, who is really fat irl, and this kid called Paul Volpe. They kicked my ass so hard. I remember playing in 2/4 stud and the game revolved around this old angry guy named Norman. There was also a douchey pro named Mike I think in the game. He would take the most crap I have ever heard.

Anyways, after floating around for a few months randomly jumping from plo to stud to high limit and no limit games, I discovered the 2/4 mixed game that ran Friday to Sunday. And I was totally hooked. The games were so crazy compared to the boring hold em I was used to. I learned about triple draw, badugi, badacey, super stud, ace-to-five, and other crazy games I don’t even remember.

When I first joined those games, I think people assumed I was good. I was young looking and played such high stakes. But within a month they all realized I was a new fish. The funny thing is at those stakes they tell you right to your face. I was told several times, there is always a seat for me, I was in way over my head, I am bleeding money. Compared to other younger players I was a real pleasure to play with. Respectful, never threw a tantrum, no showboating. I think a couple of the pros even felt like they liked me. I remember one pro, Jordan, tried to teach me the games and how to improve, but I didn’t want to hear it. I just wanted to drink and splash around and be a freaking moron.

I slowly blew through the epic black jack winnings and began taking out more $20k markers. I remember I had just gotten off the phone with the Borgata one night and my roommate walked into the living room and was like, dude did you just wire $20k to a casino? Wtf is wrong with you.

I eventually started playing in underground games in the city. I blew about $40k in those games and looking back on it, I was clearly getting cheated. But even knowing that I still played lol. I also think I was the only degen mark they ever encountered that paid off his debts on time. They even asked me once to stop writing such large checks, could I please make it out in $5k increments lol.

After blowing another $20k one weekend, I went back to my room and looked in the mirror. Disheveled, grumpy but most importantly just unhappy. The thrill of high stakes was gone. It was not a rush anymore. It felt like every week I would work and then go to AC to get kicked in the face. I lost so much cash in the 2/4 and 3/6 mixed games that I cannot blame it on run bad or variance. Someone has to be a real terrible player to lose that much in those games. Look I understand the pros probably cross booked each other, soft played and squeezed me – but I lost something like 25 straight sessions.

When I finally walked away from the disaster, I had lost $100k in blackjack profit and another ~$325k of my own money playing the pit, high stakes mixed games and games in the city. The amazing thing is I was able just walk away. I have not been back to AC since the end of 2014 / early 2015. The money I lost was all the money I had saved since 2010, busting my ass as an analyst and associate. I am grateful I finally stopped before liquidating my retirement accounts, which I had been contemplating at one point. I remember wanting to kill myself during the degen run, but never really had the courage to do it.

I wonder if the regs at the mixed games think I am dead in a ditch somewhere, blowing all that money so regularly every week and then never showing up ever again. Does anyone know if the 2/4 mixed still runs every weekend? Anyone here ever play in the game back then?
Degen Stories.... Quote
03-10-2020 , 02:27 PM
Pretty sick story. Crazy how these big wins are ultimately awful for degens.
Degen Stories.... Quote
03-10-2020 , 06:05 PM
I am thinking of writing a fiction about a group of degenerate. Over the years, I accumulated a bunch of real life stories (some my own, some others). I am looking for funny degenerate stories. Unfortunately, most of the stories on this thread are sad.

I am looking for crazy side bets (e.g. the one where a guy at my table paid another to stuff a stack of chips in his mouth), road trips with friends, etc.

Can anyone point me in the right direction? (thread on this forum, on reedit, etc.)
Degen Stories.... Quote
03-11-2020 , 03:34 AM
grunching but in the end you found a partner where you can safely discuss "the one who got away" so nothing else really matters as you got a solid relationship
Degen Stories.... Quote
03-13-2020 , 02:00 AM
Originally Posted by Snipes

Uncut Gems is a way better watch. The chick is hot too.
Watched Uncut Gems a couple nights ago, solely because of the mentions in this thread. I must say, it didn't disappoint. Never thought a degen gambling movie of any type could keep me on the edge of my seat for 2hrs in the same way a good action-thriller would, but that's exactly what it did. ....The ending was somehow very surprising, yet very predictable at the same time. 2 Degen thumbs up!
Degen Stories.... Quote
03-13-2020 , 04:48 AM
Originally Posted by Jazzy31133
Time for my contribution to the degen thread. I thought I had posted about my degen summer, but can’t find it posted in this thread and I feel like reminiscing now that I live a boring square, life.

