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01-19-2020 , 11:29 PM
Originally Posted by blacklab
What's funny about that Rusty, I was looking for a comparison of C/perl/python json parsing speeds and found a perl json library that is written in C and is 10x faster than the library I was using. Could have got that 4 hours down to 1 hour. LOL rewriting the whole thing in C.
So yeah it's really common for just 1 or 2 subsections of your code to be like 90% or more of the total run time. Do some profiling, look at the worst bits. Try to improve them in-language first in possible, using what you know about the specific domain your solution needs to cover (instead of all possible inputs). If that doesn't get you there, break out C++.

I've never written a perl C++ module but in python it's super easy, esp if you use the boost python library. If you don't do anything crazy you can almost take a generic C++ class and turn it directly into a python class.
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01-20-2020 , 03:39 AM
I stand by my earlier statement that python should almost never be your first language choice.
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01-20-2020 , 09:44 AM
We had good results with Rusty’s approach to optimizing python too (back in the day when we had more stuff in python).

Although in the example here of doing lots of parallelized work I bet picking an existing tool that does that well would have been way cheaper. Probably not as cheap as a final customized solution in a performant language but way cheaper in development time, maintenance, and against any non optimized solution.
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01-23-2020 , 05:28 PM

13 steps - never change Microsoft
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01-23-2020 , 05:37 PM
I think this says a lot more about wikihow than MS.
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01-23-2020 , 07:47 PM
It's still ridiculous. You should be able to right click the home button, or the URL, or the page or something and have a "make this my home page" option. Or at the least when you're in settings it should have a "use current" option.

Instead you have to go into the settings, navigate to the home page thing (which jumps around wildly from minor version to minor version). Then realizing you need to actually copy and paste the url - click the url - which closes settings, so you have to start all over again and navigate to the right spot.

So dumb. If you're going to have a home button - don't make it so cumbersome to set.

We're diagnosing a weird TLS or bad cert error problem that only happens on a few of our own web sites and only from internal user's PC workstations (edge on virtual box from my mac is fine) and only on Edge. Turns out it's Sophos blocking internal IPs or something with bad certs (maybe?) - but again only on Edge.

Last edited by suzzer99; 01-23-2020 at 07:53 PM.
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01-23-2020 , 09:17 PM
That page has instructions for like 6 different web browsers - they're all similarly complex. Setting a home page is something that in my estimation approximately no one ever does, so I don't see the need for it to be a one-click deal
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01-26-2020 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
I get that it can be a feature. But it scares me to be this far out of date. If AWS decides to change something so Cognito isn't compatible with our old version of amplify - it's gonna get ugly. I'd rather risk a little break in our install every now and then.
So in this case, the library is a frontend for a backend api type of service. If the back end updates you can't lock it because you don't have control over it, it's gonna update through your lock. Most python libraries are not web service wrappers, it would make sense to treat these kinds of libraries as exceptions and request that the latest version be installed always. A client server architecture breaks deterministic guarantees anyways, so you don't win much by locking.
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02-04-2020 , 11:36 AM
The best advice I have ever ignored was when I was going to re-automate the operation of a spray drier: “mmm be careful they have a tendency to explode if you don’t get things exactly right”

Reader: the Spray drier exploded
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02-05-2020 , 03:25 PM
How’s everyone been? Slow in here lately!

My project was cancelled and whole group laid off yesterday. Normally that would be terrible but since I was planning on leaving it actually works out amazing for me.

So they are keeping us employed through 4/15 with pay and get the 4/15 RSU vesting.

Also get 1 week severance per year employed and they will be paying out our 2019 bonuses in full even though we were “reduction in force-d” before that payout date.

I also don’t have to pay back my relocation stipend now so that saves me another $15k.

They say we are supposed to notify them if we start new employment prior to 4-15 and we still get the severance and bonus but not the pay through 4-15 and the RSU vest. Would they even know if I start another job? Everyone is telling me to just start new job and don’t tell them.
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02-05-2020 , 04:11 PM
You can chance it and a lot of employers won't give a ****, but there is risk involved.

Read through your severance paperwork or have an attorney review it for you. Look and see what happens if you get a job and don't tell them. I'm guessing they'd cancel the severance and bonus.
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02-05-2020 , 04:34 PM
My entire company got laid off this week after not being paid since dec 1st. I cant get into the details but basically I believe the company was an elaborate and poorly executed fraud.

They say we are getting backpay but I’ll believe it when I see it. I have already spoken to a lawyer who advised me on what to do should I not receive the backpay.

I have a contract hire gig that pays $50/hr and is pretty easy and should be good for a few thousand bucks until I find a job. Interviewing for a tech project manager position at an ecommerce company on Thursday, looks promising. I got 3 referrals and an inside guy that set up the meeting with their CTO.
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02-05-2020 , 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by jmakin
My entire company got laid off this week after not being paid since dec 1st. I cant get into the details but basically I believe the company was an elaborate and poorly executed fraud.
You don't say! (Sorry, I couldn't resist)

Originally Posted by jmakin
I have a contract hire gig that pays $50/hr and is pretty easy and should be good for a few thousand bucks until I find a job. Interviewing for a tech project manager position at an ecommerce company on Thursday, looks promising. I got 3 referrals and an inside guy that set up the meeting with their CTO.
Nice, that's awesome. Congrats and good luck.
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02-05-2020 , 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by jmakin
My entire company got laid off this week after not being paid since dec 1st. I cant get into the details but basically I believe the company was an elaborate and poorly executed fraud.

They say we are getting backpay but I’ll believe it when I see it. I have already spoken to a lawyer who advised me on what to do should I not receive the backpay.

