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Beat: Got Perm Chat Ban From Pokerstars :( Beat: Got Perm Chat Ban From Pokerstars :(

05-15-2009 , 12:20 AM
Then the jerk says "i wish we were in person i'd teach you a lesson" and out of instinct i typed back "i wish your mom was here in person id rape her to death in front of you!". At that point some sissy called a chat moderator.
Nice touch
Beat: Got Perm Chat Ban From Pokerstars :( Quote
05-15-2009 , 12:25 AM
"i wish your mom was here in person id rape her to death in front of you!", this sentence should be sold to hallmark so they can make christmas cards with it.
Beat: Got Perm Chat Ban From Pokerstars :( Quote
05-15-2009 , 12:29 AM
OP is my freakin hero
Beat: Got Perm Chat Ban From Pokerstars :( Quote
05-15-2009 , 12:33 AM
You really tore $hit up with your keyboard there, chief. Instinctually.
Beat: Got Perm Chat Ban From Pokerstars :( Quote
05-15-2009 , 01:06 AM
[x] "Stars basically got the wrong idea"
Beat: Got Perm Chat Ban From Pokerstars :( Quote
05-15-2009 , 03:56 AM
I wish I had chat back so I could threaten to rape someone's stupid kid/baby. I'd be like YOUR BABY LOOKS LIKE A SLUT IN THE MAKING!!!
Beat: Got Perm Chat Ban From Pokerstars :( Quote
05-15-2009 , 04:08 AM
good job OP. keep fighting the good fight
Beat: Got Perm Chat Ban From Pokerstars :( Quote
05-15-2009 , 05:03 AM
People who cry after spilt pots should be raped.
Beat: Got Perm Chat Ban From Pokerstars :( Quote
05-15-2009 , 06:00 AM
Maybe the moderator didn't realize it was okay because you use to have a black roommate.
Beat: Got Perm Chat Ban From Pokerstars :( Quote
05-15-2009 , 06:16 AM
Say hi to your wife and my kids
Beat: Got Perm Chat Ban From Pokerstars :( Quote
05-15-2009 , 06:18 AM
You know whats going to suck for you is when you final table in a big tourney and want to negotiate a chop but you can't, happened to me once when i was banned, kinda sucked.
Beat: Got Perm Chat Ban From Pokerstars :( Quote
05-15-2009 , 06:20 AM
Beat: Got Perm Chat Ban From Pokerstars :( Quote
05-15-2009 , 06:23 AM
Originally Posted by nonprofitgambler
You know whats going to suck for you is when you final table in a big tourney and want to negotiate a chop but you can't, happened to me once when i was banned, kinda sucked.
lol, thats when you email support obv
Beat: Got Perm Chat Ban From Pokerstars :( Quote
05-15-2009 , 06:27 AM
Originally Posted by PrinceOfPokerstars
So I told him he played like a stupid (most hateful word in the English language)
This one sealed your fate imo
Beat: Got Perm Chat Ban From Pokerstars :( Quote
05-15-2009 , 06:32 AM
Originally Posted by tupac2384
I thought the mom thing was pretty creative. It sounds like you are racist though. Most in the closet racists use the, "I have a black friend" line and then say some pretty mean ****.
I have a black friend, i keep him in a cage.

<----- BTW not racist.
Beat: Got Perm Chat Ban From Pokerstars :( Quote
05-15-2009 , 06:33 AM
Originally Posted by slatur
lol, thats when you email support obv
You can agree easily through email, but how do you negotiate fast enough so blinds won't kill the current deal, OBV,
Beat: Got Perm Chat Ban From Pokerstars :( Quote
05-15-2009 , 06:45 AM
Move up to where they respect your rape jokes.

Alternatively, stop being a muppet.
Beat: Got Perm Chat Ban From Pokerstars :( Quote
05-15-2009 , 06:49 AM
Oh, and either post the chat/hh or it didn't happen.