I got into poker like we all did, watching that fat clown moneymaker luck his way into $2 million on ESPN. Was never that good, would run up an initial deposit into thousands, move up stakes, move higher, then lose it all. I existed for awhile at 5/10 NL on FTP for a couple of years, but I remember taking a shot at 25/50 and losing to that drunk Layne Flack, or at least someone who was playing under this name. Looking back on it now, how those guys just stole from us, still bothers me to this day. And not one of them ever got arrested. I heard Ferguson even dared to show his face at the WSOP and not one person knocked his ass out. Anyway, I digress.

The point is I was a break-even player at best. Understood the stats, could even read people, but had no interest in playing if the stakes didn’t scare me. And we all know what happens when you continuously play over your head or with scared money.

Once Black Friday came, I got my occasional poker fix in AC. I started at the Trop, played a bunch at the Taj, but once I discovered Borgata I never went anywhere else. Over the years I had my mini degen moments, sitting at 5/10 NL with my last $800, spinning it up to $5k and then dumping at blackjack, etc.

By 2014, I would only go to AC once in awhile and only blow a few thousand I could afford. Until early that summer I got dumped by a girl I assumed I would marry. She was beautiful, came from the same background as me and was wealthy. I just figured this was finally it. As my wife now tells me, I was a clueless dick to her and deserved to get dumped, but at the time I was shattered. If anyone has been in love and has been dumped, you know the empty sorrow, the soul crushing despair, the feeling like what is the freaking point of even living anymore. I took those feelings with me back to the Borgata.

I would be itching all week till Friday, try to sneak out of work early, catch the greyhound and ride down to AC. Catch the shuttle or taxi to Borgata and start playing any game I could get into. This went on for some weeks. I was about break even, but break even to a degen is like losing to a normal person. I was getting ancy and poker was too slow a grind. So I remember taking some amount to the blackjack tables and losing it. I then remember thinking its only Friday night and I am not going back to my place and do nothing for the rest of the weekend. I decide to cash advance the max on my card. I think it was around $20k, or perhaps a little less after fees. You feel like such a degen when they fingerprint you on those advances.

Anyways, I somehow blow $20k at blackjack in under an hour. I have no idea how someone can do that. I remember being a mixture of angry, sad and disgusted. I do not want to go home and I know have lost the most amount of money at one sitting as I ever had. I think at that point my biggest one night loss was when I had bet a 2 game parlay for $8k. So this was a huge loss figure for me.

You know at the Borgata how there are the low limit blackjack tables in one area, and right behind there is this like raised dais of a room where the high limit tables are, and to the right of that is the “credit” office. Well I freaking walked in there and asked for a $20k marker. I was kind of hoping they would laugh at me and tell me to get lost. I have never been in there or knew how any of it worked. Sometimes I dream about that night and wish they had thrown me out or arrested me or just told me to eff off.

Instead this manager guy asked me to log into my bank accounts. I showed him my checking account, my investment account and my 401k account. Logged into them with passwords right on this random computer like a total degen. I had around $40k in checking, $150k in investment account and even more in 401k, so this guy couldn’t green light the $20k fast enough.

I took the cash and went right to the blackjack table in the high limit room next to the credit place, right in front. I remember changing the cash and getting started. My whole body was shaking, but when you are in degen mode you just don’t give a crap about the consequences. You just want to get even.

