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Degen Stories.... Degen Stories....

11-24-2009 , 01:12 AM
When I turned 18 in 2007 I discovered pokerstrategy and got the 50$ free bucks. Read some basic **** about ratholing but ignored basic BRM. I ran really hot and played 4-6 tables NL50 with 10$ on each table. Only played the best hands and won every flip. So after 2 weeks my roll reached the 1k$ mark and I feel like Im the ****. So I move up to NL100 shortstacking and start losing. More losing.
Then I discover this little icon in the partypoker software named "Partybets" and "Partycasino".
So everyday I lose in poker I place a bet on basketball to get my money back. This works for like 2 weeks and Im now betting like 300$ per game. My roll is like 2k$ and Im baller again.
I will check the results via mobile internet when Im at my friends and I feel so baller, I buy drinks etc cuz I just made 600 bucks.
Well, then I lost a couple of games (at this point I rarely play poker, only betting) and my roll is down to 1k$. I play blackack and roulette. Place my whole roll on red (or black, cant remember) and the opposite hits. Broke. This night I also went to a party and the chick I had a crush on made out with another guy. I remember this day as the worst of my life lol.

Took a one year break from poker cuz I was convinced it was all luck based anyway.l

Today Im a NL200 SH grinder and november will be my first 5digit month.
Degen Stories.... Quote
11-24-2009 , 01:25 AM
^^like that one.
Degen Stories.... Quote
11-24-2009 , 02:11 AM
Originally Posted by firefox123
I don’t usually post in online forums, but I’ve been a bit of a lurker on 2+2 and thought I’d join and post my degen story. Bear with me since I have a propensity to ramble after a few.

I’ve had the gambling bug since I was a young kid, started playing the fruit machines (“slots” for our friends from across the “pond”) when I was a teenager and got myself into a mountain of debt, somehow paid it off and moved to the US when I was 18.

Everything was OK for a couple of years, I played the online casinos now and then but nothing too crazy. Then I started going to the pool halls and having friendly games of 9-ball for $20 or so with the regulars. I was never much good at pool, but in those days I seriously overestimated my ability. Back then I had trouble running 2-3 balls, but kept raising the stakes nonetheless. Within about a month I was playing $100 - $500 sets at the match tables at the front of the club and started to attract a small audience (not to mention a queue of people all too willing to relieve me of some of my cash).

I was making good money at work at the time (~80k/year) but the stakes started getting stupid as I kept chasing my losses and within about 2 months I was playing sets to 9 for ~$1-$3k or and I was broke. I borrowed some money from friends and lost that. I went to Montreal with some buddies for the weekend and lost $4k playing blackjack. I needed some cash fast.

One rainy night I was driving round while off my face with a buddy and took a turn too quick, the back wheels gave out (4 bald tires, never bothered getting them replaced), and I buried two parked cars. Couldn’t hang around due to the little “breathalyzer” problem so we sped off, and at about 5am that morning we went out and parked the car next to a fire hydrant, poured 5 bottles of lighter fluid in it and threw in a match. Next day my buddies smuggled me back home and I went down to the local police station to report it stolen. I thought it was only worth about $5k but a month later I had a cheque for $9,985 from the insurance company. Pretty lucky since I believe they investigate all claims over $10,000 much more diligently than those under. Lost the $10k in about 3 days playing pool.

So anyway, broke and pretty desperate at this point, I found a scheme to siphon some money from my employer’s account into my own. White shoe law firm, they wouldn’t notice a measly $5k right? I came into work one night at 3am smashed off my face and simply printed a cheque out in my own name on their cheque printer for ~$4,900 ($5k+ requires two signatures, anything less goes with the printed signature) and without thinking too much deposited it at the ATM. And that’s how it began.

Over the next six months, $5k turned into $10k, $20k, $30k and so on. I was the new whale at the pool halls round town. People from out of state heard about me. I was playing anywhere from $1k - $10k a set, every night, staying up all night every night, turning up to work ****-ass drunk but early enough to print my cheques, locking my office and sleeping on the floor all day before going out at 5pm and doing it all over again. That was a crazy six months, I don’t remember much of it as I was permanently smashed off my tits, going home every couple of days to shower but otherwise sleeping at work all day and boozing and gambling pretty much 5pm – 5am. I didn’t care about anything, I would even park my car right outside my office building in the middle of downtown and throw the two or three daily $30 parking tickets in the glove compartment. I never did pay any of those tickets.

