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11-17-2014 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by iosys
I'm just surprised by people saying it is the old fashioned way then for programmers.
Maybe I have rose color glasses on but I just haven't had someone I knew complain about landing a job. Social circle helps a lot from university is what I'll lastly write.
Struggling actor 1: I'm having a hard time landing auditions!

Not-struggling actor 2: Here's a tip. Try not including your nude photos.

Jennifer Lawrence: My nudes are all over the internet! Btw, I don't even have to audition and none of my friends has any trouble landing a role.
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11-17-2014 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by iosys
I'm just surprised by people saying it is the old fashioned way then for programmers.
Maybe I have rose color glasses on but I just haven't had someone I knew complain about landing a job. Social circle helps a lot from university is what I'll lastly write.
The old fashioned way is the way of last resort (but still common) because its often the only way. If you want to work for some random company but don't know anyone that works there - you're probably stuck sending in a resume.

It's a bit easier when you're more senior because you can usually find someone from the company you're interested in that you can reach out to directly to sell yourself - but even that isn't always an option.
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11-17-2014 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by candybar
Struggling actor 1: I'm having a hard time landing auditions!

Not-struggling actor 2: Here's a tip. Try not including your nude photos.

Jennifer Lawrence: My nudes are all over the internet! Btw, I don't even have to audition and none of my friends has any trouble landing a role.
I would love proof once again but I don't think i'll ever get it.
Like linkedin account and github account link...but typically people tend to not link that on forums.

I do like the anonymous factor you get from posting on forums with a user name.
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11-17-2014 , 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by iosys
I'm getting the opposite impression from people
I think your sample size is the issue here.

Resumes and the review of them at some point in the hiring process are absolutely the norm, not the exception.

Also, when you are hiring someone right out of school they don't have a resume, so unless the interviewer cares about what classes or grades you got, there isn't really going to be much of interest on there compared to someone who is a 5-10+ year experienced professional. That is probably a factor as well.
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11-17-2014 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by iosys
I would love proof once again but I don't think i'll ever get it.
Like linkedin account and github account link...but typically people tend to not link that on forums.

I do like the anonymous factor you get from posting on forums with a user name.
lol, trying to call out candybar is some solid trolling
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11-17-2014 , 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by Larry Legend
lol, trying to call out candybar is some solid trolling
I'm not trolling, I just am really curious what is shown and why i'm reading the posts above.
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11-17-2014 , 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by iosys
I'm not trolling, I just am really curious what is shown and why i'm reading the posts above.
How would anyone's LinkedIn or GitHub accont prove anything? Last time I looked for a job, no one I knew had a LinkedIn account and GitHub didn't exist. At my "advanced" age, I'm much closer to a proxy for the hiring manager than the job candidate for the entry-level jobs we're discussing here.

Originally Posted by iosys
I've had the opportunity to get people hired from school and what I typically go by is asking them; what exactly excites you and what project you did, created that emotion.

You find out who is good quick that way.
Who have you hired using this method and how has it turned out?
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11-17-2014 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by Larry Legend
I can have more detailed feedback later, but first impressions:

You show some screenshots and list technologies. That puts you in competition with a million other people with almost the exact same looking resume/portfolio who are 100% ctrl-f find and replace coders. They don't understand anything, the basis of their experience is downloading bootstrap and changing "Bootstrap 3" to "First Last".

Instead of listing out technologies and showing a screenshot or two, show a screenshot and then a small code sample that represents something like the: A) hardest challenge on the project B) bug that you figured out C) something you think is cool and maybe a bit complex. And then write out an analysis about that code sample and why it is significant and your thought process in creating it.

At our digital agency, when recently had a req to bring on someone similar to your background, we were absolutely inundated with resume/profiles that looked exactly like yours. One of the first things I did was look at what the person was using on their personal profile, little things like "Is this 99.99% bootstrap" "Is this a $15 wordpress theme", etc. If the site is something that you can create in 10 mins, the content on the site is incredibly important.

