Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
After reading your resume, I'm surprised you haven't gotten interviews at least. I'm also surprised you didn't get a job. You have over 15 years experience in web development. You know 5 different programming languages and a wide variety of industry standard tools. Your skill set and experience are vast so there is some sort of mismatch going on here.
Some general observations:
1. "Experienced web developer looking to return to a full time position following a 2018 decision to work full time as a professional poker player."
I understand you want to be honest and you should be, but this statement reads like an admission of guilt for a bad decision you have made. There's no reason to imply you've made a bad decision. Why not just list your objective as something like "young web developer with over a decade of experience in both front end and backend web development seeks the opportunity to work and share his skills with an exciting team. "
2. zzpace doesn't seem visually as impressive as some of your other projects. Maybe just say you were a freelance web developer from 2018-2023 and list it alongside some other projects you have done or worked on. The more projects you can list the better. Also this is the place to briefly mention a gaming/ poker related project. That way your resume is honest and crisp with no gap.
3. Do you have any non computer related skills? You should list a few things like excellent communication skills, ability to manage time to meet deadlines in evolving workplaces , a few things like that. Have you done any volunteer work?
You should be able to get a job. Those are just some observations
Hey thanks for your two cents..
I've had gotten responses/at least one interview from maybe 25/800 applications this year, mostly during the late Winter/Early Spring. Just this summer its been <1%. Just its never been this low in comparison to past time I've looked for jobs over the last 10~ years.
I've been to 5~ local networking events (Toronto, Canada) most of the local university grads or bootcamp grads were getting lower response rate then me.
1. Ive changed/tweaked this objective a few times, but I just want something short to briefly explain my break/gap (I'm not gonna lie about the gap/break).
The last few months I've been trying two different resumes, one with poker in experience (gambling, poker, startups) and a non-poker version.
2. I'll also agree it doesn't look as visually appealing, as I just have made the site all from scratch myself (I am not a designer), I am mostly concerned with the actual front or back-end code which 95% of it I did myself, maybe 5% I took from a few tutorials.
Perhaps I should put more effort into the front-end you think?
The other websites I made, were just PSD(Photoshop Files) I found on the internet then I just made those websites from the PSD files that other people made.
3. I've been trying to keep a one page-resume at all costs, and I just don't have enough room stuff like this currently.
In the last week I applied for local jobs from GG poker, and pinnacle sports book, hopefully either of those I can get an interview..
PS. You sort of answered this, but what do you think is the best way to answer my gap? List poker in experience, brief objective, make up BS LLC and be "self-employed", etc?
Thanks, I appreciate it..