Then the inevitable happened. I’m sitting in my office idly browsing the web and my boss calls me: “do you mind coming down to conference room 4b for a second?” So I trundle down there, and there they are – my boss, the CFO, and 3 plain clothes detectives. They questioned me for a while, I admitted everything, they handcuffed me and led me down to the cruiser and drove me to the holding cells. I was 21 and my world was over.

Bail was set at $50k. I didn’t have a cent to my name, my family didn’t bail me out so I rotted in a county jail for 8 months waiting to plead out my case. First couple of months was probably the worst, coming down off all the booze, no smoking, no commissary, hungry every night. After that it got a bit easier, but being locked in a 9*12 cell with 2 other people and no books for 22 hours is no fun when you’re a). hyperactive and b). verging on suicidally depressive.

Only when the indictment papers came through did I find out the final tally - $257k over the course of just under 6 months. I pled out for 20 months to forgery, larceny and uttering and got paroled after I had served 10. Another 3 months in INS custody and I was deported back to the UK, where I have been since then.

I’m still degen-ing it up these days, mostly on poker (I don’t play casino games any more, and pool rarely), but at least I can afford it now as I’m making pretty good money (~£10-11k/month). Those of you who are regulars at some of the live poker joints around London have probably met me before, smashed off my tits and playing like a crazy fish on the 1/2 NL Hold’em tables.

I’ve had quite a few pretty degen episodes since I got out, but nothing compares to that 6 months. August 2009 was my 6 year anniversary of getting out and all I can say is that I look back at it now as if it were all a dream.

So that’s my gambling degen story (well, the main one). Writing this was cathartic for me, hope it was entertaining for the readers.

i dont know whether or not to believe u but goddamnit i sure as hell want to.
Degen Stories.... Quote
11-24-2009 , 03:48 AM
Originally Posted by M.A.H.P.'s
i will trade 10mo for 250k or whatever it was, RIGHT NOW. us judicial system is a joke, unless it comes to illicit drugs, in which case...well...i guess its still a joke (in the opposite direction, of course).
If I were you, I would reserve that judgement until you spend a couple of days in an inner city jail as a 120lb white kid who doesn't know anyone.
Degen Stories.... Quote
11-24-2009 , 01:01 PM
^^perhaps, however since you obv know what you did is wrong, and MORE IMPORTANTLY have means now to do something about it, why shouldnt you pay some restitution to the effected party/parties? i really just hate it when people have (what i would consider) few consequences in relation to whatever thing they have done, move on, and next thing you know are living the high life again. of course, its the us justice system thats at fault here ultimately: lets spend lots of time making online poker illegal, chasing around calvin ayre, and enforcing trafic laws, but people who car prowl or write bad checks? go to town!! enjoy...
Degen Stories.... Quote
11-24-2009 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by grieverrrr
When I turned 18 in 2007 I discovered pokerstrategy and got the 50$ free bucks. Read some basic **** about ratholing but ignored basic BRM. I ran really hot and played 4-6 tables NL50 with 10$ on each table. Only played the best hands and won every flip. So after 2 weeks my roll reached the 1k$ mark and I feel like Im the ****. So I move up to NL100 shortstacking and start losing. More losing.
Then I discover this little icon in the partypoker software named "Partybets" and "Partycasino".
So everyday I lose in poker I place a bet on basketball to get my money back. This works for like 2 weeks and Im now betting like 300$ per game. My roll is like 2k$ and Im baller again.
I will check the results via mobile internet when Im at my friends and I feel so baller, I buy drinks etc cuz I just made 600 bucks.
Well, then I lost a couple of games (at this point I rarely play poker, only betting) and my roll is down to 1k$. I play blackack and roulette. Place my whole roll on red (or black, cant remember) and the opposite hits. Broke. This night I also went to a party and the chick I had a crush on made out with another guy. I remember this day as the worst of my life lol.

Took a one year break from poker cuz I was convinced it was all luck based anyway.l

Today Im a NL200 SH grinder and november will be my first 5digit month.
Why didn't you just keep betting on sports. I don't understand why you would flip for your roll.

Do you MTT too or just cash?
Degen Stories.... Quote
11-24-2009 , 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by ColdChicken
Why didn't you just keep betting on sports. I don't understand why you would flip for your roll.

