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08-03-2018 , 12:27 PM
The Netflix question was cool. I finally completely get generators and when I might want to use one.
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08-03-2018 , 12:27 PM
I do feel like I just learned something, now is what I learned ever going to help me or the people I work for, I'm not sure.
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08-03-2018 , 12:28 PM
Yesterday I learned that javascript has generators
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08-03-2018 , 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Lol here's one of the problems. I plugged the output into JS fiddle but don't understand why I get the result = 0 then 2. Anyone?

var length = 10;
function fn() {

var obj = {
  length: 5,
  method: function(fn) {

obj.method(fn, 1);
What is the Output?
So what... we've reached a point in time where the only way to actually get hired is if you know answers to all the trick questions?
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08-03-2018 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by well named
Yesterday I learned that javascript has generators
Reading about it now and my mind is going over possible use cases. On the one hand, very cool imo. On the other, not very congruent for teamwork imo. If you have lackluster teammates then implementing something tricky like that could be catastrophic.
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08-03-2018 , 04:13 PM
Which never happens at Netflix of course or you’re instantly fired.

Bad news all you non-generator-knowing mofos. Only SkyHighStacksYo is Netflix material,

Hi suzzer,
Thank you for taking the time to talk to Patrick. After reviewing your work and experience, we've made the decision to not move forward at this time. I hope you don't mind if we reach out to you in the future when a position opens up that may be a good fit.

If you haven’t already, connect with me on LinkedIn so we can keep you on our radar.
I actually thought I nailed it pretty well except for not using or remembering generators. Kinda relieved not to get the 8-hour take home assignment this time. But then again I would learn a lot.
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08-03-2018 , 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
My company moved recently-ish to doing yearly reviews & pay adjustments, and just found out today I'd be getting a raise of ~10% this year. Which is nice and all, but I didn't get much of a raise last year, and if you annualize my pay increases over the time I've been at this company it's gone up about 8% per year, and I'm a senior developer (been doing this 10 years now) not making close to the kinds of money the Google guy is talking about in that video - my base salary is, but lol at the bonuses or massive stock grants that he talks about. (thanks for posting Wolfram) (at a "startup" that's grown from 80 to 200 employees during my time here, so I have options, but they're still not worth much and who knows if they ever will, I'd def be happier with ca$h/liquid stock)
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Sat across from one of our co-founders today who said point blank "we can't lose you" in response to ongoing discussions I've been having about dissatisfaction with my compensation level (and in which I've expressed a desire to test the market if they can't compete more closely with other players, but also expressed that I want to stay if we can work that issue out). Feels good!

I think we're talking again in a couple weeks when he can come up with a concrete proposal/adjustment.
The whole process took a couple months, but update: got a ~14% raise on top of the ~10% raise I got earlier in the year, so combining the two, my salary went up 25% this year. It's still not quite Google money, but for not having to go through the dystopian nightmare of interviewing to make it happen, I think it's a pretty decent result.

It is also noteworthy that the two largest raises I've received now at this job (percentage-wise) have both come as a result of specifically asking/pushing for them.

I also learned that, though still not liquid, my options might be worth more than I thought, I guess based on weird private company valuation stuff - like, investors agree to invest at a valuation of X per share, so theoretically that's what my options are "worth" if they were convertible to shares at the price investors have paid/would pay for them, but the strike price of my options are based on the 409A valuation or something, which is like a fraction of X per share? Obviously with public companies, there aren't separate measures of valuation because the share price is the share price, so this private company **** is confusing.
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08-03-2018 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by Craggoo
Reading about it now and my mind is going over possible use cases. On the one hand, very cool imo. On the other, not very congruent for teamwork imo. If you have lackluster teammates then implementing something tricky like that could will be catastrophic.
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08-03-2018 , 05:19 PM
Well I have one offer in hand.

