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Beat:  Am a freak and a very weird dude. Beat:  Am a freak and a very weird dude.

11-08-2007 , 11:56 AM
I fail to see how Howard is an [censored] at all... he didn't know his email would be shown.
Duane "Dog the Bounty Hunter" didn't know his phone call TO HIS SON wouldn't be recorded either. He less of an [censored] for it?
Seriously Dali. You see how these aren't analgous at all.
They ARE analogous, just not really congruous, and I find your continuous attacking of my virtuous and sensuous posts fatuous and disingenuous. Next time try being less conspicuous with your ambiguous responses.
i loled
congratulations, you loled. no one cares.
Beat:  Am a freak and a very weird dude. Quote
11-08-2007 , 11:57 AM
ZOMG a degenerate poker player can be described as being a "weird freak"?! LOL. I mean, what next -- we hear that someone accuses academic mathematicians of being a weird lot?

I guess FTP wants to keep it's image pure as represented by those mom-and-pop-apple-pie paragons of normalcy in Lederer, Matusow, and Jesus, etc.
Beat:  Am a freak and a very weird dude. Quote
11-08-2007 , 11:58 AM
lol @ everybody hating Howard for basically being honest and correct (not so much about gobbo, but about him being a horrible marketing choice). Do we expect everybody to be super nice in internal communication?

Also lol @ gobbo continuing to be a forum sacred cow.
I know you like to rip into other people who are still fat, but really this is kinda out of line. Even internally there are other ways to say "he's a fat white kid from the midwest with zero marketability in the current state of things" besides "he's a freak and a very weird dude"
And if this was a public statement that would be 100% true.

It wasn't, and it's ridic to assume that everybody talks like perfect gentlemen in closed quarters.
Beat:  Am a freak and a very weird dude. Quote
11-08-2007 , 12:01 PM
"I also can't wait for the day Jimmy gets to rub Howard's face in this. "

Sometimes, no matter what hurt has been inflicted upon us, it takes a better and stronger man to forgive and forget. This is one of those times that it is better to forgive H.L. for the derogatory comments.

In fact, if this happened to me, I would follow up an additional e-mail to Howard and tell him that I realize now, he did not intend for these negative words to get back to me and cause me pain, and I forgive you.

Jimmy, believe me you will feel better, and only good things can happen after this.
Jimmy's not hating on HL, and obviously rubbing Howard's face in it means at the poker table. Just like Annette did to Pokerstars when they turned her down.
Beat:  Am a freak and a very weird dude. Quote
11-08-2007 , 12:02 PM
First of all, Howard business acumen is stupid. He is probably judging Gobbo from one or two events at most, failing to acknowledge the hordes of internet poker players who follow and respect his game. Just judging from Gobbo's letter to FT, you can tell that if he had to represent FT on a business level, he would clean up his act. If FT were smart, they'd do a phone interview or something, but that's asking too much.

Secondly, I don't know about Howard Lederer and his [censored] video tapes, but three paragraphs of Gobbo's theory posts for MTTs did more for my game than Lederer's analysis ever has.

Thirdly, I guess that if Gobbo was just "weird" or just a "freak," he would get a sponsorship. I mean, you just have to be a total douchebag to describe a person as a "dude" who is "weird and a freak." That kind of "cool kid" intel suburbanite meets retro hippy attitude is [censored] that we try to forget about after high school or (unfortunately) college. Hearing it come out of a 40+ year old's mouth is more disturbing, IMO, than a hyper gifted 20 year old with a weight problem who needs to clean himself up a little.

Fourth, FTP has a former drug addict / convict on like half of its commercials now. I guess that's the representation they are looking for.

Perhaps Howard is intimately associated with the business people at full tilt and therefore speaks his mind freely and casually amongst his peers. Still, I really can't stand his analysis.

Beat:  Am a freak and a very weird dude. Quote
11-08-2007 , 12:12 PM

here is why they refused sponsorship, one donkament 2nd place does not maketh the poker pro
Beat:  Am a freak and a very weird dude. Quote
11-08-2007 , 12:16 PM
lol @ everybody hating Howard for basically being honest and correct (not so much about gobbo, but about him being a horrible marketing choice). Do we expect everybody to be super nice in internal communication?

Also lol @ gobbo continuing to be a forum sacred cow.
I know you like to rip into other people who are still fat, but really this is kinda out of line. Even internally there are other ways to say "he's a fat white kid from the midwest with zero marketability in the current state of things" besides "he's a freak and a very weird dude"
And if this was a public statement that would be 100% true.

It wasn't, and it's ridic to assume that everybody talks like perfect gentlemen in closed quarters.
I can confirm that I say horrible things about my clients all the time when speaking internally. I am glad they don;t see what I say.
Beat:  Am a freak and a very weird dude. Quote
11-08-2007 , 12:31 PM
Gobboboy doesn't have a super-impressive live tournament record yet because he's not old enough to play in US tournaments. Given his skills, I'd be very surprised if he doesn't become a big winner in the US tournament scene once he turns 21.

We had Gobboboy on NWP Radio once, and I didn't know what to expect. I was pleasantly surprised to discover he was actually a cool guy, and quite mature for his age.

Given that Gobbo is male, his looks are less important in terms of marketing. If he's one of the top tournament players (and it appears he's probably going to be), he's definitely an asset from the poker marketing standpoint. Maybe he doesn't have a future in doing Full Tilt commercials, but he definitely has a future in getting them exposure and claiming another succesful pro on their team.

