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07-27-2016 , 10:01 AM
Some of you look forward to my stories at the tournament table. Sometimes the entertainment alone is worth the price of the tournament itself. In this case the tournament stunk almost as bad as the musty perspiration odor from the sport jacket the guy to my right was wearing. The jacket was either begging for a long overdue trip to the cleaners or an entire bottle of febreeze and i was forced to endure this for almost 5hrs straight. He was a tall middle aged Nigerian or Haitian dude who was more than likely playing his first or second tournament in his entire life. The tournament was part of the Borgata summer series $ 120 buy in turbo event with starting stack of 40k . With a starting stack of 40k and seat 5 how can i go wrong? Plenty went wrong.

First off you would not know about this event because it's not listed as part of the summer open on the Borgata website. You would need to check the leaflet at the casino or call the casino to find out the contest was listed at the very bottom of the flyer . I inquired with the blogger if the event will be covered in the blog and she said no. Almost as though they didn't want you to know about it. Another downside was the fact that the main event was moved from the signature room to the big room where three other summer open events were also going on at the same time. My tournament was inconspicuously situated all the way in the back with four tables three television screens and no clock. Two of the screens were showing sporting events and the other , news updates on the Democratic convention. The floor person from time to time came around with a sheet of paper updating us on the blind levels etc. What kind of crap is that? When i complained about it the only response i got was 'There are no clocks available because the other events are more of a priority right now. It took 5hrs to find out the prize pool structure paid 9 spots out of 71.

I actually had no complaints about the table as a whole except for the jacket odor because everyone appeared friendly and none of them were looking to run over the table . Even the flamboyant loud guy who calls himself the "professional " a regular at the $1 $2 was at my table. He sort of resembles a fat asian version of Elvis . He was pretty quiet until he turned a straight flush and then went into his berserk antics. He usually chips up then busts after 5 successful shoves with less than premium hands and sometimes pure junk.

I was virtually card dead throughout the entire tournament but when i was dealt premium hands i made the most of them. At one point i chipped up to 125 K from starting stack of 40k but thats about as far as i got. Here's where the annoyance set in. The Nigerian guy either took offense or constantly questioned my pocket 4 limp when i re raised his raise after flopping a set which eventually turned into a boat. I dont remember the exact scenario but he ended up folding. After i collected the pot he asked me "can you please tell me what you had"? Considering the fact that people at the table were friendly and polite i showed him the 4 and said "I did it one time but don't ask me again" He said ok but you had pocket 4's right right ? I said whatever and ignored him the rest of the way.

This did not end. He persisted on analyzing my thought process on the hand with another player seated to the right . Why did i raise ? Why did i do this blah blah. This went on for almost an hr straight . Mind you this critique is coming from someone who had to be constantly reminded to put his blinds in by the dealer. . After being forced to sit through my hand review between him and another player at the table , i came this close to telling him "Listen dude its over i took some of your chips deal with it" I had no idea what he had nor did i care .

The other issue that seemed to concern him more than anything was asking the floor person when is the next break? I was more concerned about the prize payout structure which was non existent and a tv clock which was also non existent but all he cared about was the next break. After Level 8 which is the last level you can rebuy, a young college kid joins our table. He had mentioned that he just busted the main and sarcastically joked that some of the players at that table were actually worse than the players at our table. The fact that he busts out of a $2700 event to play in a $120 turbo which pays next to nothing except for the top two spots didn't make much sense.

When we did break for 15 i railed some of the pros in the main room playing in the main event such as Paul Volpe and Darren Elias playing 60 min levels . The stacks at their table were beyond belief and you dont see that many flops . I took pride in watching what real poker is all about as opposed to the jokes i was playing with at the table in the back . When i went to the bathroom to pee , the Nigerian guy decides to pee in the urinal next to mine and says "Pocket 4's " Mind you there were 6 other empty urinals but he had to pick the one next to me. I walked out without responding which probably infuriated him even more. Before he got back to the table after the break I told another player who was pretty much deepstacked . " I hope you bust this guy out of the tournament or ill do it myself" Nigerian guy was only betting premium hands like AK AQ etc. On the first hand he went all in and hopefully my dream would come true at the expense of two other players at the table. Unfortunate that his AQ held up and he tripled up which meant i had to endure the musty odor for another level.

Throughout the entire tournament i never saw AA KK but this time i was dealt QQ out of position and facing a raise of 25k from the Nigerian guy. With around 60k left in my stack i tanked . One guy threatened to call clock . I told him relax another 5 seconds. I felt something smelled fishy and i folded. Good fold. 2 players went all in Nigerian dude folded . One of them turns over K5 spiked a K on the turn. Unbelievable as i would have busted being pot committed. As we were nearing late levels my 125k stack was slowly diminishing due to the antes blinds and the fact that i couldnt catch a hand to save my life.