As it stands, I have read through your portfolio/resume and I have absolutely no idea if you have any actual experience or it is just ctrl-f replacing text.
I found some free PSD's and coded all the html pages from the ground up. I did not use any html templates that were pre-coded, I can assure you that, But you bring up a valid point.
The screenshots are just supposed to be a quick view of the pages, you can click that too(not sure if you didn't know, maybe I should fix that) and see the actual finished products.
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11-17-2014 , 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by blackize5
For the skills list basically enumerate every language/framework you have more than passing experience with. This is so at a glance people can see what you've worked with and to get past HR filters.

Your portfolio looks like you took some free bootstrap templates and plugged some content into them. It makes you look more like a webmaster type than a web developer.

I'd lose the High School stuff, the YMHC stuff, and the Poker Tracker stuff unless you were paid for it as a full time gig. You can selectively add things back in, but first:

Talk about some projects/features/bugs etc that you worked on while at DAC. You want to give an overview of what the project was, the skills/technologies/languages used and it's impact if it's measurable. List these under your DAC experience and in sublists. So for one of my recent projects that would look something like this:

On demand scheduling tool for company's "crowd":
- Built API endpoints in Rails using Grape for our crowd members to be able to submit and edit their schedule availability up to the minute.
- Built tools in Javascript and Angular to allow our employees to invite available crowd member(s) to work.
- This project resulted in having a more accurate picture of who in our crowd is available at any given moment. Consequently our employees make fewer phone calls trying to fill last minute needs and gaps.

It's always good to have a Github account with some examples of code you've written in it.
The 4 pages that I have are sites that I built from the ground up, using some free PSDs.

I'm working to update my resume, as you brought up some points that davet had as well.
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11-17-2014 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by tercet
I found some free PSD's and coded all the html pages from the ground up. I did not use any html templates that were pre-coded, I can assure you that, But you bring up a valid point.
See exactly, I figured this was the case.

The more you can explain things like this, the better your portfolio site will come across. You probably don't realize the amount of people who think being able to navigate through an existing template and change a few strings makes them a front-end web developer.

It is staggering and mind-numbingly frustrating to have to filter through those people.
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11-17-2014 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by candybar
Who have you hired using this method and how has it turned out?
Uni students, not trying to imply anything about your experience when I asked.
Just thought it was kind of global by now to have a linkedin account with your colleagues and github for projects repository. If you have something similar that you use to show past work experience, list the name (you don't have to link it) because I think just a resume doesn't cut it anymore.

I don't know if people are thinking i'm trolling but just generally clueless to what everyone else is doing at this point in the discussion.

Also the boss of the interns loved them.
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11-17-2014 , 06:24 PM
I think based on your highest level of employment being an intern and having hired university students you are overestimating how relevant your experience is to anything in the business world, by a significant amount.
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11-17-2014 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by Larry Legend
I think based on your highest level of employment being an intern and having hired university students you are overestimating how relevant your experience is to anything in the business world, by a significant amount.
But let's not forget, back when we were in his shoes, we thought we knew everything!
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11-17-2014 , 06:37 PM
Now I am just constantly feeling like I don't know anything.
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11-17-2014 , 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by Larry Legend
I think based on your highest level of employment being an intern and having hired university students you are overestimating how relevant your experience is to anything in the business world, by a significant amount.
I think you didn't read the whole convo.

I'm not saying I know everything, I even said in a post that there is so much to learn and you just can't stop.

I was pretty much an employee but you can try to jab at the "intern" title if it makes you happy. I'm sort of mellow now where I know why you post the way you do. Anyway its not like I won't land a job because I am a hard worker with many references already and connections.

Hope you guys get hired for anything that pays
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11-17-2014 , 07:08 PM
You're taking this conversation way too personally. I wasn't trying to take a jab at you with the intern line, I was just trying to explain as someone at a director-level role that I may have a slightly different perspective than you do.

I don't work in corporate America. I work for a small company and the dude who reports to me was a friend of my younger brother and I got him his last job, then poached him after a year+ once he got experience. The interview process was 2 conversations with people on another team here primarily consisting of them taking him to lunch to see if he was a culture fit. When asked if I needed to interview him myself I said "no". In fact, I had someone write his resume for the company I referred him to originally. You think I give a **** about his resume?

A friend from high school randomly emailed me a month ago saying he was looking to get into a VC backed tech start-up, I emailed a contact who does his own recruiting after being an SVP at tech companies for a while, and my friend had a job in 2 weeks.