I wish I could tell you some of the hands I got. I wish I remembered anything specific. What I do remember are snap shots. I remember at one point putting purple chips in three spots. I remember playing every base and splitting ten’s like a total psychopath. I remember going on the biggest heater of my life. I remember getting tapped on the shoulder by the pitboss. At that point I was kind of freaking out. They must assume I am cheating. They must think I am underage. I look to the pitboss and ask him what the problem is. He laughs and goes you know what the problem is sir. I say I have not done anything wrong search me. He looked at me quizzically for a second, I don’t know what he was thinking, but then he gestured to the dealer. He said dude, we are out of chips, we’ve called for a refill. I had literally won the vast majority of the chips from the dealer. I take this as a sign and cash the heck out.

I insta pay back my marker, pay my credit card advance right away and go to my room. I had sat down with $20k, gotten to a low of like $10k and run it up to just over a $100k. I remember walking out of the high limit bj room so happy, but thinking very briefly I wonder if this is the worst thing to happen to me.

The thing with betting big is that when you try to go back to your normal stakes, it feels like a giant waste of time. Like my old stakes were beneath me. I take my new massive roll and start sitting in games I had no business being in. I would play the large PLO games they had, I would play the highest limit poker game they had. I remember once night around the superbowl, the one where the pats beat the seahawks at the last minute, playing in a room next to the high limit poker room in the back of the Borgata poker room. It was like this room off to the side with a gate. I had never even noticed it before. I was playing in some massive PLO game and had no idea what I was doing. I remember playing with Shaun Deeb, who is really fat irl, and this kid called Paul Volpe. They kicked my ass so hard. I remember playing in 2/4 stud and the game revolved around this old angry guy named Norman. There was also a douchey pro named Mike I think in the game. He would take the most crap I have ever heard.

Anyways, after floating around for a few months randomly jumping from plo to stud to high limit and no limit games, I discovered the 2/4 mixed game that ran Friday to Sunday. And I was totally hooked. The games were so crazy compared to the boring hold em I was used to. I learned about triple draw, badugi, badacey, super stud, ace-to-five, and other crazy games I don’t even remember.

When I first joined those games, I think people assumed I was good. I was young looking and played such high stakes. But within a month they all realized I was a new fish. The funny thing is at those stakes they tell you right to your face. I was told several times, there is always a seat for me, I was in way over my head, I am bleeding money. Compared to other younger players I was a real pleasure to play with. Respectful, never threw a tantrum, no showboating. I think a couple of the pros even felt like they liked me. I remember one pro, Jordan, tried to teach me the games and how to improve, but I didn’t want to hear it. I just wanted to drink and splash around and be a freaking moron.

I slowly blew through the epic black jack winnings and began taking out more $20k markers. I remember I had just gotten off the phone with the Borgata one night and my roommate walked into the living room and was like, dude did you just wire $20k to a casino? Wtf is wrong with you.

I eventually started playing in underground games in the city. I blew about $40k in those games and looking back on it, I was clearly getting cheated. But even knowing that I still played lol. I also think I was the only degen mark they ever encountered that paid off his debts on time. They even asked me once to stop writing such large checks, could I please make it out in $5k increments lol.

After blowing another $20k one weekend, I went back to my room and looked in the mirror. Disheveled, grumpy but most importantly just unhappy. The thrill of high stakes was gone. It was not a rush anymore. It felt like every week I would work and then go to AC to get kicked in the face. I lost so much cash in the 2/4 and 3/6 mixed games that I cannot blame it on run bad or variance. Someone has to be a real terrible player to lose that much in those games. Look I understand the pros probably cross booked each other, soft played and squeezed me – but I lost something like 25 straight sessions.

When I finally walked away from the disaster, I had lost $100k in blackjack profit and another ~$325k of my own money playing the pit, high stakes mixed games and games in the city. The amazing thing is I was able just walk away. I have not been back to AC since the end of 2014 / early 2015. The money I lost was all the money I had saved since 2010, busting my ass as an analyst and associate. I am grateful I finally stopped before liquidating my retirement accounts, which I had been contemplating at one point. I remember wanting to kill myself during the degen run, but never really had the courage to do it.

