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01-24-2015 , 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by Larry Legend
Just wait until Magic Leap does a public reveal
I have Google Alerts set for both. The rebranding (and focus on inhouse stuff compared to the GGlass outdoor stuff) MS did is clever but other than that it's not groundbreaking or anything. The user interfaces still suck. I think AR/VR will only leap ahead if haptics and better input in general gets solved.
I think MS has a good window to position themselves here but my feeling is they'll blow it by trying to lock it to the MS ecosystem.

[I work in the AR/VR space]
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01-24-2015 , 05:09 PM
Remember how PTR used to allow like 10 player look ups for free a day? What is the best way of going about that? Just keep a table in the db with IP addresses and # of lookups and make some daily process clear the table?
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01-24-2015 , 05:50 PM
^ Yea, just use a in-memory hashmap with ip->#lookups and clear that once a day.
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01-24-2015 , 08:05 PM
Originally Posted by plexiq
^ Yea, just use a in-memory hashmap
So don't even hit the db if the number of users isn't crazy? This is easy in node but anyone know the preferred way in rails?

I found this stackoverflow saying to use Rails.cache and maybe some in memory key/val store.
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01-24-2015 , 08:19 PM
Unless you need to later access to that data for analysis or something similar, i wouldn't store it in a db. Even if you have millions of unique visitors IPs per days, the hashmap would still be in the order of a few MB total. You can use a LRU cache if you are worried about the size. (e.g. something like

Only downside is that you lose the daily counts on server restarts and possibly on re-deploys etc.

Can't help with any Rails details, sorry.
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01-25-2015 , 03:15 AM
Originally Posted by Anais
so, is it true that as a c++ person, at least for the time being, I'm pretty much stuck with the command prompt/console? no gui stuff on the immediate horizon? that's the way the new teacher made it seem
JetBrains CLion might be worth looking into.
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01-25-2015 , 03:20 AM
Originally Posted by Allen C
As an amateur programmer, I hate IDEs.
IDEs are pretty helpful when used on large code bases and might be overkill for the small stuff.

I tend to use both. If I can do it on Vim, I'll use Vim and not have to wait for my IDE to finish starting up.
IDEs own though when it comes to refactoring and checking return types/signatures/syntax.
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01-25-2015 , 03:51 AM

Originally Posted by El Diablo

While we're talking about derails, one comment about the prior one. Idgaf whether you save any money for retirement or not, but based on what you wrote, I'd def suggest taking advantage of whatever opportunities you have to get some management experience. Based on the type of programming it sounds like you do, I wouldn't expect to keep getting good opportunities for much longer. And if you haven't started getting management experience yet, it's just going to keep getting harder and harder to get your first shot at it. Feel free to ignore, but that's just the reality of the tech industry.
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01-25-2015 , 07:00 AM
I'm getting ready to hire a few web developers on the west side of LA.

Anyone know this market? Was thinking of offering 130k base but not sure if that'll do it.

I've been hearing a lot of really low salary numbers around here, presumably because there are a lot of flailing startups. not sure what good senior people are really getting, cost of living isn't cheap at all, but it's not the bay area.

Why did I move somewhere where I have no network to start an office? I'm dumb.

Last edited by spiral; 01-25-2015 at 07:06 AM.
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01-25-2015 , 07:57 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Always leap at the first opportunity to get management experience, regardless of the industry.

Unless you are allergic to more money. Then don't.

(Note: "more money" not a guarantee, may require a few years of building experience and perhaps a job change eventually)
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01-25-2015 , 09:06 AM
Hehe, just came across this. Reminded me of the brief exchange daveT and I had in this thread a short while ago.

Obviously sharing this because it aligns with my point of view. And made me chuckle as I know the feeling.
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01-25-2015 , 09:12 AM
Originally Posted by Anais
Always leap at the first opportunity to get management experience, regardless of the industry.

Unless you are allergic to more money. Then don't.

(Note: "more money" not a guarantee, may require a few years of building experience and perhaps a job change eventually)
I mean, if your current job isn't one you want to stick with for an extended period anyway then, by all means, go for it.
However, once you put yourself in that position and hate it, you can't turn back within same organisation. At least I haven't seen or heard of that working once.

Have worked with one guy who managed to step down from his "promotion" back into coding within the same (small) company. He left the company within a year after moving back down after serious head butting with his superiors. Not sure what changed, but his second stint wasn't pretty.
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01-25-2015 , 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Based on the type of programming it sounds like you do, I wouldn't expect to keep getting good opportunities for much longer.
I read that thread for context because of the above statement and as the discussion proceeded I think it is clear that this probably isn't the case with you. You are more than wiling to embrace new technology/ideas. Based on just reading your posts in this thread I think you could handle a role in management. I am sure you can evaluate your chances of success in leading where you are working. I would want to know how success in leading is recognized. As far as the future of your career, it would probably be helpful in expanding your opportunities.
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01-25-2015 , 12:11 PM
Suzzer just based on the sanity of your posts on this board in general you'd be crazy to turn a chance to get into management and the faster the better.
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01-25-2015 , 01:14 PM
I didn't realize Suzzer's job was training a bunch of people my age to code well, and paying them lots of money.

