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BEAT: my new watch (warning, serious ballaness inside) BEAT: my new watch (warning, serious ballaness inside)

09-04-2007 , 01:33 AM

BEAT: my new watch
BRAG: only paid $40 for it from the airport tax free place
VARIANCE: the ladies love it
VARIANCE: its waterproof up to 30m
BEAT: my new watch (warning, serious ballaness inside) Quote
09-04-2007 , 01:36 AM
The only question I can think of is: why?
BEAT: my new watch (warning, serious ballaness inside) Quote
09-04-2007 , 01:37 AM
The only question I can think of is: why?
BEAT: my new watch (warning, serious ballaness inside) Quote
09-04-2007 , 01:46 AM
The only question I can think of is: why?
Because it tells the time?

Weak Capitalists.
BEAT: my new watch (warning, serious ballaness inside) Quote
09-04-2007 , 01:49 AM
The only answer i can think of is: i wanted a watch as ballin as durrr's and cts'ss so i can walk closely behind them and look as cool as them. Me and grimstarr do this regularly and obv pull in all the ladies.
BEAT: my new watch (warning, serious ballaness inside) Quote
09-04-2007 , 01:50 AM
Wish I had a picture of mine. It actually does look balla, ladies love it and its like 200$ (and everybody thinks Im wearing a grand around my wrist)
BEAT: my new watch (warning, serious ballaness inside) Quote
09-04-2007 , 01:59 AM
Wish I had a picture of mine. It actually does look balla, ladies love it and its like 200$ (and everybody thinks Im wearing a grand around my wrist)
do u live in the year 1950? Cameras are on everything now.
BEAT: my new watch (warning, serious ballaness inside) Quote
09-04-2007 , 02:08 AM
I hate all of your posts
BEAT: my new watch (warning, serious ballaness inside) Quote
09-04-2007 , 02:11 AM
BEAT: my new watch (warning, serious ballaness inside) Quote
09-04-2007 , 02:41 AM
Arent watches obsolete. I mean phones tell time. So why have a watch.
BEAT: my new watch (warning, serious ballaness inside) Quote
09-04-2007 , 03:50 AM
I would rather be late.
BEAT: my new watch (warning, serious ballaness inside) Quote
09-04-2007 , 06:50 AM
Seiko FTW
BEAT: my new watch (warning, serious ballaness inside) Quote
09-04-2007 , 06:57 AM
wtf is that in the image u posted?
BEAT: my new watch (warning, serious ballaness inside) Quote
09-04-2007 , 08:39 AM
Arent watches obsolete. I mean phones tell time. So why have a watch.
you buy a nice watch so other people know you can tell time better than them.
BEAT: my new watch (warning, serious ballaness inside) Quote
09-04-2007 , 08:47 AM
to be honest:
way better than those ugly lookin expensive "balla" watches!
BEAT: my new watch (warning, serious ballaness inside) Quote
09-04-2007 , 08:48 AM
I would rather be late.
bwhahaha A-
BEAT: my new watch (warning, serious ballaness inside) Quote
09-04-2007 , 09:05 AM
Wish I had a picture of mine. It actually does look balla, ladies love it and its like 200$ (and everybody thinks Im wearing a grand around my wrist)
Any details at all?

What is the watch in the OP, a swatch?
BEAT: my new watch (warning, serious ballaness inside) Quote
09-04-2007 , 10:10 AM

Truth be told, it does have just as much class as alot of very expensive watches. That doesn't mean it has any though, and it is only because some people buying 10k+ watches forget to make sure the watches actually suit them.
BEAT: my new watch (warning, serious ballaness inside) Quote
09-04-2007 , 10:18 AM
wtf is up with watches. fk em.
BEAT: my new watch (warning, serious ballaness inside) Quote