I wonder if the regs at the mixed games think I am dead in a ditch somewhere, blowing all that money so regularly every week and then never showing up ever again. Does anyone know if the 2/4 mixed still runs every weekend? Anyone here ever play in the game back then?
What made you never go back after the huge losses? In a way it was good you never ran hot or you could still be in that life.
Degen Stories.... Quote
03-14-2020 , 04:37 PM
Originally Posted by Jazzy31133
Time for my contribution to the degen thread. I thought I had posted about my degen summer, but can’t find it posted in this thread and I feel like reminiscing now that I live a boring square, life.

I got into poker like we all did, watching that fat clown moneymaker luck his way into $2 million on ESPN. Was never that good, would run up an initial deposit into thousands, move up stakes, move higher, then lose it all. I existed for awhile at 5/10 NL on FTP for a couple of years, but I remember taking a shot at 25/50 and losing to that drunk Layne Flack, or at least someone who was playing under this name. Looking back on it now, how those guys just stole from us, still bothers me to this day. And not one of them ever got arrested. I heard Ferguson even dared to show his face at the WSOP and not one person knocked his ass out. Anyway, I digress.

The point is I was a break-even player at best. Understood the stats, could even read people, but had no interest in playing if the stakes didn’t scare me. And we all know what happens when you continuously play over your head or with scared money.

Once Black Friday came, I got my occasional poker fix in AC. I started at the Trop, played a bunch at the Taj, but once I discovered Borgata I never went anywhere else. Over the years I had my mini degen moments, sitting at 5/10 NL with my last $800, spinning it up to $5k and then dumping at blackjack, etc.

By 2014, I would only go to AC once in awhile and only blow a few thousand I could afford. Until early that summer I got dumped by a girl I assumed I would marry. She was beautiful, came from the same background as me and was wealthy. I just figured this was finally it. As my wife now tells me, I was a clueless dick to her and deserved to get dumped, but at the time I was shattered. If anyone has been in love and has been dumped, you know the empty sorrow, the soul crushing despair, the feeling like what is the freaking point of even living anymore. I took those feelings with me back to the Borgata.

I would be itching all week till Friday, try to sneak out of work early, catch the greyhound and ride down to AC. Catch the shuttle or taxi to Borgata and start playing any game I could get into. This went on for some weeks. I was about break even, but break even to a degen is like losing to a normal person. I was getting ancy and poker was too slow a grind. So I remember taking some amount to the blackjack tables and losing it. I then remember thinking its only Friday night and I am not going back to my place and do nothing for the rest of the weekend. I decide to cash advance the max on my card. I think it was around $20k, or perhaps a little less after fees. You feel like such a degen when they fingerprint you on those advances.

Anyways, I somehow blow $20k at blackjack in under an hour. I have no idea how someone can do that. I remember being a mixture of angry, sad and disgusted. I do not want to go home and I know have lost the most amount of money at one sitting as I ever had. I think at that point my biggest one night loss was when I had bet a 2 game parlay for $8k. So this was a huge loss figure for me.

You know at the Borgata how there are the low limit blackjack tables in one area, and right behind there is this like raised dais of a room where the high limit tables are, and to the right of that is the “credit” office. Well I freaking walked in there and asked for a $20k marker. I was kind of hoping they would laugh at me and tell me to get lost. I have never been in there or knew how any of it worked. Sometimes I dream about that night and wish they had thrown me out or arrested me or just told me to eff off.

Instead this manager guy asked me to log into my bank accounts. I showed him my checking account, my investment account and my 401k account. Logged into them with passwords right on this random computer like a total degen. I had around $40k in checking, $150k in investment account and even more in 401k, so this guy couldn’t green light the $20k fast enough.

I took the cash and went right to the blackjack table in the high limit room next to the credit place, right in front. I remember changing the cash and getting started. My whole body was shaking, but when you are in degen mode you just don’t give a crap about the consequences. You just want to get even.

