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BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more

02-07-2011 , 02:02 AM
Originally Posted by oh-nahhh
yeah dude dont get anxious...just figure out what the best play is then let ur timer go down like 3 seconds then act...thats a good habit to get into gl dude ship this i just sent you $10 lol
Ever rail Elky? The guy acts almost instantaneous, even at the final table of big online tourneys.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-07-2011 , 02:16 AM
grats on the shipageeee
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-07-2011 , 10:10 AM
lol this thread is so awesome.. makes me wanna become a human guinea pig - i could totally use the money... unfortunately not possible at the moment, but i may totally check into it for this type of money... im sort of strange.. i like hanging out in hospitals, specially with when the nurses are cute

railing u now dude, but i dont have any roll on stars so im jus a silent observer - good luck!

p.s. - thread inspired me to check out that book how to win friends and influence people. definitely an interesting read so far. trying to lay off the criticism now since its a big thing of mine... holding it in, but god it makes me wanna esplode
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-07-2011 , 10:19 AM
Today was a pretty good day, spent most of it sleeping :P

Figured I'd take just one shot at a bigger game, seeing as I'd made a decent score and was feeling good. Entered a $55 6-man PLO sng. There was a pro, someone Krause, and some other solid looking players, but I was feeling good... Until I got knocked out first hand.

I'm in the big blind with Ac, 2c, Jc, Js, get one limper, small blind completes, I check. Flop 7c 9c 2h. Small blind checks, I checks, 3rd player bets, small blind folds, I call. Turn is a blank, I check, he checks. River is 6c. I bet, villian reraises me, and I swear I was so close to just flat calling my Ace high flush, but of course I reraised all in and he calls showing 8c 10c x x for the straight flush. Oh well, it happens.

Played a $2 rebuy, finished 10th out of like 306 players making $50, that was fun. And just got knocked out of a $4.40 276 man mtt in 96th calling with a pretty weak draw, my bad.

And now as Day 22 draws to a close, I might watch some of the videos of downloaded before calling it a night.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-07-2011 , 10:26 AM
Bro wish u all the best in ur future. Hope this expirience will get the degen out of u.
Best of luck man.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-07-2011 , 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by SycoMosh
lol this thread is so awesome.. makes me wanna become a human guinea pig - i could totally use the money... unfortunately not possible at the moment, but i may totally check into it for this type of money... im sort of strange.. i like hanging out in hospitals, specially with when the nurses are cute

railing u now dude, but i dont have any roll on stars so im jus a silent observer - good luck!

p.s. - thread inspired me to check out that book how to win friends and influence people. definitely an interesting read so far. trying to lay off the criticism now since its a big thing of mine... holding it in, but god it makes me wanna esplode
Cheers man, awesome to hear you like the thread. And it's weird, some days you've had enough of all the tests and sh*t and feel like you're losing it and you just wanna bust out, other days the nurses bring you warm blankets and food to your bed, and you're getting paid and you think f*ck it, this is the life haha.

Oh cool man you were railing me, wish I'd known, I probably wouldn't have acted like fish in that hand I went bust on, especially seeing as up to that point I had played solid the whole time, consistently getting my stack up... oh well, I'm pretty tired.

Yeah that's a great read so far, especially about the whole criticism thing. It's so interesting, and I'm the same - def need to work on stuff like that. It's good to want to improve your social skills, - they carry you a long way in this world, and people aren't gonna be very warm to you if you're judging/criticising them all the time.

Keep checking back on the thread Still 20 days to go.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-07-2011 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by gravic
Bro wish u all the best in ur future. Hope this expirience will get the degen out of u.
Best of luck man.
Thanks man, I've learned and grown a lot already since being in here, and a lot of it has been because of the responses from people in this thread, you're all f*ckin legends.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-07-2011 , 10:40 AM
hahaha so sick bro, congrats... keep truckin
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-07-2011 , 10:53 AM
eh.. im no pro or anything buttttt

i know you had a large cash, your confidence was at a high etc... but taking a shot that big? big no no imo...

like u, im a big gamer... you need to start treating the different levels in poker just like one - you do well, you eventually advance up to the higher levels organically

what ur doing is the equivalent of using cheat codes.. and as hardcore a gamer as you seem to be, i highly doubt you use them.. you were pwning goldeneye for the challenge and it kept u comin back like fat kids to cupcakes cuz u seem like the type of dude who can't settle for defeat - you WILL conquer your goals. using cheat codes likely would defeat the whole purpose for you.

why treat poker differently? its just another video game

you have to treat climbing like a challenge - how do you know you CAN beat these levels? I think you need to prove that to YOURSELF. taking high shots is just going to make these levels feel meaningless. i think this is a huge problem for you - i dont think you can just call it a "just for fun" thing because it just won't be as exciting when you finally EARN your move up. moving up a level, say from $2 to $3 or $4 when you are craving playing $55 games, just doesn't feel exciting.

