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Brag: My QQ888 boat beat this hand(pictures included) Brag: My QQ888 boat beat this hand(pictures included)

01-21-2011 , 09:26 PM
Davino pull a pic of me and post when you have a moment.
Brag: My QQ888 boat beat this hand(pictures included) Quote
01-22-2011 , 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by Num-Yummy
Davino pull a pic of me and post when you have a moment.
my pleasure!

Brag: My QQ888 boat beat this hand(pictures included) Quote
01-22-2011 , 01:29 PM
that is a weird looking dog you have a picture of
Brag: My QQ888 boat beat this hand(pictures included) Quote
01-22-2011 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by Absurd
that is a weird looking dog you have a picture of

At Davino ty i only had you post so they did not question

At Absurd... WOOF!
Brag: My QQ888 boat beat this hand(pictures included) Quote
01-23-2011 , 07:13 PM
It didn't work out with the last chick. She is too unnapreciative and damaged.
We had great chemistry in many ways, so I am somewhat sad. She said she doesn't like the poem I wrote for her, for instance. It was not worth the heartache.

Last edited by Mike Haven; 02-02-2011 at 06:33 AM.
Brag: My QQ888 boat beat this hand(pictures included) Quote
01-23-2011 , 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by Davino
It didn't work out with the last chick. She is too unnapreciative and damaged.
We had great chemistry in many ways, so I am somewhat sad. She said she doesn't like the poem I wrote for her, for instance. It was not worth the heartache.
UGH HUGS!!! I was going to call you after I saw what you said on FB but I checked here first.

She is out there Dave...just hang in there. I am really sorry, and that sucks she hated the poem.


Last edited by Mike Haven; 02-02-2011 at 06:33 AM.
Brag: My QQ888 boat beat this hand(pictures included) Quote
01-24-2011 , 01:28 AM
For two years I have enjoyed daily updates of Davino, however I think the shark has been jumped. Sad.
Brag: My QQ888 boat beat this hand(pictures included) Quote
01-24-2011 , 03:12 AM
Here is the poem this seemingly sane and witty and cute and basically great girl "hated":
"My hiGh fLying bIrd"
* I saw a cute little sparrow looking confused and unsure
* I don't think she could "take any more"
* rejection and pain, the hearts broken, a-gain
* and no hope was knockin' on her door
* her sweet soul was damaged
* and broken, and bent
* her spirit was shattered and her patience was spent
* The shadows were creeping
* deeper inside
* and she tried and she tried and she tried to not hide
* from the hope that "something" would happen
* and that a bell would ring
* and the little bird would be able to sing
* but the false hearted bullies and the souless and cruel
* popped the bubble, on her wading pool
* and she cried, and she cried and she cried
* like a lost baby, she curled up and quivered in the night
* the night that lasted all day and all week and all month
* I bet she forgot what she thought "love" even meant
* We haven't discussed it
* It's my instinctual hunch
* She was perched on the edge of the greatest divide
* one of true love and happiness, the hopeful refrain
* would it ever come? did it even exist?
* was it for real or only a myth?

