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Degen Stories.... Degen Stories....

02-13-2020 , 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by Topological
After reading through this thread, I’ve been inspired to post my degen story.

So, I started playing online poker in roughly 2007 during 2nd year university. I would only deposit small amounts of $50 or $100 and try and grind it up. Usually, I would get my bankroll up to $1000-$5000 and either tilt off my entire bankroll (usually through martingaling Heads-up games on Full Tilt) or have the senses to withdraw my last $1000 and start over. This went on up until Black Friday where I had $5000 on my Full Tilt account frozen. (I was probably break even at poker at this point despite all the spewing I did because of small initial deposits). I got really depressed from Black Friday and really weened down on playing poker for a year. As a Canadian, I got my Full Tilt money back and within a week I had spewed away the entire $5000.

This was 2011 and was one of the hardest years of my life. My girlfriend and I broke up, I had lost that $5000, I had a criminal charge against me (long story but it was eventually overturned), after living in downtown Toronto for school and having no job and no career goals, I was basically stone dead broke and I had to move in with my mom. (My dad is fairly wealthy - doesn’t give me many handouts but basically has always took care of my finances like paying for my Toronto apartment rent and food allowance etc).

A month into living with mom and being basically broke, my grandma gave me $25,000 in cash to encourage me to buy a car for myself. So, I spent about $10,000 on things I felt like I needed like a new laptop, clothes, basically things that made me happy to get me out of that depression. I deposited $5000 on PokerStars and because of tilt issues, I blew it in about a month. I then deposited my last $10,000 on PokerStars (this was about a year into living with my mom). I finally decided to move out to Nova Scotia and secured a really shitty job - I knew absolutely no one out here but because of the year of being depressed at my mom’s, I really wanted to escape from everyone around me. My brother helped me move my belongings there and I kid you not. The day he drove back, I lost my job then logged onto PokerStars and proceeded to blow $9000 sitting at 25/50NL and $2000 HU SNGs. I cashed out my last $1000. I was so ****ing depressed for a week after this. I had $1000 to my name, I had no job, no friends, I was in a totally foreign province and couldn’t believe what I did. For a week, I did nothing but stayed in bed, cried, contemplated suicide and watched suicide documentaries etc. Eventually, I pulled myself together, got another shitty job and convinced myself to control tilt issues and deposited a $100 on Stars. I actually played very controlled and had learned a lot of emotional control and got it up to $600 playing strictly micro stake poker.

(This is about 2014) It was then where through a friend I worked with, he got me into playing Magic: The Gathering (I had played the game when I was a kid too). I stopped playing poker completely and spent most of the money I would get from paychecks on MTG cards. I eventually amassed a collection valued at about $15,000. I actually had a lot of success in Magic - even finishing in the Top8 of a 2000 player tournament which netted me $2000 and a free trip to Hawaii. Anyways, fast forward to 2018 - I since moved back to Ontario closer to family, live in an apartment with a new girlfriend that my dad bought for me, got a decent job that allowed me to save etc.

In 2018, I had $3000 in savings, still not really having touched poker again since I got invested in MTG. I live near a casino and started going there recreationally for fun - and eventually got hooked on roulette. Spun the $3000 into close to $10,000 and proceeded to spew off the entire $10,000 at the roulette wheel. I was pretty crestfallen and by then I was disenfranchised with Magic: The Gathering and sold my entire collection for about $12,000. I then proceeded to blow about $7000 of that at the roulette wheel again. After this, I started playing on PokerStars again. I deposited usually around $500, ran it up to about $1500 and tilted off the entire amount. (This happened probably about 5 times). Last month, I ran a $500 deposit to about $6000, lost $1000, got sensible about things and withdrew $5000. I still have that $5000 in cash in my apartment and have about $2500 extra on PS and I’m trying really hard to be sensible about things. The plus is that in a pretty good position right now given that I have a place, a girlfriend and a solid job.