I wish I could tell you some of the hands I got. I wish I remembered anything specific. What I do remember are snap shots. I remember at one point putting purple chips in three spots. I remember playing every base and splitting ten’s like a total psychopath. I remember going on the biggest heater of my life. I remember getting tapped on the shoulder by the pitboss. At that point I was kind of freaking out. They must assume I am cheating. They must think I am underage. I look to the pitboss and ask him what the problem is. He laughs and goes you know what the problem is sir. I say I have not done anything wrong search me. He looked at me quizzically for a second, I don’t know what he was thinking, but then he gestured to the dealer. He said dude, we are out of chips, we’ve called for a refill. I had literally won the vast majority of the chips from the dealer. I take this as a sign and cash the heck out.

I insta pay back my marker, pay my credit card advance right away and go to my room. I had sat down with $20k, gotten to a low of like $10k and run it up to just over a $100k. I remember walking out of the high limit bj room so happy, but thinking very briefly I wonder if this is the worst thing to happen to me.

The thing with betting big is that when you try to go back to your normal stakes, it feels like a giant waste of time. Like my old stakes were beneath me. I take my new massive roll and start sitting in games I had no business being in. I would play the large PLO games they had, I would play the highest limit poker game they had. I remember once night around the superbowl, the one where the pats beat the seahawks at the last minute, playing in a room next to the high limit poker room in the back of the Borgata poker room. It was like this room off to the side with a gate. I had never even noticed it before. I was playing in some massive PLO game and had no idea what I was doing. I remember playing with Shaun Deeb, who is really fat irl, and this kid called Paul Volpe. They kicked my ass so hard. I remember playing in 2/4 stud and the game revolved around this old angry guy named Norman. There was also a douchey pro named Mike I think in the game. He would take the most crap I have ever heard.

Anyways, after floating around for a few months randomly jumping from plo to stud to high limit and no limit games, I discovered the 2/4 mixed game that ran Friday to Sunday. And I was totally hooked. The games were so crazy compared to the boring hold em I was used to. I learned about triple draw, badugi, badacey, super stud, ace-to-five, and other crazy games I don’t even remember.

When I first joined those games, I think people assumed I was good. I was young looking and played such high stakes. But within a month they all realized I was a new fish. The funny thing is at those stakes they tell you right to your face. I was told several times, there is always a seat for me, I was in way over my head, I am bleeding money. Compared to other younger players I was a real pleasure to play with. Respectful, never threw a tantrum, no showboating. I think a couple of the pros even felt like they liked me. I remember one pro, Jordan, tried to teach me the games and how to improve, but I didn’t want to hear it. I just wanted to drink and splash around and be a freaking moron.

I slowly blew through the epic black jack winnings and began taking out more $20k markers. I remember I had just gotten off the phone with the Borgata one night and my roommate walked into the living room and was like, dude did you just wire $20k to a casino? Wtf is wrong with you.

I eventually started playing in underground games in the city. I blew about $40k in those games and looking back on it, I was clearly getting cheated. But even knowing that I still played lol. I also think I was the only degen mark they ever encountered that paid off his debts on time. They even asked me once to stop writing such large checks, could I please make it out in $5k increments lol.

After blowing another $20k one weekend, I went back to my room and looked in the mirror. Disheveled, grumpy but most importantly just unhappy. The thrill of high stakes was gone. It was not a rush anymore. It felt like every week I would work and then go to AC to get kicked in the face. I lost so much cash in the 2/4 and 3/6 mixed games that I cannot blame it on run bad or variance. Someone has to be a real terrible player to lose that much in those games. Look I understand the pros probably cross booked each other, soft played and squeezed me – but I lost something like 25 straight sessions.

When I finally walked away from the disaster, I had lost $100k in blackjack profit and another ~$325k of my own money playing the pit, high stakes mixed games and games in the city. The amazing thing is I was able just walk away. I have not been back to AC since the end of 2014 / early 2015. The money I lost was all the money I had saved since 2010, busting my ass as an analyst and associate. I am grateful I finally stopped before liquidating my retirement accounts, which I had been contemplating at one point. I remember wanting to kill myself during the degen run, but never really had the courage to do it.