Pros: Chance to be the key architect to build a "microservices" architecture from scratch using a lot of AWS, seemed to click with the boss-lady, they really like me and my experiences matches well with what they need, contract-to-hire, super-flexible hours

Cons: Long drive, no tele-commute, $80/hr (non-budging supposedly), big organization (major LA university), typical corporate chaos, vendor doesn't even pay anything for health insurance

Not sures: Another big company? Am I up to this? Basically I'm getting a big opportunity because these guys don't want to pay top dollar - which is ok. What if the boss-lady and I go South? How much OT can I bill a week (probably not much until they really need me to work 60+ hours at which point they'll go crazy trying to convert me).

Of course several other opportunities are also rolling in at the same time. Meaning I could have up to 4 companies to choose from by next Wed. Or 1. And of course my recruiter is going to be bugging the crap out of me.

Recruiter asked what it would take to get me to say yes today. I said $100/hr + health insurance. Which isn't remotely unreasonable. He laughed. You asked buddy.
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08-03-2018 , 05:21 PM
Suzzer, that sounds like it's a permissions issue with aws, i.e. a port isn't open that needs to be
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08-03-2018 , 05:22 PM
How can I see where the deploy is failing? Is there some way to troubleshoot/debug? All I get is HEALTH_CONSTRAINTS.
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08-03-2018 , 05:27 PM
not sure about that as I don't do that too often as another guy in our group handles that stuff.

I'd figure out what IP it's coming from and open all ports to that IP
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08-03-2018 , 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
How can I see where the deploy is failing? Is there some way to troubleshoot/debug? All I get is HEALTH_CONSTRAINTS.
Do you have any IAM policies or Security Group rules that are preventing access? Have you tried going to CodeDeploy from the console then $FAILED_DEPLOYMENT_ID -> ViewEvents -> ViewLogs? Or checking logs in /var/aws/codedeploy-agent on the instance in question?
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08-03-2018 , 07:48 PM
I asked a bunch of engineers at my company that Netflix question.

One got it right and he listed versions of browsers that would print 2 and wouldn't going back like 7 years. Immediately saw what the trick was and he thought the question was absolutely stupid.
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08-03-2018 , 08:13 PM
That wasn't Netflix, that was another company. Netflix was the iterator question.

Also jsfiddle shows 0,2 as the answers - which is the only thing that might make a good question - you know if someone cheated with fiddle.
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08-03-2018 , 08:26 PM
Yea I feel like if you are asked a question that is about "this" and you don't ask the environment you are supposed to assume you are already failing.
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08-03-2018 , 08:27 PM
Originally Posted by CBorders
Do you have any IAM policies or Security Group rules that are preventing access? Have you tried going to CodeDeploy from the console then $FAILED_DEPLOYMENT_ID -> ViewEvents -> ViewLogs? Or checking logs in /var/aws/codedeploy-agent on the instance in question?
I set up the IAM CodeDeploy roles and groups like in the tutorial (which there are several). Seems happy. I was able to punch out to github from the deployment wizard thing and at least authorize AWS to make pulls.

Does CodeDeploy from the console mean using the CLI tool, or something else? In either case I only went through the dashboard. It chugs for 5 minutes+ then comes back and says deploy failed due to HEALTH_CONSTRAINTS. In one video I watched there is an Events link on the failed deployment row itself. But mine doesn't have that.

I got the zipped up logs on my instance through another dashboard. But it's just var/logs - I don't have a var/aws. Does the deployment all happen on the original instance? It sounded like they spin up special target instances just for deployment. But I could be reading that wrong.

I looked into SSHing to my server instance - but the list of prerequisites was like 12 things, most of which I didn't understand or had questions on. Then the actual SSHing was a bunch more things I wasn't clear on. I know how to SSH, but in general my linux-fu is weak. I plan to dig into that part when I get some time.
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08-03-2018 , 08:29 PM
Originally Posted by Larry Legend
Yea I feel like if you are asked a question that is about "this" and you don't ask the environment you are supposed to assume you are already failing.
When "this" is a "global" variable, yes.
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08-03-2018 , 09:00 PM
So my boss yesterday mentioned about our lack luster feedback on glassdoor and said that he didn't know who these reviews were coming from but would like to fix any issues that exist. I think he's just opened up the door for me to get an automatic raise to what the rest of the company is making in similar roles. The raise I would be asking for is 50% raise and would put me at the bottom end of the range of pay for my role. You think he'll bite?
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08-03-2018 , 09:04 PM
So you're basically saying that you're the one ****ing up glassdoor and you know how he can make the problem go away?

