Playing for a while now, bit more then two years. Never seriously and never alot.. Blown 700 dollars plus by the time I decided to try and learn more about the game. Never bothered with a bankroll, just small amounts , way under rolled.. eg.. putting on 50 bucks playing 25nl or 1 2 fl.
The one attempt I did at putting a bankroll on was blown away with my super aggro attempt at punishing anyone that was on the table with me after I had a hand cracked, By hitting them time and time again with my stack... Take that Villian. Pow 100bb , Pow 76bb. Sooner or later,,, sooner more often then later. Im looking at 0.17c ready to explode..
Ive always been quick to anger and quicker to fight, Since im a kid. Im 5 ft 7 or so, so probably have some chip about that or something.. what ever reason, I have a temper that can be for sure.
So for reasons that should be obvious enough I decided to quit poker altogether for two months. Very little reading, Going over hand history's , Just teaching myself how to control my violent albeit self destrucive tendencies.,. I am no where ready or finished. For the first time , I have a decent graph. owed of course to lots of run good. but enough to make me really see , with self control, an open mind. **** lots of thinking and reading, not just reading, but thinking about what we read, has helped me..
hopefully this is just the start, a foundation to build what I hope to be a one day solid game.
Im back awhile, planning to stay around this time.
here's the graph so far...
mostly 5nl mixed in with 10nl towards the end.
Last edited by FindNameHere; 10-22-2010 at 11:53 AM.
Reason: spelling