I wonder if the regs at the mixed games think I am dead in a ditch somewhere, blowing all that money so regularly every week and then never showing up ever again. Does anyone know if the 2/4 mixed still runs every weekend? Anyone here ever play in the game back then?

HUGE HUGE props buddy. Glad you were able to walk away. You’re obviously in a better place and don’t need to hear this but you dodged a lot of pain by walking away when you did. Take it from someone who knows. Proud of you on that.

Lol’d at the cash advance at the casino..I’ve spent more time getting cash advances approved than at the tables in vegas.

Thought you were going to end off saying you lost your BJ winnings by playing high stakes but you lost another 325 and walked away - amazing. I’m hoping and assuming you never accrued debt because it was your life savings (not that this makes it any better - I personally tilt more when I lose my own money rather than go in a deeper hole).

Lastly - I don’t know if it’s because you’re summarizing your story or what but it seems like you had some big swings very very fast and never really had time to settle. From biggest loss being an 8k two gamer to 20kncash advance lost in the pit to 100k BJ heater..that’s some crazy fast progression. Honestly don’t know how you got out...that in itself is worth way more than the money lost.

By the way if u ever feel like heading down that same path go for it. Just be okay with losing everything you love and value in your life. If you’re ok with that enjoy the Borgota!

You are also long forgotten by the regs because a new fish/degen comes around very often - and considering it’s been 5-6 years you’re probably never thought of. In fact I bet most of those regs are either bust or moved on themselves. If they were still around and were discussing your whereabouts I’m sure they’d price you at being clean and happy at +2000.
Degen Stories.... Quote
03-14-2020 , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by tenflopsz
Pretty sick story. Crazy how these big wins are ultimately awful for degens.
The worst.

Which makes me wonder if I am to get out again how bad will I go under the next time?
Degen Stories.... Quote
03-15-2020 , 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by tenflopsz
Pretty sick story. Crazy how these big wins are ultimately awful for degens.
I have started to think that we want to go into sick degen mode because it is like a holiday for us degens. The bigger the win the bigger the bender we go on and bigger the holiday plus it is winnings.

Only reason we hate ourselves after its because we think we should saved or if you have family you know be better spent on bills. Maybe some people just don't care bout 401k and growing old after working when there young and having no time for fun. Have fun young and pay price when old or work like nuts of stress and maybe day before you retire anyway. Some people just don't see family and work as the end game.
Degen Stories.... Quote
03-15-2020 , 02:32 PM
I guess the guys who walk away like jazzy seperates the one who continue and continue and never stop. The ones with no discipline to stop and just quit forever.

I for myself lost round about 180k over the last couple of years, only to chase the numbers I lost and life flew by. 3 days ago I found myself back at the roulette table throwing couple of thousands more to the online casino till I had zero money left in my bank account. Realizing and reminding myself that I will just go deeper and deeper in the hole helped my to finally realize I don't want that kind of life anymore. A life full of depressing and unhappiness. I will take that experience to help others from now on, help people in the process to wake up - to change.

The worst part about it, who makes me so angry, that we people/gamblers/degens are so stupid to support people (founders of bookies/casinos) to make their business successful. Pricks who don't give a **** about their customers and don't give a dime back in return. When someone should be rewarded for the whole thing, then it should be the gamblers. The whole players community who are in the same boat, not some *******s who take advantage from people who have this weakness or are sick.

I'd like to take this opportunity to reach out here for people who think the same way. I really would appreciate your dm. Also looking for video editors and people with a big network who want support the change I wanna make even it's a small one at the beginning.
Degen Stories.... Quote
03-15-2020 , 05:21 PM
Your probably right. For every epic degen adventure there is a 100 sad stories that would just leave the reader depressed.
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03-20-2020 , 02:23 PM
If you guys want to see true degens I suggest you check our r/wallstreetbets on reddit. Everying and their mother YOLO'ing their life savings on options trading.
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03-20-2020 , 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by Sick Swings
I guess the guys who walk away like jazzy seperates the one who continue and continue and never stop. The ones with no discipline to stop and just quit forever.