I take back anything negative I ever said about css. I can haz job?
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01-25-2015 , 01:32 PM
Suzzer what kind of programming do you do? It's mostly front end and web framework stuff?

Without any details I'm very skeptical of anyone that claims someone with a good programming job now is going to have a hard time getting a good programming job in the short to medium term.

History of full of people making those claims and they rarely come true, imo. Not to mention experience is valuable regardless of if its in the exact area/technology that's the new hot thing.

That being said I'd definitely say try your hand at management if you have the opportunity. You might like it and even if not you can probably find a different job that you also like pretty easily.
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01-25-2015 , 03:12 PM
I would kill for a management position >.>
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01-25-2015 , 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by iosys
I would kill for a management position >.>
Do you enjoy filling out resource reports?
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01-25-2015 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
Suzzer what kind of programming do you do? It's mostly front end and web framework stuff?

Without any details I'm very skeptical of anyone that claims someone with a good programming job now is going to have a hard time getting a good programming job in the short to medium term.

History of full of people making those claims and they rarely come true, imo. Not to mention experience is valuable regardless of if its in the exact area/technology that's the new hot thing.

That being said I'd definitely say try your hand at management if you have the opportunity. You might like it and even if not you can probably find a different job that you also like pretty easily.
I've done Java development for about 10 years, with JavaScript as well throughout that time – but primarily JavaScript now. I've also done a lot of Perl, some php, some iOS apps. Right now I'm basically "the node guy" at my work.

The problem is once you get out of coding for a few years, it's much much harder to jump back in. So switching to management is very likely to be a one-way street for me.
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01-25-2015 , 04:24 PM
Suzzer, I thought you were a manager.

It may be my own observation, but I think there are 3 kinds of manager of two type: willing manager and reluctant manager.

The willing manager is someone who actually wants to be a manager and who's goal is to become the manager. This is the type of person that you don't want to be your manager.

The two reluctant managers are the de jury and the de facto manager.

The de jury manager is christened by upper management to be the manager, and while he has astounding power and a spot in the inner circle, sharing the witches brew with the strategizers, and guides his minions, he is kind of a figure head.

The de facto manager is chosen by the minions, and if you asked the minions who the real brains of the operation are and who really own deference, they will tell you that the de facto manager is the manager, but of course, they won't always say that in front of the figurehead. Quite often the de facto manager is confused as the real manager.

Upper management doesn't really mind the dynamic because the de jury manager and the de facto manager exemplifies what the company stands for and represents.

FWIW, management sucks and I hope to never do it again. I'm hoping that the next time it happens, I have a good mentor to lean on.

Suzzer, I'm guessing you are the de facto manager?
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01-25-2015 , 04:56 PM
Dat autocorrect
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01-25-2015 , 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by kazana
Hehe, just came across this. Reminded me of the brief exchange daveT and I had in this thread a short while ago.

Obviously sharing this because it aligns with my point of view. And made me chuckle as I know the feeling.
Thanks for sharing. As someone who so naively thought I'd start learning to program a computer at a time I needed an instruction manual to turn on a computer, I get the point. (note: last month, I spent 2 days trying to install a printer on my computer)

My perspective above was from a supervisory position, seeing generally passionless people attempting to coerce work into school. Had either person (preferably both people) came to me or the manager and said "I have been at home learning Language X and I would like to try it out here because it would make A, B, C better," I would have fully supported them and thrown every bit of my weight behind them, even if they were using work as a school playground, and I'd be more than happy to take the heat of a thousand suns for them.
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01-25-2015 , 05:39 PM
Totally get where you're coming from, dave.
And while I haven't been in a supervisory position myself - I've primarily been more of an individual contributor as external contractor on most projects - I would assign my personal support in the same way as you describe if I was a supervisor.
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01-25-2015 , 05:53 PM
dave, to some degree maybe. For example, we have a manager who has continuous integration in his job title. But he has no real authority to enforce that devs write good unit tests and integration tests at the project level. At any given time we have about 10 small to large projects going, maybe 5-7 teams, 40 devs total if you count offshore.

So I've taken it on myself to 1) get testing workflows into grunt, 2) figure out how to write good angular/karma unit tests (conceptually hard for the devs, technically not too hard to implement) and protractor end-to-end tests (conceptually easy to write, technically almost impossible to implement with our setup) and 3) make sure this stuff is baked into everyone's project plan. And luckily because the lead devs on these projects see the value they're going along with it. But it remains to be seen if this gets thrown out the window come crunch time.

So while that is an example of me becoming a de facto manager, for the most part (as with most large corporations I would assume) our roles between managers and dev leads is extremely well-defined. Managers do resource allocation, hardware purchases, budget stuff, all the other corporate BS. Dev leads lead, develop and occasionally create design documents. There's not much cross-pollination there thank God.
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01-25-2015 , 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Do you enjoy filling out resource reports?
No, I would find a suitable minion for that
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