Sorry for the long post.
Dad of the year!
Degen Stories.... Quote
02-15-2020 , 09:37 AM
Originally Posted by 29offutgshove
This is probably a ridiculous question but figure, I will ask anyway. With all these horrific stories, has anyone ever taken a small bankroll(less than $5,000) and degenerate gambled on table games, slots, or sports betting, turned it into 6 figures, and just walked away while ahead and never gambled it away?
No, the degen will just take that $100k and keep betting it all until it's all gone.

They are defective lab rats. Not human.
That is the way of the sick degen.

This is how ALL degens operate.
They are DESTINED to lose.

But, Degen will KEEP on double down until he loses.
Just moves to bigger stakes.

I can literally give a degen $1,000,000 and they will turn it into $50,000,000,000 and then put it all on black until they lose it.

The degen can never win any money at gambling.
He will just keep playing until he loses everything.

He can hit blackjack ONE THOUSAND TIMES IN A ROW.
He now has the entire world's money supply.

What does he do? Plays another hand with his entire stack!
If he wins? He now has TWICE the world's money supply at the table !!!
What does he do? Plays another hand with his entire stack!
Ohhh, back to zero, AND he forgot to pay the rent while he had the entire world's money supply.

This is the degen bankroll.

Always BAD LUCK!

After being up $60,000
Degen calls his mom so he can borrow $3 for a pizza for lunch.
Degen Stories.... Quote
02-15-2020 , 01:27 PM
Degen Stories.... Quote
02-15-2020 , 01:47 PM
that is awesome and made my day!!
what command in Gimp did you use to do that?
YouTube tutorial?
Degen Stories.... Quote
02-15-2020 , 01:49 PM
Degen Stories.... Quote
02-15-2020 , 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by legionrainfall
that is awesome and made my day!!
what command in Gimp did you use to do that?
YouTube tutorial?
It's an option on imgflip to insert pictures within memes.
Degen Stories.... Quote
02-16-2020 , 04:15 AM
Originally Posted by Morphismus
Ha ha awesome.
Degen Stories.... Quote
02-16-2020 , 07:11 PM
Reminds me of the bad lip reading from YouTube.

Star wars and walked dead songs are great. Seagulls and pa pa do or something very funny.
Degen Stories.... Quote
02-16-2020 , 09:31 PM
dunno if i already shared but 3+ weeks back I didn't eat and just did expensive coca cola and alcohol and gamble for 3-4 days straight to a point that i pissed blood and punted a ton of money with the clear intention of dying and dying poor.
It was a good time.
Degen Stories.... Quote
02-17-2020 , 12:30 PM
MOC contribution is gold
Degen Stories.... Quote
02-17-2020 , 03:02 PM
I once lost almost all of my money gambling on irl, so I'm not so sure how reliable prediction sites are or how accurate they are about predictions. I am currently reading "Game Theory: A Theory of Everything" by Daniel Kahneman, who is known to be a pessimist. I've come to the conclusion that there is too much information for any one person to judge accurately. I often have this feeling that you have to be in the right place at the right time to be able to make a profitable wager. For example, I was one of the only people who took the plunge and invested in SC2. I was confident I'd win against most of the Koreans but then it happened. Who knows if you'll win or not.
Degen Stories.... Quote
02-18-2020 , 10:48 AM
What is sc2? And what happened you peaked my interest.
Degen Stories.... Quote
02-18-2020 , 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by Floparabbit
What is sc2? And what happened you peaked my interest.

I believe he means StarCraft 2 which is mega LOL
He ever thought he has a snowballs shot in hell at going toe to toe with and beating the Korean kids
Degen Stories.... Quote
02-18-2020 , 05:19 PM
Morphismus had made my day AGAIN
Degen Stories.... Quote
02-19-2020 , 12:14 AM
Originally Posted by Henk from Holland
I once lost almost all of my money gambling on irl, so I'm not so sure how reliable prediction sites are or how accurate they are about predictions. I am currently reading "Game Theory: A Theory of Everything" by Daniel Kahneman, who is known to be a pessimist. I've come to the conclusion that there is too much information for any one person to judge accurately. I often have this feeling that you have to be in the right place at the right time to be able to make a profitable wager. For example, I was one of the only people who took the plunge and invested in SC2. I was confident I'd win against most of the Koreans but then it happened. Who knows if you'll win or not.
if you did a thread on this adventure i'd for sure subscribe