I for myself lost round about 180k over the last couple of years, only to chase the numbers I lost and life flew by. 3 days ago I found myself back at the roulette table throwing couple of thousands more to the online casino till I had zero money left in my bank account. Realizing and reminding myself that I will just go deeper and deeper in the hole helped my to finally realize I don't want that kind of life anymore. A life full of depressing and unhappiness. I will take that experience to help others from now on, help people in the process to wake up - to change.

The worst part about it, who makes me so angry, that we people/gamblers/degens are so stupid to support people (founders of bookies/casinos) to make their business successful. Pricks who don't give a **** about their customers and don't give a dime back in return. When someone should be rewarded for the whole thing, then it should be the gamblers. The whole players community who are in the same boat, not some *******s who take advantage from people who have this weakness or are sick.

I'd like to take this opportunity to reach out here for people who think the same way. I really would appreciate your dm. Also looking for video editors and people with a big network who want support the change I wanna make even it's a small one at the beginning.
How about starting a co-op casino where every year you get a check for part of the profits?
Degen Stories.... Quote
03-21-2020 , 10:25 AM
Nothing to bet on but slots £400 on one slot without one bonus. £1 a spin so bored but slots destroyed you without hitting.
Degen Stories.... Quote
03-22-2020 , 10:13 AM
Is it bad to split 10s like a psychopath? Isn't that the right move?

Originally Posted by Jazzy31133
I insta pay back my marker, pay my credit card advance right away and go to my room. I had sat down with $20k, gotten to a low of like $10k and run it up to just over a $100k. ?
WOW, degens NEVER do that! You were supposed to take the $100k and put it on red until you lost it all.

Last edited by Sheep86; 03-22-2020 at 04:07 PM. Reason: merged two posts
Degen Stories.... Quote
03-22-2020 , 10:45 AM
Originally Posted by Snipes
HUGE HUGE props buddy. Glad you were able to walk away. 0.
He didn't walk away. He lost everything, basically.
Degen Stories.... Quote
04-01-2020 , 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by Best Buddy
How about starting a co-op casino where every year you get a check for part of the profits?
It's not my intention. I don't wanna make money by people losing their money at gambling.

I'll generate as much follower as I can over the next couple of weeks/months and provide high quality content. Giving as much as possible back (especially $ wise) in return to my community who like Roulette/BJ for example, have gambling problems in general or maybe other addictions.

First 30 people who support me on that mission will get a top tier position in the top 100 ranking (guarantees the highest possibility for free daily payouts).
I start working with a world top 5 bookie/online casino as a partner which will allow me to provide the whole project.

Maybe tmr I'll start a seperate thread for more information. Don't hesitate to pm me if you wanna get a top 30 seat. I announced it here first! As you can imagine seats will be taken in no time...
Degen Stories.... Quote
04-04-2020 , 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by tenflopsz
Pretty sick story. Crazy how these big wins are ultimately awful for degens.
It is so funny, because I clearly remember thinking...I wonder if this win is going to end up biting me in the ass like in all those stories I hear about lottery winners. I guess we all think we are better than the average joe.

Originally Posted by rickroll
grunching but in the end you found a partner where you can safely discuss "the one who got away" so nothing else really matters as you got a solid relationship
I totally agree man!

I met my wife a couple of years later and honestly its just another lucky things that happened to me. I run really bad at cards (and play bad I admit it), but I run like the Sun in real life.

We got married at the freaking Plaza, shes a doctor, wealthy family, better looking than me, the whole 9 yards lol.