i know the money down there feels meh, but believe me - you keep at it long enough, you stop thinking of it as money, and just keep track of it like you would in a video game.. its just ur score - once you have this mentality, you will start to care about the smaller amounts because you had to put in a ton of work to earn it, and if u take poker seriously enough, you will go through this initiation process

anyway im sure you've heard this stuff before. i figured id spit it out this way because it made a huge impact on me when i took on this mentality. and even if im not understood, maybe someone will eventually convince you, but i figured i could at least give it a shot - you seem like a cool dude man, i dont wanna see you becomin a pro guinea pig... one shot and gtfo imo
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-07-2011 , 11:03 AM

When you were final table/hu was everyone else awake railing or were you the only one desperately trying not to scream or shout?

Best of Luck.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-07-2011 , 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by Never Was Been
Today was a pretty good day, spent most of it sleeping :P

Figured I'd take just one shot at a bigger game, seeing as I'd made a decent score and was feeling good. Entered a $55 6-man PLO sng. There was a pro, someone Krause, and some other solid looking players, but I was feeling good... Until I got knocked out first hand.

I'm in the big blind with Ac, 2c, Jc, Js, get one limper, small blind completes, I check. Flop 7c 9c 2h. Small blind checks, I checks, 3rd player bets, small blind folds, I call. Turn is a blank, I check, he checks. River is 6c. I bet, villian reraises me, and I swear I was so close to just flat calling my Ace high flush, but of course I reraised all in and he calls showing 8c 10c x x for the straight flush. Oh well, it happens.

Played a $2 rebuy, finished 10th out of like 306 players making $50, that was fun. And just got knocked out of a $4.40 276 man mtt in 96th calling with a pretty weak draw, my bad.

And now as Day 22 draws to a close, I might watch some of the videos of downloaded before calling it a night.
This is the downfall of so many players. Good bankroll management especially in tournaments is key. Playing high volume, achieving a solid ROI and then selling some action w/ a markup is the fastest way to move up and it's not even close.

Build the bankroll, don't touch it until you're at the level where you are happy playing. I know you must have heard this before, but its true!

P.S. did anyone check out the book yet?
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-07-2011 , 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by SycoMosh
eh.. im no pro or anything buttttt

i know you had a large cash, your confidence was at a high etc... but taking a shot that big? big no no imo...

like u, im a big gamer... you need to start treating the different levels in poker just like one - you do well, you eventually advance up to the higher levels organically

what ur doing is the equivalent of using cheat codes.. and as hardcore a gamer as you seem to be, i highly doubt you use them.. you were pwning goldeneye for the challenge and it kept u comin back like fat kids to cupcakes cuz u seem like the type of dude who can't settle for defeat - you WILL conquer your goals. using cheat codes likely would defeat the whole purpose for you.

why treat poker differently? its just another video game

you have to treat climbing like a challenge - how do you know you CAN beat these levels? I think you need to prove that to YOURSELF. taking high shots is just going to make these levels feel meaningless. i think this is a huge problem for you - i dont think you can just call it a "just for fun" thing because it just won't be as exciting when you finally EARN your move up. moving up a level, say from $2 to $3 or $4 when you are craving playing $55 games, just doesn't feel exciting.

i know the money down there feels meh, but believe me - you keep at it long enough, you stop thinking of it as money, and just keep track of it like you would in a video game.. its just ur score - once you have this mentality, you will start to care about the smaller amounts because you had to put in a ton of work to earn it, and if u take poker seriously enough, you will go through this initiation process

anyway im sure you've heard this stuff before. i figured id spit it out this way because it made a huge impact on me when i took on this mentality. and even if im not understood, maybe someone will eventually convince you, but i figured i could at least give it a shot - you seem like a cool dude man, i dont wanna see you becomin a pro guinea pig... one shot and gtfo imo
this.. after a decent score u just take a shot completely out of ur bankroll, not too smart if you want to progress as a player
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-07-2011 , 12:03 PM
This thread is awesome and I wish you nothing but the best, and because of that I'm afraid I have to make a harsh post as I strongly believe it's for the best. I really hope you see the truth in my post and don't write it off as some random nagging, so to hopefully increase the impact of the post: I'm a Deuces Cracked instructor and have been living of poker for over 2.5 years now, last 1.5 being full time.

Originally Posted by Never Was Been
Today was a pretty good day, spent most of it sleeping :P

Figured I'd take just one shot at a bigger game, seeing as I'd made a decent score and was feeling good. Entered a $55 6-man PLO sng. There was a pro, someone Krause, and some other solid looking players, but I was feeling good... Until I got knocked out first hand.