would be very interested
Degen Stories.... Quote
02-19-2020 , 01:15 AM
Originally Posted by rickroll
if you did a thread on this adventure i'd for sure subscribe

would be very interested
I knew SC2 had an amazingly diverse pool of players and styles and was committed to my belief that I'd either take the championship or get laughed out of the tournament by a good friend.
Degen Stories.... Quote
02-27-2020 , 03:51 PM
Hey snipes,

Stake me for the main event this year. I’ll make the final table and your debt situation will be resolved. Thanks
Degen Stories.... Quote
02-28-2020 , 02:07 AM
You can get a free blackjack fix (or any game in the "play for fun" section) here:

or various channels such as this one:

I think it triggers the same pain and reward centers in your brain because when you're a true degen the money doesn't matter, so if it's free or if it's $100/hand it still doesn't matter. Let me know if it works!
Degen Stories.... Quote
02-28-2020 , 11:18 AM
Here is a ultimate 15 year old degen story. Started a lead generation company from nothing in 2004 at 20 by 2008 accumulated 1.5 million. 2008 crisis hit since my company generated mortgage leads I went out of business. Had 750k in receivables I couldn't collect since big mortgage companys were now out of business. Still had over 1 mil left and had nothing to do so started frequenting big underground cashgames and lost everything. Took last 10k left to Bargota ran up to 300k in Blackjack in 5 hours, had pitbosses going crazy. Got up went to cage, asked for a cashiers check got it, than pitbosses gave me free suite so I stayed, next day cashed the check back lost it all in 1 hour playing 5k 3 hands. Was broke and destitute mad at banks so I started comitting fraud against them. Got caught within a year by the Fbi, took a plea of 2 years, kept gambling even on pretrial. Once when I was playing poker in a underground club the Nypd busted down the door and was real pissed that the club had a steel door and security would not open the door so they ran everyones license. Luckily nothing showed up. When it came time to self surrender I got cold feet, made new identity ran off to Miami , money dried out and kept gambling so I reverted back to fraud. After a 6 year run and degening most of the money away Secret Service knocked on my door and arrested me. Whatever money I had left they found since they were surveilling me for a whole year and knew every step I took. Didn't even have money for a lawyer so I had to use a public defender who got me the worst deal possibilly imaginable although being a fugitive and committing crimes certainly didn't help. He got me a 11 year plea for a fraud of only a million dollars which is pretty bad comparing to white collar fraud statutes. I got out not to long ago after 8 years. Last 2 years of prison weren't so bad I spent it in Camps and seen people like Michael Cohen who is a douche. Now out at 35 and destitute(having hard time finding a job since not many people wanna hire a 2 time felon with big gaps in their resume even though I have always had some type of business since I was 14 till 20's convictions) but gained a lifetime of experience. Learned that if you have no discipline in certain aspects of life don't do them. Before I started gambling I often laughed at junkies who would abuse drugs and wondered how or why someone would stick a needle in their arm and rob their own family to feed their addiction. But I found out that addiction is addiction whether its drugs, gambling or food and if you got it its very hard to control. The 1st step is admitting to yourself you got a problem, the 2nd step is doing something about it.

