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06-05-2019 , 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by MacOneDouble
No. 32 might be the most relevant...
It is important to note that he did waste some time and effort writing some books dumbing down Buddhism between taking time to wallow in the moment.
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06-05-2019 , 10:04 PM
Zen and the art of dumbing down Buddhism is an excellent read. One page long and it’s blank.
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06-06-2019 , 08:14 AM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
Zen and the art of dumbing down Buddhism is an excellent read. One page long and it’s blank.
I don't have time to read it because John Maynard Keynes prediction of a 15 hour work week didn't come to fruition.


A while back I gave my opinion on social media and gave my reasons for not having an account. I then went on to tell a story of how I couldn't contact a friend at a festival because of it. The other reason is because the person I was trying to contact didn't have a European number with the sim card. In any case, I still refuse to undelete my accounts even if I am seemingly continuously lose touch with people. But do I care, really...

Ironically the one social media account I have, I believe to be the most preposterous of all: LinkedIn.
Like the others it full of egomaniacs but the content is the most contrived, lick arsey nonsense essentially about how it's better to live to work instead of working to live, while at the same time boosting their ego and attempting to climb a sort of imaginary social hierarchy.

Of course. It's not social media that's the problem. It's society.

I can admit though, that there is hope. Some people are using Instagram correctly in my view. People interested in photography for example. Nothing wrong with posting pictures of yourself per se, unless your entire account contains just that.

That of wannabe models. An absolute recipe for disaster. Looks don't last forever. Johnathan Haidt wrote a book about how levels of suicide have risen among young people, mostly female, and noted a correlation between it's time and the rise of social media.
And it appears to be understood in the psychology literature about how males and females bully one another.

It's interesting even if correlation doesn't equal causation.

I will say no more about this topic before I start taking life seriously.
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06-06-2019 , 08:25 AM
Alan Watts helps me wash my dishes. Edited version:
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06-06-2019 , 08:55 PM
It doesnt work. It will never be beautiful unless you are in some art project or archaeological site and its "your" dish cleaning it from dirt to reveal its structure better. Washing dishes sucks and will continue to suck indefinitely until AI takes the task. And no when i wash dishes i never think that i have to wash another 10000 or that i need to put to dishwasher after partially cleaning them another 30000 ones. If someone told me i have to do it another 50000 times it would mean 20000-50000 more days to live because i dont think i will be washing dishes for a living any time soon as the other interpretation choice or that i will be the only caregiver in a family of 10 kids lol. But even if that happened it probably means i get to help become happy another 10, so be it if it means i live less. I will make it all good, get it? ALL. I will stop at 9900 with room to spare and refuse to wash them again.

You only do it (washing dishes) to please others or to look good to others or for your kitchen to look decent or because you need to eat again sometime in the future in a clean dish or others that depend on you need it. Then it becomes important and you just do it because the other thing that depends on it is important to you.

You also start using paper dishes and discard them and never wash them. Even better. Save time and water. It probably takes less clean water to produce the paper ones.

So be more rational about everything is the solution. It will make your emotions even better by the way. Yes it will make you watching the first steps of a child more emotional to be able to imagine all that will come because of it or how the AI will become sentient one day too by playing the same game with more degrees of freedom than you give a computer.

What you could do along the lines he is suggesting is try to see something educational about every washing dish activity like find properties of the process that make it interesting or study how it works. Most people given the chance to nobody criticize them they would only wash it when they need i again lol and not after a good meal.

Last edited by masque de Z; 06-06-2019 at 09:10 PM.
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06-06-2019 , 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by MacOneDouble
I will say no more about this topic before I start taking life seriously.
Brevity is important for many reasons, not the least of which, this one.

P.s. LinkedIn and the phrase "young professional" are cancer.
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06-06-2019 , 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by masque de Z
. Washing dishes sucks and will continue to suck indefinitely until AI takes the task. And no when i wash dishes i never think that i have to wash another 10000 or that i need to put to dishwasher after partially cleaning them another 30000 ones. If someone told me i have to do it another 50000 times it would mean 20000-50000 more days to live because i dont think i will be washing dishes for a living any time soon....

Hold up. Granted I have snipped your post, and not out of context or so I would argue, but way to miss the absolute point. Completely. Jesus Christ.

Dishwasher's aside. The reason I can wash ten dishes, is because I can live in the here and now; and wash one. I can only ever wash one dish, ever. Does washing one dish suck?? No, it does not.
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06-06-2019 , 11:01 PM
Originally Posted by VeeDDzz`
Brevity is important for many reasons, not the least of which, this one.

P.s. LinkedIn and the phrase "young professional" are cancer.
This is the drunk/random thread. A place we take kindly to your type around here. Brevity is irrelevant here, as are all nouns. If one had something profound to say, they should go yonder, out of the depths of this wicked land.

