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** UnhandledExceptionEventHandler :: OFFICIAL LC / CHATTER THREAD ** ** UnhandledExceptionEventHandler :: OFFICIAL LC / CHATTER THREAD **

12-19-2014 , 10:37 AM
didn't realize it was that contentious of an issue

we sorta barely covered it in C++ 101. the book only used namespace std inside of functions that needed it, but the teacher would frequently use the std:cout stuff in code for homework and whatnot.

never got a good handle on the latter method, but apparently that's going to be a necessity
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12-19-2014 , 12:15 PM

The idea of programming as a superpower was touched upon by CS teacher Alfred Thompson back in 2010, but it became a rallying call of sorts for the Hour of Code after Dropbox CEO Drew Houston described coding as "the closest thing we have to a superpower" in a video that went viral. And if the kids who learned to code with the President last week were dubious about the power of coding, this week's decision by Sony to scrap the release of the satirical film The Interview after a massive hack attack should put aside any doubts, especially after new revelations that Sony had reached out to the White House for help and screened the film for administration officials back in June. White House press secretary Josh Earnest said Thursday that the Obama Administration is viewing the Sony attack as a "serious national security matter" and is considering a range of possible options as a response, which could turn things into a contest of U.S. Superpower vs. Coding Superpower. In case it wasn't mentioned last week, remember to always use your coding superpower for good, kids!
cross-posting from politics

I've always thought of programming as the closest thing we have to magic. (that and controlling electricity)

Like, in the Harry Potter books, magic lets you automate boring jobs you otherwise wouldn't want to do, like repetitive laundry/food prep/whatever.

A super power allows you to do something that most people can't, like jump huge buildings, see through stuff, etc
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12-19-2014 , 12:41 PM
[09:27.09] <well named> did you know programming was a super power
[09:39.30] <Groucho> sure. it manifests around your teen years, changes your life, and makes you unsuitable in a lot of social situations
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12-19-2014 , 07:22 PM
** UnhandledExceptionEventHandler :: OFFICIAL LC / CHATTER THREAD ** Quote
12-19-2014 , 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by Anais
didn't realize it was that contentious of an issue

we sorta barely covered it in C++ 101. the book only used namespace std inside of functions that needed it, but the teacher would frequently use the std:cout stuff in code for homework and whatnot.

never got a good handle on the latter method, but apparently that's going to be a necessity
It isn't a contentious issue. The reason to use a namespace qualifier is to prevent name collisions IE when two namespaces specify the same attribute, method, etc.

It can be a pain always using the qualifier though so thus the using statement. Maybe I haven't looked at enough C++ code but a lot of legacy code doesn't make use of namespaces (although I think it is a good idea). Not that big of a deal in my view but could be convinced otherwise.
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12-19-2014 , 09:48 PM
Originally Posted by Anais

I've always thought of programming as the closest thing we have to magic.
Computational processes are abstract beings that inhabit computers. As they evolve, processes manipulate other abstract things called data. The evolution of a process is directed by a pattern of rules called a program. People create programs to direct processes. In effect, we conjure the spirits of the computer with our spells.

A computational process is indeed much like a sorcerer’s idea of a spirit. It cannot be seen or touched. It is not composed of matter at all. However, it is very real. It can perform intellectual work. It can answer questions. It can affect the world by disbursing money at a bank or by controlling a robot arm
in a factory. The programs we use to conjure processes are like a sorcerer’s spells. They are carefully composed from symbolic expressions in arcane and esoteric programming languages that prescribe the tasks we want our processes to perform.
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12-20-2014 , 08:05 AM
Programming is just a stopgap until we have machines smart enough to execute and ask questions on what they don't understand - on simple instructions like "check all these invoices for obvious red flags, then file them in the appropriate folder based on origin".

A 100 line program is usually just a way to tell computers exactly how to do stuff that they would easily figure out on their own if they weren't so stupid. Except for stuff like complex algorithms, a sub-100 IQ human can probably understand and execute the gist of most computer programs in 1/1000th the time it takes to write them. The advantage comes in repetition and not having to pay health insurance.