Last edited by equity48; 02-28-2020 at 11:26 AM.
Degen Stories.... Quote
02-29-2020 , 06:46 PM
Originally Posted by equity48
Here is a ultimate 15 year old degen story. Started a lead generation company from nothing in 2004 at 20 by 2008 accumulated 1.5 million. 2008 crisis hit since my company generated mortgage leads I went out of business. Had 750k in receivables I couldn't collect since big mortgage companys were now out of business. Still had over 1 mil left and had nothing to do so started frequenting big underground cashgames and lost everything. Took last 10k left to Bargota ran up to 300k in Blackjack in 5 hours, had pitbosses going crazy. Got up went to cage, asked for a cashiers check got it, than pitbosses gave me free suite so I stayed, next day cashed the check back lost it all in 1 hour playing 5k 3 hands. Was broke and destitute mad at banks so I started comitting fraud against them. Got caught within a year by the Fbi, took a plea of 2 years, kept gambling even on pretrial. Once when I was playing poker in a underground club the Nypd busted down the door and was real pissed that the club had a steel door and security would not open the door so they ran everyones license. Luckily nothing showed up. When it came time to self surrender I got cold feet, made new identity ran off to Miami , money dried out and kept gambling so I reverted back to fraud. After a 6 year run and degening most of the money away Secret Service knocked on my door and arrested me. Whatever money I had left they found since they were surveilling me for a whole year and knew every step I took. Didn't even have money for a lawyer so I had to use a public defender who got me the worst deal possibilly imaginable although being a fugitive and committing crimes certainly didn't help. He got me a 11 year plea for a fraud of only a million dollars which is pretty bad comparing to white collar fraud statutes. I got out not to long ago after 8 years. Last 2 years of prison weren't so bad I spent it in Camps and seen people like Michael Cohen who is a douche. Now out at 35 and destitute(having hard time finding a job since not many people wanna hire a 2 time felon with big gaps in their resume even though I have always had some type of business since I was 14 till 20's convictions) but gained a lifetime of experience. Learned that if you have no discipline in certain aspects of life don't do them. Before I started gambling I often laughed at junkies who would abuse drugs and wondered how or why someone would stick a needle in their arm and rob their own family to feed their addiction. But I found out that addiction is addiction whether its drugs, gambling or food and if you got it its very hard to control. The 1st step is admitting to yourself you got a problem, the 2nd step is doing something about it.
Crazy life.

Honestly surprised you’re still alive and I don’t mean that as an insult.