But I agree. If you already have a job, STFU on there.
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06-06-2019 , 11:33 PM
Originally Posted by MacOneDouble
Hold up. Granted I have snipped your post, and not out of context or so I would argue, but way to miss the absolute point. Completely. Jesus Christ.

Dishwasher's aside. The reason I can wash ten dishes, is because I can live in the here and now; and wash one. I can only ever wash one dish, ever. Does washing one dish suck?? No, it does not.
Furthermore, if it isn't obvious; washing dishes is a metaphor, and something you sadly can't seem to get your head around. A dishwasher is a narrow AI. What is your goal really? Think about it. You wish to be free by AIs to do what exactly?

Edit: LOL I quoted myself - the first sign of madness.
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06-07-2019 , 10:01 PM
Friday; have one for the Dalai Llama!
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06-07-2019 , 11:33 PM
Originally Posted by masque de Z
Zeno that picture is funny and disgusting at the same time. Its politically incorrect which is great too but i mean it is too much damn it!

I avoid to death public restrooms. There is something massively disgusting about the entire experience. You have to methodically choose what you touch in what order to be able to leave the place and have your hands 99.99% clean. Its a particular combo of using clean paper to open doors or close the faucet at your last move or your shoes etc. A properly scientifically designed restroom to minimize interactions and transfers is brilliant choice when available.

Of course from a scientific perspective nothing will happen 99% of the time you are completely reckless like use your hands dont wash and then touch your eyes or prepare and eat food with your hands. I mean i am not unreasonably paranoid here only stating the irritating nature of knowing what you are doing and how many countless randoms have done the same with whatever situation each had. We open public doors all the time, its just that typically that interaction is far from release of fluids and other disgusting agents when it happens. I methodically wash my hands when back home and avoid using my bare fingers to eat while away or touch eyes etc. You can have disinfectants with you also in your car anyway for when you have to.

But the idea of it is pretty disturbing at another level and that 1% can also be eliminated by proper behavior why not.

Its even more entertaining how one relaxes all these concerns when it comes to sexual adventures with strangers which of course most are when it first happens anyway lol. At least there you had the chance to observe the other person for a while typically and can extrapolate some tolerated chaos. Of course the majority of encounters for many people are probably random.

In scientific society any couple that wants to get intimate can have an instant report of each other's condition if both agree. Its the only responsible thing.

As for level one restroom issues there should be an equipment that at least for men is easy to use within your car without getting in trouble or in any mess. A lot of people that drive a lot every day or long distances could use it or people not willing to try to find public restrooms or not having enough time etc.

The car must have an option that all windows at will become black or reflective when parked and then you use the equipment by fitting it in your trousers and now you buy another 3-4 hours. It comes with its own disinfecting agents and wipes etc. That of course adds one more thing to do every day preparing it. But assuming its used only once or twice a week its ok. The alternative is to always be well prepared when leaving for several hours. At least working in some civilized low activity environment comes also with well maintained and not heavily used bathrooms.

I lead a much more relaxed and undisciplined life than you. I spent time on a farm as a child and on numerous occasions wiped my ass with leaves, the house being too far away to go when a bowel movement was necessary. I wash my hands etc when those facilities are available but it does not perturb me if they are not.
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06-07-2019 , 11:36 PM
Originally Posted by MacOneDouble
That was the most beautiful experiences I've ever had. I've been on sun holidays and seen beautiful sights but this trip was different. I was alone in hostel- hotel hybrid. But so was everybody. So no one was ever alone. Precisely why this experience was special. There was not a single moment of malaise and I mean that literally. It
was three days of the most positive and beautiful side of human nature that we possibly could offer one another.

Just as I arrived and threw my bag into my locker. I made friends with a Canadian. I asked her not to check out and go to the festival I was going to, instead of moving onto Brussels as she planned. She showed me the metro and took me into the city centre. We hung out until the festival.

A guy from Spain entered the dorm at some point. He overheard us talking about the festival and coincidentally was going also but didn't reveal it until the morning we were going.

We lost him approximately an hour into the thing. I then lost her hours later. I asked someone to try contact her on social media explaining I lost a friend. While she was dancing outdoors in 30 degree sunshine. She said , sure and asked me her name. I couldn't spell it. It was French. I could only pronounce it, and the way an American would, not how a person from Montreal would say it. LOL. She then said " Well you have new friends now". I laughed.

The festival was house and techno but as hard or chill as you wanted. Hammocks. Hookahs. All ages, colours shapes and sizes.

The only problem, was all her stuff was in my locker when I checked out. She also had no key to the room. I chose to leave the locker open in case she lost her key and had to explain at reception, why her stuff is still on the premises.

Took my bag said peace to whoever was left in the dorm and went to the bar it had. Three guys joined me one after the other. Two Swedes. One Dutch. Got drunk. They got high. And we left the hostel and got the metro. After experiencing what was left of the city. I then headed to the airport, unfortunately.