I love on Futurama how everyone just rolls their eyes and says "robots". That's probably exactly what it will be like. Robots will be like 10x Aspergers.

Last edited by suzzer99; 12-20-2014 at 08:15 AM.
** UnhandledExceptionEventHandler :: OFFICIAL LC / CHATTER THREAD ** Quote
12-20-2014 , 10:47 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Programming is just a stopgap until we have machines smart enough to execute and ask questions on what they don't understand - on simple instructions like "check all these invoices for obvious red flags, then file them in the appropriate folder based on origin".

i agree with your point, but i found it amusing that you envision a future in which we have solved hard ai, have competent natural language robots, but are still thinking about our data in folders.
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12-20-2014 , 12:22 PM
Google's self driving cars + robotics that can go into the fields and pick fruit and then deliver to people = utopia lifestyle approaching

Lets get rid of workers in energy plants and push whatever is possible to decrease the cost of energy.

Next focus on actually doing everything constructive in products where we put lines underground, not over ground and take note on livable space that is compact but comfortable.

Have the phone replace the wallet and be able to store my driver's license/identification and make purchases on the fly from one person to another without the need of touching dirty money.

Hospitals need improvements in so many ways that it would be boring to list.

Maybe some day people will get a currency issued to them for just being a citizen monthly. They still have the possibility to gain currency but greed should go away when everything is aimed to improve over time.

Wishful thinking but everything is possible with magic.
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12-20-2014 , 12:49 PM
yea i'm sure all productivity increases will be equally distributed among the people and we shall live like kings!
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12-20-2014 , 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by e i pi
yea i'm sure all productivity increases will be equally distributed among the people and we shall live like kings!
I remember reading this from wikipedia:

Kings would wear crowns that represented an angel's halo as they were first made and one would think of them as a demigods on earth.

I'm not sure if I should place an order for my crown in fear that it will resemble a tinfoil hat.

You ruined my dream
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12-20-2014 , 01:15 PM
maybe I'm too pessimistic



but the machines will destroy us

** UnhandledExceptionEventHandler :: OFFICIAL LC / CHATTER THREAD ** Quote
12-20-2014 , 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by e i pi
maybe I'm too pessimistic



but the machines will destroy us

Or we are in the era of destruction until we hit the peak of unknown results.
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12-20-2014 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by iosys
Have the phone replace the wallet and be able to store my driver's license/identification and make purchases on the fly from one person to another without the need of touching dirty money.

I can't think of any possible downsides to this

The good thing about physical currencies and identification cards is I have to physically take them from you if I want to steal them. Unless you're careless with your wallet, that necessitates being in very close proximity to you, making theft much more difficult. Not so with digital/wireless. If your phone/digital wallet has security vulnerabilities, which they undoubtedly will, I could invisibly steal your assets from many meters away.
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12-20-2014 , 02:20 PM
After just a couple days I have come across an exploit and payload that MBAE does not block! Unfortunately it does not produce a shell


But there's always a brand new day
** UnhandledExceptionEventHandler :: OFFICIAL LC / CHATTER THREAD ** Quote
12-20-2014 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by catsec
I can't think of any possible downsides to this

The good thing about physical currencies and identification cards is I have to physically take them from you if I want to steal them. Unless you're careless with your wallet, that necessitates being in very close proximity to you, making theft much more difficult. Not so with digital/wireless. If your phone/digital wallet has security vulnerabilities, which they undoubtedly will, I could invisibly steal your assets from many meters away.
I'm not convinced from your post because there are many models of doing digital/wireless handshakes.
The complexity increases when you possibly add a second device such as a watch.