Beat: Got Perm Chat Ban From Pokerstars :( Quote
05-15-2009 , 06:55 AM
Op, u deserve beeing chat banned, idiots like u bother me all the time, if i
put suckouts on them. Cause of people like u i have to deactivate chat.
It just steams me and you and nobody than the pokersite (rake) takes advantage.
And getting raped is big fun, hu? Misanthrope?
Beat: Got Perm Chat Ban From Pokerstars :( Quote
05-15-2009 , 06:56 AM
Originally Posted by siebenacht
And getting raped is big fun, hu?
Only if you're being raped by a clown!
Beat: Got Perm Chat Ban From Pokerstars :( Quote
05-15-2009 , 06:56 AM
Originally Posted by blindsRobber
lol at racists' favorite racism justifying line.
OP might as well as well have said, "I'm not a rascist. I've had black people serve me at Popeye's before"
Beat: Got Perm Chat Ban From Pokerstars :( Quote
05-15-2009 , 07:36 AM
Originally Posted by PrinceOfPokerstars
Beat: I was playing a set and takin beats and super angry when these 2 hands happened at the same time at different tables. This donk called my raise from his bb with K8 and stacked on a KTT board vs my KQ then rivered an A and I was like COME ON CALL WITH K8 THEN RIVER THE 7 OUT'ER TO SPLIT THATS THE BIGGEST BEAT EVER!!

So the guy had an avatar of his stupid kid. And I wrote "i guess you deserve to get lucky since you had the misfortune of having such an ugly bastard of a child". Then this other guy not even involved in the hand sends somethin like "you must not have children to talk like that".

And I just freak out and throw down "thats right cause im smart enough to use birth control unlike you two idiots only stupid people have kids now the whole world is getting full of donks like you guys AND WERE IN A DEPRESSION BECAUSE MORON DONKS LIKE YOU BUY THINGS YOU CANT AFFORD ON CREDIT CAUSE YOUR TOO STUPID TO REALIZE YOU CANT MAKE THE PAYMENTS".

Then the jerk says "i wish we were in person i'd teach you a lesson" and out of instinct i typed back "i wish your mom was here in person id rape her to death in front of you!". At that point some sissy called a chat moderator.

Now at the same time at another table I open-raise my sb and this stupid donk min re-raises me so I shove about 30 big blinds in with AK and he hesitates for a bit then calls me with 75o WTOUFDSOLU and sucks out obv. If he snap called I'd be able to handle it cause I'd figure he was on tilt, but he seemed to actually weight the merits of calling off 24 big blinds to a 4bet with 75o or folding and decided calling was the better play.

So this guy had the avatar of a black guy I think was him. Now I'm not a racist man, I've had a black roommate, but I was gonna use his avatar to hurt him anyway I could, cause I wanted him to feel just a taste of how bad he made me feel!

So I told him he played like a stupid (most hateful word in the English language). After that some other crybaby called another chat mod.

Now Stars basically got the wrong idea I think cause these happened at the same time, and figured I was abusive in chat all the time or something and way overreacted to perm ban my chat. I'm pretty angry about it but what can you do, at least I wont waste any more energy on it.

Brag: Told someone their kid is an ugly bastard, threatened to rape someone's mom to death in front of them, and called someone the most hateful word in the English language.

Variance: Cant yell at people in tablechat anymore?
Is the most hateful word in the English language Caribou? You called him a stupid Caribou? wow..
[x] brag.

Well done, sir
Beat: Got Perm Chat Ban From Pokerstars :( Quote
05-15-2009 , 07:47 AM
Originally Posted by PrinceOfPokerstars
Beat: I was playing a set and takin beats and super angry when these 2 hands happened at the same time at different tables. This donk called my raise from his bb with K8 and stacked on a KTT board vs my KQ then rivered an A and I was like COME ON CALL WITH K8 THEN RIVER THE 7 OUT'ER TO SPLIT THATS THE BIGGEST BEAT EVER!!

So the guy had an avatar of his stupid kid. And I wrote "i guess you deserve to get lucky since you had the misfortune of having such an ugly bastard of a child". Then this other guy not even involved in the hand sends somethin like "you must not have children to talk like that".

And I just freak out and throw down "thats right cause im smart enough to use birth control unlike you two idiots only stupid people have kids now the whole world is getting full of donks like you guys AND WERE IN A DEPRESSION BECAUSE MORON DONKS LIKE YOU BUY THINGS YOU CANT AFFORD ON CREDIT CAUSE YOUR TOO STUPID TO REALIZE YOU CANT MAKE THE PAYMENTS".

Then the jerk says "i wish we were in person i'd teach you a lesson" and out of instinct i typed back "i wish your mom was here in person id rape her to death in front of you!". At that point some sissy called a chat moderator.