I feel you, Mac.
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06-08-2019 , 05:12 AM
Originally Posted by Howard Treesong
I lead a much more relaxed and undisciplined life than you. I spent time on a farm as a child and on numerous occasions wiped my ass with leaves, the house being too far away to go when a bowel movement was necessary. I wash my hands etc when those facilities are available but it does not perturb me if they are not.
One should never read in my posts some unreasonable paranoia that many actually have exaggerating risks to the point of becoming irrational idiots. The immune system is there for a reason. We came from worse times and survived just fine (well less life expectancy though and modern hygiene has made a difference in transmission risks)

Yes as i suggested its the others that are the problem and even then 1% or less even if careless. Speaking of more real risks, HIV is 1% per unprotected sexual encounter with infected person (worse risk for women than heterosexual men) and Herpes is 10% per year or so of intimate activities as 2 different threat level examples. Even living dangerously is not instant sentence to troubled future. The nature of the disgusting realization of all that is possible makes for a magnified perceived threat not properly gauged as the actual risk. But the risk is nonzero if you are not careful in bathrooms and use them daily. Then it adds up if many randoms also use them. So to make my case what is the point of washing your hands if you then have to touch the faucet handle or the door to exit. You got to deal with that issue! Transfer is everywhere. Thats what its all about even if tiny risk.

I have on occasion briefly lived in farms and far away from civilization too (outhouses etc) although some farms are more civilized than the greatest cities where it counts. My mom certainly has lived the real deal. She was the one taking care of the animals and preparing the chicken too from the axe to the pot. Some childhood! Then she studied physics and left it all behind but not really, never really. She still takes care of rose gardens, vegetables, almond trees, olives and fruit trees away from cities.

You got to be able to survive anywhere with your dignity intact. Of course you better wash well those leaves in advance just in case lol.
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06-08-2019 , 05:53 AM
Originally Posted by MacOneDouble
Hold up. Granted I have snipped your post, and not out of context or so I would argue, but way to miss the absolute point. Completely. Jesus Christ.

Dishwasher's aside. The reason I can wash ten dishes, is because I can live in the here and now; and wash one. I can only ever wash one dish, ever. Does washing one dish suck?? No, it does not.
I know its a metaphor but a metaphor must work too literally. When i wash dishes i basically think something else that has nothing to do with the dish itself. It can be a problem in math or physics or some other project or what to cook later etc. I could be listening to news or whatever else too. But i never look forward to doing it. I just do it because i like to eat in clean dishes. It was never a problem. Taking out trash is also ridiculous task and procedure ie 1-2 minutes wasted lifetime on bs experiences and smells. But you have to do it. So is cleaning your bathroom.

All these bs activities suck weed big time lol.

To realize how genius deals with order just look at the desks of Einstein, Feynman and others. If you find order anywhere near them tell me lol. I will take comfort that mine is similarly random endlessly looked down by women that matter.

Basically the rational thing is to disregard cosmetic superficial order and care only for biological hazards lol.
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06-08-2019 , 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by masque de Z
I know its a metaphor but a metaphor must work too literally. When i wash dishes i basically think something else that has nothing to do with the dish itself. It can be a problem in math or physics or some other project or what to cook later etc. I could be listening to news or whatever else too. But i never look forward to doing it. I just do it because i like to eat in clean dishes. It was never a problem. Taking out trash is also ridiculous task and procedure ie 1-2 minutes wasted lifetime on bs experiences and smells. But you have to do it. So is cleaning your bathroom.

All these bs activities suck weed big time lol.

To realize how genius deals with order just look at the desks of Einstein, Feynman and others. If you find order anywhere near them tell me lol. I will take comfort that mine is similarly random endlessly looked down by women that matter.

Basically the rational thing is to disregard cosmetic superficial order and care only for biological hazards lol.
What the dear dead man was suggesting is that hell is the inability to happily just wash a dish while just washing a dish.

Or, in more simple terms: if something isn't happening right now, it isn't happening. Being unhappy about things that aren't happening (in this case a dish that you will wash after you are done washing this dish, or the dishes that you already washed) is really dumb because it is needlessly unpleasant.

Also, don't turn on the garbage disposal while your hand is in it. That is a pretty important part of washing dishes. I don't think he mentions that.

This can be extended to most of life.
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06-08-2019 , 07:41 PM
Changing duvet covers sucks, mind.
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06-09-2019 , 12:36 AM
Originally Posted by BrianTheMick2
What the dear dead man was suggesting is that hell is the inability to happily just wash a dish while just washing a dish.

Or, in more simple terms: if something isn't happening right now, it isn't happening. Being unhappy about things that aren't happening (in this case a dish that you will wash after you are done washing this dish, or the dishes that you already washed) is really dumb because it is needlessly unpleasant.