I'm in the big blind with Ac, 2c, Jc, Js, get one limper, small blind completes, I check. Flop 7c 9c 2h. Small blind checks, I checks, 3rd player bets, small blind folds, I call. Turn is a blank, I check, he checks. River is 6c. I bet, villian reraises me, and I swear I was so close to just flat calling my Ace high flush, but of course I reraised all in and he calls showing 8c 10c x x for the straight flush. Oh well, it happens.

Played a $2 rebuy, finished 10th out of like 306 players making $50, that was fun. And just got knocked out of a $4.40 276 man mtt in 96th calling with a pretty weak draw, my bad.

And now as Day 22 draws to a close, I might watch some of the videos of downloaded before calling it a night.

This proofs that despite what you may think, you've learned nothing. You used the first available excuse to play way outside of your roll, and also very likely much higher than where you had an edge. I'm not trying to demoralize you or anything, but sticking to BRM is EXTREMELY important, especially for a guy like you. That one shot you just took is like that 18 months clean guy doing heroine just one time. You've essentially just degened away the $5 transfers of 11 friendly people that gave it to you thinking you'd change. Write down your bankroll rules on a piece of paper, or even better, make a wallpaper (or have someone make it if you don't how to) for your laptop with the BRM rules on it. And stick to it. Maybe even make a deal with a friend that if he ever catches you breaking your own rules, you're forced to transfer your entire bankroll to him and quit poker for good. This will really help you stay on track.

I really hope you don't take this the wrong way. I'm really hoping you make it and wish you the best of luck.

BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-07-2011 , 12:07 PM
BRM is for pussys
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-07-2011 , 03:28 PM
Yea after reading all this thread I am absolutely shocked and saddened to see you played a $55 SnG. Atrocious, man. You are a degenerate, plain and simple.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-07-2011 , 03:48 PM
awesome thread and now you have a Deuces Cracked coach posting
to help you out. How much more awesome does life get?

Interesting how you commented "I played my A game cuz you were railing me."

This mental attitude should be employed at all times.
Best of luck in all your endeavors.

Rounders 3! Great idea.

5 stars, most def!
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-07-2011 , 07:40 PM
Grindcore knows what he's talking about.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-07-2011 , 07:51 PM
Wow. Like so many of the things I've learned, it's not until seeing the responses from you guys that I really understand their importance. I didn't think it was a big deal, I justified it to myself in the following ways: I had just shipped a donkament and was feeling hot, I don't often see the higher sng's filling up and didn't want to miss the chance of playing one, I had resolved to withdraw the remainder of my BR regardless of outcome. This was my thought process at the time, but I know now that these are the very thoughts that lead you back to degenville. Don't think that I've learned nothing, this was merely a dumb mistake and brief deviation from where I've been headed.

Since this thread started, I have been able to properly utilize the table/tournament buy in restrictions on Stars, and for this reason have decided to withdraw my Fulltilt funds and move them over to Pokerstars. While I'm learning how to exercise self control and correct BRM, it makes sense to remove any potentially dangerous temptations from my environment. If I'm still weak to the lure of playing outside my roll, I'll put a safeguard in place to make it impossible. Optimally I would not need to do that, and would possess the necessary amount of self control to do this myself - but this is currently my goal, not my reality.

Thankyou for helping me realize all of this, it's always been my main area of weakness.

BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-07-2011 , 08:18 PM
you didnt think it was a big deal cuz ur a degen...

I don't think I'd play a 55$ buy in even if i had 1K in my roll...

I think you should apologize to all the idiots that actually sent you money and had faith in you turning over a new leaf.

Once a degen, always a degen, sadly..
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-07-2011 , 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by SycoMosh
eh.. im no pro or anything buttttt

i know you had a large cash, your confidence was at a high etc... but taking a shot that big? big no no imo...

like u, im a big gamer... you need to start treating the different levels in poker just like one - you do well, you eventually advance up to the higher levels organically

what ur doing is the equivalent of using cheat codes.. and as hardcore a gamer as you seem to be, i highly doubt you use them.. you were pwning goldeneye for the challenge and it kept u comin back like fat kids to cupcakes cuz u seem like the type of dude who can't settle for defeat - you WILL conquer your goals. using cheat codes likely would defeat the whole purpose for you.

why treat poker differently? its just another video game

you have to treat climbing like a challenge - how do you know you CAN beat these levels? I think you need to prove that to YOURSELF. taking high shots is just going to make these levels feel meaningless. i think this is a huge problem for you - i dont think you can just call it a "just for fun" thing because it just won't be as exciting when you finally EARN your move up. moving up a level, say from $2 to $3 or $4 when you are craving playing $55 games, just doesn't feel exciting.

