Originally Posted by Zeno
I’ll adjust the numbers upward to be relevant for the next week or so but from the World-o-meter coronavirus site the “latest “data”*: ~4 million cases Worldwide and ~ 400,000** deaths Worldwide since about the first of the year; say four months. I’ll repeat that: 400,000 deaths WORLDWIDE in Four Months.
Now, take a deep breath and count to ten and see if you can try, just try, to think unemotionally about the last four months and the worldwide reaction. See if you can dispassionately and rationally think about the data (and more importantly how it is presented). Think about past events of similar, lesser, and much greater magnitude. Give a thought to what occurs every year all over the world. And give a more than just cursory look at the last 500 years of human history, or even just the last 100 years.
Now, compose a Montaigne -type essay or even just some cliff notes in your head. Wait a few days and go over it all again. Pour yourself a scotch, fire up a cigar, and sit back and relax. Then ask yourself a simple question; Did we miss a gorgeous opportunity here? Or just stick to our nominal and normal amount of human idiocy, knee-jerk reactions, and emotional frenzy? George Santayana; would he be smiling or just try and look meek and mild so no questions will be asked?
An added note –data using graphs or maps are presented in a variety of ways; and you can amp up the scale to illustrate whatever propaganda and/or political agenda you wish to engage in. And the simple fact, also, that the data is broken out by arbitrary nation state and lesser boundaries is gorgeously idiotic.
Many other points could be added; I'll let others do that or not depending on how the spirit moves them.
*Knowing that the data is an estimate and the error bars for much of it may approach 10% or more.
** The final death count will probably be significantly less than Four Million, hell, it will probably be less than Two Million. Worth a bet.
Zeno its bad. Its not 1968. And we have a moron US dream traitor of mega proportions at the top now that cant die already to not have to experience every day. Only solution is to get a very strong antiviral treatment proposal soon that cools the attack down when it gets bad. But what about all that recover and have compromised lungs now or clots. What about the possibility it starts mutating every 3-6 months and you have no permanent immunity and face every year a 1-2% risk if over 50-60 say that is a great number of good people out there and 5% over 75? Even if its 0.2% every year starting age 20 that is terrible to have to live with it permanently with a problem 10-100 times worse than flu.
All the idiots that compare it to flu and say its no big deal have to only look at what happened to Italy and New York and see that this was big even with efforts to contain it. This can repeat 10x over and the disaster in 3rd world is only beginning. It may not be about just getting herd immunity. It may be a permanent problem that will require to solve all viruses for good as i believe is the next step. It will happen but not with the morons that lead now or it will happen much harder because of them.
If the problem was little the market would be back to all time highs now. The economy will recover always with proper leadership. There is none now. Its not left right politics. Fack them all. They are all wrong from the most left pipe dream reckless idiots to the most right lunatic nazis and the middle is still idiots. Because very few of them look at the world scientifically, pragmatically and mathematically, with love for the community, desire for self growth and yet a proper sense of responsibility, progress with effort , healthy cooperation and competition and merit that creates a strong society.
Society is idiotic and indeed makes big deals about topics that are sensational and ignores other long term problems like cancer, heart disease etc. That is true typically. It finds things to obsess about.
But look at world data and see that at the peak we can easily experience population decline daily with all the planet infected in full explosive action. This is ok if it weren't coming with massive unrest and failures and simply due to design to not grow as fast.
I am not going out any time soon. Fack them all. I can last 1 year inside with minimal trips out and driving at night and sunrise in parks when finally all is open. Not returning to 2 meter so 5 meters daily interactions with others unless this is understood properly. Let them facking solve this mess first with their bs choices before taking risks to find yourself in some hospital with bs experimental treatments of overworked hero doctors that fear for their lives on a life you built with so much effort and its now a statistical event.
Of course 99% of the time its nothing. I might have had it even. And you have a facking government that dares to say tests for all is unreasonable. When it is the core of the solution. Where in a facking mega superpower? Really? BS to US and all the mfing voters that consistently make it possible for good people to suffer such daily insult to logic that never deserved this trash bags for leaders so long now. They piss on the dream. Traitors. Tribal mfers unable to unite and care for the country with dignity and not fear, lies, moronic ignorance and bs nationalism out of their asses...N1 really? BS. Earn it with better choices.
That 0.2-1% risk is a terrible way to die according to the stories by the way. Without genetic testing to know if one has a risk to face it badly why risk it. This virus is very strange. Fack conspiracy theories but it plays like a designer game to destroy the world. Yes it does. It has properties rarely seen before. China played a facking game to the rest of the planet and they deserve the rage of the planet and even war or some level if it proves there is a play here. But also the rest of the planet was not ready and had morons that thought it was nothing looking for excuses now.
At the peak this problem could be killing hundreds of thousands per year in US if it starts mutating and making herd immunity irrelevant. But what if it creates also long term problems to 5-10% of the people that experience it like reduced lung function? This must end properly soon. It also opens the door for a death spiral motivated well funded terrorist hands.
Last edited by masque de Z; 05-07-2020 at 04:01 AM.