Also how the processes are handled and how many layers with privileges, can create safety from malicious software that may be sent to whatever user device in the handshake.
Cannot forget the possibility of the user having the possibility to cancel whatever transaction within a timeframe if user wants.

edit: go into more detail on specific models, i like thinking about it.
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12-20-2014 , 03:33 PM
Well I'm not an expert, and I haven't yet gotten into mobile phone hacking. I just think it's obvious that with any new device and any new program or technology, there are going to be security vulnerabilities that could lead to viable exploits, and there will always be the looming specter of human error. If the security of a system comes down to a password, like security often does with various systems, there will always be idiots that put "password". Likewise if the security comes down to not opening a file attachment in an email, or clicking a link in a mobile web browser, there will always be people who don't know any better.

There would be definitely be pros to your idea with digital wallets and identification verification mechanisms, but there will undoubtedly be security related cons.

That being said, you might find these articles on the Android WebView exploit, which is estimated to affect 70% of Android phones on the market, interesting and informative. Cheers!

Last edited by catsec; 12-20-2014 at 03:42 PM.
** UnhandledExceptionEventHandler :: OFFICIAL LC / CHATTER THREAD ** Quote
12-20-2014 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by catsec
Well I'm not an expert, and I haven't yet gotten into mobile phone hacking. I just think it's obvious that with any new device and any new program or technology, there are going to be security vulnerabilities that could lead to viable exploits, and there will always be the looming specter of human error. If the security of a system comes down to a password, like security often does with various systems, there will always be idiots that put "password". Likewise if the security comes down to not opening a file attachment in an email, or clicking a link in a mobile web browser, there will always be people who don't know any better.

There would be definitely be pros to your idea with digital wallets and identification verification mechanisms, but there will undoubtedly be security related cons.

That being said, you might find these articles on the Android WebView exploit, which is estimated to affect 70% of Android phones on the market, interesting and informative. Cheers!
I'm really disappointed at your post because its not a unique response.
The mindset of everything can be hacked isn't something anyone should believe and I'm not saying that is what you are like or writing because I don't know for sure.

Everything can be reverse engineered but models can be perfect.
Use of encryption with security layers that are architecturally built in such a way where communication is only brokered by user's consent is possible without being hacked.

Nobody has yet to counterfeit any bitcoin for example because the model is pretty much flawless under what rules exist. Sure, the possibility exists but the rules are in such a way where privacy must exist and if we were to add a few rules that destroy privacy, the 50% attack would not exist.

Phones requiring a confirmation of a second device that is trusted and using a special message that is encrypted and speaks to a component in the phone that is completely locked from the main OS to the components broker would make something interesting. How the currency exists is up for debate but there is already a model that people seem to like and is really close to bullet proof.
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12-20-2014 , 04:34 PM
I thought the whole point of near field communication was the near part
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12-20-2014 , 05:40 PM
All this talk of technical misses out on the meat-space reality that people lose phones, steal phones, break phones, and phones just die for no good reason.

Putting your whole life on a device you use all the time is... terrible.
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12-20-2014 , 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by daveT
All this talk of technical misses out on the meat-space reality that people lose phones, steal phones, break phones, and phones just die for no good reason.

Putting your whole life on a device you use all the time is... terrible.
Solutions for all those exist but I get that people are different and forcing something on people is bad.

Good points though!
I'll be sad if people that disagree prevent it in anyway because that is a possibility.
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12-20-2014 , 06:42 PM
For better or worse, clouds help people deal with the reality of lost devices. Tech solution to a human problem.
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12-20-2014 , 06:45 PM
I'm much closer to the belief that everything can be hacked than not. Especially after some of the vulnerabilities we've seen this year.
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12-20-2014 , 06:46 PM
Does anyone have any recommendations for getting locales translated from English to [insert any popular language]? Asking here since it's somewhat common to translate web applications into multiple languages.

I want to maybe try Fiverr but I'm afraid of the quality because I can't verify the results. Looking to get around 60 labels/sentences translated.

Also on a related topic, when you guys get stuff translated do you just give them something that's reasonably easy to parse without programming experience, such as a yaml file with all of the labeled translations?
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12-20-2014 , 07:09 PM
So if I make a Struct in C++, and I want to make n number of them and add them to a single linked list without hard coding n of them and without using "new" in a for loop, how the heck would I go about this?
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