Originally Posted by Floparabbit
What made you never go back after the huge losses? In a way it was good you never ran hot or you could still be in that life.
I am really not sure man. You get addicted to the high stakes and adrenaline, regular life seems so boring. I would love the looks I would get from players as they saw me cash in for big chips. It's like you start thinking youre better than all the low limit grinders. It gets to your head.

And then one day, I just said enough. I have no idea where the strength to stop came from, I just know that I am scared to go back to a casino unsupervised. I think the biggest thing you need to do is to just keep yourself busy. I started writing screenplays again and focused on work and went on a bunch of dates. Idle hands are the devil's workshop.

And now that I am married, mortgage, a kid, I just don't have the urge to light money on fire. Having a family really helps put your degen feelings in place.

Last edited by Sheep86; 04-06-2020 at 12:27 PM. Reason: three posts merged
Degen Stories.... Quote
04-04-2020 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by Snipes
HUGE HUGE props buddy. Glad you were able to walk away. You’re obviously in a better place and don’t need to hear this but you dodged a lot of pain by walking away when you did. Take it from someone who knows. Proud of you on that.

Lol’d at the cash advance at the casino..I’ve spent more time getting cash advances approved than at the tables in vegas.

Thought you were going to end off saying you lost your BJ winnings by playing high stakes but you lost another 325 and walked away - amazing. I’m hoping and assuming you never accrued debt because it was your life savings (not that this makes it any better - I personally tilt more when I lose my own money rather than go in a deeper hole).

Lastly - I don’t know if it’s because you’re summarizing your story or what but it seems like you had some big swings very very fast and never really had time to settle. From biggest loss being an 8k two gamer to 20kncash advance lost in the pit to 100k BJ heater..that’s some crazy fast progression. Honestly don’t know how you got out...that in itself is worth way more than the money lost.

By the way if u ever feel like heading down that same path go for it. Just be okay with losing everything you love and value in your life. If you’re ok with that enjoy the Borgota!

You are also long forgotten by the regs because a new fish/degen comes around very often - and considering it’s been 5-6 years you’re probably never thought of. In fact I bet most of those regs are either bust or moved on themselves. If they were still around and were discussing your whereabouts I’m sure they’d price you at being clean and happy at +2000.
Thanks man. For the huge amount of cash I lost, I feel so lucky. I will never do another cash advance again, if I can ever help it lol!
Degen Stories.... Quote
04-04-2020 , 07:13 PM
Originally Posted by legionrainfall
Is it bad to split 10s like a psychopath? Isn't that the right move?

WOW, degens NEVER do that! You were supposed to take the $100k and put it on red until you lost it all.
I am no expert on blackjack theory, but if you have 2 tens and the dealer is showing a 7 or 8, you stay right? Even if he shows a 5 or 6, I believe you still should stay, because you shouldn't break a winning hand. I would just split all the time that night lol.
Degen Stories.... Quote
04-04-2020 , 07:29 PM
More stories I remember...The abusive pro from the 2/4 stud games was Mike Siegal. I just saw a poker night in america episode and saw him. He talks alot on that show, but man can he really spit some vinegar at the table. He would totally abuse this old rich guy called Norman at the game. It was a bizarre dynamic where they would scream at each other, but appeared to have played together for years. The game ran around Norman, who appeared to have piles of cash and no family.

Have you heard of Paul Volpe? He was this young, chubby kid who would never seem to lose. I remember him literally calling my hand when we got heads up in pots. Best player I remember.

I remember playing with a young kid named Dan Zach. I have seen him on Live at the Bike sometimes. He was another good young player. I had asked him what made him jump into poker...there was this old Vietnamese guy at the mixed game. He was as bad as me. Dan said one summer he won close to a million of the guy and that was what made him decide to pursue poker.

I once saw Ted Forrest rolling around the high limit room, man he looked worn down, broke and miserable.

Shaun Deeb is really good, I remember playing PLO against him one night. His played def lived up to the hype.

I played against Phil Galfond in a charity game in the city that summer. He was pretty darn good irl too.

Can't remember anything else right now.
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