Do you MTT too or just cash?
i understand why he did that

some times you just lose the control, i did it once, bet my role roll at a football game after lose a lot of bets
Degen Stories.... Quote
11-24-2009 , 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by M.A.H.P.'s
^^perhaps, however since you obv know what you did is wrong, and MORE IMPORTANTLY have means now to do something about it, why shouldnt you pay some restitution to the effected party/parties? i really just hate it when people have (what i would consider) few consequences in relation to whatever thing they have done, move on, and next thing you know are living the high life again. of course, its the us justice system thats at fault here ultimately: lets spend lots of time making online poker illegal, chasing around calvin ayre, and enforcing trafic laws, but people who car prowl or write bad checks? go to town!! enjoy...
If I had the means, I would. Unfortunately, I did not completely lose my degen ways so still largely living paycheck to paycheck and in debt to banks, credit card companies etc. Just not committing crime to fund it any more.

Point taken though. If it makes difference, the debt is owed to the lawyers' insurance company, and for them $250k is probably like $25 is to you and me.
Degen Stories.... Quote
11-24-2009 , 08:57 PM
Hi everyone. Long time lurker here. This is probably my favorite thread ever so I will post my story.

I went to Las Vegas with 5k in June 2008. Went broke within a couple weeks. Had no money. Slept in my car for a few days, then somehow got a $1500 cash advance from one of those internet sites. Got the money a day later and lost $1000 within a day. Then I walked into the Flamingo and sat down in their 1-2 no limit game for $200 with only $500 left to my name. I had a very drunk euro on my right who had a lot of chips. I chipped up to about $500 within an hour or 2. Then I got pocket 8's on the button with a raise from early position and call from the euro. I call as well. The flop comes 8 7 3 two diamonds. We get a 3 way all in. Euro jj. Other guy nut flush draw. Anyways they miss. I win and leave with $1200.

Walk over to the roulette table and put $50 on each 0 00 4 7 17. Smack 0. Do it again for $50. Smack! 7. Then do it again for a $100 SMACK 4! Do it again for a hundred and miss. Anyways i leave the Flamingo with about 7k. Walk over to Bally's and put $200 on only 4. And guess what, SMMMMAAACK another 7k. Walk over to the craps table and buy in for 3k and turn that into 8k. As I'm walking out a floor manager asks if he can do anything for me so I tell him a room would be nice. He gives me a free room for 3 nights. Over the course of the next week I turn with what started as $500 into a little over 55k playing mostly blackjack and roulette and some craps and Ballys Paris and Planet Hollywood.

The main event has just started and I say to myself I have to play. So I play two 1k sattys and miss, then decide to buy strait in on day 1d. Day one goes pretty slow at first and get down to 12k early from the original 20k starting stack, but I pick up a few hands towards the end of the day by flopping a boat and gett paid off and a couple other hands. End the day at 40k. Day 2 would be the most ridiculous run of cards I've ever seen. I get moved to a table with some euro on my right who went on tilt and gave me all his chips. I busted like 6 people at that table in the span of about 2 hours. I got my stack up to about 200k by dinner break. Got moved to another table in the amazon room Then a hand came up where I had kk against a guy to my right who had about 120k. He raised I reraised he calls. Flops comes q 10 2. I bet he calls. Turn 8. He check I bet. He raise. I shove He calls with qq. ****! River KING! I now have over 400k and end up being 2nd in chips at the end of day 2 with about 540k behind that one kid who had like 800k from day 2a. Anyways go into day 3. I was kinda card dead all day. Made the money and ended the day with about 500k. Day 4 nothing went right. Got aces cracked all in preflop yadadyadayada played a couple hands bad. Shoved short stacked with 44. Steve Bilarakis calls with 55. I'm out in 273 for 35k.

My boys come out we party for like 48 hours strait at the rhino and other places all the while doing illegal substances. I spend around 15k in that time which only about 3k was gambling. Most was on bottles and strippers and vip and illegal substances. Stay out in Las Vegas and California for the rest of the summer partying some nights and playing poker others. Anyways I'm back in Milwaukee, WI and play in the 2-5 no limit game at Potowatomi and have a steady job now actually. Hit me up if your around town.

Last edited by midnighttrain; 11-24-2009 at 09:25 PM.
Degen Stories.... Quote
11-24-2009 , 09:11 PM
dude the enter button is your friend. Nobody is going to enjoy reading that post without paragraphs.

edit: much better

Last edited by Neko; 11-24-2009 at 09:34 PM.
Degen Stories.... Quote
11-24-2009 , 10:01 PM
Originally Posted by midnighttrain
Hi everyone. Long time lurker here. This is probably my favorite thread ever so I will post my story.