* why me? I've been so good and so strong
* why me? I put my heart out and it got trampled upon
* and torrents of pain and helplessness and building rage
* beat the little bird down
* and she never felt "right"
* for Cupid was never calling her name
* boo hoo, aw shucks
* oh me
* and
* oh my
* The cold, dark night, and the fallen wistfulness of perhaps and optimism
* were unviewable through the distortion and disingenuous bastards that tainted her pure prism
* It was a jumbled basket entwined and ensnared
* in solitude and longing, never basking and cherishing
* the mornings fresh light.
* "In love" and "in pain"
* They all sound the same
* When you try and you try and you never get rewarded
* for your sweetness and grace
* the soul and the essence wither, such a disgrace
* that people overlook or neglect such a sweet avian beauty
* Now, all of the pictures you had in your mind
* Like the one's on your walls
* they are now aligned
* That bird was you, my baby
* To say you've been wounded and neglected and hurt
* Is an understatement on par with the Hindenburg and Titanic being classified as ill advised flights
* "that could have been better"
* if captained by someone with a steady hand and a hopeful heart
* a "something", unquantifiable, a prince or a knight
* someone debonair and inspired and born for flight
* a captain with a keen appreciation for cajoling the rudder
* to respond in time and on time and to foremost always have a fun time
* and, a loving time
* And, though I never anticipated your hidden radiance to blossom as fast as it has,
* improving every moment and seizing the "come what may attitude", of the fresh and hopeful and unrestrained
* I also feared I would never love a-gain...
* Thankfully, I never averted my gaze from the sky, in fear of another time of gloom, oh me,
* oh why?
* Why did I trust that someone was "out there, waiting for me"?
* I never gave up, though ramrods of agony roiled time and again and again and, again.
* A long train of false friends and shattered hopes
* A lot of time treading water and consorting with those with no hope
* The greatest virtue in life, I've found, not perchance:
* The joy of love, by the seat of your pants
* Plenty of time remains, time to align with the stars and the sky
* the optimal response, to a shadow of the past, is a smile, a laugh, and another shattered photograph.
* one less reminder of the waste that has passed
* A drink thrown in angry frustration in rebuke of the futility of the past
* are wasted fluids that could quench in the now
* A remnant of anger, for the past is advisable, but just a tad
* hug me and hold me and love me and trust
* forget about the sorrows and the hurt and frustration's gone bye
* cast away the memories of the long, lonely nites
* and the futile foundry of "love" that had nary a flame
* only a conspicuous dearth of warmth and repeated pain
* There is hope in your eyes now and the love in your heart is awakened and alive
* and tangible and real
* bless the heavens, we seized the opportunity to unite
* my little loving sunshine, I am writing a song for you!
* A tremble of temptation, the time for flight is here
* My hiGh fLying bIrd
* My hiGh fLying bIrd
* My hiGh fLying bIrd
* My hiGh fLying bIrd
* My hiGh fLying bIrd
* A little kiss of tenderness
* a little nip of love!
* The toxic, deviant sons of bitches and bitches of bastards and such
* could never usurp the love that we share
* you know that there is no one more meant for you than me
* "out there"
* no jaded ear could ever hear what we see
* My hiGh fLying bIrd
* My hiGh fLying bIrd
* My hiGh fLying bIrd
* My hiGh fLying bIrd
* My hiGh fLying bIrd
* A tremble of anticipation
* for the time for flight is here
* My hiGh fLying bIrd
* My hiGh fLying bIrd
* My hiGh fLying bIrd
* My hiGh fLying bIrd
* My hiGh fLying bIrd
* The petals of the flower moisten with the dew of rebirth as the morning sun arises to light the way
* A certain lisp of clarity in the mumbles of the jumbled
* The time to reignite & be free
* The time to unite & be we
* The time to reignite & be free
* The time to unite & be we
* The time to reignite & be free
* The time to unite & be we
* My hiGh fLying bIrd
* My hiGh fLying bIrd
* My hiGh fLying bIrd
* My hiGh fLying bIrd
* My hiGh fLying bIrd

* The time to unite & be we
* I am ready to soar to the skies with you
* happily in tandemnous flight
* the questions of the past were answered with a smile
* just hug me, hold back the chill of the now distant night
* A tremble of anticipation quivers through our very souls
* Together forever, My hiGh fLying bIrd
* United and strong, My hiGh fLying bIrd
* My hiGh fLying bIrd The time to unite & be we
* My hiGh fLying bIrd The time to unite & be we
* My hiGh fLying bIrd The time to unite & be we
* My hiGh fLying bIrd The time to unite & be we
* My hiGh fLying bIrd The time to unite & be we
* My hiGh fLying bIrd The time to unite & be we
* is happening as we speak
* grasp the rudder and let us steer this vessel of love together
* My hiGh fLying bIrd.....

Here are the comments from friends when I bitched about her not even saying "thanks for the thought" or "nice try", or ANYTHING. Keep in mind, she said I was "top notch" and "amazing" and such...

Mike, Loretta and 2 others like this.