Now at the same time at another table I open-raise my sb and this stupid donk min re-raises me so I shove about 30 big blinds in with AK and he hesitates for a bit then calls me with 75o WTOUFDSOLU and sucks out obv. If he snap called I'd be able to handle it cause I'd figure he was on tilt, but he seemed to actually weight the merits of calling off 24 big blinds to a 4bet with 75o or folding and decided calling was the better play.

So this guy had the avatar of a black guy I think was him. Now I'm not a racist man, I've had a black roommate, but I was gonna use his avatar to hurt him anyway I could, cause I wanted him to feel just a taste of how bad he made me feel!

So I told him he played like a stupid (most hateful word in the English language). After that some other crybaby called another chat mod.

Now Stars basically got the wrong idea I think cause these happened at the same time, and figured I was abusive in chat all the time or something and way overreacted to perm ban my chat. I'm pretty angry about it but what can you do, at least I wont waste any more energy on it.

Brag: Told someone their kid is an ugly bastard, threatened to rape someone's mom to death in front of them, and called someone the most hateful word in the English language.

Variance: Cant yell at people in tablechat anymore?
are you trying to make ppl on bbv think you are cool?

you're an idiot.
Beat: Got Perm Chat Ban From Pokerstars :( Quote
05-15-2009 , 07:51 AM
Originally Posted by Eddiori
Only if you're being raped by a clown!
Beat: Got Perm Chat Ban From Pokerstars :( Quote
05-15-2009 , 07:57 AM
Originally Posted by PrinceOfPokerstars
Beat: I was playing a set and takin beats and super angry when these 2 hands happened at the same time at different tables. This donk called my raise from his bb with K8 and stacked on a KTT board vs my KQ then rivered an A and I was like COME ON CALL WITH K8 THEN RIVER THE 7 OUT'ER TO SPLIT THATS THE BIGGEST BEAT EVER!!

So the guy had an avatar of his stupid kid. And I wrote "i guess you deserve to get lucky since you had the misfortune of having such an ugly bastard of a child". Then this other guy not even involved in the hand sends somethin like "you must not have children to talk like that".

And I just freak out and throw down "thats right cause im smart enough to use birth control unlike you two idiots only stupid people have kids now the whole world is getting full of donks like you guys AND WERE IN A DEPRESSION BECAUSE MORON DONKS LIKE YOU BUY THINGS YOU CANT AFFORD ON CREDIT CAUSE YOUR TOO STUPID TO REALIZE YOU CANT MAKE THE PAYMENTS".

Then the jerk says "i wish we were in person i'd teach you a lesson" and out of instinct i typed back "i wish your mom was here in person id rape her to death in front of you!". At that point some sissy called a chat moderator.

Now at the same time at another table I open-raise my sb and this stupid donk min re-raises me so I shove about 30 big blinds in with AK and he hesitates for a bit then calls me with 75o WTOUFDSOLU and sucks out obv. If he snap called I'd be able to handle it cause I'd figure he was on tilt, but he seemed to actually weight the merits of calling off 24 big blinds to a 4bet with 75o or folding and decided calling was the better play.

So this guy had the avatar of a black guy I think was him. Now I'm not a racist man, I've had a black roommate, but I was gonna use his avatar to hurt him anyway I could, cause I wanted him to feel just a taste of how bad he made me feel!

So I told him he played like a stupid (most hateful word in the English language). After that some other crybaby called another chat mod.

Now Stars basically got the wrong idea I think cause these happened at the same time, and figured I was abusive in chat all the time or something and way overreacted to perm ban my chat. I'm pretty angry about it but what can you do, at least I wont waste any more energy on it.

Brag: Told someone their kid is an ugly bastard, threatened to rape someone's mom to death in front of them, and called someone the most hateful word in the English language.

Variance: Cant yell at people in tablechat anymore?
**** you, PrinceOfPokerstars. You know you got a big mouth. You make a close, this whole place stinks with your farts for a week - how much you just ingested. Oh, what a big man you are! "Hey, let me buy you a pack of gum. I'll show you how to chew it." Whoof! You're pal closes, and all that comes out of your mouth is bile. Ooh, how ****ed-up you are!
Beat: Got Perm Chat Ban From Pokerstars :( Quote
