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Who are the bad SE p0sters? DRAFT Who are the bad SE p0sters? DRAFT

04-26-2013 , 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by Krayz
You could go from a bottom 20 poster to a top 3 poster. How are you not excited?
What a clown you are. You got bitched by your own draft pick.

Down get too down on yourself, you can go hug it out on Skype.
Who are the bad SE p0sters? DRAFT Quote
04-26-2013 , 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by Larry Legend
Yea as a boston based fan, taking goodie is pretty weak. He is like the perfect stereotype of a homer. Provides no analysis and just reacts to things similar to what you could hear on sports radio.

There are worse (definitely a worst) NE homer.
Pretty much how I feel. I think he certainly tries to provide analysis, even if it's tenuous at best.

There's at least 1 NY-based poster that I think is far worse than Goodie. But I know that I am probably biased.
Who are the bad SE p0sters? DRAFT Quote
04-26-2013 , 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by Das Boot

can't blame him at all for shooting fire back. props to anyone who gives a decent defense of themselves itt. think this should be the opposite of the dedicated bad p0sters thread in that such battles and self-defense should be encouraged.
This is a quality post, men.
Who are the bad SE p0sters? DRAFT Quote
04-26-2013 , 09:26 PM
Originally Posted by BAIDS
When drafting in place of an owner its important to try to draft in line with their vision for what a team should be.

In an effort to continue Annie's strategy of drafting high volume, low intensity AIDS posters, Team Anarchist selects Anarchist.

I'll leave the writeup to Anarchist, i'm sure he can do a fine job of it.

My fave annie moment: when he smuggled an iphone into a hospital in order to WW.
loooooool baids pretty much goat.

sumnewb meth episode was kinda funny.
Who are the bad SE p0sters? DRAFT Quote
04-26-2013 , 09:27 PM
Gonna be real tough to break into my top 3 of:

1: RacersEdge

2: Micro Bob

3: sumnewb
Who are the bad SE p0sters? DRAFT Quote
04-26-2013 , 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by thedeezy

Deezy: thanks, how much do I make the check out for?

Lets see: a thumbs up is 50 cents and a supportive five-line post is, what, 4 bucks?
Who are the bad SE p0sters? DRAFT Quote
04-26-2013 , 09:28 PM
Write-up for gh20 will be incoming when I have time, current pick incoming momentarily.
Who are the bad SE p0sters? DRAFT Quote
04-26-2013 , 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by Riverman
wasnt there a guy who legit murdered a thai hooker
Who are the bad SE p0sters? DRAFT Quote
04-26-2013 , 09:58 PM

With our fifth pick in the SE bad p0sters draft, we select wall de Ripper. Before I unleash the incoming word-bomb double write-up text-based extravaganza of badness compiling the great works of cruisin4abruisin, GordonHayward20 and wall de Ripper (this will be done tomorrow), I present to you an elite smattering of poor posting, including the aforeimaged worst post in the history of the internet.

Originally Posted by wall de Ripper
One of the unfortunate side effects of being this terrible is the inability to manipulate 3-dimensional objects in the manner you intend. This is evidenced here by the in-line accidental depression of the CAPS LOCK key (causing the change from upper to lower case), followed by the second in-line accidental depression of the CAPS LOCK key (causing the change from lower to upper case). The same unfortunate condition is exhibited in this bad p0ster's alias. This is endemic among atrocious p0sters.

Originally Posted by wall de Ripper
stop with ur ****ing play by play broncos **** ur typing to ur ****ing self ffs no one cares hope peyton breaks his ****ing neck again
Here, the terrible p0ster finds himself unable to depress a single punctuation key in a post containing no less than 4 completely unhinged independent clauses, each of which is logically unrelated to the one either before or after, as the case may be.

And here, my vote for the single worst post in the history of SE (all typos and inane thoughts in original):

Originally Posted by wall de Ripper
LOlL@ the whole Broncos Franchise , getting rid of a QB that lead u to the playoffs after like a 4-12 season before and and trading for a washed up bum , A few more hits peyton will look crosseyed like his crosseyed brother.John elway is a selfish proick that traded away Tebow to keep hisown legacy in Denver hes a selfish prick that has a bigger ego then peytons vain thats about to pop on his head.John elway and John fox getting what they deserve cause their egos could not handle Tebow mania
More to come from this unique species of exotic AIDS.