Also, don't turn on the garbage disposal while your hand is in it. That is a pretty important part of washing dishes. I don't think he mentions that.

This can be extended to most of life.
What if the disposal is off because it has failed and needs replacement but then something is dropped and you have to recover it. What do you do then? You turn off the power to it from the very board and then you do it just in case it suddenly comes on.

There! We aim to help mankind be safer than safe and still put the hands where its risky. Also put a glove in it because even if all bs happened at least you get some tiny protection from chopping. You have to act fast though if all went to hell. It wont though because board disposal option is off. But there is still a chance off is not off because it has failed to work as a switch. In that case you turn off the bloody power to the entire home and verify it by not seeing light anywhere it was on before. You want security i will give you security. Only the paranoid survive. So you better check another power source other than light just in case it burned at the same time the board was supposed to go off.

Also no matter, what washing dishes sucks eternally. I will never be happy doing it, only if i have to do it and anticipate good things after it, i am happy because of the other things. In that sense i have what it takes to make it as a dishwasher because i know it will be a stepping stone to getting a paycheck that can buy better clothes and a place to clean yourself a bit and then apply to another job even if similarly uninteresting until the good one happens. I will be planning a big strategy while washing dishes and smiling eternally at its brilliance. You can lose it all and still win back the empire because the only empire that matters is one inside your brain and it can recover the other ones too. To anyone that wants to listen to Watts, you haven't me guys! Not really.

Last edited by masque de Z; 06-09-2019 at 12:50 AM.
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06-09-2019 , 12:52 AM
Originally Posted by lastcardcharlie
Changing duvet covers sucks, mind.
Depends who is coming for company. It still sucks intrinsically though.
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06-09-2019 , 05:35 AM
Originally Posted by masque de Z
What if the disposal is off because it has failed and needs replacement but then something is dropped and you have to recover it. What do you do then? You turn off the power to it from the very board and then you do it just in case it suddenly comes on.

There! We aim to help mankind be safer than safe and still put the hands where its risky. Also put a glove in it because even if all bs happened at least you get some tiny protection from chopping. You have to act fast though if all went to hell. It wont though because board disposal option is off. But there is still a chance off is not off because it has failed to work as a switch. In that case you turn off the bloody power to the entire home and verify it by not seeing light anywhere it was on before. You want security i will give you security. Only the paranoid survive. So you better check another power source other than light just in case it burned at the same time the board was supposed to go off.

Also no matter, what washing dishes sucks eternally. I will never be happy doing it, only if i have to do it and anticipate good things after it, i am happy because of the other things. In that sense i have what it takes to make it as a dishwasher because i know it will be a stepping stone to getting a paycheck that can buy better clothes and a place to clean yourself a bit and then apply to another job even if similarly uninteresting until the good one happens. I will be planning a big strategy while washing dishes and smiling eternally at its brilliance. You can lose it all and still win back the empire because the only empire that matters is one inside your brain and it can recover the other ones too. To anyone that wants to listen to Watts, you haven't me guys! Not really.
I cannot see how this is related to the post it quoted.
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06-09-2019 , 12:47 PM
SMP Life is Being Drunk -Random Content thread Quote
06-09-2019 , 12:55 PM
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06-09-2019 , 02:02 PM
If you deal from the top of two decks, the odds of dealing a blackjack are less than dealing from one deck. Is there a name for this counter-intuitive phenomenon, and are there other examples of it occurring?
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06-09-2019 , 02:43 PM
It would also be the same if dealing from the bottom of the decks. So call it the topsy turvy effect.
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06-09-2019 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by masque de Z
I know its a metaphor but a metaphor must work too literally. .
It does though. The example/philosophy described is one of the key components of modern western psychotherapy e.g. CBT.

It's not easy for people to realize that most human suffering or anxiety indeed comes from worrying about bad things that have already happened, or bad things that may happen. While in reality that person's day to day life is in fact not that bad, really. So essentially, most suffering is avoidable.

Happy Sunday.

Another thing to watch out for is evaluating human worth by aspects of their behavior. For example, athletes tend to get depressed when they get injured and can't compete. Because they have defined their worth as a human by a mere aspect of their behavior i.e. their sport.

It happens to kids who have been forced to be piano players, or dancers, say, but then go onto fail etc.

It happened to me. I switched fields to another from what I went to school for. And had a little existential crisis. Until I saw reason.

I have a mate who is stuck in the past. And won't move on. He is very difficult to be friends with. I try to explain the above to him, but it doesn't get through.

Last edited by MacOneDouble; 06-09-2019 at 04:10 PM.
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06-09-2019 , 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by Zeno
It would also be the same if dealing from the bottom of the decks. So call it the topsy turvy effect.
That's called the Australian deal, from down under.
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