i know the money down there feels meh, but believe me - you keep at it long enough, you stop thinking of it as money, and just keep track of it like you would in a video game.. its just ur score - once you have this mentality, you will start to care about the smaller amounts because you had to put in a ton of work to earn it, and if u take poker seriously enough, you will go through this initiation process

anyway im sure you've heard this stuff before. i figured id spit it out this way because it made a huge impact on me when i took on this mentality. and even if im not understood, maybe someone will eventually convince you, but i figured i could at least give it a shot - you seem like a cool dude man, i dont wanna see you becomin a pro guinea pig... one shot and gtfo imo
This is an excellent perspective, and it frustrates me that I have so much difficulty incorporating it. I think it's due to playing for so long with bad habits... just means I have to work extra hard to correct them. You're right, I never use cheats on games, takes all the fun out. I'm going to read and reread this post until it has soaked into my brain.

Originally Posted by Vexed?

When you were final table/hu was everyone else awake railing or were you the only one desperately trying not to scream or shout?

Best of Luck.
Everyone else was asleep, by the time I made it to the final table it was around 5am. The only form of encouragement I got from in here was farting and snoring, amd the occasional strange, repressed moaning/sleeptalking that is standard from Bed 1 (WHOLE other story there :P)

Originally Posted by Imagy
This is the downfall of so many players. Good bankroll management especially in tournaments is key. Playing high volume, achieving a solid ROI and then selling some action w/ a markup is the fastest way to move up and it's not even close.

Build the bankroll, don't touch it until you're at the level where you are happy playing. I know you must have heard this before, but its true!

P.S. did anyone check out the book yet?
Thanks man, and I always learn best through repetition, it lodges the info in my head. I wonder how many players fail because of just these things? If someone has a decent grasp on the fundamentals of the game, surely poor brm is the deciding factor on wether or not they will be successful. The sad part is many may not even realize it, and will probably lose any belief in themself as a player.

The ebook is great, and is helping me rebuild my keeness for hold 'em theory. Unfortunately the others in my group aren't willing to do any reading on the subject (like I mentioned before none ever vsit 2+2), so didn't show any interest when I offered to give them copies.

Originally Posted by Grindcore
This thread is awesome and I wish you nothing but the best, and because of that I'm afraid I have to make a harsh post as I strongly believe it's for the best. I really hope you see the truth in my post and don't write it off as some random nagging, so to hopefully increase the impact of the post: I'm a Deuces Cracked instructor and have been living of poker for over 2.5 years now, last 1.5 being full time.

This proofs that despite what you may think, you've learned nothing. You used the first available excuse to play way outside of your roll, and also very likely much higher than where you had an edge. I'm not trying to demoralize you or anything, but sticking to BRM is EXTREMELY important, especially for a guy like you. That one shot you just took is like that 18 months clean guy doing heroine just one time. You've essentially just degened away the $5 transfers of 11 friendly people that gave it to you thinking you'd change. Write down your bankroll rules on a piece of paper, or even better, make a wallpaper (or have someone make it if you don't how to) for your laptop with the BRM rules on it. And stick to it. Maybe even make a deal with a friend that if he ever catches you breaking your own rules, you're forced to transfer your entire bankroll to him and quit poker for good. This will really help you stay on track.

I really hope you don't take this the wrong way. I'm really hoping you make it and wish you the best of luck.

Harsh was necessary, and you're right. Despite playing poker for 3 years, there's never been anyone to give any advice or guidance, it's taken me a long time to see the things that most others probably learn quickly. Thanks for your advice man, it means a lot coming from someone in your position, and I appreciate you sharing your expertise with a labrat like me

I'm real happy you have been liking the thread, hope you check back on me soon!
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-07-2011 , 08:47 PM
Originally Posted by pinballerr
you didnt think it was a big deal cuz ur a degen...

I don't think I'd play a 55$ buy in even if i had 1K in my roll...

I think you should apologize to all the idiots that actually sent you money and had faith in you turning over a new leaf.

Once a degen, always a degen, sadly..
I remember you berating me at the tables ages ago, glad to see you still have positive, constructive things to contribute.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-07-2011 , 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by Never Was Been
I remember you berating me at the tables ages ago, glad to see you still have positive, constructive things to contribute.
actually, my last post before that, I recommended you DC video's to watch.. so.. come on naow son, I am just disappoint
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-07-2011 , 09:16 PM
Originally Posted by pinballerr
actually, my last post before that, I recommended you DC video's to watch.. so.. come on naow son, I am just disappoint
Yeah and they were very useful, doesn't mean you should take a shot at me, but whatever man.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-07-2011 , 09:20 PM
Just received Tony Korfman's book, my mate went past my place and saw it was in the letterbox and dropped it off for me, looks hilarious! Endorsed by ninjas!
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-07-2011 , 09:22 PM
Can someone give cliffs of whats gone on in the last 20 pages or so?

Would be appreciated.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
