Originally Posted by rickroll
thanks for sharing, super fascinating, can't imagine how hard it would be to break into that as an outsider, you just cold called them with proposals to help manage? are you russian or fluent in russian?
i'm just reminded, one of the funniest things i've ever seen in my life that i can't reasonably mention in polite society is that i was once watching a couple and someone tipped a large amount and asked for the guy to stick the dildo in his own butt instead of hers and so he agreed to do it and as he started lubing it up he looked at the camera and said "this is why you should stay in school kids"
When I first visited the site I just saw so many things they could do to improve money and viewership. I mentioned it to one model and she made me a moderator. I brought that account from making maybe $50 a day to about $900/day. Word sort of got out and did this 3 or 4 more times, then started getting offers from studios and others to help. And it sort of steamrolled from there. Now if I try to sneak into a room just for ideas or to see what the “competition” is doing often just get insta-modded by people I don’t know at all. I turn down prob 99% who try doing this. And certain studios I just blacklist.
When I started, I didn’t speak any Russian and couldn’t read any Cyrillic. Now I can understand Some things and can read a little bit better, but often just use translation software. And a bunch of the models do speak English fairly well. And I can communicate in French as well with some who are polyglots but don’t speak English.
And lol for anal dildo man. That should be shown to elementary school kids as a warning