I went to Las Vegas with 5k in June 2008. Went broke within a couple weeks. Had no money. Slept in my car for a few days, then somehow got a $1500 cash advance from one of those internet sites. Got the money a day later and lost $1000 within a day. Then I walked into the Flamingo and sat down in their 1-2 no limit game for $200 with only $500 left to my name. I had a very drunk euro on my right who had a lot of chips. I chipped up to about $500 within an hour or 2. Then I got pocket 8's on the button with a raise from early position and call from the euro. I call as well. The flop comes 8 7 3 two diamonds. We get a 3 way all in. Euro jj. Other guy nut flush draw. Anyways they miss. I win and leave with $1200.

Walk over to the roulette table and put $50 on each 0 00 4 7 17. Smack 0. Do it again for $50. Smack! 7. Then do it again for a $100 SMACK 4! Do it again for a hundred and miss. Anyways i leave the Flamingo with about 7k. Walk over to Bally's and put $200 on only 4. And guess what, SMMMMAAACK another 7k. Walk over to the craps table and buy in for 3k and turn that into 8k. As I'm walking out a floor manager asks if he can do anything for me so I tell him a room would be nice. He gives me a free room for 3 nights. Over the course of the next week I turn with what started as $500 into a little over 55k playing mostly blackjack and roulette and some craps and Ballys Paris and Planet Hollywood.

The main event has just started and I say to myself I have to play. So I play two 1k sattys and miss, then decide to buy strait in on day 1d. Day one goes pretty slow at first and get down to 12k early from the original 20k starting stack, but I pick up a few hands towards the end of the day by flopping a boat and gett paid off and a couple other hands. End the day at 40k. Day 2 would be the most ridiculous run of cards I've ever seen. I get moved to a table with some euro on my right who went on tilt and gave me all his chips. I busted like 6 people at that table in the span of about 2 hours. I got my stack up to about 200k by dinner break. Got moved to another table in the amazon room Then a hand came up where I had kk against a guy to my right who had about 120k. He raised I reraised he calls. Flops comes q 10 2. I bet he calls. Turn 8. He check I bet. He raise. I shove He calls with qq. ****! River KING! I now have over 400k and end up being 2nd in chips at the end of day 2 with about 540k behind that one kid who had like 800k from day 2a. Anyways go into day 3. I was kinda card dead all day. Made the money and ended the day with about 500k. Day 4 nothing went right. Got aces cracked all in preflop yadadyadayada played a couple hands bad. Shoved short stacked with 44. Steve Bilarakis calls with 55. I'm out in 273 for 35k.

My boys come out we party for like 48 hours strait at the rhino and other places all the while doing illegal substances. I spend around 15k in that time which only about 3k was gambling. Most was on bottles and strippers and vip and illegal substances. Stay out in Las Vegas and California for the rest of the summer partying some nights and playing poker others. Anyways I'm back in Milwaukee, WI and play in the 2-5 no limit game at Potowatomi and have a steady job now actually. Hit me up if your around town.



Degen Stories.... Quote
11-24-2009 , 10:09 PM
Originally Posted by nachunja



what abbout the part where i had no money and was sleeping in my car?
Degen Stories.... Quote
11-24-2009 , 10:58 PM
Thought I'd read that story before middnight you posted that on p5s?
Degen Stories.... Quote
11-24-2009 , 11:07 PM
Originally Posted by nachunja


Degen stories aren't allowed to have good endings?

I liked it. Thanks for sharing, midnighttrain.
Degen Stories.... Quote
11-24-2009 , 11:19 PM
ultimate degen story link
Degen Stories.... Quote
11-24-2009 , 11:34 PM
Originally Posted by firefox123
You were working at a white shoe law firm making $80k a year at 21? You clearly weren't a lawyer if it was a white shoe firm, plus you were only 21. Were you doing some kind of IT work for them? If so, you were able to access the accounting department where they print checks without attracting any attention (at least initially)?

I'm a lawyer, and I cannot imagine something like this being possible at any firm with even somewhat sophisticated organizational safeguards. I don't necessarily disbelieve you, but... damn. That story is crazy.
Degen Stories.... Quote
11-24-2009 , 11:34 PM
Originally Posted by midnighttrain
Hi everyone. Long time lurker here. This is probably my favorite thread ever so I will post my story.