I have personally referred 3-4 people a year to VC backed startups over the last several years.

So if that is what you figured out about my posting,
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11-17-2014 , 07:18 PM
At the end of the day, I think a lot of us actually wish getting a job was as simple as deciding where you want to work, but unfortunately a lot of really great places still have archaic rules about how they hire people. Just because I wear a hoodie and show up at 11am doesn't mean I didn't have to send a resume.

Also the average Google engineer salary is 130k, so your idea of everyone making 150-300k is unfortunately not always the case.

I'm not an engineer tho, I'm sales
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11-17-2014 , 07:26 PM
Also, in my response to getting trolled I probably came off pro-VC by association.

That is not true, 90% of VCs are terrible and hurt technology, imo.
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11-17-2014 , 11:36 PM
Wow, I didn't think the picture comment would get such a reaction...

I just feel like that, when someone puts a picture on a resume, they don't understand the value of real estate. To me, a resume should be one clean page, not a novel, not a graphic, just convey information. A picture disrupts that flow.

Also, it puts me in an uncomfortable position. I want to judge the applicant on the merits of the resume, not their looks. It just comes across as shallow to me.

I don't have any studies to prove one way or the other, but I feel like there is a huge can of worms that are opened when you do so. Personally, I wouldn't want to work for a company that considers my looks first, and I don't want to accidentally convey that attitude in my resume.

Of course, if the employer wants to search for me and my picutures (good luck with that, no LinkedIn or Facebook for me), then that is their prerogative, and I'm fine with that. As (I think) jj pointed out, if they are taking the effort to search you amid the dozens of resumes they have in front of them, that is a great sign.
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11-18-2014 , 02:20 AM
I'm trying to sure up some python3 basics I'm unclear on, and I have a couple questions.

First of all, is this (lines 1 and 2) a method, or a function?

def sayHelloName():
    print("Hello " + userName)

userName = input("What is your name?: ")

Is it a method because it doesn't return anything, and this is a function? (Nevermind that the return does nothing, I suck)

def sayHelloName():
    print("Hello " + userName)
    return ____

userName = input("What is your name?: ")

Also, I deduced that you need your method or function call to be after you've defined the method or function, but does the def need to be at the top like the above as some sort of convention? Or does it functionally need to be at the top? Or does it not matter at all? Is the following correct?

userName = input("What is your name?: ")

def sayHelloName():
    print("Hello " + userName)

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11-18-2014 , 10:55 AM
Anyone here know haskell? Any thoughts on it's usefulness &or difficulty?

I would really be better served by learning more practical things but I can't help but be drawn to mathy/academic subjects.
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11-18-2014 , 11:11 AM
I haven't used it much myself, but I know Haskell is no longer than domain of pure academia. It's often used in production now for real businesses, and based on blog posts I've read people seem to love it. Search HN for Haskell related posts and you should be able to find more info. Just yesterday this was on the front page:
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11-18-2014 , 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by e i pi
Anyone here know haskell? Any thoughts on it's usefulness &or difficulty?

I would really be better served by learning more practical things but I can't help but be drawn to mathy/academic subjects.
It's useful in the sense that it can be used to build real products with some effort, learning it will make you a better programmer and understand other programming languages better, etc.

It's not useful in that there are very few domains where it's a great tool for the job and well-paying employers generally don't value things like understanding of esoteric languages.
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11-18-2014 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by e i pi
Anyone here know haskell? Any thoughts on it's usefulness &or difficulty?

I would really be better served by learning more practical things but I can't help but be drawn to mathy/academic subjects.
Thanks for reminding me. I did the first two units for the edx functional programming class way back when and the third is due tomorrow. I can do it!

It's too late for you to get a good grade but it might be a way to go. Good stuff but the lecturer isn't a great speaker.
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11-18-2014 , 01:36 PM
catsec -

There may be some differences of opinion on what a function is in Python but almost nobody would refer to what you wrote as methods regardless of whether they return anything. A method is called with the form: object.method(args).

Until you learn the 'class' keyword, you probably shouldn't refer to anything you write as a method. You'll use them though. Have you learned anything about strings or lists?
s = "Hello"

alist = [10, 20, 30]
are examples of a string method call and a list method call respectively.
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