I have a contract hire gig that pays $50/hr and is pretty easy and should be good for a few thousand bucks until I find a job. Interviewing for a tech project manager position at an ecommerce company on Thursday, looks promising. I got 3 referrals and an inside guy that set up the meeting with their CTO.
NOOOOOOOO!!! Such a shocker.

You better make a lot of noise early and often about the back pay. Get a lawyer to send a letter. Try to be the squeakiest wheel and it might help you get paid first.

I was lucky on my side gig in that the company was still going. They jerked me around for months on my last paycheck - until I emailed everyone left at the job with my story, and it got back to the boss. Got paid the next day. Amazing how that works out.
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02-05-2020 , 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by blacklab
You can chance it and a lot of employers won't give a ****, but there is risk involved.

Read through your severance paperwork or have an attorney review it for you. Look and see what happens if you get a job and don't tell them. I'm guessing they'd cancel the severance and bonus.
The severance paperwork says if I am terminated for cause prior to 4/15 then I don't receive severance.

I talked to a few old timers that have been through this several times and every single one said that either they have or they know people that have started jobs and took the pay from old company and nothing ever came of it.

I'm torn, because I feel like I'm owed that money but I guess it's a big gamble. If I start working and "do the right thing" and tell them I'm basically working for less than free (new job pays less than old one, HCOLA vs MCOLA).

My preference would be: start new job and not tell old one, get double paychecks for 6+ weeks > delay start at new job until 4/16 >>>>>>>> start new job and tell old job

It's just that #1 is risky, and #2 I'm not sure how feasible it is.
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02-07-2020 , 09:12 AM
Just do #1 and don't tell anyone. You'll be fine.
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02-07-2020 , 10:56 AM
Originally Posted by KatoKrazy
How’s everyone been? Slow in here lately!

My project was cancelled and whole group laid off yesterday. Normally that would be terrible but since I was planning on leaving it actually works out amazing for me.

So they are keeping us employed through 4/15 with pay and get the 4/15 RSU vesting.

Also get 1 week severance per year employed and they will be paying out our 2019 bonuses in full even though we were “reduction in force-d” before that payout date.

I also don’t have to pay back my relocation stipend now so that saves me another $15k.

They say we are supposed to notify them if we start new employment prior to 4-15 and we still get the severance and bonus but not the pay through 4-15 and the RSU vest. Would they even know if I start another job? Everyone is telling me to just start new job and don’t tell them.
They say meaning it isn’t in writing? I don’t know but it seems like when you start a job before 4/15 ought to matter. Maybe it does. Also I am sure you are going to have to sign documents to get what they are offering. You don’t necessarily have to go along with what they’re offering IE you can try negotiating. Seems like a decently generous severance package though. Almost 10 weeks of extra pay on the line, plus other money would get me to consult with a lawyer. I’d certainly be asking for copies of documents you are going to have to sign if they haven’t given them to you already.

Last edited by adios; 02-07-2020 at 11:03 AM.
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02-07-2020 , 11:09 PM
If I get four offers for the same amount cause I told everyone that is the amount I was looking for - did I **** up? It seems I should have just taken the amount I wanted and added like 30% and waited for 1 offer. Can I go back and ask for more, maybe say that I believe I under asked ?

Also does short term work show up on your background check? Can’t you just pass it off as contract work ? What shows up on credit/background checks in terms of employment ?
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02-07-2020 , 11:10 PM
... in terms of salary hunting
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02-07-2020 , 11:14 PM
I’m not an expert at negotiating, but it seems like the next step is to start playing people off of each other to get a better offer. I doubt 4 companies are all stupid enough to give an initial offer that isn’t going to move at all.

My first thought would be to go to your yep least favourite options and get them to go higher. Then go from there. I don’t think it’s out of line to tell all of your offers that you have multiple offers and that while you REALLY want to work for them for reason XYZ the reality is that compensation and benefits matter. So is there anything they can do to beat the other offers. Yadda yadda yadda.

Edit: And don’t say you under asked. And don’t say you want more. Play up the situation with the offers.
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02-08-2020 , 01:36 PM
You messed up when you gave a number. It's rare that you absolutely must give a number to proceed with the interview process, so it's best not to. The companies almost certainly did not make offers that can't move up, but you've capped yourself already and if you try to ask for more now you won't look like a competent professional.

Agree that you can try to tell them you have other offers but there are other ways to squeeze more from them too. Make a list of the benefits that matter the most to you (signing bonus, vacation time, work-from-home days, continuing education, etc.) and ask for them in order of importance. Chances are they have wiggle room. If they say they can't budge on X, then you can ask "Well, how about Y?".

As for what's on a background check I think it depends on where you live and the company doing the background check. Last time I went through one they called my last two employers and confirmed when I worked there and how much I made. I believe it was this company.
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02-08-2020 , 01:42 PM
Yea dont give a number. I’m at the second stage of interviews and was asked by their recruiter if I had a salary range and I just said not at this time. Then he followed up with a number that was about 15% higher than what I would take.
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02-08-2020 , 03:44 PM
In California if you as the interviewee ask for the salary range for the position the company is legally required to tell you. Always get the range.
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02-08-2020 , 07:02 PM
This is for job #2 (concurrent). My last job #2 was through a recruiter and as far as I know my job #1 never found out about it. Now I’m paranoid that I will get caught if one of these new offers somehow contacts job #1.

These < $100k (this is the salary range I have tested so far at least) remote jobs are all bullshit and I can finish the work for a 2 week sprint in ~4-6 days max.
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02-09-2020 , 10:28 AM
Originally Posted by KatoKrazy
In California if you as the interviewee ask for the salary range for the position the company is legally required to tell you. Always get the range.
Isn't the net result that salary ranges are just baloney, like "100k to 400k"?
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