I went to Las Vegas with 5k in June 2008. Went broke within a couple weeks. Had no money. Slept in my car for a few days, then somehow got a $1500 cash advance from one of those internet sites. Got the money a day later and lost $1000 within a day. Then I walked into the Flamingo and sat down in their 1-2 no limit game for $200 with only $500 left to my name. I had a very drunk euro on my right who had a lot of chips. I chipped up to about $500 within an hour or 2. Then I got pocket 8's on the button with a raise from early position and call from the euro. I call as well. The flop comes 8 7 3 two diamonds. We get a 3 way all in. Euro jj. Other guy nut flush draw. Anyways they miss. I win and leave with $1200.

Walk over to the roulette table and put $50 on each 0 00 4 7 17. Smack 0. Do it again for $50. Smack! 7. Then do it again for a $100 SMACK 4! Do it again for a hundred and miss. Anyways i leave the Flamingo with about 7k. Walk over to Bally's and put $200 on only 4. And guess what, SMMMMAAACK another 7k. Walk over to the craps table and buy in for 3k and turn that into 8k. As I'm walking out a floor manager asks if he can do anything for me so I tell him a room would be nice. He gives me a free room for 3 nights. Over the course of the next week I turn with what started as $500 into a little over 55k playing mostly blackjack and roulette and some craps and Ballys Paris and Planet Hollywood.

The main event has just started and I say to myself I have to play. So I play two 1k sattys and miss, then decide to buy strait in on day 1d. Day one goes pretty slow at first and get down to 12k early from the original 20k starting stack, but I pick up a few hands towards the end of the day by flopping a boat and gett paid off and a couple other hands. End the day at 40k. Day 2 would be the most ridiculous run of cards I've ever seen. I get moved to a table with some euro on my right who went on tilt and gave me all his chips. I busted like 6 people at that table in the span of about 2 hours. I got my stack up to about 200k by dinner break. Got moved to another table in the amazon room Then a hand came up where I had kk against a guy to my right who had about 120k. He raised I reraised he calls. Flops comes q 10 2. I bet he calls. Turn 8. He check I bet. He raise. I shove He calls with qq. ****! River KING! I now have over 400k and end up being 2nd in chips at the end of day 2 with about 540k behind that one kid who had like 800k from day 2a. Anyways go into day 3. I was kinda card dead all day. Made the money and ended the day with about 500k. Day 4 nothing went right. Got aces cracked all in preflop yadadyadayada played a couple hands bad. Shoved short stacked with 44. Steve Bilarakis calls with 55. I'm out in 273 for 35k.

My boys come out we party for like 48 hours strait at the rhino and other places all the while doing illegal substances. I spend around 15k in that time which only about 3k was gambling. Most was on bottles and strippers and vip and illegal substances. Stay out in Las Vegas and California for the rest of the summer partying some nights and playing poker others. Anyways I'm back in Milwaukee, WI and play in the 2-5 no limit game at Potowatomi and have a steady job now actually. Hit me up if your around town.

this is a brag?

[x] *******
Degen Stories.... Quote
11-24-2009 , 11:51 PM
Originally Posted by Telford09
ultimate degen story link
very degen
Degen Stories.... Quote
11-25-2009 , 12:58 AM
firefox just pwned this god
Degen Stories.... Quote
11-25-2009 , 02:57 AM
Originally Posted by firefox123
If I were you, I would reserve that judgement until you spend a couple of days in an inner city jail as a 120lb white kid who doesn't know anyone.
Classic degen post. For the cherry on top...break down to us the horrors of rape and male on male abuse in jail and you officially win this thread.
Degen Stories.... Quote
11-25-2009 , 03:14 AM
Originally Posted by King Niche
one time i was sitting in my house on my own i had just split up with my gf who was a crack head but she was nice.. the room was dark i was surrounded by bottles of piss half eaten sandwiches i even had a crust behind my ear i was quite sad because i was busto and heartbroken i thought maybe we would make it work and she would be my main squeese anyway she left me for a crack at this point im feelin like ten dewey heart aching empty busto feeling and linger tilt from stacking off with a flush draw because some crotch monkey over bets the pot and i run into the swinging blade and throw up 2 clanging bricks and I just punch my ****in monitor almost put my fist through it and then i kicked my coffee table but not like a regular person no no no..i have to hit it as hard as I can with my ****ing shin!!!! wtff was i thinking im not van damme or some **** that hurt so bad i collapsed in agony and started crying i just laid there whimpering in agony sobbing and eventually the pain eased off but i had blood running all the way down my leg..i just laid there on the carpet for 2 hours staring into space i even knocked one out while laying in the recovery position i felt so lazy like a lazy slob and i smelt so rank like chinese food in a dumpster for days..i eventually get up im wearing stripey boxers and half of them is up my ass ive got my ass cheek showing but i dont care i sit at my pc and watch some 200/400 on betfair wishing i was in the game..i kept sitting at a table hoping i would have cash in my account i actually prayed to mary magdagascar..i check my emails and boooom titan poker have put free money in my damn account!!!!!!!!!!!!!! felt like a blessing. Its like 5 I go straight to max but in 5c/10c or some BS where u get nit on nits and I run that **** up to 20 in no time, then I but in at 25/50 and I hit a big overset and and I make some decent bluffs I get my stack to this point im thinking ok just play this mother****ing cool dont be a degen waste of lung capacity but i say *** it i will take a shot at 2/4...

