When I'm not working. On holidays. When I no longer want to use my brain, basically. It naturally leads to hedonism of a sort. When I do fulfill all those desires. I am left empty. The three gateways to hell from the Gita or Buddhic four noble truths come to mind.
You weigh up your options. You need a break from work. Hedonism is not the answer. So now what?
I people watch. What are they doing?
Ignoring the ones who are working. They are generally mostly again, attempting to fulfil their desires. By the most subtle means.
Food. Non-alcoholic beverages. Window shopping. Material goodies.
A slippery slope that leads to more sinful endeavors.
The Devil makes work for idle hands. Protestant work ethic. Dharma
You may also have considered activities that could be defined as both work and play. Recreational activities that are physical. That just so happen to be good for you. Put you in shape.
Who is employed and can do this these days. No one really, I know can find this time.
It’s tricky.
Last edited by MacOneDouble; 08-14-2024 at 09:42 PM.
If there are no higher meanings to existence than the ones we create ourselves then we are the creators of the ultimate meanings to existence. The Universe is not watching us. We are watching the Universe.
Our willingness to come into being and hold onto deeper truths which bear a cost gives the Creator, as lead author, the confidence to re-write our story as great heroes. This then allows us to come into being, which gives the Creator more confidence -> feedback loop.