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11-02-2017 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by candybar
Another way to think about this is that computer science is about the general ideas and software engineering is about the edge cases
+1. I'll try to remember that.
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11-02-2017 , 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by jmakin
I'm trying really hard to program more, but it just isn't there for me. Maybe I need to consider a different career.
Honestly, your recent posts suggest it's a good fit for you and you're gonna do great. Many people wouldn't have even noticed there were edge cases in the first place, let alone tested / debugged and attempted to fix.
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11-02-2017 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by gaming_mouse
i like this.

also, you could almost take as a definition of elegant refactoring: "re-framing your problem so that the many edge cases vanish in the new solution." you see this everywhere: sentinel values, the null object pattern, monads in general, on and on.

and this isn't just about software -- see, eg, maxwell's equations, many entire branches of math, etc
You can also design your app/framework/system so that edge cases bolt on in a modular/contained way, w/o adding complexity to the core app. Which is pretty much the key to executing a good app/framework/system and has a lot of art to it.
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11-02-2017 , 04:29 PM
so I got two job offers.

A) - large, old company, would be a sales engineer/proof of concept builder for their partnership team. Should be good work that keeps me interested, pay is slightly higher than B. Lots of room and areas for advancement. Office is a ***** of a drive but would only have to go in 1-2 days a week. Would involve coming up with business ideas as well as building the POCs.

b) smaller company, provides support for open source database solutions. Job is a technical account manager. Buddy of mine had the job and got promoted so I'd fill his role. He actually worked about 10 hours a week and was always picking up side gigs, skiiing or doing other **** while on the clock. Room for advancement, but I'm not sure I'd want any of the higher paying jobs there. Seems like a cool culture and it's growing by leaps and bounds.

which would you take?
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11-02-2017 , 04:50 PM
Those are so different that has to come down to which of those feels right for you imo.
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11-02-2017 , 04:52 PM
What do you want out of life/career? Personally would take B and do my own stuff on the side but I don't have or want kids and am more interested in my own side projects (programming). If you're all about babies or whatever take A.
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11-02-2017 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by _dave_
Honestly, your recent posts suggest it's a good fit for you and you're gonna do great. Many people wouldn't have even noticed there were edge cases in the first place, let alone tested / debugged and attempted to fix.
Definitely this.

As dave knows, most of my nights are unwinding and playing video games. I do code in my freetime, but it isn't like some all consuming obsession.

One dude on my team told us he straight up does nothing to do with work or coding outside the office. Doesn't bother us.
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11-02-2017 , 07:07 PM
My problem isn't that I think I can't do it, but more that I think I'm going to be miserable or bored.

I don't find programming very interesting. Like, this project I just finished was kind of cool, I created a disk for an OS that can save/restore itself and I can actually view the disk on a text file, so it's cool to see data going in/out/being saved like a real file system on a disk would work. But it's boring and I so didn't want to do it that I waited 3 days before it was due to start, and it's like ~50% of my grade.

That's the reason I don't know how successful I'll be. I'm worried I just don't like it, but there is definitely a burnout factor right now that is quite significant.

if i were to find a job in a nice area that paid well, and gave me some small flexibility in hours and a not too stressful workload, I think I could get past the boredom.

What I do have a passion for is mathematics, and enjoy doing math in my spare time. I know there are a lot of areas I could expand within the CS field where I could apply/develop those skills. I also could shift more into management if I really hate programming that much. idk. kind of at a crossroads right now and am at the point where it's time to start sending out resumes.
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11-02-2017 , 09:13 PM
Programming isn't interesting, making things is interesting.
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11-02-2017 , 09:40 PM
Solving puzzles for a living, and being the nerd version of star QB, is interesting to me.

It might have helped that I had every **** job imaginable in my late teens and all through my 20s. Wait - you mean the day goes by like a flash AND I get paid for this?!??

Try loading popcorn into boxes for 12 hour shifts then see how interesting programming is.
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11-02-2017 , 10:40 PM
Have you had an office job before jmakin? It’s not really the same as school at all. You’ll have time to understand and own your code, much better than 1 and done labs and stuff. You have aptitude you should decide if you like the job after you’ve done it, not while learning it.
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11-03-2017 , 08:33 PM
what everybody else said plus:

People that are good at their jobs tend to enjoy their jobs. The stuff I'm making at work is something I wouldn't dream of doing as a hobby cause its not that interesting, but getting things done and doing them well can be very satisfying. And also getting a great reputation and positive feedback from the higher ups is intoxicating.
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11-03-2017 , 11:22 PM
I am seeing a really weird issue from mysql, doing an update that includes a join - which is a weird idea in and of itself, but something mysql supports

update dash_samples s
join (
    select dash_sample_id, sum(cst.severity)/5 as severity 
    from dash_samples  
    join dash_cuckoo_signatures cs using (dash_sample_id) 
    join dash_cuckoo_signature_types cst using (dash_cuckoo_signature_type_id) 
    group by 1
) x using (dash_sample_id)
set s.severity=x.severity
So in english this is saying, "do this calculation involving another query, join it with our main table, and update every matching row from the joined query"

It successfully updates s.severity

It *also* updates s.hit_date, which is a timestamp field, to the current date - only for rows in dash_samples that are updated. I really can not figure out why.