Jennifer Thank you for sharing that beautiful poem.
Friday at 13:42

Jennifer I almost cried.... but I didn't. I'm very emotional today.

Davino aw, feel better! Thanks for the compliment!
Friday at 13:43
Jennifer Did u write that?
Friday at 13:49

Davino of course
Friday at 13:49

Jennifer Oh and you have probably seen that I've been full of emotion lately.... so with that said, I can see why you tagged me in the poem ♥
Friday at 13:50

Davino I tagged you because I thought the poem might be worthwhile for you to read.
Friday at 13:51

Jennifer For real? Its very strong and deep..... I mean... I know ur a passionate person... I am too.... but really? REALLY? You REALLY WROTE THAT!?
Friday at 13:52

Davino of course. I write a lot of stuff.
Friday at 13:52

Jennifer And I write as well.... I like ur format.
Friday at 13:53

Davino cool, check out my notes, there are a bunch of songs and poems and such...

Jon (my buddy that plays bass in an awesome band) Good stuff, Dave. Very moving. I will have to check out some more stuff. Saw your note above how to do that.
Friday at 14:06

Davino Thanks, Jon!
Friday at 14:08

Loretta very sensitive, pretty and optomistic. Great love poem!
Friday at 14:16

Jon Look at your fans coming out, Dave! Good stuff. You have game.
Friday at 14:35

Kari I think this is my favorite one you have written. Thanks for sharing. BTW, was good to see you in NYC if even for a moment.
Friday at 15:01

Allen Amazing, Dave! Keep up the good work, your words are ever so inspiring!
Friday at 15:21

Trudy Awwwwwww I thought I commented. Love it Fantastic and I already told you on BBV I was honored to be tagged
Friday at 15:39

Davino I am more than dissapointed that the girl that I wrote this for doesn't think enough of it to even make a gratuitous comment.
Saturday at 04:40

Davino whatever
Saturday at 05:06

Trudy ‎ hugs
Saturday at 07:12

Robert (my buddy who was in a band with Jon Bon Jovi for years, and also has played with Donovan and other top level artists, btw) Good Dave....lots of bullets.... I'm working on a new song lately and it will be up on Youtube soon. I'll let you know.
Saturday at 07:23 · Like

More venting, because things with this girl were so "roller coastery", I just felt so tangled and confused, and hurt by her switching on and off from positive to morose, and it really hurt to see her comment on some idiot from Europes half-as*ed crap poem and say she "loves it", when he never made her scream with ectasy and never fixed up her house and was "awesome" with her two kids, ugh, what a waste of emotion:
it would be phucking nice if someone would comment on the poem I wrote instead of being so phucking numb and unnappreciative of any goodness or hope in the world. I'm just gonna phucking remove the numb people and good phucking riddance.

Friday at 13:29

Davino I'll post updates: Friends (293).
Friday at 13:31

Marissa What poem?
Friday at 13:32

Davino The one I tagged you in, look on my wall, it's named "My hiGh fLying bIrd".
Friday at 13:37

Loretta some of us just haven't had a chance to read it :-)
Friday at 13:44

Davino I gotcha! That message was not you, I think you know! How's it going?
Friday at 13:45

Davino to^ you
Friday at 13:45

Loretta haha.. i got it! Alls good here, i'll probably read it later tonight- thanks for sharing with me in advance :-)
Friday at 13:51

Davino no prob
Friday at 13:52

Davino Friends (292)
Friday at 14:03

Marissa I read it already. Lol. I just didn't comment. I liked it!
Friday at 14:33

Trudy I have now commented everywhere LOL
Friday at 15:44

Davino haha! Thanx!
Friday at 15:45

Lori I enjoy everything you write! I will comment more often. Keep up what you like and what means something to you. Screw everyone that doesn't appreciate what you share it's their loss.
Friday at 15:53

Davino Friends (291).
Friday at 17:43

Mike We love you dave.
Friday at 22:12

Davino added 2 new friends and removed 2 wastes.
Saturday at 05:08

Davino so, 291
Saturday at 05:08

Paul time to take out the garbage!!! OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!!!
Saturday at 10:12

Davino I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday at 10:16

So, on to the next great adventure, I'm done with her.