so I pick the easiest table luckily for me they are all easy and first hand I shove with the doyle brunson just for good luck everyone folds secnd hand i get AA..I shove I get 2 callers an Iwin and im oer 400 i say**** this and i goto 5/10 witha short stack what else am i suppose to do..i run this upto 3k pretty easily and step up to 10/20 and in 3 hours I have 13k..then it happened..I GET KING ****ING KING and some guy called han solo (TILTED) raises me to 30 dollars I re raise to 180 He raises to 550 I call planning to shove any flop flop comes AAA ..he says to me in chat I HAVE IT and bets the pot im like wtf ..thats areverse reversal bluff damn *** he must have it **** i cant fold i felt my heart speed up kind of like a panic attack how can i fold this my dad is in my ear saying DONT CALL he has the 4 of a kind im like no dad let me play my own damn hands why cant you go and play poker with otis redding always ****** interfering ..and i start arguing with him cant believe i have gone from 5 dollars to over a 20k pot in just hours..I call and he flips over QQ..I FIST PUMP LIKE IM OHN MACKENROE SHOUTING NOW WHAT NOW WHAT DAD HE DIDNT SAY **** TURN QUEEN RIVER QUEEENNNNNNNNNNN>>OMFGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG I MWAS SO ****IN MAD I STARTED SPITTINGup BLOOD FOAMING UP ...PUNCHED MY SELF in teh side of the head AND STARTED SHOUTING AT MY DAD INSIDE MY HEAD IM LIKE **** OFF LEAVE ME ALONE GET OUT OF My HEAD.. OMGG IM BUSTO AGAIN I FEEL LIKE A WORM WHO HAS HAS BIN SHOVELLED WHEN THE GROUND IS COLD OR MABE STUCK HIS HEAD IN A TURD..I FELT LIKE SUCH A ****INg DEGEN I COULD HAVE PLAYED 5/10 with 13k so easily and made decent rake and maybe found me some new pussy easily when i tell em im back to being a pro...first i burnt my hand on the stove on purpose omggg i was so wasted i went out in the backyard stark naked i started climbing the trees and just trying to get back to nature and forget the damn poker..loking back id lost my damn mind that pot had eloctrocuted my started to rain and i looked so pathetic i couldnt even get a crack whore to stay with me and I had a big hemmaroid and my white pastey body stood out under the grey sky i must have looked like a sagging bag of milk...

..all i wanted to do was grind for 18 hours a day and fester in my own filth and live the life of a poker pro grind on the mind till i die make my tomb a house of cards.. i wanted to give up so bad.. now i was busto and i couldnt see a break in the clouds or any hope the next day when i woke up i had to masturbate just so i could get out of bed i browsed 2+2 and went back to bed for 3 days..I didnt even get up to go peepee i just pissed the bed because i was busto and nothing else mattered..i kept reminded myself that atleast i nwasnt the fat sloth puppet in that movie seven where he gets locked in a bat cave and is made to eat spaghetti till his guts spill open..but this didnt make me feel any better..
whats urine and the smell of a cheesy ritz cracker ass crack when you lost a 26k pot? i didnt give a **** about pissing on myself by that point..i could of had a milllion dingelberries attatched to my ass i wouldnt have cared...i was so upset the lowest point for so long even lower than when i talked myself out of a guy giving me a BJ for $100 I just couldnt do it..i felt lower than when my mom force fed me flowers..I almost killed myself on day 2 when metallica came on the radio..i dont know how I ever made it out alive..i always swear to this day it was just the hope of being back in action lifted me out of the bottomless pit and gave me reason to live and breathe..never quit guys..not even when they are dragging your face through the ****..there is always someone worse off than a guy with a glass eye with a fish in it....keep grind on the mind
That's possibly the most insane thing I've ever read in my life that actually made sense. I loved the totally believable descriptions of desperation mixed with the occasional bat****-insane phrase like "i felt lower than when my mom force fed me flowers".