Finally god answered my prayer. 2 tables left down to 19 New table assignments and color up. When i returned from break most of the remaining players at new table were deepstacked with 25k brown chips. With blinds at 6& 12k with 2k ante i was basically drawing dead being the shortest stack at table with less than 5BB but at least i didnt have to endure the jacket stench. I had three chances to do something. Folded 97 suited. J2 I hoped for a pair any pair or maybe one overcard . Got 76o OOP two raisers flop basically brick hoping for backdoor straight which never came . Out in 14th or 15th 5 or 6 from the money. Until next time . But these testimonials are getting quite expensive

Last edited by hellofaplaya44; 07-27-2016 at 10:11 AM.
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07-27-2016 , 10:04 AM
Trump could use your post against Mexico.
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07-27-2016 , 10:06 AM
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07-27-2016 , 10:10 AM
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07-27-2016 , 11:14 AM
Originally Posted by Kelvis
Trump could use your post against Mexico.
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07-27-2016 , 11:44 AM
I might have some suggestions for successful thread starting, but I would have to read your op to know which ones to trot out. It's sort of a Catch-22.
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07-27-2016 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by Mr.mmmKay
ADD must have hit you at an early age like maybe childbirth?
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07-27-2016 , 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by suitedjustice
I might have some suggestions for successful thread starting, but I would have to read your op to know which ones to trot out. It's sort of a Catch-22.
Just read the damn post and try to smile for once in your life instead of falling into the sarcastic mode that the majority of posters seem to dwell on
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07-27-2016 , 12:55 PM
At least you used paragraphs op

Last edited by rtd353; 07-27-2016 at 12:55 PM. Reason: Still didn't read
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07-27-2016 , 01:16 PM
Those events are usually the same as the Borgata Weekly events. For whatever reasons the Borgata lists them as part of the BSO when registering.

If you took pride in watching "real poker" why are you even bothering with the $120 knowing what it's going to be like play wise?
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07-27-2016 , 01:28 PM
All this EADing for 120$?

I would read your OP if you paid me 120$, tho
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07-27-2016 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by Kelvis
Trump could use your post against Mexico.
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07-27-2016 , 04:24 PM
this post really sucked. I read lol at me!
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07-27-2016 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by RDT316
Those events are usually the same as the Borgata Weekly events. For whatever reasons the Borgata lists them as part of the BSO when registering.

If you took pride in watching "real poker" why are you even bothering with the $120 knowing what it's going to be like play wise?
When i called the casino the lady who works in the poker room actually suckered me into it because its part of the summer open saying "Hey i got a great one for you $120 buy in 40k chips blah blah" Unfortunate for me she reeled a sucker in. She forgot to mention no clock no blog hype. I took the pride in watching real poker after playing for awhile then went on break . Don't worry learned my lesson Never again
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07-27-2016 , 05:06 PM
Maybe K5 would have folded if you shoved those Queens?
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07-27-2016 , 07:41 PM
I'm willing to read that if you pay me by syllable.
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07-27-2016 , 10:35 PM
Originally Posted by AALegend
Maybe K5 would have folded if you shoved those Queens?
I think your right K5 was 4 players to my right 3 away from the guy with the sportjacket odor
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07-27-2016 , 10:37 PM
Did anyone actually read this? I fell asleep after 5 words.
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07-27-2016 , 11:45 PM
Worth reading for that QQ fold with 10bb, seriously dude GTFO
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07-28-2016 , 12:27 AM
Originally Posted by Toringi's
Worth reading for that QQ fold with 10bb, seriously dude GTFO
Seems that your the only one that has a problem with that call where most of the table thought my fold was brilliant Easy to sit back in your salvation army recliner and play monday morn quarterback when you werent even there to begin with Idiot
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07-28-2016 , 12:37 AM
Originally Posted by hellofaplaya44
Seems that your the only one that has a problem with that call where most of the table thought my fold was brilliant Easy to sit back in your salvation army recliner and play monday morn quarterback when you werent even there to begin with Idiot
Because what most people at the table think is brilliant usually is, right?

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07-28-2016 , 04:21 AM
Great story OP. Loved it from start to finish. Those shenanigans are a routine on daily low stake donkaments and I would love it if you posted more of your stories.

However, the QQ fold was autrocious. Seriously, I can't even begin to abuse you enough for it. Let alone the math aspect of it on what Villain has and what your reshove is getting called by {maybe AJ+/ATs+/88+/KQs, whatever}. Your cEV is positive. Your $EV is way positive as you currently have a "dead stack" meaning little to no FE or room to maneuver without getting pot committed. You also have the blinds ready to eat your stack away. But most importantly, you have a chance to double up (and more), have a playable stack and criple/tilt stench-jacket, or bust yourself with QQ instead of having to push & pray with a hand like J2 or 67s or whatever. It was a bad fold in every possible way. K5 wasn't calling if you shoved. Even if it did you were way ahead.

Asides from that cancerous play, good story once again. Please post more next time. Cheers!
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07-28-2016 , 05:09 AM
fold QQ in that spot, comfirmed NIT
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07-28-2016 , 07:23 AM
Originally Posted by MTT_9797
Great story OP. Loved it from start to finish. Those shenanigans are a routine on daily low stake donkaments and I would love it if you posted more of your stories.

However, the QQ fold was autrocious. Seriously, I can't even begin to abuse you enough for it. Let alone the math aspect of it on what Villain has and what your reshove is getting called by {maybe AJ+/ATs+/88+/KQs, whatever}. Your cEV is positive. Your $EV is way positive as you currently have a "dead stack" meaning little to no FE or room to maneuver without getting pot committed. You also have the blinds ready to eat your stack away. But most importantly, you have a chance to double up (and more), have a playable stack and criple/tilt stench-jacket, or bust yourself with QQ instead of having to push & pray with a hand like J2 or 67s or whatever. It was a bad fold in every possible way. K5 wasn't calling if you shoved. Even if it did you were way ahead.

Asides from that cancerous play, good story once again. Please post more next time. Cheers!
How does it feel to talk to yourself on the internet?
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