Last edited by Davino; 01-24-2011 at 03:30 AM.
Brag: My QQ888 boat beat this hand(pictures included) Quote
01-24-2011 , 03:38 AM
some photos from Friday night:

Brag: My QQ888 boat beat this hand(pictures included) Quote
01-24-2011 , 03:46 AM

Brag: My QQ888 boat beat this hand(pictures included) Quote
01-24-2011 , 11:36 AM

Brag: My QQ888 boat beat this hand(pictures included) Quote
01-24-2011 , 12:30 PM
It is time to open the photoshop season once again. Someone please for the love of entertainment. BROOKS IS BACK, shop that shi*.
Brag: My QQ888 boat beat this hand(pictures included) Quote
01-24-2011 , 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by Davino
getting back together and gonna work it out with Emily!

Awesome GL
Brag: My QQ888 boat beat this hand(pictures included) Quote
01-24-2011 , 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by Davino
I overlooked this sweet girl and forgot that she contacted me first:
I am a fan
Brag: My QQ888 boat beat this hand(pictures included) Quote
01-24-2011 , 03:32 PM
Brag: My QQ888 boat beat this hand(pictures included) Quote
01-24-2011 , 03:54 PM
More photos of Renee

Brag: My QQ888 boat beat this hand(pictures included) Quote
01-24-2011 , 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by I.M. Baked
That is some funny @#$% right there. I remember playing for pennies in the 6th grade.
Brag: My QQ888 boat beat this hand(pictures included) Quote
01-25-2011 , 10:19 AM
bitches be desperate yo
Brag: My QQ888 boat beat this hand(pictures included) Quote
01-29-2011 , 07:31 PM
LOL welcome back thread
Brag: My QQ888 boat beat this hand(pictures included) Quote
02-01-2011 , 10:12 AM
New poem "Since the day that I last saw her"

Since the day that I last saw you,
the stars are back in sight
in the ever-present night the sky awakens
to guide me to a place of clarity and peace
where I can find a lady like me, who multiplies the smiles
and we will know that love is true
along the passing miles and curves
like a branch my faith has caught one drop of dew
for all the drops that evaporated away
to all the cloths still pristine and unsopped
this slinky mite of a rhyme may find me reinclined
leaning back in a chair, dreaming of a maiden so fair,
awaiting a sweet love sigh, I'm certain she exists,
remove the curtain, the truth is apparent by the lack of warmth within cold eyes,
doomed to always turn away when hope is near, that is what you call a lemon, my dear,
a life that never was, not for what or why, just because.
Because the dead can never live nor the alive will ever die.
I thought to lend a hand and make diamonds from shards of sand,
but I have learned to let her pass,
and since returned to inner dreams and unseen photographs,
strength and patience find me,
the distance from the hopeless is never too far,
like a turned glance that missed a shooting star,
blind to all the clues,
not able to imagine, for even a little while,
that love could grace her shattered heart.
She never gave a thought to hope,
she just let it slide by...
And she will someday say,
"oh my, just bad luck that I never had a chance,
no one wants to flit about,
no one wants to dance."
That is because she never took the chance...

Brag: My QQ888 boat beat this hand(pictures included) Quote
02-01-2011 , 10:15 AM
May I present, "Corky Feldman":

Brag: My QQ888 boat beat this hand(pictures included) Quote
02-01-2011 , 10:18 AM

Brag: My QQ888 boat beat this hand(pictures included) Quote
02-01-2011 , 10:23 AM
wtf is this shiet?
Brag: My QQ888 boat beat this hand(pictures included) Quote
02-01-2011 , 11:24 AM
Exactly why your parents told you it wasn't ok to follow around Phish for a couple summers after high school.
Brag: My QQ888 boat beat this hand(pictures included) Quote
02-01-2011 , 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by KrAAkerz
wtf is this shiet?
Jssh mate, i mean what could be confusing about this thread
Brag: My QQ888 boat beat this hand(pictures included) Quote