Besides, has anyone looked at the roster of Full Tilt "pros" lately? It seems they add anyone with a pulse these days.

Regarding Howard Lederer: Yes, this was an internal message, but mistakes do happen -- as witnessed here. A similar blunder occurred at the last company I worked at. One of our support guys called a customer "******ed", and that e-mail was accidentally attached to the official reply sent to that customer. Afterwards, a new protocol was developed by the company NEVER to say anything negative about any customers in internal e-mail. Howard could learn a lot from that.
Beat:  Am a freak and a very weird dude. Quote
11-08-2007 , 12:38 PM

lol who's the athletic and attractive young man on the left?
Beat:  Am a freak and a very weird dude. Quote
11-08-2007 , 12:42 PM
This is one of the funniest posts OP that I ever did read. I salute you.
Beat:  Am a freak and a very weird dude. Quote
11-08-2007 , 12:44 PM

Nobody's saying it's not dumb, just that being frank doesn't make him an [censored]. Obviously if any of my employees said something like that in an email, I'd tell them to knock it off.
Beat:  Am a freak and a very weird dude. Quote
11-08-2007 , 12:53 PM
Radio Maria is the greatest restaurant in CU.
Is this place new? I had never heard of it before like a month ago but since have heard like everyone talking about it.
Beat:  Am a freak and a very weird dude. Quote
11-08-2007 , 01:01 PM
Best thread ever
qft.. the whole thing kinda reminds me of one time in high school when i was replyin to a note my gf had written me in class (i know i know i'm gay but i was whipped) and i was talking about my teacher... i wrote, "man ms. ferguson is wayyyy too old to be wearin a shirt that low cut... i seriously think i just threw up in my mouth" ya well she apparently had snuck up next to me and next thing i know she had snatched up the note, read it, and within 5 mins i was in the assistant principals office. a couple weeks later she tried reading one of my texts and i accidently tripped her while she walked away, but that's another story.

lolz the trippin pat aint true ? would have been so awesome, expelled?

anyway gobbo your ply impressed me at aussie millions, lucky obv in some spots but very good play.

gl and hopefully some other site will sponsor u.
Beat:  Am a freak and a very weird dude. Quote
11-08-2007 , 01:01 PM
Gobbo, this is awesome, thanks for posting it for most of us to enjoy, knowing some percentage of people were going to be total asses.
I'd say it's a decent brag that you're good enough that Howard was even consulted.
Obviously 99.9% of the people get the immediate "don't call us, we'll call you" reply.
Beat:  Am a freak and a very weird dude. Quote
11-08-2007 , 01:09 PM
i just listened to super freak all the way through, man thats a good song. thanks yeti.
Beat:  Am a freak and a very weird dude. Quote
11-08-2007 , 01:12 PM
Can you give us howards email and we'll bomb his email?
Beat:  Am a freak and a very weird dude. Quote
11-08-2007 , 01:29 PM
When Gobbo was at Canterbury last month, toooooons of people were doing the standard "is that Gobbo?!?" type of double takes, whispers, nudges etc. He's definitely marketable.

He also seems like a pretty cool dude irl, too.
They were probably thinking "yeah, that kids a freak and a weirdo".
Beat:  Am a freak and a very weird dude. Quote
11-08-2007 , 01:39 PM
Howard always was a philanthropist.
Beat:  Am a freak and a very weird dude. Quote
11-08-2007 , 01:40 PM


Plus, what's all this about gobbo saying some VERY negative statements about the 'pros'? I must've missed that part.
Beat:  Am a freak and a very weird dude. Quote
11-08-2007 , 01:40 PM
The obvious play now is to sue for age discrimination since you have evidence that he might have denied you based on your age.
Beat:  Am a freak and a very weird dude. Quote
11-08-2007 , 01:49 PM
Howard to Gobbo
Beat:  Am a freak and a very weird dude. Quote
11-08-2007 , 01:50 PM


Plus, what's all this about gobbo saying some VERY negative statements about the 'pros'? I must've missed that part.
I think he was overly truthful in some Cardplayer interviews.
Beat:  Am a freak and a very weird dude. Quote
11-08-2007 , 01:54 PM
he said most live tourney "TV pros" are overrated and not great poker players
Beat:  Am a freak and a very weird dude. Quote
11-08-2007 , 01:54 PM
The obvious play now is to sue for age discrimination since you have evidence that he might have denied you based on your age.
Yes, sue FTP in like [censored] Gatalupos or whetever island they reside on based on Age Dicrimination. Perhaps the Supreme Court will take interest.

Secondly, I have loosely said several things about people I work with, many of them based on comic principal without deep layered thought. Like, "this guy is a tool," when at the heart of it, he's a nice and reasonably intelligent person. Fair enough. But, here, "the professor of poker," this man who postures himself as a thoughtful businessman of the poker community, seems to have influenced a decision worth several thousands of dollars because someone is "a freak and a really weird dude." Let's forget about the fact that 95% of successful pokoer players are "freaks" and/or "really weird dudes."

One would think that as someone who takes interest in the poker community's progress, he would do research on Gobbo and realize that the benefits of having him as an FTP member would far outweigh the costs. But, no. Instead, Gobbo is a "freak and a "really weird dude." Nonsense.

That rubs me the wrong way and causes me concern as to several more global, business orientated decisions that FTP and other poker sites make. Multiply that by 100 because FTP let this one leak. FTPDoug - care to comment?
Beat:  Am a freak and a very weird dude. Quote