Well done.
Degen Stories.... Quote
11-25-2009 , 04:19 AM
i never was much of a gambler. my friends and i would all gather my buddy loft watch games of three tvs and i'd just sit there and laugh and laugh at them losing pretty big money most of the time betting the nfl. i wasn't stupid with my loot and betting the nfl was a no win proposition.

so rinse and repeat for a few years and one of these kids move into my apartment. football season starts and I decide to make a $50 parlay one sunday for ****s and giggles. that was easy, I hit a three teamer and was up to around $260 or so. so i decide why not play with the profits, but since i am no expert with football i decide why not try betting some college basketball games as I got a good feel year in, and year out for different teams.

my friend convinced me to open my own account with his bookie (we'd bet online and pay up in cash) as he was broke and gonna close his. so I get it all setup in time for big monday and place a two team parlay with 100 bucks on i think georgetown and texas. again I win this bet and now have $500 bucks in this little envelope for my bets.

not giving into my compulsion i took that whole week off, cause I know what I'm doing. the next sunday comes and i start looking over the games for hte week and decide why the **** not go for broke. i start placing $50 dollar bets on a ****load of college games. that week I was 90 % in single games. 5 for 5 in two team parlays, hit a five team parlay. **** i was on fire. i was buying point in games both ways and hitting. by the end of the week i ten grand or something, cash ****ing money.

so i'm hooked. I'd go to bed dreaming about my bets, i started waking up in the middle of the night not being able to sleep thinking about placing bets. i bet so ****ing hard the next two weeks I lose five grand . so I'm real ****in heated, angry and volatile.

i convince my bookie to raise my limit, and scour the internet for some ****ing locks. i ended up finding some local newspaper article in montana about the upcoming montana/montana st game that saturday. i'm convinced this is the lock so all week I'm following everything about this game and i'm sold on it.

that week went bad and i was in the hole already a few grand. saturday rolls around and i'm gonna have a party and bet 7500 on the lock of the week. the game was late for me (im on the east coast) so i spent the day getting drunk. did i mention I had a thing for whiskey and blacking out?

maybe it was the nerves, maybe it was just another saturday but the last thing i remember is getting home to listen to the game on internet radio and doing a few shots of jameson.

i come too in the hospital. I have ivs in my arms and i'm restrained to the bed. I start flipping out trying to get up and soon the hospital security is in the room asking if I really want to try them again. i'm ****in stupid, but i was smart enough to realize something bad went down. i calm down a bit and try to piece everything together but can't. there was this one real friendly nurse who took pity on me and explained i was arrested last night and brought to the hospital because of being intoxicated.

later that afternoon a police officer comes in and ask if i'd like to give a statement. i tell him yah, but i have no idea what happened. he jsut laughs and i start pleading with him to let me know whats going on. Appartently, I had assaulted a cab driver who refused to drive me to montana (my downstairs neighbor later told me he saw me leaving the apartment mubbling something about the referee fixing a game and how i don't let anyone **** with my money)

yah so i lost that bet which was huge, had lawyer fees, hospital bills out the ass. needless to say i only sip the whiskey and haven't bet in a few years.
Degen Stories.... Quote
11-25-2009 , 05:03 AM
was playin HU and i flopped 9 high with a backdoor 10 high draw, so i check raise a banana, he shoved over the top for like 3 bananas and a steak

i thought **** it and called putting in a huggeeee bag of marshamallows, it comes brick brick and i dont eat for a week

Degen Stories.... Quote
11-25-2009 , 06:01 AM
^LOL above
^^ wow sick man
Degen Stories.... Quote
11-25-2009 , 06:48 AM
Originally Posted by Anderson Paixao
i understand why he did that

some times you just lose the control, i did it once, bet my role roll at a football game after lose a lot of bets
I can understand a football game when you think your plus +ev
Degen Stories.... Quote