{where} gets replaced by whatever where clause I'm using - usually it's "s.hit_date between SOMEDATE and OTHERDATE"
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11-03-2017 , 11:27 PM
It seems dumb, but if I change the last line to

set s.severity=x.severity, s.hit_date=s.hit_date
Then there is no problem.

No other fields in the table experience any problems during the update.
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11-03-2017 , 11:29 PM
OK actually it's simpler but even weirder than I thought. This by itself sets dash_samples.hit_date to 'right now' for every row in the table.

update dash_samples set severity=0;
It only happens to rows that are updated.

Here is the table definition:

    create table dash_samples(
        dash_sample_id integer not null primary key auto_increment,
        dash_family_id integer not null,
        hit_date timestamp(3) not null,
        filesize integer,
        has_cuckoo bool,
        sha256 char(64) unique,
        sha1 char(40),
        md5 char(32),
        severity float,
        file_class varchar(20),
        index dash_samples_hit_date_cuckoo(hit_date),
        index dash_samples_family_hit_date_cuckoo(dash_family_id, hit_date, has_cuckoo),
        index dash_samples_family_class_hit_date(dash_family_id, file_class, hit_date),
        index dash_samples_sha256(sha256),
        foreign key (dash_family_id) references dash_families(dash_family_id)
** UnhandledExceptionEventHandler :: OFFICIAL LC / CHATTER THREAD ** Quote
11-03-2017 , 11:34 PM
OK so sorry for a bunch of posts in a row, but it looks like under the covers, mysql is adding "default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(3)" to my table, and oddly this applies to updates as well as inserts. This is what mysql created for me - note how it differs from my definition.

CREATE TABLE `dash_samples` (
  `dash_sample_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `dash_family_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `filesize` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `has_cuckoo` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL,
  `sha256` char(64) DEFAULT NULL,
  `sha1` char(40) DEFAULT NULL,
  `md5` char(32) DEFAULT NULL,
  `severity` float DEFAULT NULL,
  `file_class` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`dash_sample_id`),
  UNIQUE KEY `sha256` (`sha256`),
  KEY `dash_samples_hit_date_cuckoo` (`hit_date`),
  KEY `dash_samples_family_hit_date_cuckoo` (`dash_family_id`,`hit_date`,`has_cuckoo`),
  KEY `dash_samples_family_class_hit_date` (`dash_family_id`,`file_class`,`hit_date`),
  KEY `dash_samples_sha256` (`sha256`),
  CONSTRAINT `dash_samples_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`dash_family_id`) REFERENCES `dash_families` (`dash_family_id`)
The offending line being
Which is definitely NOT what I want.
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11-04-2017 , 12:14 AM
I guess it's yet another "why on earth use MySQL for anything of any importance" lesson?
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11-04-2017 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by _dave_
I guess it's yet another "why on earth use MySQL for anything of any importance" lesson?
Like most people, probably, I didn't get to choose.

I am hoping we'll get it moved onto Aurora soon, which looks and acts a little like mysql (or postgres if you prefer) but is it's own engine.
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11-04-2017 , 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
Have you had an office job before jmakin? It’s not really the same as school at all. You’ll have time to understand and own your code, much better than 1 and done labs and stuff. You have aptitude you should decide if you like the job after you’ve done it, not while learning it.
No ive always been blue collar. I’m also not sure i’ll survive in an office. This is encouraging though
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11-04-2017 , 07:53 PM
My database class was my least favorite class I have ever taken in my life. I have a passionate, unrelenting hatred of mySQL
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11-04-2017 , 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by jmakin
My database class was my least favorite class I have ever taken in my life. I have a passionate, unrelenting hatred of mySQL
It's not even the worst database I've used. Probably not even top 5 worst.
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11-04-2017 , 09:59 PM
Originally Posted by jmakin
My database class was my least favorite class I have ever taken in my life. I have a passionate, unrelenting hatred of mySQL
Was never a DB fan either. One of the reasons I spent most of my programming career in embedded systems. Loved hitting the metal, working with signals and sensors - and not a database in sight.
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11-05-2017 , 01:22 AM
Rusty, that is utterly ****ed up. Figured it was a default date of sorts, but wow.


I'll ask you the same thing I ask anyone who says they hate reading? How many things (books) have you tried?

For example, I absolutely abhor doing any thing that remotely suggests visual things. For me, the more abstract and strange, the better. Other's can't get enough of them JavaScripts, just yuck.

For mathy things, I'd love to take more time working with linear optimization, but don't really have time for it. I don't like doing AI or ML at all. I guess I like working with sets.
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11-05-2017 , 09:36 AM
i use credit cards for points and rewards but sometimes **** up and get late fees. if i build a local repo using ENV variables for private info(password/username) that logs into each account and pays my bills (this just protects me if someone sees the repo & I can share it)... 1. do they somehow know that it is not a human logging in and will ban my account (beyond the are you human verification)? 2. is that unsafe?
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11-05-2017 , 09:56 AM
If you have the finances to automatically pay your credit cards in full each month (as you should), why not just do it the normal/intended way and set up your credit cards with autopay from your bank account?
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