Tell us more about what the 8 years in jail was like and if that made you made you not want to gamble when u got out.
Degen Stories.... Quote
02-29-2020 , 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by equity48
Here is a ultimate 15 year old degen story. Started a lead generation company from nothing in 2004 at 20 by 2008 accumulated 1.5 million. 2008 crisis hit since my company generated mortgage leads I went out of business. Had 750k in receivables I couldn't collect since big mortgage companys were now out of business. Still had over 1 mil left and had nothing to do so started frequenting big underground cashgames and lost everything. Took last 10k left to Bargota ran up to 300k in Blackjack in 5 hours, had pitbosses going crazy. Got up went to cage, asked for a cashiers check got it, than pitbosses gave me free suite so I stayed, next day cashed the check back lost it all in 1 hour playing 5k 3 hands. Was broke and destitute mad at banks so I started comitting fraud against them. Got caught within a year by the Fbi, took a plea of 2 years, kept gambling even on pretrial. Once when I was playing poker in a underground club the Nypd busted down the door and was real pissed that the club had a steel door and security would not open the door so they ran everyones license. Luckily nothing showed up. When it came time to self surrender I got cold feet, made new identity ran off to Miami , money dried out and kept gambling so I reverted back to fraud. After a 6 year run and degening most of the money away Secret Service knocked on my door and arrested me. Whatever money I had left they found since they were surveilling me for a whole year and knew every step I took. Didn't even have money for a lawyer so I had to use a public defender who got me the worst deal possibilly imaginable although being a fugitive and committing crimes certainly didn't help. He got me a 11 year plea for a fraud of only a million dollars which is pretty bad comparing to white collar fraud statutes. I got out not to long ago after 8 years. Last 2 years of prison weren't so bad I spent it in Camps and seen people like Michael Cohen who is a douche. Now out at 35 and destitute(having hard time finding a job since not many people wanna hire a 2 time felon with big gaps in their resume even though I have always had some type of business since I was 14 till 20's convictions) but gained a lifetime of experience. Learned that if you have no discipline in certain aspects of life don't do them. Before I started gambling I often laughed at junkies who would abuse drugs and wondered how or why someone would stick a needle in their arm and rob their own family to feed their addiction. But I found out that addiction is addiction whether its drugs, gambling or food and if you got it its very hard to control. The 1st step is admitting to yourself you got a problem, the 2nd step is doing something about it.
can we be best friends pls i like you
share more
Degen Stories.... Quote
03-01-2020 , 01:38 PM
No you can't be best friends. Maybe close but not Bessie's.
Degen Stories.... Quote
03-01-2020 , 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by equity48
Here is a ultimate 15 year old degen story. Started a lead generation company from nothing in 2004 at 20 by 2008 accumulated 1.5 million. 2008 crisis hit since my company generated mortgage leads I went out of business. Had 750k in receivables I couldn't collect since big mortgage companys were now out of business. Still had over 1 mil left and had nothing to do so started frequenting big underground cashgames and lost everything. Took last 10k left to Bargota ran up to 300k in Blackjack in 5 hours, had pitbosses going crazy. Got up went to cage, asked for a cashiers check got it, than pitbosses gave me free suite so I stayed, next day cashed the check back lost it all in 1 hour playing 5k 3 hands. Was broke and destitute mad at banks so I started comitting fraud against them. Got caught within a year by the Fbi, took a plea of 2 years, kept gambling even on pretrial. Once when I was playing poker in a underground club the Nypd busted down the door and was real pissed that the club had a steel door and security would not open the door so they ran everyones license. Luckily nothing showed up. When it came time to self surrender I got cold feet, made new identity ran off to Miami , money dried out and kept gambling so I reverted back to fraud. After a 6 year run and degening most of the money away Secret Service knocked on my door and arrested me. Whatever money I had left they found since they were surveilling me for a whole year and knew every step I took. Didn't even have money for a lawyer so I had to use a public defender who got me the worst deal possibilly imaginable although being a fugitive and committing crimes certainly didn't help. He got me a 11 year plea for a fraud of only a million dollars which is pretty bad comparing to white collar fraud statutes. I got out not to long ago after 8 years. Last 2 years of prison weren't so bad I spent it in Camps and seen people like Michael Cohen who is a douche. Now out at 35 and destitute(having hard time finding a job since not many people wanna hire a 2 time felon with big gaps in their resume even though I have always had some type of business since I was 14 till 20's convictions) but gained a lifetime of experience. Learned that if you have no discipline in certain aspects of life don't do them. Before I started gambling I often laughed at junkies who would abuse drugs and wondered how or why someone would stick a needle in their arm and rob their own family to feed their addiction. But I found out that addiction is addiction whether its drugs, gambling or food and if you got it its very hard to control. The 1st step is admitting to yourself you got a problem, the 2nd step is doing something about it.
Originally Posted by POCKET ROCKETS OO0
Crazy life.

Honestly surprised you’re still alive and I don’t mean that as an insult.

Tell us more about what the 8 years in jail was like and if that made you made you not want to gamble when u got out.
Uh could be 15 years of being miserable totally destroying my life? Coulda made better choices and be well of today, but like alot of successful people who develop a vice that destroys them I messed up. Prison gives you alot of time to think and evaluate your life, it certainly did for me. When you got a vice there is no such thing as doing it in moderation.
Degen Stories.... Quote
03-02-2020 , 04:56 AM
Originally Posted by equity48
Uh could be 15 years of being miserable totally destroying my life? Coulda made better choices and be well of today, but like alot of successful people who develop a vice that destroys them I messed up. Prison gives you alot of time to think and evaluate your life, it certainly did for me. When you got a vice there is no such thing as doing it in moderation.

Sensei I am ready.
Degen Stories.... Quote
03-02-2020 , 04:58 AM
Originally Posted by Carl Trooper
Hey snipes,

Stake me for the main event this year. I’ll make the final table and your debt situation will be resolved. Thanks
Appreciate the thought my friend..don't have 10k though.
Degen Stories.... Quote