Reminds me of my first exposure to my new team at hyper-mega-corp (after they bought out mega-corp and I moved over to the dark side). Their internal employee satisfaction surveys had come back negative. So we had at least 10 punitive meetings with onerous tasks and homework assignments to "brainstorm" how to bring them back up again.

These were mostly bosses of employees who had given low satisfaction scores. But the message was clear - you better all give good reviews, and also punish your employees like this as well - so they know to give better reviews next year or expect the same.

Basically the beatings will continue until morale improves.

Last edited by suzzer99; 08-03-2018 at 09:12 PM.
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08-03-2018 , 09:12 PM
Originally Posted by Craggoo
So my boss yesterday mentioned about our lack luster feedback on glassdoor and said that he didn't know who these reviews were coming from but would like to fix any issues that exist. I think he's just opened up the door for me to get an automatic raise to what the rest of the company is making in similar roles. The raise I would be asking for is 50% raise and would put me at the bottom end of the range of pay for my role. You think he'll bite?
Woah, did I miss how you ended up in this spot (at 1/3 below the pay level for your position?) That's pretty substantial.
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08-03-2018 , 09:14 PM
Why are you underpaid by 50%?

If I were that far under the pay scale for my role I'd be bringing it up like weekly. And of course looking for a new job all the while.
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08-04-2018 , 08:53 AM
i just started using powershell for a side project I'm working on and i really hate it. any quick quality of life improvements you guys can suggest from someone coming from bash?
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08-04-2018 , 09:55 AM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
I also learned that, though still not liquid, my options might be worth more than I thought, I guess based on weird private company valuation stuff - like, investors agree to invest at a valuation of X per share, so theoretically that's what my options are "worth" if they were convertible to shares at the price investors have paid/would pay for them, but the strike price of my options are based on the 409A valuation or something, which is like a fraction of X per share?

The simple way of looking at it is that the 409A valuation is the floor of the worth of your shares. I don’t know all the details but it’s sort of a ‘here’s the worth based on your actual current performance of the company’. For smaller companies it’s somewhat subjective and the incentive of the company (and probably the ‘independent’ company doing the valuation) is to keep the number low.

If you’ve raised money recently, the price investors paid is the ceiling of the worth of the shares. But you have to remember your shares are worth less because they don’t have any of the advantages that investors get - protections on their returns, ratchets, board seat, etc. This price is based on current performance but also much more on the potential of the company.

Where your shares fall in that range is definitely hard to figure out unless your company is super transparent (which is often true when very small but becomes less true as the company grows).

Another useful tool for figuring out the worth of your shares if you’re a more mature startup is to look at S1 filings for public companies that are somewhat similar to your company. If your numbers are similar to theres from 2 years before they went public that gives you at least some sense of the valuation you could get in 2 years (with all sorts of caveats about variance).
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08-04-2018 , 10:05 AM
Originally Posted by jmakin
i just started using powershell for a side project I'm working on and i really hate it. any quick quality of life improvements you guys can suggest from someone coming from bash?
Not really. It's a whole different paradigm, it's basically a more full blown programming language instead of cobbling together command line tools. That has it's plusses and minuses. As a plus, you can do basically anything that can be done in .net, as a minus, it is not as quick and dirty as bash. It is particularly annoying to try do do anything on the command line itself.

Still, OMG it's so much better than batch files.

I use cygwin in Windows so I can do bash and all the Unix tools. Windows also supports running Linux stuff directly now but I mostly have not bothered.
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