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09-17-2024 , 10:21 AM
Kill pot. Killer raises Utg, tight player raises again in CO, I four bet KK on button, killer lol folds. Heads up.

Flop JT4r. He check/calls. Turn is Qr. He checks, I check?
KK Quote
09-17-2024 , 12:30 PM
I don't have any advice for these stakes, but I was curious it looks like the kill does not get to act last in your games? Double punishment for a kill if he has to act in turn as normal. Yikes.

At my place the kill gets to act last unless there is a raise then its in turn.
KK Quote
09-17-2024 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by ninefingershuffle
Kill pot. Killer raises Utg, tight player raises again in CO, I four bet KK on button, killer lol folds. Heads up.

Flop JT4r. He check/calls. Turn is Qr. He checks, I check?
Gross turn, we are definitely running out of value here. I don’t mind checking back because I don’t want to pay 3 BB to show down.

Originally Posted by killians3
I don't have any advice for these stakes, but I was curious it looks like the kill does not get to act last in your games? Double punishment for a kill if he has to act in turn as normal. Yikes.

At my place the kill gets to act last unless there is a raise then its in turn.
Yeah most people don’t understand how bad the kill is for them, so I feel you. I just think the “last action” isn’t really that much of a help. I’d rather be able to 3bet in turn or raise in turn than be forced to act last. Also there’s just something aesthetically unpleasing about it.
KK Quote
09-17-2024 , 03:49 PM
Killer raising UTG and folding is not good.

I’d check the turn and pretty much call all rivers. Betting the turn and getting check raised is gross.
KK Quote
09-17-2024 , 05:14 PM
Yeah kill acts in turn here. I’ve seen it both ways
KK Quote
09-17-2024 , 10:06 PM
This is good. I’d bet pretty much any river (maybe not an 8) if he checks again.
KK Quote
Today , 07:05 PM
Ideally, you should always bet the turn whenever you'll have a profitable value bet on a blank river after the villain just calls the turn. Checking the turn to play it safe in those admittingly marginal spots will cost you money in the long run.

Of course reality and the ideal are two different things. In this spot you wanna bet the turn for reasons above--extract that margin value--but if you're always calling down UI after a villain turn check-raise, that marginal value you're chasing becomes an illusion. To echo checkraisedraw, if you're always paying 3 BBs when behind you'll destroy any potential profitability of betting the turn+value betting a blank river.

There's only two viable solutions to this problem:

1) Bet the turn with the intention of value betting a blank river if villain just calls. If villain check-raises turn, call the turn but fold UI.

2) Check turn, call river UI.

I think we should want to do 1) but only if we have a good read that villain will never check-raise the turn with worse. If we can't trust the villain for whatever reason then 2) wins out. Online I don't **** around in this spot. I'm taking line 2) unless I have a super strong read not to. I don't like taking non-show down lines HU online. When playing 4-8 live poker I'm much more likely to take line 1).
KK Quote
