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Averaging 28 BB/hr my first 60 hours back at <img - Averaging 28 BB/hr my first 60 hours back at <img -

06-10-2024 , 06:55 PM
Had a mini-session today, first weekday session in a while. 3 hours, +$145. The three big hands I played:

Raise AThh to 8 4 calls. Flop AQTr with a h. Limper donks 10 I call Button calls too. Turn 6h two hearts. Limper bets 20 I raise to 75 a fold Limper calls. River 9x. Limper bets 100 I call he has AQ lol

3-bet AQ to 18 after a $4 UTG open. 3 callers. Flop QJ4r. X UTG bets 20 a call I raise to 85 only UTG calls. Turn Kx. He x I bet 100 he goes all-in I call my last 70. He has T9. River T! I win!

CO opens to $5 after a couple limps, Button 3-bets to $45 (!). I have AA in the BB and just call. CO calls too. Flop A77. I check, CO checks, Button checks. Turn J. I check, CO checks, Button checks. River 2. I check, CO checks, Button checks. My full house is good, surprisingly.

Just some stellar, high-level play from me, all around.
Averaging 28 BB/hr my first 60 hours back at <img - Quote
06-24-2024 , 05:01 PM
I find when I got to a new casino, I play great. Then they learn my tricks and it's time to move on.
Averaging 28 BB/hr my first 60 hours back at <img - Quote
06-24-2024 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by SaltLife
I find when I got to a new casino, I play great. Then they learn my tricks and it's time to move on.
I just ran the numbers and I am EVEN over my last 150 hours, lol. I think the dream is over!
Averaging 28 BB/hr my first 60 hours back at <img - Quote
06-25-2024 , 06:16 PM
UPDATE: just had the most insane session of my life, have never hit harder, in for $300 out 5 and a half hours later with $1,626. Flopped 4 sets and hit a straight flush. Got paid on just about EVERYTHING. Just ridiculous.
Averaging 28 BB/hr my first 60 hours back at <img - Quote