GordonHayward20 a/k/a cruisin4abruisin
wall de Ripper
Who are the bad SE p0sters? DRAFT Quote
04-26-2013 , 10:02 PM
i'll be around to make a pick when i'm up
Who are the bad SE p0sters? DRAFT Quote
04-26-2013 , 10:08 PM
My pick for team Def gay or something
#1 gay the end
Who are the bad SE p0sters? DRAFT Quote
04-26-2013 , 10:12 PM
Originally Posted by wall de Ripper
My pick for team Def gay or something
#1 gay the end
This is some solid work
Who are the bad SE p0sters? DRAFT Quote
04-26-2013 , 10:14 PM
or something
Who are the bad SE p0sters? DRAFT Quote
04-26-2013 , 10:15 PM
Getting rustled that you were picked in a bad p0sters draft that you are actively railing because you're curious to see where you'll be drafted is another sure sign of poor p0sting.
Who are the bad SE p0sters? DRAFT Quote
04-26-2013 , 10:15 PM
Originally Posted by wall de Ripper
My pick for team Def gay or something
#1 gay the end

Who are the bad SE p0sters? DRAFT Quote
04-26-2013 , 10:17 PM
Originally Posted by wall de Ripper
My pick for team Def gay or something
#1 gay the end
lol for some reason I love this
Who are the bad SE p0sters? DRAFT Quote
04-26-2013 , 10:19 PM
wall de Ripper definitely missing a few chromosomes
Who are the bad SE p0sters? DRAFT Quote
04-26-2013 , 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by CPHoya
Getting rustled that you were picked in a bad p0sters draft that you are actively railing because you're curious to see where you'll be drafted is another sure sign of poor p0sting.
Sounds like someone got a hater mad.

Last edited by Ray Horton; 04-26-2013 at 10:21 PM. Reason: ;)
Who are the bad SE p0sters? DRAFT Quote
04-26-2013 , 10:24 PM
Who are the bad SE p0sters? DRAFT Quote
04-26-2013 , 10:24 PM
Bagged me a Ripper
Who are the bad SE p0sters? DRAFT Quote
04-26-2013 , 10:42 PM
Elite posters in bad p0sters draft power rankings

1: CPhoya
2: SteroidBoy
3: chopsueyyyyyy
Who are the bad SE p0sters? DRAFT Quote
04-26-2013 , 10:44 PM
Originally Posted by ClarkNasty
Bagged me a Ripper
Who are the bad SE p0sters? DRAFT Quote
04-26-2013 , 11:12 PM
Originally Posted by BAIDS
Oski is now a totally reformed awesome poster. Turns up like once every couple of months in the EPL thread with a snappy 1 liner and that's it.

Was obv major AIDS at one point. Also, Oski theorem.

MB/Oski owners should consider a trade imo, too much value left on the table to have them separated.
Rustled my jimmies the 2nd most of any poster. Smart guy, but very pompous and bragged about how much money he made, plus other csb brags. Legit hates me for trolling him a bunch but what do you expect from Arsenal and Tottenham fans posting in the same thread. P.S. Don't attack me bro. You should post in the thread from time to time. We lost a lot of former regs like Raz (bad for thread), TSC (bad for thread), BC (good riddance imo).
Originally Posted by ChopSueyyy
Disturbance / Kronen / CHAMPIONS

You guys might remember him from here where he rustled a lot of american jimmies. (Can't multiquote his posts because thread is locked, just search Disturbance in that thread.)

I'm not sure if he ever ventured outside of soccer threads but I guarantee this guy was absolutely terrible. Probably over a half of the EPL regs had him on ignore. Everytime someone would try to argue with him he would respond something a long the lines of "hahahaahha is your butt hurt???". He also attacked several posters personally by posting **** about their families etc.

After his Kronen account got finally banned he launched a massive attack on sethypooh making like 10 gimmick accounts with nicks like "sethyisamong" and other intelligent names.

Such an elite pick. Rustled my jimmies the most out of any poster. Unlike Oski, never provided any quality posting or at least amicable/civilized posting. His blow ups were hyper-mega-elite aids and offended anyone and everyone. His loss was a great gain for the PL thread community.

Everyone will have their own bias in this draft, but Chop has really killed it with the footy regs. Andz is well known throughout the lads, and Jetto may be too, but I would rate Disturbance as the best pick of his team so far. He was that bad. Andz posts some stupid ****, but he seems like a nice guy and gets a bit more than he deserves (because of how much he gets, not necessarily because his posting isn't bad).
Who are the bad SE p0sters? DRAFT Quote
04-26-2013 , 11:58 PM
I did kind of have to give it to Disturbance for coming back on banned accounts, making it very obvious who he was, then making an awful post like sethy hitler photoshop, but putting it in spoilers.
Who are the bad SE p0sters? DRAFT Quote
04-26-2013 , 11:58 PM
Originally Posted by BAIDS
When drafting in place of an owner its important to try to draft in line with their vision for what a team should be.

In an effort to continue Annie's strategy of drafting high volume, low intensity AIDS posters, Team Anarchist selects Anarchist.

I'll leave the writeup to Anarchist, i'm sure he can do a fine job of it.

My fave annie moment: when he smuggled an iphone into a hospital in order to WW.
grate pick

however, the narrative is not quite true of course i do not own an iphone and more importantly, i did not smuggle my phone into a hospital. you were allowed to have it. i did, however, moderate several werew0lf games on my phone from the hospital.

anyway, im on my phone, so no searching for posts. this would be much easier if i could use posting from outside SE, but since we're not allowed, i'll just say i mostly post in the fack and i doubt anybody notices that i do

team high volume aidz:

Who are the bad SE p0sters? DRAFT Quote
