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Calling All Poker Players Who Want to Solve the Bot Problem Calling All Poker Players Who Want to Solve the Bot Problem

01-13-2023 , 04:21 AM
If there is anyone who plays online poker on GG in the Rush 'N Cash PLO games (at any limit) that wants to do something about bots please post your screen name. I have done a little better with my results because I will mark who I think is a bot and then refuse to play hands against these players. Even if I have AAKK double suited and they open raise I snap fold. These players are owned by the site and are unbeatable. My thought is that if we all as a community work together and communicate with each other so that we know who the human players are then we could all just not play pots against the bots and they wouldn't be able to cheat us anymore.

Whether or not you think the site is rigged, or whether or not you think that GG owns these accounts, I think everyone can agree that we all want to play against other human players right? I think every player wants to play online poker and not be cheated and this is just one idea that came to mind. I know that it would make a huge difference if we found a way to communicate with each other and filter out the bots. Then if we all just refused to play hands against them then the owners (whoever they are) of these bots wouldn't be able to cheat us.

I know that it is a long shot getting everyone to agree and to get organized but I at least want to try. I know Doug Polk and Joey Ingram are shills for the sites so they won't organize something like this. They would have the following and the power to make an impact. I however do not but I figure it can't hurt to try.

My screen name is oxlo

I made a twitter post and a reddit post and I would encourage anyone who wants to try and filter the bots out to do the same. Then we can combine the lists and work together to one day return online poker to its glory days of being all human. I challenge Doug Polk and Joey Ingram to help with me with this effort. Prove me wrong that you aren't shills for the sites because if we all worked together, I think we could bring major change to the online poker world.
Calling All Poker Players Who Want to Solve the Bot Problem Quote
01-13-2023 , 05:21 AM
What if the bots sign up?
Calling All Poker Players Who Want to Solve the Bot Problem Quote
01-13-2023 , 05:21 AM
my only weakpoint is hungry and sleepy
Calling All Poker Players Who Want to Solve the Bot Problem Quote
01-15-2023 , 01:55 PM
I rather play against bots than humans so I hope you don't succeed.
Calling All Poker Players Who Want to Solve the Bot Problem Quote
01-15-2023 , 11:12 PM
SN: Mike_Hunt
let's get 'dem botz!
Calling All Poker Players Who Want to Solve the Bot Problem Quote
01-16-2023 , 02:02 AM
I'm getting the Elon brain implant when it comes out - will I be ineligible to play?
Calling All Poker Players Who Want to Solve the Bot Problem Quote
01-19-2023 , 03:12 AM
absolutely impossible to solve
Calling All Poker Players Who Want to Solve the Bot Problem Quote
